Emmi, aka, baby bear, the rottweiler pup I fostered last Christmas. Isn’t she beautiful?
Sadly, she has now had a serious diagnosis re her leg problems, and has to have a year of hydrotherapy to strengthen them before undergoing surgery…the joys of puppy mills eh?
Darlin’, our lonesome starling, is now in a huge aviary with rabbits for company. Unfortunately, he is far too tame and odd to be released, at the moment, but who knows what the future holds?
He’s just loving being in there and when we go in he sits on our shoulders and pecks our hair, he even rides on the backs of the rabbits and has endless fun playing with carrots and rabbit toys, at least he’s not dying of loneliness this time around and can now fly around!
Another odd-bod, a love bird who actually loves people. This chap sits on our arms, shoulders and heads!
It’s just lovely! Up close and personal, the way the bird likes it!
Not to everyone’s taste, I know, but, hey, I love these guys! Munching on a grape here!
Now….do you remember the poor rabbit with the paralyzed legs, he was only a few months old, and despite intensive treatment his back legs still don’t work.
Rabbit breeders and heartless owners! It all gets so wearisome…and frustrating!
We’re still hoping though, as there are slight signs of improvement. Each evening sweet little bunnykins gets to go home with a member of staff as he needs fluids and meds. Everyone has totally fallen in love with him, and there is a waiting list of potential adopters…
The housemartins have been released…now it’s up to them! I do hope they make it!
Unexpected outcomes? This begonia for a start, the dogs have smashed every bit of new growth…nothing short of a miracle, these blooms!
But, it was other outcomes I was thinking about.
I received a call last week. My neighbour was running her dog in the park when she spotted a baby hog out in the daylight. Off I went and returned with a reasonably healthy looking hoglet, no injuries, just the odd tick or two, which I removed.
A few hours later the same neighbour rang again. This time her dog had mauled a bird and she asked if she should “spade it “…I had NO idea what that meant but when she explained it was fairly obvious. I was against the spading, OBVIOUSLY, so dashed off to her house. Oh my….the bird was utterly featherless, courtesy of the dog and had wounds EVERYWHERE! I threw a towel over it, got it home and even debated whether or not I should give it food and water, or just leave it to die quietly.
Face painting for a Hounds for Heroes fundraiser…..a fabulous amount of money was raised!
The next morning, the deal was, whoever was up first was to take the mauled bird to the vet, IF it was still alive. There was NO doubt that it would be euthanized.
Daughter did the honours.
Then I went to check on hoglet, the poor little guy had passed blood overnight and was gaping….I rushed it to the vet, only to have it die as it arrived.
The vet then handed over the mauled bird and said she had to give it a chance as it was so feisty, despite it’s injuries. So the mauled bird is still alive and in the rescue, much to everyone’s amazement, and the apparently healthy hoglet died???
The next day, the very same neighbour was outside my house with a blackbird chick with an injured wing…..no vet can check it properly as it panics and gapes, but it is still with us, and is now in the rescue.
I’m becoming afraid to answer my phone or open the door!
Some of you may remember the crow chick I found in the garden a while back, the one I looked after for a week.
Well, my little friend is now in an aviary preparing for release, and in a few weeks time I shall release him in my garden. He knows me still and calls to me every time he sees me. Clever birds crows! I think I have a friend for life!
And finally…
The lesser spotted li’ll white shark, aka Buddy!
You have it in a nutshell….all those emotions play out, especially angry re deliberate cruelty and neglect. Nice to hear from you and thanks,Annie.xxx
Its a rollercoaster ride being a carer of wildlife! Some things must make you so angry, so sad and then so happy. I love to read your stories, you do an amazing job!
You certainly have a busy and demanding life. I love the starling who rides on rabbits and plays with rabbit toys. Sounds like something out of a children’s book. Incidentally, our Chicago Cubs baseball team has a player named Starlin Castro. Maybe you could name your next starling after him.
That starling is a constant surprise, it’s a born mimic so not doubt will start talking rabbit! Kids would think it was make believe!
Oh….the next lifer starling that comes in will have that name!!! For sure! Thanks Jason.xxx
I nearly cried with joy when I saw the photos of those beautiful creatures. What a wonderful gallery this week. The starling’s feathers are wonderful. So well captured. The gorgeous bunny, the cute little mouse and the pretty little lovebird. And what can I say about the doggies ? Full of energy as ever.
AND you had time to get out into the garden to tend the flowers. The lillies and the begonia/dahlia are so bright and beautiful (reminds me of a hymn…).
I wouldn’t have your job at the rescue because it seems to heartbreaking at times. But I am so glad that there are generous people like you who care for all of God’s creatures. Thank you. I am sure the animals would thank you too, if they could. Hugs xxx
Thanks Keggs, we are so lucky to see so many animals close up. I wish we didn’t get to see them though, although it’s always such a privilege
Lol…laughing re the hymn, and my dingbat moment!
I know what you mean about the rescue….I often want to walk out and never go back, only because of the suffering I see, but then I remember why I’m there, and often the animals, even when wild,demonstrate a level of trust that fair takes your breath away…xxx
Gosh what lots of ups and downs and twists and turns in the unexpected outcomes of the little creatures! Wonderful photos too… I love seeing the starling so clearly and the colours of the feathers – usually I just see them fleetingly in an iridescent flash of colour and wonder how they do that iridescent thang….
The lil sharky Buddy digdog sure has that sharky look!! Reminds me of Savage Dog….
Not surprised you are dreading the phone ringing….
So nice to hear about the impending releases of birds and so on as I recall the frantic influx of wounded need creatures at the beginning of the season! :)xxx
Thanks Arose, Buddy does have a little staffy head and a staffy smile….
Starlings do look like neon lights to other starlings, as do all dark coloured birds, when we see them up close, you totally get how those feathers trap and play with light, all very amazing and astonishing! Dark birds often have the most jewel like eyes too.
This year the rescue is flooded, worse than any time I can remember, I really do think it’s down to climate change, we may not be able to keep admitting wildlife, due to there being not an inch left to put a creature, that’ll be a first….how sad eh…xxx
There’s never a dull moment is there. Some lovely photos this week especially the little parrot-type bird – what a beauty and the close up of the house martin, and Darlin too – his antics made me smile. Emmi has turned into a fine looking dog, such a shame she still has problems. Sad to hear of the various problems that some of the animals still have but these are measured against the successes. You must be run ragged at the centre sometimes – thank goodness for the dedication of all of you to our little furry/feathered and spikey friends. That picture of Buddy is truly scary his mouth truly does look shark-like. Hope you have a restful weekend my friend.
Thanks Elaine, sometimes I ache for a dull moment…
It is such a shame about Emmi, she’s still less than 12 months old and isn’t allowed to run or even walk too far…
Buddy does look like a little white for sure! So true about the successes, sometimes we get to tired to get that. Just back from NY….struth, that’s more stressful than the rescue. xxx
I saw your post, and went and made a cup of tea before sitting down to read it through.
Your days are so busy, and although a little up and down at times … so rewarding. So nice to see all your photo’s too – the begonia is such a lovely shade and the rabbit and Emmi’s photo’s are quite cute!
Happy Weekend Wishes
All the best Jan
Gosh, I must make my posts shorter if a gal has to make a cuppa before braving them!
Thanks Jan. A happy weekend to you too.xxx
What a busy time you’re having – you must dread your neighbour calling. So many creatures needing help. I am a little in love with Darlin’ the starlin’.
I was becoming extremely wary of my neighbour visiting and ringing….
Oh…Darlin’ is such a beauty! Thanks Sarah.xxx
Emmi reminds me of the dog we had in Liberia. He was just a dog — who knows what? But he had those brown spots above his eyes, and the Liberians called him “that dog,him who have four eyes.” It was so funny, but perfectly descriptive.
I’m rather fond of starlings, actually, and even the wee creature nibbling the grape. You have such a collection, I’m always just out of breath by the time I finish reading about all the comings and goings. I don’t know why it is, but people here seem to specialize. There’s the raccoon lady, the squirrel lady, the bird lady. But you do it all, and wonderfully well, it seems!
Your Liberian dog sounds fascinating! That dog with the four eyes eh? Black and tan dogs often have those…..as you say, a perfect description!
I’m pleased to hear you like starlings, and mice, not many people do. I sometimes wish we didn’t have to do it all! Thanks Linda.xxx
Life is crazy, that’s all I can say. I love the little mouse, too. I have pet gerbils in my classroom named Atilla and Zoltan and the kids love them.
Thanks Casa, life certainly is crazy at times! You and me re the mice, I find them fascinating. Awwwh….your gerbils must have the kids riveted, they are such lovely creatures, you must post a pic or two.xxx
Your posts are always absorbing and such fun to read. Never a dull moment. Amazing how your neighbour keeps finding injured creatures. I walk every day and never come across what she finds in a single day.
In a day of surprises the biggest one is that your Begonia throws up Dahlia flowers! Those flowers look like Dahlia ‘ Sunshine’ to me. Now that is an appropriate name for a flower in your garden.
I wish I had a tame crow, what fun.
I thought it was a dahlia too…but what do I know ? It’s beautiful whatever it is
Hahahaha…..You DO make me laugh….I wouldn’t mind but I knew it was a dahlia!!! I seem to be having far too many dingbat moments of late….luckily I can blame the Jack! It appears that I may end up with more than one tame crow….bring it on I say! Thanks Chloris.xxx
You never get bored, don’t you?!! Ahhh it sound so good to be able to save those little lifes, dear Dina… Sometimes living creatures may give us back so much love and good feelings, there isn’t anything else which may do the same.
Thank you for doing that, full with passion and love! Have a wonderful day…
I certainly don’t get bored and it is wonderful to be able to rescue some animals, it’s just such a shame that they don’t all make it…..but that’s life I suppose. I do agree about animals giving back…..all the best to you Claudine.xxx
Please put me on the list for bunnykins…..oh what a little angel:)
Emi the rottweiller is gorgeous….hope she makes it through and Darlin the Starlin….another star.
What a job you do and how fortunate these animals are to find their way to you and the Rescue…..
By the way Little Buddy has clearly taken over the roost…..and yes unexpected outcomes, which is probably what life is really all about. Have a wonderful day my friend. Janet. xxxx
Nothing would make me happier than to put you on the list for bunnykins…….he is the sweetest little guy you ever could meet! Here’s hoping….
How true re Buddy, we will all miss him when he goes, it’s good to know he’ll be a frequent visitor! Thanks Janet. xxx
I don’t know, Dina. I suppose we all have to find the immediate environment that we can deal with, and add something to… but this post in particular was just so heartbreaking for me. Maybe it’s my mood, here in the middle of the night… unable to sleep, and thinking that this would be just the time to visit with you for a while… But the miseries that these little creatures face were hard for me to take. Sending you my best wishes from afar.
I totally understand how this could be depressing, especially in the middle of the night. I do try to tone things down, but sometimes the negative gets a voice because there is so much of it. I hate to see suffering too…..you certainly get sick to the back teeth of it all. All my best wishes to you too.xxx
I always love hearing about the animals in the rescue, though some tales are obviously not as happy as others. Poor Emmi, I do hope the treatment works. We took some old towels to Dogs Trust last week and Eleanor fell in love with a Rottweiler pup which was up for adoption, I had to be very strong to say no, he was so cute. Just look at Darlin’, and people say that starlings are dull and boring. She’s such a beautiful bird. Oh, sad news about the bunny though, I do hope there’s a happy ending for him.
Thanks Jo, if only all the outcomes were good! Emmi is a lovely dog, it’s such a shame she has problems with her legs….hopefully it will all be sorted and she will be as good as new.
Oh…it’s always fatal to go around the pound! Rottweiler pups are so adorable, well done you staying strong! I’m sure Archie will thank you!Starlings are incredible close up, the way their feathers capture light is astonishing…..they look iridescent to other starlings! I still hope bunnikins has a happy outcome.xxx
Super post…..Wonderful assortment of stunning pictures….I especially like the like the one of Emmi. Hope all works out well for her…
Your picture of the lovebird reminds me of our own ‘Peter’ whom I trained to sit on my shoulder even when I walked outside in the street…..P and I wept when she ‘passed on’ quietly/peacefully one night.
Delightful post. Hugs!
Thanks Bushka. Emmi is a beautiful dog, I have my fingers crossed that it all comes good for her.
How lovely to hear about Peter, I would love to have seen you walking with a bird on your shoulder. Ahhhh….I would have wept too. Lovebirds seem to be either very freindly or totally anti people.xxx
Oh, Dina, such richness in the losses and gains and surprising variety of those in need…I love the way you tend so wonderfully what’s before you and move to the next…each must feel so special in your care. Thank you for these sweet stories and amazing photos. Emmi and the little bunny really touched my heart, but they’re all glorious, precious, and one of a kind. Blessings on all and on their tender, gifted caregiver.
Thanks Kitty, some days can be overwhelming….It almost feels like some sort of test! If only we could save them all, but it seems that is not the way it’s meant to be….
Emmi is such a wonderful sweet dog, it’s a shame she’s having such problems with her legs, but Laura will make sure she gets the best treatment. The poor bunny still has a long way to go, and to think it was all so avoidable. Here’s to both of them getting better. Blessings to you too, and yours.xxx
I love your weekly updates on all the comings and goings of the rescue. What stories you have! I’m amazed at how friendly some of the birds are — like that gorgeous starling and his new rabbit roomies. Rabbits!
Oh, what a beautiful smile on Emmi/baby bear! I hope the therapy helps, poor thing. What surprise endings for the hoglet and bird. I know you all do your best at the rescue.
It is surprising how so many birds seek out our company, especially as we don’t encourage it. You would laugh at Darlin’, seeing him on the back of a rabbit is not an image any of us imagined wewould see, every time he does it I am without a camera…..I’ll get a pic one fine day!
Emmi is such a sweet, gentle dog, it’s a real shame about her legs, Laura has to make sure she doesn’t run, a hard thing for a puppy not to do. Thanks Anne.xxx
It must be amazing in some ways, being at such close quarters with the animals and getting to know them as individuals. But it does sound very, very hard work – especially if you have a particular gift for them!
I never tire of close encounters with animals, especially wildlife, it’s such an honour being able to see them close up and help them back to the wild. It’s fascinating seeing how unique each animal is too…..thanks Gilly.xxx
It’s impossible to know where to start, or, where to focus, there is so much happening in this post, all of it so vividly and actively portrayed. There is joy, sadness, happiness, quietude – though not a lot of that – and all those successes, not to mention lively dogs.
The birdie pix are very detailed and lovely to study. xxx
I do go on far too much!! How true though, re the joy and sadness etc, yes, I suppose that is the nature of all things.Lol….true about the lack of peace and quiet too, still, they are only young and time passes by so quickly.Thanks Menhir.xxx
I admire your tenacity in taking care of animals. I love your header photo. I wish we had these little creatures in our part of the world.
Thanks Lisa, what a shame that you don’t have hedgehogs, they are such odd little creatures.xxx
As always a busy post and lovely pictures. You’ve certainly been kept on your toes one way and another.
Poor Emmi. Puppy mills are an abomination and should be made illegal. xx
I couldn’t agree more re the puppy mills….if only they could all be stopped, the cruelty is awful. Thanks Flighty.xxx
So many gorgeous animals – I’m especially fond of the wee bunny; it looks like a negative of Hamish. You seem to be on call 24/7 – it must be exhausting but ever so rewarding. Keep up the good work. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, you are right, it is really rewarding!xxx