The days are short now, and the long dark evenings stretch out unmercifully. Thank goodness for candles, a fire and good books! It’s going to be a long haul until spring, so time to batten down the hatches and prepare for hibernation.
Last night I awoke thinking it was raining, I went to the window and realised that it was the sound of hundreds of beech leaves falling with each gust of wind. Accompanying the falling leaves was a little robin, singing it’s melancholy song deep into the night. To think it will sing it’s heart out throughout autumn and winter.
Apart from the robins, the birds have fallen silent.
A hush seems to have descended over the last few days as mist has shrouded and veiled the landscape disguising everything in it’s path. It has been eerie, yet beautiful.
I came across a perfect little robin resting on the dewy grass, for all the world it looked as though it was sleeping.
I hadn’t the heart to put the poor little mite in the bin….
The culprit?
Halloween found us mulling over a beer or two in this ancient pub.
The clientele.
We also took a long walk in the pinewoods, we were the only folk there.
It was utterly still, as though nature was somehow holding her breath.
The beach was deserted too, the only sound being the mournful cries of the gulls, Oh, how their song belongs to the sea!
Earth, air and water bleeding into one.
And finally…
a steady procession of li’l uns have been making the pilgrimage to visit Doug aka Skull Duggery.
Thanks Chloris. The pinewoods are beautiful and always so relaxing, I love the fact that they are never crowded. It’s marvelous seeing the red numbers building up. I have lots back in the garden again, they are such wonderful wee
What a lovely atmospheric post. I love walking through the pine wood and on the beach at Formby. You are lucky having such an amazing place to walk. And red squirrels as well- wonderful. I didn’ t see any at all last time I was there, I am glad they are making a come- back.
I love that feeling of nature holding its breath and all being quiet and misty moisty and mysterious! And the magic of the leaves sounding like rain! And the creepy weepy pub for Halloween – looks just the business.
The picture of the little robin is so moving… bless the little thing – so perfect and beautiful and just looking asleep as you say….
Great to see Sam off his lead because I remember you couldn’t let him off it to start with because he’d just run off.
Am envious of you with your log burner! How cosy and just the thing these dark old evenings and long nights!xxx
I love that first sentence of yours! Autumn certainly is magical and atmospheric! Lol….that pub sure is creepy weepy!
Sam is still a nightmare when it comes to letting him off the lead, we have certain enclosed paths where he gets off and the beach, but even on the beach he can be scary as he catches wind of a scent and gallops off at breathtaking speed! Thanks
What an evocative post! It doesn’t properly feel so autumnal here. The sun is shining, it’s warm and the only signs of winter are the leaves falling from the trees and the shortening days (which are still taking me by surprise). What a beautiful, but sad photo of the robin. Enjoy your reading by candlelight. I am looking forward to the less romantic indoor pursuit of cleaning out cupboards.
Thanks Sarah, it’s good to hear you have some good weather, we have high winds approaching, but still, it has been exceptionally mild. Lol….good luck cleaning cupboards….that’s a job I
Yes, the days are slowly sliding toward winter. I am not looking forward to it. Looks like you had a nice Halloween. Interesting clientele at the Scotch Piper. The poor robin broke my heart…
Winter is endless isn’t it? We do get some clear starry nights and atmospheric conditions, but it’s the dark evenings that drive me crackers, the evenings seem to go on
Such poetic ruminations, all that Autumnal mellow fruitfulness and passing fauna. Super pictures.
Those souls in the Scotch Piper look a little shady. xxx
Thanks Menhir….oh yes…..they’re certainly are some shady folk in that pub!xxx
It does feel as though it will be a long haul through till Spring doesn’t it. But the time will go quickly I’m sure. Before we know it the snowdrops will be up and the start of a new gardening season. Yay!!! Can you tell how hard I’m trying to be positive..?
Oh yes…..time stretches on….it certainly seems endless, especially if we have a late spring. Lol….yes, I get how you’re trying! At least we can cozy up in front of the fire with a good book!xxx
Oh, poor little robin! Your walk looks lovely – how lucky to be by both beautiful woods and the sea. Skull Duggery looks like an interesting chap; no wonder he’s popular with the locals. Have a great weekend. xx
It’s always sad to see a little bird dead isn’t it, somehow robins are special, maybe because they are the gardeners friend. The local kids LOVE Dougy. Thanks Veggie
I really enjoyed this post – you captured the mood of the month perfectly and so poetically too. Poor robin they are such a precious little bird so sad to see one looking as though asleep, I hope you have a replacement bird come to visit. I so enjoyed your walk with you eerie and kind of desolate. Lovely photos too. Have a great weekend my friend.
Thanks Elaine. It was sad to see the little robin lying so still and looking perfect, garden birds have so many obstacles to overcome, it’s a hard life for sure! There are still lots of robins visiting which is great, I love to their song at night…’s haunting! xxx
Those mushrooms look so enchanting. I wish all mushrooms were edible!
A very moody misty woods to be walking in on a quiet pre-winter day. You mentioned how dark the days have been. I’d been driving to work in the dark for weeks and the time change took me by surprise — I hardly recognized the roads in daylight!
Oh…you and me both! I am addicted to mushrooms, I would love to be able to identify edible species, but they all have an opposing poisonous variety…
I’m glad you get a little daylight now on the commute, and get to work from home!!! Those woods are always such a pleasure to walk in, we are lucky living where we do. Thanks
Beautiful post! What a cool old pub. The 2nd mushroom pic looks like something out of a children’s book!
I think you’d love that pub! It’s full of people who just go out to enjoy themselves. Lol, that toadstool certainly features in many a kids book. Utterly deadly though, and it’s always depicted with fairies, it should come with a health warning!xxx
A lovely autumn post and wonderful pictures. Sad to see the robin. That second beach picture looks a touch eerie. xx
Thanks Flighty, autumn is such a lovely season for sure. That little robin really got to me….yes, the beach is rather eerie in the mist, but I do love a deserted
Such as sad little photo of the poor little robin.
Awful isn’t Sue, the poor critters have so many obstacles to overcome…xxx
Curly, you naughty cat. Poor little robin but that’s a cat’s nature, isn’t it? I love the atmospheric shot in the woods and to see the doggies playing on the beach. Glad to hear that Doug was as popular as ever on Halloween.
I did blame Curly Jo,but then when I looked at the photo I think I see a cracked beak, maybe it was a window injury? Curly is getting old now, and I haven’t seen many bird casualties for a while….Lol…the kids around here can’t get enough of Doug!!!xxx
Such a lovely post to read and I like all of your photo’s.
That walk in the woods looks heavenly, it is still so nice to get out and about at this time of year – and then when you get in have a welcoming cuppa or bowl of soup, quite bliss!
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, those woods are so beautiful, even more so when you get them to yourself. Oh yes, after a stint outdoors it’s always so nice to grab something warm to eat, soup is perfect, especially
I love these misty days – spent ages looking at a pearly sea washing over the red sand this afternoon.
They are wonderfully atmospheric aren’t they….made for staring in fact!xxx
Yes, it is that time of the year when everything seems to go to sleep……a time to batten down the hatches and as you say read, and do things that we tend put aside during the spring, summer and autumn when all we want to do is be out side.
The little robin does look so peaceful….ahhhhhhhh
Those pinewoods do look lovely in a very strange sort of way….good to draw or paint.
Another season to enjoy in many different ways…..Janet. xxxx
Thanks goodness for books eh? And candles!!! Oh that poor little mite, it really got to me seeing it looking so perfect, as if it were sleeping….
The pinewoods have some marvelous copses of trees, you would have a field day painting them!Thanks
Misty…indeed…even ‘mysterious’… Couldn’t resist that.
Poor little robin…Yes, I have great probs with the “culprit”‘s kin down here….
Stay warm! Hugs!
Ah yes….mysterious indeedy!!! Sighs….cats and birds eh. Thanks
I love the fact you listened to the beech leaves dropping……I did the same thing the other evening. Such a beautiful sound….
Robin made me feel so terribly sad……….poor sweet thing……..but it is what cats do, it is life.
The deserted beach looks wonderful……….I love to walk alone in deserted areas.
Beautiful post…..I loved it
How lovely to think we both enjoyed the same experience! They do make such a lovely sound when falling. Btw, last year we had thousands of beech nuts but hardly any this year, the pigeons will be upset!
That poor little robin got to me too, it looked utterly perfect as though it was sleeping……it’s such a shame isn’t it. I’ve heard that most garden birds rarely survive beyond 18 months, they have so many obstacles to overcome. Yes, cats will be cats, there’s little to be done about it as you say.
It’s always a treat to find yourself alone in a beauty spot isn’t it…Thanks
I hate it when people leave their cats outside. Sigh~~ It appears that you are having a lovely autumn.
That cat would be my mine! He was abandoned eight years ago and began living in my garden. He has the shed and a dog kennel and comes indoors overnight when it’s cold….I couldn’t keep him in if I tried. A very single-minded cat he is! Thanks
I love autumn walks. Mist is atmospheric, but fog is not good news. We were glad to get back from holiday without being diverted to Manchester Airport instead of Leeds one evening recently. Poetic commentary and great photos – much enjoyed. Doug is wonderful and must be very popular especially at this time of the year.
Glad to hear you weren’t diverted, it’s awful when that happens. I think autumn is probably the most beautiful season, if only the nights weren’t so long and dark. Thanks
What a lovely post, catching the spirit of the season in words and beautiful images. I would love the visit The Scotch Piper: looks like fun.
I love long walks on the trail when there’s not much bike traffic…the beach is so dreamy, Dina! I miss living on a Great Lake. There’s something so mysterious, calming, and re-orienting about those large bodies of water; they remind you there are greater forces than puny humans.
Good to see Doug is back at his post: what fun to live in your neighborhood!
Blessings to your mid week and upon all your merry adventures! Smooches to your 4-leggeds. Thanks for a wonderful get-away, Dina…as you know, mine are currently much-beloved and brief!
Thanks Kitty, the Scotch Piper is tiny inside and hasn’t been modernised for generations, but it does have a great atmosphere. The bar is really small too!
It’s marvelous to have the great outdoors to yourself isn’t it? I know what you mean about large expanses of water, you really do feel the power and force of nature and it puts our existence into perspective.
Glad you enjoyed a brief get-away….oh….PUPPIES!!! Enjoy!xxx
So many memories of walking our old dog and riding along the beach at Formby and Freshfield, How are the squirrels doing in the pinewoods, the last we heard was that they were suffering from the squirrel pox, I do hope their numbers have recovered.
Thanks for your lovely photos of where we lived 25 yrs ago.
Ahhh….yes, it’s a beautiful spot! I can imagine all your lovely memories. The squirrels were almost wiped out but gradually their numbers are increasing again, we have them back in the garden which is great news. Thanks
I’d be careful of those ancient pubs – the clientele looks a little rough. Love the picture of the robin.
Lol….yes, some odd looking folk for sure! xxx