Involvement with the rescue and finding myself in an odd spot, seem to go hand in hand. Last week provided me with a few more potentially disastrous situations.
A first for daughter and I, was bag-packing at a local supermarket. Who knew how hairy this could be! There appears to be a divine order as to how items should be packed, and I’m not in on the secret! Several shoppers became rather irate and some even waved baguettes at me while setting me straight on the art of packing. It was obvious that I never go shopping! Still, funds were raised so it was all worth it!
A class of kids with their teachers. You can see me in the TV taking the shot!
Next up….school visits. Recently, there has been a flurry of interest in hedgehogs, with four schools requesting that we bring some along to show the children. As I seem to have morphed into, The Hedgehog Woman, naturally it fell upon me.
Sunflower seedheads left for the birds.
So, off I tootled to my first school, on the understanding that I was only there to show the kiddies the hedgehogs. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly found myself standing in front of thirty pairs of bright eyes, all fixed intently upon me and hearing the teacher say, “Whenever you’re ready Miss.”
Cotoneaster growing along my wall, another hit with the birds.
Fortunately, I was born with the gift of the gab; alternatively, I babble easily.
After several hedgehog awareness talks, I learnt some valuable lessons, the first being NEVER ask children if they have any questions……because they always do, and many of them can catch you wrong-footed.
Teasel seedheads.
So, here are a few questions that took me by surprise.
Is God damn a naughty word? I suggested the little boy ask his parents.
Why do I have straw in my hair? Why indeed!!!
Why don’t hedgehogs have heads or legs? Do they roll around like footballs?
My Herbie hog, still not hibernating!
They’re not turtles aren’t they? Took me AGES to figure out that this little girl meant nocturnal!!!
How are little hedgehogs made? Note to self…..don’t take huge adults and tiny hogs again!
I heard the teacher next to me mutter, “Very carefully”, under her breath. I however, waffled merrily on re mummy’s and daddy’s meeting up twice a year and moved swiftly onto the subject of solitary animals!
Curly cat wanting a tummy rub.
One of my favourite questions was, “What did you have for your dinner?” That one was easy, nothing actually, as I was in the school far longer than I anticipated!
I’ve now visited two of the four schools, and seven classes later, I’m finally beginning to get my act together. I asked the teachers why they were interested in hedgehogs, and wasn’t surprised to hear that it was because very few children had seen one, and those that had, had only seen them lying dead on the road.
As well as the kids learning a little more about their native wildlife, another unexpected bonus was seeing all the hedgehog food the children’s parents donated. Talk about win-win!
And Finally….
Buddy HOGGING the log burner…..see what I did there?
What a great post! I was chuckling through the questions. You did well in cooping with them all. The great thing is that you have thought them about and endangered animal. I am sure your visits made an impression that will stay with the kids for years.
Thanks Jennifer, the kids had me chuckling too, afterwards! It was a pleasure to show kids hedgehogs, especially those who hadn’t seen them
Such a lovely post … and yes, there is a definite art to bag packing … but I don’t always find it. Then of course you get the shopping home put it away and before you know it it’s gone and you’re shopping again.
I think it’s great that you visit schools, it is so important for the young children to be more aware of nature and their surroundings … and true you never know what they may ask you. I just love spending time with the young, they always make me smile.
Great link for Buddy and HOGGING … must say Buddy does look extremely comfortable.
With it being quite late on a Sunday evening – may I wish you a Happy New Week ahead.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. I don’t go food shopping as I loath it so hubs does the honours…..which is why I am such a novice re packing!!!
Kids are full of energy, and surprises! I can see how they keep people young, they certainly make you smile!!! Have a lovely
Hello Hedgehog Lady, how lovely that you are teaching children about these lovely creatures. I hope they will be still around when they are grown up. I haven’ t seen one for years.
It’ s funny how fussy we all are about out supermarket packing. The very idea of putting your butter with your cabbages is quite appalling. Or your toothpaste with your eggs. I bet you meet lots of people who really care about this sort of thing.
I love the comment from Shoreacre about training courses for bag packers. Just imagine it.
I really hope the kids still have hedgehogs when they are adults too, it certainly isn’t looking good at the moment! I’ve now learnt a little etiquette re bag packing….the hard way obviously! I was rather astonished at how much passion was involved …..who knew eh????
I was smiling at the idea of training courses too!!!! Thanks
My friend was telling me that she did bag packing at a supermarket last weekend. One customer bought a trolley of bananas and another bought 3 mangoes. Mono-product customers would have been so much easier for you – no one can go wrong putting 3 mangoes in a bag and if the customer were to get upset by your mango packing, they wouldn’t have a baguette to hit you with.
Lovely post – I think it’s wonderful that you are getting to share your knowledge with children.
Oh….yes! Mangos and bananas sound benign…even I could manage that!!! I especially like the lack of a baguette, unless they were bought en-masse too….then there would be many to hit me with! Thanks
The classroom presentations sound like a lot of fun. Not a turtle, indeed. As a fundraiser, have you considered developing Hedgehog Woman as a superhero, like the X-men? Start with comic books, then branch out to merchandise, a tv show and movies! Great opportunity, there. Though what would her super power be? Curling up in a ball doesn’t sound too impressive.
The not a turtle had me floored!!! I must have looked like a goldfish while trying to figure that one out!
Hahahahaha…..what a great idea! Maybe I ought to start with a hog costume, it would hide my embarrassment!!! The super power is tricksy for sure!!! Thanks
I’m astounded at the conversation about bag-packing. It took me a minute to figure out what you meant. Here, we call them “sackers,” and it’s considered standard practice for someone to bag the groceries. Occasionally, the person checking also does the bagging — just depends on how busy everyone is, and so on. Sacking is often a first job for high school kids. I must say, they do a fine job. I suspect there are training courses.
I loved the photo of the kids. So attentive, and curious. And I especially liked seeing the seed heads. I was surprised to see the word “Cotoneaster.” It jogged my memory, and reminded me that we have some varieties here, too. It’s a beautiful plant, for sure.
Hahaha….it’s funny how a word can throw us isn’t it? I think I could have done with a little training, especially re managing the people waving baguettes! You must post some pics of your cotoneaster, it is lovely isn’t it? Mine is steadily growing along the outsdie of the wall. Thanks
Oh, Dina. You had me smiling at your predicaments (my favorite was the “not turtles” one). OF COURSE you handled all those delicate questions well
But practice makes perfect and perhaps you’ve even come up with a way to guide the children to pertinent questions.
Wimsey and Buddy are of the same mind — both want to have the heat source’s full attention!
Oh…the Not Turtles had me utterly flummoxed for a while!!! Yes, I have certainly come up with a few strategies now but am still wearing my L plates!
It’s funny how some animals have to be as close to the heat as they can isn’t it? Thanks
This post did put me in a good humor. I think I’ll spend the next week thinking up answers to: how are hedgehogs made. The first thought that came to me was, by rubbing two of them together. Loved that picture of Curly. One of the best I’ve seen.
Your comment has put me in a good humour too! Now, when you compile your list please let me see it as I could do with all the help I get!!! Glad you like Curly’s pic, he is one mighty fine looking cat, a little like Charlie!xxx
That little Buddy has a lot of sense
Just think are used to work with children all the time. Imagine taking an assembly with over 200 pairs of eyes and 200 pairs of ears in all shapes and sizes listening to you. Even then it is easier than a room full of adults as at least you can tell the children to shut up when you are talking. Some adults can be really rude especially teachers who wouldn’t put up with the same sort of behaviour from their classes.
Oh my….the thought of 200 pairs of eyes and ears has me quivering!!! I don’t think I quite there yet!!!!
I agree re a room full of kids though, much easier!!!I have noticed how some teachers can be offhand! Maybe it’s because they expect to be listened too. Thanks Sue. Hope all is going
That’s why I loved working in schools for my career ~ children are priceless ~ and being with them keeps a person young… mainly because they keep you on your toes. I think the questions they asked you were hilarious ~ and you handled them like a pro. Sometimes if you ask children if they have any questions, they just tell you things completely off topic as well..nothing to do with the subject at all. How lovely that you took the time to ‘whenever you’re ready, Miss’, more than once. As for packing groceries, I would have taken a bit out of the baguette! Everything and everyone looks cozy inside
That should be ‘ taken a bite out of the baguette’
Oh I agree, children certainly keep you young and on your toes!!! I noticed that some children just randomly told me things too….their innocence is so sweet. I’m not sure how well I handled some of the questions though…I still have my L plates!!! I am getting better though…Hahahaha…..yes, I should have taken a chunk of baguette!!!! Thanks
Lovely to be the Hedgehog lady! I am a teacher, and in recent time I noticed how little children from the city know about animals in general.
Thanks for visiting Gerrie. Yes, it’s a shame how little children know about their wildlife these days, they seem to be more removed from nature than we
The children must love you – The Hedgehog Lady:):) Love it……and the questions from the children are priceless….
As for those rude people in the shopping centre where you were doing the bagging..they don’t know a good thing when they see it…..did they have any idea that they were addressing the famous ‘Hedgehog Lady’ and her daughter…:)
Love the pictures of the dogs and Curley – and that little Buddy really is something else. Talk about taking over the roost. Another wonderfully uplifting post….hope you get to sit in front of that log burner with a big glass of red wine:)xxx
I was pleased that the kids enjoyed the talks and seeing hedgehogs, how sad that they are missing out on our native wildlife! Lol….I don’t think my bag packing skills were quite up to scratch somehow….despite being the Hedgehog Woman, maybe I should have worn a hedgehog onesie!!!
Buddy is adorable….he’ll be leaving soon, but I’m sure he’ll be here a few days a week, I would hate to not see him! Oh yes… and fire go together beautifully!Thanks
Ah, yes, a lifetime of working with children and they still amaze me…which is why I love being with them. You’re right, too, about presentations shared with them getting easier as you learn the in’s and out’s…but they’ll always sneak in those surprises.
How grand that the school visits and grocery bagging are benefiting the Rescue…and hooray for your beautiful daughter for her assistance.
All the photographs are wonderful; I love the cotoneaster and teasel especially, but I could just tickle and smooch sweet Herbie, Curly, and Buddy…how content your 4-leggeds appear!
It’s clear they’re loved and happy, Dina.
Thank you for another wonderful post! They always lift my heart and add cheer to my day. Pure gift!
I could have done with some of your expertise!!! They are such fun though aren’t they, all wide-eyed and innocent! I have certainly improved re my talks….thank goodness. I received lovely hedgehog drawings from the kids, how sweet eh?
Daughter was more frazzled than I, she’s as bad as me when it comes to bag packing!!! The apple don’t fall far the the tree!!! It’s always lovely to have a few four-leggeds to stroke isn’t it…although Herbie isn’t quite SO strokable! Thanks
See your lawn’s still getting a hammering! And your last pic reminds me we must get some logs in by the fire. Nights are getting colder alright. It looks so cosy, dogs (and cats) always know where the best places are.
Oh yes, the lawn is still being beaten down to within an inch of it’s life! I hear the weather is going to turn a lot colder so I’d certainly be getting the logs in! Thanks
Great post Dina – sorry to say that I hate anyone packing my bags for me as well – we shoppers are a funny lot aren’t we. I used to work at our local village school so I know how comical the kids can be but at least you are educating the. About something that matters. We don’t have any hedgehogs around here at all – I have never seen one since we have lived here. Probably because it is very much badger country. Dogs just love it in front of the fire don’t they – a lovely picture of Buddy. Have a good week – how are your injuries by the way – are you fighting fit again.
Thanks Elaine, shoppers certainly are a funny lot! Who knew???
Kids eh….they do have a knack for taking you by surprise!!!What a shame about the lack of hedgehogs in your corner of the world….yes, the badgers won’t be helping.
Dogs certainly like being warm! Struth….my injuries are driving me crackers!!! Thanks for
A class full of curious children giving you their innocent wide-eyed attention is a bit of a responsibility and an honour. Sounds like you did them proud; but then, I wouldn’t expect anything less!
I admit to being anti-bag-packing. There are a number of reasons, one of the core ones being I like to take responsibility for my own packing and in a particular order. For groups it does prove to be a useful fund-raiser. Most of the bag-packings I see, happen around the holiday periods.
Curly cat is very submissive to you; it’s lovely. I really wanted to lightly stroke his tummy. Herbie is a stoic, especially with all the wintry weather we’ve had. What do you think the reason might be for his continued wakefulness?
The seasonal berries and seed heads are very interesting. They make for lovely and interesting pictures. …..And the final flourish, the glowing flames of your log burner…great!
Thanks Menhir, I gave i my best shot and am certainly a lot wiser now, almost a pro….lol!
I came across a lot of people who prefer to pack their own bags, just as well given I’m not the best bag packer around!
Curly is the oddest cat, he hates most people and even hisses and spits at the neighbours who feed him when I’m away, and yet he’s like a lamb with me. Cts eh?
I’ve had Herbie four years now and he’s never not hibernated. I think it’s because the weather is so mild, once the temperatures drop, I’m sure he’ll be asleep.I do enjoy that log burner, heavenly it is!xxx
I just love your posts! Children do ask the most taxing questions, you did ever so well! Glad to see your wood burner in use, it certainly looks lovely and cosy with Buddy in just the right spot.
We are lucky here, we have a few hedgehogs visiting regularly, or is it just one, they certainly leave plenty of messages for me !
Thanks Pauline. I’m certainly older and wiser re kid now! I must say the log burner is wonderful, you can’t beat a fire in the winter…I wish we had got one years ago.
I’m glad to hear you have hogs, your garden is the perfect habitat for
Luvvit as always! working with kids is hilarious but demanding! So pleased you could show them real live hedgehogs. It’s frightening the amount of ignorance about our wildlife amongst kids these days
You go, gal – you’re doing a terrific job!
That log burner looks so cosy. Just right for cold winter nights.
Thanks Gilly, yes hilarious and demanding, that certainly sums up working with children. It is sad how little children seem to know about wildlife, so many are so removed from nature….
Oh, I really wish we had installed one sooner….lovely it is! xxx
I thought I had commented on this post…..
I remember commenting how difficult it can be ‘tuning into’ a group of schoolchildren. One really has to be n one’s toes….
I’m sure they loved having you…
Ah…Yes…and ‘bag-packing? Can be extremely daunting….
Take Care! Hugs!
I think this post randomly posted itself, sorry about that!
You certainly have to be on your toes around kids that’s for sure!!! Thanks
I loved the children’s questions! Out of the mouths of babes indeed. We used to see lots of hedgehogs in the garden when we first moved here but, tragically, they are a very rare sight indeed now. Buddy looks so cosy by your stove. Have a great week. xx
You never can predict what children are going to say can you? That’s the beauty of them!!! It is a shame to see the continual decline of the hedgehogs, I do hope they make a come back. Buddy sure loves that fire! Thanks Veggie
I’m having a giggle over all your stories – it’s the way you tell them. Also the pics of kitty, dogs racing around and Buddy finding the best spot by the fire are heartwarming so thanks for an uplifting post. Hope the week ahead is a good one for you and yours.
Glad you had a giggle Linds, I did too. Kids eh! Animals and children, never a dull moment eh? xxx
A lovely post and wonderful photos. On reflection I have to say that I pack my bags a certain way.
Well done on your school talks, which I’m sure were thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
The pictures of Curly and Buddy made me smile. xx
I have learnt the hard way that many people prefer to pack their own bags! Just as well really as I’m not the best bag packer in the world
The kids seemed to enjoy seeing and learning about the hogs and I certainly enjoyed their company. Thanks
Hilarious about the bag packing. I won’t allow anyone to pack my bags because I like them done in a certain way, how sad is that !!
Glad you are helping the hedgehog…..young people need to know about our wildlife, and help where they can. You seem to have made a difference, well done.
Love the way you tell your stories, so funny. They say never work with animals or children
Buddy got the right idea……………..
Lol….I met a lot of people who prefer to pack their own bags!!! I don’t think I’m the best bag packer in the world and I certainly didn’t expect it all to be so stressful!
The kids seemed to really enjoy seeing the hogs and learning a little about them, I enjoyed working with them, kids certainly are a hoot! Thanks
I bet that was so much fun giving a talk to the school children. They do ask some awkward questions LOL.
I love the photos of Curly and your little doggie !
P.S. are you still selling your lovely hand painted Christmas cards ? If so, where can I buy them ?
Must dash – battery running low.
Great blog as ever. Thanks x
Children are entertaining, I love their innocence despite the awkward questions. They sent me a lovely hand-made thank you card with lots of hedgehog drawings, how sweet eh?
Buddy and Curly certainly know what they want out of life, and how to get it!!!
I hope you got my email re the cards. Thanks
Buddy knows the best spot in the house. How sad that many children have never seen a hedgehog, I remember watching families of them in my garden as a child, the parents brought their babies and we watched them grow. We’re lucky that we still see lots of hedgehogs around here, many of them merrily walking along the footpath as we give Archie his last walk of the night. Lovely photos, I love the one of Curly cat waiting for a tummy rub.
It is awful to think that many children haven’t seen a hedgehog, especially given that they were once so common.It’s good to hear you still have plenty around. Curly cat does love a tummy rub.Thanks