A couple of years ago this little crab apple tree self- seeded itself in the front garden. This year, for the first time it’s utterly laden with crab apples which will be marvelous for the birds. It’s right next to a pyracantha….how they compliment one another! If only I had come up with that combination.
The apples looked so rosy I actually bit into one. BIG mistake!
Currently, I have tendonitis in my right leg, and a globule on my right shoulder, whatever that is. All I know is that the whole right side of me feels as though I’ve been shot. I’m popping a variety of prescribed pills and am scheduled for an x-ray on the globuled shoulder next week. Note to self….don’t ignore things for months!
Everywhere I look, birds are gathering and formations of geese are flying back and forth each day, always a wonderful sight and sound!
Hubs and I discovered a marvelous new site for releasing hedgehogs, and stumbled across this odd little pond at the same time.
Another Mr and Mrs. Hopefully these two will go forth and multiply!
Teasel heads
Special Pige and I had a slight altercation today, it all started, I suppose, a few days ago, when a random woman, I had never seen before, knocked on my door, saying she had a wood pigeon chick in her garden that hadn’t eaten for days, so off I tootled, complete with a cat carrier. What I found was a healthy chick that was quite far on. She insisted that I take it to the rescue and was utterly convinced it was going to die. I caught the bird and checked it’s crop, yes….the familiar crunch of seeds could be felt, so I let it go and stressed that all was well. We always check the crop of juveniles at the rescue, a sure way of knowing if they are self-feeding.
Anyway, I gave her a shed load of bird seed and my mobile number in case the situation changed. I haven’t heard from her since, so all must be well!
Yesterday, I realised that I’d come to the end of my seed supply, due to the aforesaid woman.
Today, Special Pige was sat in her usual place, on the top of the birdhouse in the courtyard, and I had to walk past her as I had no seed, but was planning to buy some as soon as the dogs had a run in the back.
I heard plaintive coo-cooing but kept on walking….
the dogs got on with their usual games, while I plopped myself in a chair, [right side still shot!] keeping a beady eye on Buddy. I then heard wings beating. To my surprise, Special Pige landed on the arm of my chair, then hopped to the ground, coo-cooing up at me.
I was HORRIFIED! Three dogs, SECONDS away and a bird on the GROUND? I quickly shooed SP away with my foot, but she stoically refused to move until I ran at her, hollering. Finally she flew into the air, very half-heartedly. I quickly rounded-up the dogs and returned to the kitchen, promptly followed by SP.
Now I had a bird in the kitchen, along with three dogs…..ARRGHH!
The next part played out in a bit of a blur, almost as though everything was being fast-forwarded. I had to get the dogs into the hall and keep SP in the kitchen.
There just seemed to be too many fast moving, flying, and jumping parts! I didn’t manage to get any of the dogs into the hall, but I did get SP back into the courtyard in one piece…..well….to be honest, SP took herself out! The shoulder globule/thing and the tendonitis sure slowed me down….
I immediately raced to the shops, purchased seed and swore, on my mother’s thimble that I would NEVER, EVER run out of seed again. SP didn’t seem to hold a grudge, a glut of sunflower seeds sorted that!
Hubs Parents celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary, the clan gathered to celebrate with them. Bless!
And finally…
Hubs and I went to one of the best concerts we’ve been to in a long time. They pulled the whole thing together in ten days. All proceeds went to the Red Cross to raise money for the migrants. Their plight is utterly intolerable. Liverpool is hoping all big cities across Europe will follow suit, London is now planning a gig in December. All the bands were from Liverpool….it was marvelous to see OMD, The Christians, Space and Icicle Works along with John Bishop.
I came across your site wanting to learn more and you did not disappoint. Keep up the terrific work, and just so you know, I have bookmarked your page to stay in the loop of your future posts. Here is mine at 81N about Airport Transfer. Have a wonderful day!
A curse on all aches and pains! Thanks Jan.xxx
Oh dear, sorry to hear about the aches and pains …
but I did enjoy looking at all your photo’s.
Take Care
All the best Jan
What a great gig! I hope your pain didn’t stop you having a boogie.
I love a bit of chaos – I was half-giggling;half-worrying about SP. Pleased it all turned out well. I planted 4 crab apples here – this is their 2nd autumn. There was nothing last year, but this year, they look glorious. Now I’m wondering if I can’t go for that crab/pyracantha combi somewhere. I hope all goes well with the x-ray.
Ohno….my aches and pains didn’t stop me dancing, only death could do that! Unfortunately, there is FAR too much chaos in my life! How good to hear about your crab apples, you won’t regret adding the pyracantha, it really is a beautiful combination in the autumn. Thanks Sarah.xxx
Our crap Apple hasn’t had a single fruit this year.
We have two regular wood pigeons but neither of them have been quite as persistent as yours.
What a shame about your tree Sue, they do seem to go dormant some years.
I’m glad to hear your woodies are behaving and staying where they should be….outdoors! Thanks Sue.xxx
Your crab apples look wonderful. So sorry to hear about your aches and pains, do take care. That’ s not you in the red dress on the stage is it? I wouldn’ t be surprised.
Lol…..sadly, that’s not me in the red dress! How I wish it were, and thanks for allowing the possibility to enter your mind, honoured I am, deeply honoured! Thanks Chloris.xxx
Snowballs in winter and crabapples in summer: that’s how we conducted our skirmishes back in the day. They called it “being a kid.” I hear it’s out of favor these days.
I do feel for you, re: the leg and shoulder. I tore my rotator cuff a few years ago, and damaged a hip with a good fall. (Actually, I fell off a pogo stick, but never mind that.) Neither caused any permanent damage, but it can take forever for such things to heal — at least, that’s how it seems.
If you don’t know, “they” say that no-sugar-added cherry juice is one of the best anti-inflammatories there is. I tried it when the arthritis in my hands was making it nearly impossible to drive or to work, and it worked for me. I stuck with a half-cup morning and night, and within two weeks my pain was gone. It’s no miracle drug, of course, but the good news is that it can’t do any harm. The only people I know who’ve not been able to make use of it are serious diabetics who just can’t (or don’t want to) tolerate the extra sugar.
In any event, the best to you and all the critters. We have glorious weather at last, and I’m looking forward to taking advantage of it tomorrow, in the form of a little road trip.
Lol, I did enjoy hearing of your childhood skirmishes, snowballs and crab apples ah? Yes, the politically correct brigade would have you now!!!
I’m laughing re the pogo stick incident, there has to be a post in there somewhere! How interesting about the cherry juice, I really must give that a go! Certain ailments do take a long time to clear up…..sighs…
Hope your road trip went well, I’ll look forward to hearing about it! Thanks Linda.xxx
Crabapples are not so good for eating raw but they do make good jelly. I hope your leg and shoulder are recovered soon!
Yes, I’ve heard they make a good jam, maybe I’ll experiment once the night start drawing in. I am getting a little better and hope that all will be well soon. Thanks Jason.xxx
So sorry about your shoulder and leg – how miserable to have them both together
big hugs and hope you can get some relief VERY soon!
Your garden colours are just a joy. And what a to-do with special pige and the dogs – honestly, that bird is a complete nutcase!
Thanks Gilly, hopefully now that I’m getting things looked at all should be well soon.It is getting easier, it’s so lovely to walk without limping.
Yes, SP certainly is a one off, extremely high maintenance for a wee pigeon! xxx
So sorry to hear about your painful shoulder and leg, do take care of yourself, you have so many animals and birds relying on you!
Your crab apples look absolutely fantastic, they are wonderful cooked or made into a jelly.
Good old Liverpool, you can rely on Scousers to think of others and be generous!
When we moved here, I missed the Pink Footed geese flying overhead, honking away, we always used to rush into the garden when we lived in Ainsdale, to see them flying back and forth to Martin Mere!
I am certainly getting everything checked out now, it gets to the point where enough is enough! I seem to have far too many cooking apples and not enough eating apples, I do share them with my neighbours so get lots of pies and crumbles in return.
Scousers are a good eggs for sure, most of them have hearts of gold.
You lived up the road from me, I’m in Formby. Yes, those geese are a sight to behold. Thanks Pauline.xxx
So sorry about the tendonitis…. that is so excruciating as I know from experience. Anti-inflammatories help but am sure you’ve found out all you can already. Strangely I am having pain all down right leg which feels horribly like a build up to full on sciatica so have sudden fits of hobbling when the pain hits outside of right ankle. Maybe there is a weird virus attacking the right hand side of people!
And so oblivious of the potential danger of entangling with three very playful diggydoggies!
and write myself a kick up the backside note to get my act together!
anyway… I hope yours clears up soon.
Fancy SP being so demanding and determined!!!
As usual you have been doing lots of interesting things so think I may settle for living vicariously through your nice excitements
The crab apples look so nice and tasty – what a shame they don’t taste nice though
Have a groovy weekend!xxx
Tendonitis is awful isn’t it? I have become tired of limping around for sure! I’m on anti-inflammatories, and if they don’t work I’m to have a steroid injection. I’ve just had the shoulder x-rayed to check all is well and am waiting on the results
On NO….I do hope it’s not sciatica, that’s awful too, hopefully it will go as quickly as it came! Yes, sure does sound like something is going on re people’s right sides, two of my friends are having problems too!
SP is a one off! I’ve never known a bird like her and I must have released hundreds, I think she must have thought I was playing hard to get….
Lol….I wouldn’t call my disasters nice excitements!!!!Chaotic my life is at times, and always the wrong type of chaos! Get that note written gal…don’t ignore things!!! Thanks Arose.xxx
Where to begin? As always I am laughing, but not at your poor shoulder and side…..but at the dogs and pige situation…..what a hoot!:) You must be known for miles and miles around as they lady that you take any kind of animal issue to:)
The crab apples look fabulous…..and what a great restaurant guy…..and here’s to music, and bands, and people doing good stuff for those that dearly need it.
I am so grateful every night when I get into my comfortable bed, and have food on my table, hot and cold running water, etc……those of us with these things are so bloody fortunate.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend….looks like it will be the last of this wonderful weather for a while…..xxxxxxx
Lol…I’d laugh too, my life is chaotic at times! Sometimes I am afraid to answer the door, the rescue must hate seeing me coming in with endless creatures!
Oh yes, we really do need to appreciate what we have, I cannot imagine what it must be like to leave your home country behind and just walk in nothing but what you are stood up in, things have to be worse than awful to do such a thing! Thanks Janet.xxx
SP is never going to leave! He just loves you too much.
So glad to hear of the concert. I hope more countries/cities follow suit. I haven’t heard of anything similar happening here. I hope your shoulder treatment involves long daily visits from a masseuse! 
I have to agree Casa, SP is a lifer!!! Wouldn’t it be marvelous is all the big cities followed suit?
Lol…..sadly NO masseuse, must rectify that!xxx
Ouch! Ouch! Hope those two little nasties get better ever so quickly.
I thought SP might have thought you were mum playing hard to get, like you see with seagulls. Eventually, jnr sg just has to follow after and find its way. SP obviously had infinitely more tolerance and was not playing ball. SP knows when s/he is in a good adopted home with well trained adopted parents. Must say, I would do the same! If I were SP.
Two little nasties….such an apt description!!! Y’know, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head, obviously SP thought I was playing hard to get so followed me just as a chick would her mother. Lol…Yes, she sure knows where she is well off, she is such an adorable bird, who thought it was possible to fall in love with a pigeon! Thanks Menhir.xxx
Did you try acupuncture? Is making wonders… believe me! Since 2006 I don’t see any (regular) doctor since the chinese dr. Cong Song is making magic with his needles. No operations, no drugs, only needles mix herbals tea and moxa (artemisia) to warm up the right parts of the body…
About vegetarian and vegan food, believe me, is only matter of habit… and consciousness! You feel so good inside your heart knowing that you aren’t giving any harm to other living beings…
The crabapples look really appetitously, but I can’t find the translation in italian… aren’t pomegranate, that’s for sure, maybe some type of quince?
have a lovely weekend :-)c
What a good suggestion, I really must try acupuncture! I’ve heard such good thing about it, glad to hear how well you’re doing with it!
I agree about being a veggie/vegan, I’ve never eaten meat, well not since I was four, so don’t miss it at all. Thanks Claudine, have a lovely weekend too.xxx
Super post. Such delightful pictures….richly spiced with delicious ‘tales’ about Diamond Weddings, Hedghogs, Pigeons, Crabby Crab Apples…etc…..AND not so delicious news of a ‘Suffering D…..’
Hope you are soon fully restored. Love and Hugs. xx
Thanks Bushka. I’m beginning to feel a little better now, hopefully all will be well soon.xxx
Heeeeyyy, I thought Special Pige was coming to see me! I was going to check the schedule and pick up some seed
Well, I’m glad you are sorted for supplies and settled your neighbors.
The crab apples look scrumptious but I’ve just learnt that you can’t just grab one and eat it! You can cook it, though, right? Have you plans for all those pretty fruit? I can’t believe it’s self-planted. Even seeds know your place is hospitable
I am so sorry to hear about the pains you are suffering. Hope the meds help to bring relief soon.
Hahahaha….SO sorry about SP, I don’t think her little wings could make the trip!
Yes, you can cook the crab apples, apparently they make a good jam, I think I’ll leave mine for the birds. Oh….they do taste revolting! I’ve been watching that tree for the last few years, I’ve only just figured out what kind of apple tree it is as this is the first crop. It’s absolutely gorgeous!
I’m beginning to feel a little better now due to the anti-inflammatories, and have had an X-ray on the shoulder so now I’m just waiting for the results. Thanks Anne.xxx
You do make me laugh Dina. The antics your menagerie get up too! You seem to have really formed a bond with the pige, how lovely is that – or maybe not when it follows you into the house! My crab apple tree did very badly this year – I think it is on the way out – it is completely leafless now and all the fruit fell off pretty early. Sorry to hear of your ailments – what have you been doing? Hope you are all back to normal soon and aren’t in too much pain. So glad you enjoyed the celebrations and the concert sounded great – you do get about don’t you. Have a great weekend and try to keep out of trouble!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, Life does get complicated around here at times! I must say it is lovely to have SP so tame around me, she flies away from everyone else, just goes to show what marvelous memories they have.
What a shame about your crab apple tree. Ailments seem to be a little like buses, they all come along at once! The anti-inflammatories seem to be helping and I’ve just had my shoulder x-rayed so just waiting on results. I fully intend to keep out of trouble, but it has a habit of following me about! Thanks Elaine.xxx
Oh, Dina, I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing physical pain, and am sending love and hope that you will be relieved of that as soon as possible…you’re right to say it’s best not to put off those necessary appointments. Self-care has to come first, especially when you’re so actively offering the care of others.
Adventures with SP and pups: yikes! Hilarious, but for the pain.
Your photo of the crab apple and pyracantha is really one of the loveliest I’ve seen in a long time: what a glorious image of autumn! Geese and blackbirds flocking up here, too, which I always find a little sad, but I do enjoy the coziness that comes with autumn’s closing-in as well.
How wonderful to celebrate you in-laws’ anniversary: I send my blessings to them! And hooray for the excellent service of Piotr; sad how rare that is these days, but what a great example he’s setting.
The concert sounds like so much fun; how great it also was for such a worthy cause…Liverpool seems to offer all kinds of terrific examples of the best we can be, and that certainly includes you, Miss Dina! Gentle peace and
(Whoops: Murphy thought I should *enter* my comment sooner than I wanted to, so he walked across my keyboard…) Anyway: merry adventures and swift healing, too.
Hahahaha….it’s a madhouse with animals that’s for sure! Bless Murphy!xxx
Thanks so much for sending love! Yes, things rarely go away so best to get them checked out. I’m on anti-inflammatories now, which is really helping the tendonitis, it’s so good to walk without limping! I’ve also had an x-ray on the shoulder so just waiting for the results of that.
So glad you liked the crab apple, pyracantha pic, it really is a beautiful combination and so good for the birds, a win, win!
Yes, there is something haunting about flocks of birds isn’t there…..
Awwww…thanks for another lovely comment Kitty.xxx
I always look forward to reading your posts, and looking at the pictures, knowing that I’ll be smiling and tutting at your adventures with wildlife and the dogs.
I hope that your shoulder gets better soon. Take care. xx
Thanks Flighty, so good to hear that you look forward to reading my posts, that’s such a sweet thing to say. I’ve now had an x-ray on the shoulder and am awaiting results. Anti-inflammatories are really helping with the tendonitis, at least I’m not limping so much now.xxx
I do hope your leg and shoulder feel better soon, no fun at all when you’re in pain. We’ve got the geese flying over morning and evening at the moment too, there were literally hundreds the other morning, they’re so noisy too, it was like a scene from The Birds. Sometimes I see just one odd one flying over honking as he goes, I wonder if they get lost somehow and are looking where the rest have gone. Many congratulations to your in laws, did they get their telegram from the queen? It’s my mum and dad’s diamond anniversary in February.
Thanks Jo, pain does get old after a while doesn’t it? The formations of geese are so inspiring aren’t they, one of the best autumn sights. We often have a straggler too, so pitiful!
My in laws did get telegram from the Queen and from the Pope.xxx
Do you know you are my hero?
I read your posts and am always full of admiration.
Well done with the juvenile bird……the problem is often people do not understand the way of the wild. I was fortunate to have a Grandfather and Father that taught me well
God bless them.
I do so hope you are getting some pain relief by taking medication. We all tend to think things will go away……….in my experience they rarely do.
Take care of yourself snowbird……..wonderful heartfelt post as always.
Enjoy your weekend.
Awwwhhh…thanks for such a lovely comment Cherl, I’m no hero though! I totally agree, so many people interfere with juvenile birds with the best intentions when they just need to be left alone. Your Father and Grandfather sound wonderful!
Yes, it’s not good to ignore things, I’m on anti-inflammatories and have just had my shoulder x-rayed, I am beginning to feel better. xxx
You have been quite busy. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Must be well to keep the critters in control.
Thanks Lisa, yes, I certainly need to be to be able to move around with this lot!!! I have been taking anti-inflammatories which seem to be helping and have had my shoulder x-rayed, just waiting on results now. xxx