I shant name this rose! Why?
I seem to be losing the plot of late! My lift doesn’t go all the way up, the lights are on but no-one’s home!
I have sinned dear readers! Twice, in my last posts I have named plants incorrectly….more haste, less speed! Sooooooo sorry….I have given my wrist a jolly good slapping.
I blame the Jack, even though I now love him to bits!!!
Who would EVER have believed it?
Finally, my tomatoes ripen, the greenhouse and veggie patch ones!
The strangest shaped plum tree you will ever see. I’m happy though, who would argue with a shedload of plums each year? It even lives in a pot and I rarely water it.
So, the week that was….
I was asked today to care for a baby rat, found in a bale of hay, it’s eyes were still closed. I said no.
Birds have been released, resulting in what I can only describe as the crow wars, a woodpigeon decided to hide in an inhospitable place, where it was a cert for a cat attack, instead of flying off, and I had been asked by the rescue to M.C at a recent event.
It sounded easy, the M.C gig, but when addressing a crowd with the words, “Good evening ladies and gentlemen” and then seeing all eyes fixating upon you, is somewhat unnerving! Rather harder than I imagined! I felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights!
I prefered the epic battle of the crows and crawling through the brambles to re-capture/re-release a wayward woodpigeon personally!
And finally…
Just loved this recipe from Nikkipolani, yes, I ate this little lot in one sitting, starving I was!
I’m off tomorrow, on a jolly for ten days. It’s New York this time, as nephew and his partner live there and are expecting their first child, so several family members are going over.
Laura is being very accommodating, given there is now a third dog, Special Pige, a crazy crow requiring dog food and a vulnerable woodpigeon…at least Herbie hog is in the rescue and Barb, my fabulous neighbour will look after Curly cat!
So you know now why I had to say no to the baby rat!
Be good now, and I’ll see you all and catch up with your shenanigans when I get back!
I seem to be having FAR too many senior moments of late! Time for brain exercises I think.
Lol….sorry about the rat, forgot they gave you the heebie jeebies! But….they are ever so cute as babies, for a while anyway! Thanks
We all have senior moments when it comes to plant names.
A baby rat? Goodness, only someone as tender hearted as you could worry about a rat.
I’ve got a bit behind but I’ m going to catch up with your NY trip now.
Hope that you enjoyed NY Snowbird.
Lovely post as always. Full of fun, always make me smile.
Food looked great, not surprised you ate it all. :))
Thanks Cheryl, always good to have you
Hope you are having a fantastic time in NY!! Looking forward to hearing all about it upon your return….
Thanks Glo, I am rather excited by the
I gave up on the hope that my tomatoes would ripen, so I’ve picked them and they’re in with the apples to see if that does the trick! I envy you your plums – we had very few this year. Hope you have a great time on holiday. xx
It’s been a strange year for sure, my toms are late but are all ripening now. I hope yours ripen up with the apples, if they don’t you can still cook them so they won’t go to
Now that’s what I call a change of scene! I know you’ll have a wonderful time, and I’m sure all will be well in your absence. I used to spend a good bit of time in NYC and always loved it. Now, I’m not so inclined, but it’s still one of the great cities of the world and filled with wonders — not to mention the joy of family time! Will be anxious to hear all about it.
Thanks Linda, it certainly is a change of scene, and a great city as you say, it will be lovely to catch up with family, it’s unlikely we’ll ever visit
Lucky you! I love New York! Have a great time!
Have a great time
Enjoy your trip, Dina. You certainly deserve it. But I’m thinking of the rat… I bet he could take care of himself. Probably all he needs is an address.
Hahahaha….that rat came back to haunt me in NY! I shall tell all in my next post! Thanks
Wow, I love that rose …
Have a fabulous time in NY, and look forward to hearing all about it once you return.
Have a great trip
All the best Jan
It is a beautiful rose Jan, and was only planted this spring, it does seem happy in it’s spot. Thanks for your good
Yeah, I guess you really deserve a break… after all the good you did during last few months. New York is wonderful… I always loved to spend a couple nights a month in NYC, there is so much to see!
Be well and will catch after your news
Ahhh, thanks Claudine. I’ve heard good things about NY so hoping to see as much as I can…
Have a fabulous time in New York….you are going at one of the best times weather wise….at least it should be…..
As for getting some names wrong….I didn’t notice….:)
Love the idea of plums on hand…as I keep telling you – I need to be your next door neighbour in Marmite Heaven….and Well done Laura……
Will be thinking of you….and know that you will enjoy every single moment…don’t forget to take the Staten Island Ferry, which many moons ago I commuted on and if you get a chance the Circle Line Boat that goes around the whole Island of Manhattan….
Love Janet. xxxxx
Thanks Janet, the forecast is good! Lol….so glad you are polite enough to turn a blind eye to my senior moments! Yes, we should be neighbours, I have a handful of people I would love to cherry pick and have live nearby…..
Bless Laura, she’s an utter gem, I don’t worry when she’s holding the fort!
I shall certainly take your advice re the ferry, thanks for
Yum! Your Spanish tortilla and their veggie friends look scrumptious! I made the thicker version according to the original recipe and I think I like it thinner (fewer potatoes, higher egg ratio).
NEW YORK!!?! How fun! I do hope you’ll take scads of photos. Many many good wishes to your saintly friend, Laura, for caring for the furry and feathered friends. Roomie and I had The Best Cat Sitters Ever — my neighbors across the street completely spoiled the cats with new toys, treats, and playtime while I was away. I’m sure you’ll have an adventure in NY. Hope it’s a really good one!
As for the rose… I’ve often thought it was Graham Thomas. If it’s tallish with long canes. Though it could be one of the other yellow David Austins — perhaps even Golden Celebration (if it’s bushier rather than tall).
I was really hungry when you posted that recipe and wanted a quick, no fuss meal, my oh my, it certainly hit the spot! I did the thinner version…gorgeous!
I’m afraid I’ll take far too many pics……there are so many places to visit and sights to see, have you ever been? I went 14 years for a few days ago after going to Iceland to see the Northern Lights….missed those sadly! I was rather overwhelmed by NY…
Laura is a total gem! Sounds just like your cat sitters, isn’t it wonderful to be able to go away and trust people so completely?
The rose is Absolutely fabulous, I only planted it this spring and it’s now throwing out a second flush of roses, smothered with them it is….if only all the others were doing so well!. Thanks
Have fun!!
Thanks Casa, we will!xxx
The food looks delicious! (I’m just thinking about tonight’s dinner; can you tell??!) And your rose and fruits and tomatoes look wonderful, Dina.
I’m sure you were a wonderful MC…and what excitement with your furry and feathered loves this week!
Have a great time in NY with family. It’s a favorite place to visit. I sure wish you had the time to head west and north a bit…someday!
Enjoy your break; can’t wait to hear about it. Blessings galore!
It was a lovely meal, I hope you gave it a try….it is always lovely to catch up with family and I doubt we’ll ever go across again so we shall all make the most of it.
Oh….how I would just love to drop in on you…, if you ever want a place to stay in the UK. I’m your girl, and I know all my various beasties shall not be a problem!!! Thanks Kitty, thinking of you….huge bear hugs.xxxxx
Your fruits will be lovely to harvest.
Did I read that correctly, a crow requiring dog food?!! ….oh well, why not, whatever takes its fancy…..
The Big Apple is far enough away to avoid being offered waifs and strays to look after for a short spell, at least, in the UK. Have a lovely holiday and fun with the family.
Lol…yes, we feed the crows dog food amongst other things, so I am subsidising the one that I had just released, just while it finds it’s feet, it did come in as an adult so should be fine in a week or two.
Yes, NY is far enough away….thanks
We all make the occasional ID error. It’s a lovely rose no matter what the name (isn’t there a famous saying along those lines?). In a post about London I identified a photo as London Bridge when it was Tower Bridge. Very excited for you about your trip to NYC! Don’t forget to see the High Line!
I’m so glad it’s not just me….that does make me feel better, and has me smiling too. Ahhh yes…the highline, that’s is the first place I intend to visit, I remember your post about it, it had me fascinated! Thanks
Your unnamed rose is beautiful, such a lovely colour. Glad to hear that your tomatoes are ripening at last, I’ve had a fantastic year with my tomatoes, I’m not sure why as we haven’t really had tomato ripening weather, I think it’s been my best year yet. Have a wonderful time in New York.
The rose is absolutely fabulous, I only planted it this year and now it’s throwing out a second flush of flowers, I am pleased with it. It’s good to hear your toms have done well, mine are doing well now. Thanks
You are making me hungry this time talking about plums and showing all that yummy food. Have a great trip to NY.
That’s a lovely rose, whatever it’s called. Well done with the tomatoes, my tally is in single figures, and all small ones.
That looks delicious so no wonder you enjoyed it. And by the way it’s Nikkipolani.
Enjoy your trip to New York. xx
The toms have been slow this year, last year was a better year, it’s all so unpredictable isn’t it….I have amended Anne’s details, thanks for letting me know…..yet another senior moment!!! Thanks
Have a Super time enjoying ‘The Apple’…… missing those delicious ‘Tomatoes’…. Ha! Ha!
Have fun…Take Care! Hugs! <3
Thanks Bushka, a shame about the toms though!xxx
Oh you’re going away and will miss all the ripe tomatoes! My plum tree is a weird shape too but only about a dozen plums this year. Have a lovely time in NY you deserve a break after your busy summer. Hope everything goes ok at home whilst you are away. Thank goodness for Laura.
It’s typical isn’t it, I wait and wait for tomatoes then they all ripen as I go away!
I am so grateful for Laura, she’s amazing! Thanks