Being my usual disorganised self, Christmas, as is the norm around here, is sorted out in one crazy, stressful week!
Finally, the decorations are up.
The Carol concert has been attended, this year we went to the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
A beer was enjoyed afterwards….
in the quaintest little pub in Liverpool.
Presents are finally bought and wrapped…
and a lovely, unexpected present was received. This came from Glo. Why thank you my dear gal!
Rescue shifts are now completed until next week…
and mince pies arrived from my sweet next door neighbour. Gorgeous they are!
Christmas food has been bought….and wow! How fabulous are these mushrooms????
And finally….
I would like to wish you lovely bunch of people, who put up with my endless waffling, a very merry Christmas.
I’m wishing you all that you wish for yourselves…if it’s good for you!
Have a good one guys!
Hope you had a great Christmas and will enjoy the New Year.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, we were away with our families and have only just got back. How lucky to go to the Cathedral for a Carol Cervice, that must have been wonderful. We had a church outing to Buckfast Abbey for their Carol Service which was pretty wonderful too!
Wishing you and your birds and animals a wonderful New Year!
Thanks Pauline. It sounds like you had a marvellous Christmas, here’s to a fantastic 2016 for you and
Hope you had an absolutely wonderful Christmas and all the best for the new year!
I hope you did too Susanne. All the very best for
Wishing you every happiness for 2016 – We must catch up again soon.
Marian xxx
All the very best to you too, yes, we must meet up!xxx
I hope you’ve been able to relax and enjoy your Christmas. Merry Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year.
Thanks Annie, Christmas is always so busy isn’t it? But lovely too. All the very best to you for
I hope that you are now resting from all the festivities and wonderful food. Have been thinking about you and hoping that the rain hasn’t caused you too much havoc…..and that all is safe and sound in your abode.
I send you much love and wishes for a very happy, healthy, peaceful and creative 2016 and hope like anything that we will meet next year.
Love janet. xxxxxxxx
Thanks Janet…we do need a break from Christmas and tonight is mine! It’s lovely, here I sit, typing away with a glass of wine in front of the log burner. Oh….the rain is truly awful and everywhere around here is flooding, but not the houses…yet….fingers crossed it remains that way. I pity the wildlife. Sending you all my very best too, and yes, we really have to meet next year for sure!xxxxxxx
I’m sure that you and your family enjoyed a very happy holiday. And reading this post, I got the picture! Especially loved the sheep and the mushrooms. May it be a good new year for all of us. xxx
Thanks Shimon, we had a lovely Christmas, busy as always, but good busy. Ahhhh….those mushrooms were utterly delicious. I must look out for some more. Yes…let next year be better…especially for
What a shame about the mince pies, but good to hear you’ll have some for the New Year. I don’t buy into the Christmas hype re shopping either!
I had a lovely Christmas, and hope you did too. All the very best .xxx
This is the first year I’ve not had a mince pie around. They were my dad’s favorite, and I always make one in his memory. Perhaps I’ll do that for New Year’s day.
We all have hectic to deal with. One of the best reasons to follow the Church calendar is that Christmas day is the start of the season — we have twelve days in which to send cards, exchange gifts, and enjoy the carols and trees. The merchants may be trying to move us on (and move all that merchandise out!) but they’re not going to hurry me!
I hope all went well on the special day, and that you have some time for relaxation ahead of you. Merry Christmas, Dina, and a happy New Year!
Mmm, I’ve never had mince pies, but those look good! Merry Christmas!
You really must give mince pies a go!!! All the best to
What a hectic run-up to Christmas, Dina! Glad you’ve managed to catch up with everything. This comes with my love for a very happy time and a peaceful new year. Hugs! xxx
I always seem to have a hectic run up….utterly self-inflicted it is! Thanks Gilly, all my love to you and
Have a wonderful Christmas Snowbird! All the best to you and your family!
Thanks Jennifer, All the best to
I love your endless waffling! Merry Christmas!!
Lol, why thank you dear gal! All the very best to
You’ ve wrapped up your presents? And you call that being disorganised?
The Pianist and I have been puzzling over your pub. As his mispent youth was mispent in Liverpool pubs he feels he should recognise it. Do tell.
Have a wonderful Christmas, dear Dina, look forward to reading more about your mad adventures in 2016.
Hahahaha….gosh, how late do you leave it to wrap yours??? I thought I was bad….
The pub is the Cloven Hitch, it has probably changed it’s name a thousand times! It’s in Hope street, you can see it in the Cathedral picture, it on the right, where the white squiggly sign is. It has a fabulous courtyard, with a noose of all things! If you ever go there, be sure to order club chips!
All the very
Ahhh my dearest! Don’t worry… we all are in the same “boat”…
claudine and family
I wish you too all the best for this season’s holidays… but most of all, a robust health the coming year!
Love and hugs
Thanks Claudine. Hope you got everything sorted out. All the
A glorious Christmas to you, Dina, and to all your beloveds…your home looks gorgeous and inviting. I send you love and blessings from a very warm, green, and dampish Wisconsin. Think of me biking, canoeing, and pulling weeds! Yikes! As long as the mulled wine is flowing and carols are playing, and I’m surrounded by dear 2- and 4-leggeds (and our winged friends), it’s Christmas and welcome.
Love you, Kitty
Thanks Kitty… it’s still warm and wet there eh?? Gosh, fancy you gardening and canoeing!!!! That has to be a plus though, although I know you are missing the snow. Wishing you and yours all the very best! Give all your critters a cuddle from me.
Lots of love to you all, have a simply lovely
Hope by now you’ve got your feet up and have a glass of something nice in your hand. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas.
I am just about do put my feet up and pour a glass of white! All the best
Our little Christmas tree always has to wait until Christmas Eve to be put up.
The sheep in the barn look very much like a Christmas scene. Have a Happy Christmas.
I prefer to put decorations up closer to Christmas too. The sheep do look cute for sure. All the best to
Ahhh great, time to get those feet up and pour yourself a glass of something.
Have a very Happy Christmas!
Thanks Jess, I am just about to do that! All the
Lovely post and pictures. Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty. All the
I can just imagine how busy you’ve been at the rescue centre. Glad you enjoyed the carol service in that beautiful cathedral with a relaxing time in the pub afterwards. Wishing you and your family a very peaceful Christmas.
Thanks Linda, it is a lovely cathedral and the choir were utterly stunning! All the very best to you.xxxx
Roomie and I also enjoyed a carol service — not as fancy as in a cathedral, mind you, but it was really really lovely. Glad you could enjoy a cozy pub afterwards, too. Happy Christmas, Dina, and may you continue your waffling in 2016 and well beyond! xoxo
You would have loved the choir, angelic they were….all rather heavenly! We try to catch a carol service at a different church/cathedral each year. Glad you enjoyed yours. Happy Christmas to you both….lol….and thanks for hanging on in there re my waffling!!!
Here’s hoping you have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas – it has been quite a year. See you next year my friend.
Thanks Elaine. All the best to you and yours too.I hope Christmas is going smoothly!xxx
I can see by the post just how hectic life has been….time now to enjoy the Sherry and Mince pies…save some for Santa!
Have a Blessed Christmas D! A Joy to stay in touch with you. Love and Hugs! xxxxx
Thanks Bushka. It a pleasure to keep in touch. All the very best to you and yours.Love and hugs right back attcha! xxx