I was very grateful this Christmas, to be able to sit down to eat in a warm, dry house.
It has rained continually here for the last month, yet the deluge that came down on Christmas day had me panicking. The courtyard suddenly flooded, something that has never happened before, and the water was a whisker below the air vents. It began to dawn on me that our house could actually flood.
The front lawn became a marsh…
many roads were impassable, and the fields across the road looked like this.
Quite simply, the water has nowhere to go, and yet, still it rains. We are the lucky ones though, so many have been forced to abandon their homes, and abroad, wildfires rage. The weather is becoming more and more extreme. How will it all play out…. I do wonder….
I’ve decided to take even more flags up and place large water butts around the house in areas where it may flood.
Morecambe Bay.
Fortunately, my sister and her partner still had power this time around. They enjoy this beautiful view, a heartbeat away from their house.
It’s certainly been a busy old year, with one thing and another. Mostly good with the odd curve ball thrown in, you never can predict what’s coming can you? It’s a good job we don’t have a crystal ball!
Eight months ago Daughter and Buddy moved in. Last week daughter received the keys to her lovely new home which means Buddy will be moving out shortly. How strange it would be without him, fortunately, daughter and I shall be sharing him so he’ll be spending a lot of his time here. Daughter also starts a new job in January so plenty of new beginnings for her!
It’s also been an interesting year travel wise, thanks to our wonderful dog sitter, Laura, who also looks after the waifs and strays that happen to be hanging around. Talking of which, hubs and I are looking to book a three week holiday in February. Oh my….there are SO many interesting places we want to visit. Decisions, decisions!!!
And Finally…..
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your wonderful company! How I’ve enjoyed sharing your lives throughout 2015, the ups and the downs! You have no idea how often you have had me laughing and smiling, or staring at the screen, engrossed. Who knew how much warmth and support you could receive from people you’ve never met? Have a drink on me guys!!!! You’ve EARNED it!
And so dear friends, I raise my glass, and send you and yours all my very best wishes for 2016. May you all enjoy good health, peace and happiness.xxx
Who indeed?xxx
Who is that smart boy in the scarf!
It actually stopped raining today….thank goodness! Now it just needs to stay dry for a while!
Yes, there are plenty of places that could do with some of our rain….sighs…
Yes, my wee beast has very good taste. Thanks Jaime.xxx
Wow… that is a whole lot of water! I hope things are drying out for you now!
Why can’t that kind of rain fall in the summer months when the world and all of its vulnerable forests could really use a good drink?
Thank you so much for visiting my blog today… even if it was really your dog visiting. hehe. So cute!

My how scary! But glad your lovely home didn’t flood!
Congrats to your daughter – hope she’s happy in her new home.
All the best for a magnificent 2016!!
Thanks Brenda. All the very best to you, safely back in your lovely home.xxx
Dear Dina, after two months without rain… today the sky was grey and a fog-like dusk covered the country. A very thin spray started to descend from sky giving to the nature some precious water.
Exactly the opposite of what is happening up in your country! Nature is revenging herself… the climate is changing and the plants and animals are suffering.
We are the cause… humans are destroying the planet and it looks like that very few consider this reality. Paris summit is already “history”… words and words are flooded the news, just memories… these as well.
The new year’s? I’m afraid it will be as always: a lot of fuss, many good proposals and after that, everyone just start again in the same scheme… doing selfish actions and polluting what is surrounding.
But hope is the last to die!
To you and to your loved ones, I extend my love and best wishes for a year full of new possibilities to do good… :-)claudine
Two months is a long time to go without rain, here’s hoping you get some soon. There is no doubt that the world’s weather has changed dramatically, and as you say animals, plants along with people are paying a high price. Action has to be taken and soon, by governments and individuals, people tend to disassociate themselves from the problem. If everyone tried to live a little greener the impact would be huge. Here’s to hope!!!
All my love to you, have a marvellous 2016.xxx
Eek that’s close, so glad you didn’t flood, the weather has been terrible, its been awful round Yorkshire too, I’m so thankful that my house is safe from floods. There have been some terrible scenes. Then you see a picture of the rivers once the flood gone down and they look so benign. Its quite scary how quick things can change.
Here’s wishing you a Happy New Year, look forward to hearing about your new adventures.
Yes, Yorkshire and Scotland got a rough deal, sadly, I think this is going to be the norm now for the UK, worldwide, the weather is becoming more extreme…..it is all very worrying. All the best to you Annie.xxx
I’ll keep everything crossed that the flood water goes down for you! Happy New Year and I look forward to hearing all about your holiday – I’m VERY envious! xx
Thanks Veggie Mummy, hopefully it’ll stop raining soon! Holiday plans seem to change on a daily basis……sighs….all the best to you!xxx
Oh my goodness, talk about soggy. What a relief it didn’t get any worse.
This weather is getting crazy.
A very Happy (and dry) New Year to you all.
It still soggy and grim with endless rain….sighs….when will it stop??? Yes, it’s all becoming utterly unpredictable weather wise. All the best Jess.xxx
It sounds as if you had a great Christmas and the dogs look as if they are having a great time too. Lovely news about your daughter, she must be very excited.
On dear, those floods, I am so sorry for all you people up north with so much endless rain. It must be terrifying.
Holiday plans? How exciting, I am looking forward to hearing what exotic places you are visiting.
Whatever you do this year, have fun and keep on entertaining us all with your adventures. I always look forward to seeing what you have been up to. Happy New Year Dina.
It was a pleasant Christmas and lovely for daughter with so many new beginnings. Can you believe that it still rains here???? WHEN will it ever stop?
Our holiday plans seem to change daily, there always seems to be a spanner in the works somewhere along the way.
Thanks for your lovely comment. All the very best to you too.xxx
My goodness, you look like you’re living on our coastal plain. I knew it had been raining over there, but somehow I had missed the fact that it’s been really raining. I do hope all is well, and that things are calming a bit. I’m going to go check your weather in a moment…
Buddy — and all — do look remarkably festive. And now, we’re past Christmas, nearly past New Year’s, and you’re already planning that February trip. I’m so happy for you. It will be fun to follow your travels, or at least to hear about them once you return.
The spirit of “Onward!” took me over today, and I have all of the Christmas decorations put away. Sometimes I linger, but I’m eager for the New Year myself. I hope yours is delightful: healthy, happy, and perhaps even a little freer of baby hedgehogs!
It’s still raining, hard to believe really. Apparently it’s the wettest and warmest December on record. I think we’ll all have to adapt to changing weather worldwide…..
Our holiday plans change daily, hopefully we’ll get around to sorting it all out. It will be nice to go somewhere warm and culturally different!
I always take my decorations down on the 2nd, somehow it feels right and fitting. All the best to you, here’s to a marvellous 2016.xxx
Your Christmas table looks wonderful. I hope your flooding doesn’t get any worse. Here everything is frozen – a reality check for us as we returned from California yesterday. Looking forward to another year of reading your delightful blog.
Thanks Jason. It’s still raining here, I have my fingers and toes crossed that it stops soon.
I bet it was hard to adapt to the sudden cold! Thanks for your lovely comment.xxx
Oh help but the garden IS a bit floody looking….. I do hope it doesn’t get any worse for you… how alarming…..
Looks as if your Christmas was all very festive and lovely and am so glad your daughter is sorted with a new job and a new home too…. I know Buddy has been a handful at times but that you love him to bits so it sounds as if it is all working out – I really wish your daughter all the great raving best with noo job and the move etc….
Has been lovely following your blog and I always enjoy reading about what you are up to and seeing all the pics of everything…. thank you for sharing your inspiring life and here’s all the best for 2016! I keep meaning to set up a blog now our old bloggy place is no more…. but still having some probs with that… duh! xxx
It’s still raining here, I can’t remember the last dry day we had…I think floods will be the new norm…somehow, we’ll all have to try and adapt.
Buddy is hard work but now we all love him to bits, it will be strange without him. Still, he’s still here, I am beginning to feel reluctant to let him go! Sighs….
Oh…..you must sort a new blog, I really miss hearing about all your adventures and groovy goings on!!! Be sure to let me have your link! All the best to you. Thanks Rosie.xxx
You have certainly had your share of rain and problems with getting rid of the water.
The Uk is certainly becoming a water world over recent years, floods seem to be the new norm. It’s awful on domestic and wild animals too. Thanks Peter.xxx
Oh my! what a lot going on. It has been hard for people who have been pushed out of hearth and home and around, by one means or another. The suggestion that air vents should be blocked up to avert flooding is being promulgated. I can see temporary advantages to doing it, however, the homes we have in the UK were built to have aired founds and to reduce the affects of radon, amongst other things. Will people remember to let their under-floor spaces breathe if and when the critical times pass. I am so glad you were okay.
What wonderful news for your daughter, Buddy and yourselves. I wish you everything you wish and hope for the world at large, yourselves and your family in 2016.
Hugs xxx
It is a worrying state of affairs isn’t it….suddenly the media drops the story, as they always do and people get on with it, as they always do. I was thinking of blocking the vents for a while, the water has reached them another couple of times. It seems that our weather is to be wetter in the future, we’ll all have to try and adapt somehow. Thanks Menhir, love and hugs to you.xxx
Here’s hoping you get more sun in the new year. Cheers!
Oh yes! Here’s to more sun. Thanks Brenda.xxx
Wishing you a lovely healthy new glad your save and hope the new year bring you and your family the things you near and the sanctuary
Thanks Linda. All the very best to you too.xxx
Good morning dear Dina and a very happy, peaceful and creative new year to you and the family….humans and animals.
I LOVE the picture of darling little Buddy in his Xmas hat…..Jack Russells do have the best personalities….and although he will be moving out, as you say he will now have two homes.
Great news about your daughter….wish her all the best from me, for new home and job….what a great way to begin a new year.
I have been thinking about you so much with regards to flooding and can see that it’s come very close to you….all fingers and toes crossed that it doesn’t get much worse…..hang in there my friend.
As for where will it all lead….none of us really know, but in my mind there is no question it’s not going to get better….
Meanwhile, here’s to a new year filled with peace, and creativity…..Sending love to you Janet. xxxx
Jacks do have big personalities, such affectionate intelligent little dogs. Buddy seemed quite happy in his hat, it probably felt warm! I am beginning to realise that I’m reluctant to part with him….he’s still here! I keep saying things like…give it a week in your new job….he’s ok here for a while, etc….
It’s still raining here, it truly is worrying! Apparently this is the warmest and wettest December on record. I think our weather is going to be unpredictable from now on….and more extreme! Lots of love to you too Janet.xxx
Happy New Year to you, too, and I’m glad you stayed dry. Buddy is adorable with that Santa hat!!
Thanks Casa, it’s still raining here, I think a ark will shortly be called for.xxx
I really like reading your blog and all the interesting things you do. Happy New Year to you. x
Thanks gardengirl. All the very best to you….here’s to you posting on 2016 about your lovely new garden and allotment..xxx
Oh my, what a lovely table and such festively-arrayed and attractive guests! Good news about daughter’s new home and career path; my blessings follow her and Buddy on to their new adventures, but I’m VERY glad Buddy will be dropping in to visit!
Goodness, the water came quite close to the house, didn’t it? Yikes! So happy no flooding occurred. The field across from our home looks the same, but we’re up high on a “drumlin.” The last time the roads and streets flooded and water flowed over the bridge (2008), we stayed dry, but every trip out the driveway required constant re-navigating because of flooded roads. The world as it is, now: sure keeps us on our toes. Blessings on your home and gardens.
Happy to read your sister and her partner are doing OK; they’ve been in my heart.
Those vacay plans look intriguing! Can’t wait to hear what you decide! If you’re ever able to visit, know that I’m within a couple hours of Chicago and few more to Minneapolis…doesn’t quite offer the drama of India, does it?!
But still, maybe one day.
Blessings and more blessings on your new year, to you, your amazing family and companions, and to all at the rescue. My love and wishes for your joy, peace, sweet adventures, and happy, happy days. Wouldn’t it be lovely to look back and say, “I laughed more than ever that year!” ??? (“And my gardens rivaled Monet’s!”)
I don’t think I could bear to part with that little dog if I wasn’t going to see very much of him, I’d miss him too much. He hasn’t moved out yet…….mmmmmmmm……can I actually let him go?
Love the drumlin…..and the fact it keeps you dry!
I shall call on you one of these fine days, thank you for the offer, and of course that extends to you two also….I know you shan’t flinch at the sight of a dog hair or two….obviously I’m a clean freak, you have to be with four leggeds, but it’s always so nice to have animal people to stay!
The holiday is going to involve a lot of travelling….I shall let you know as soon as we decide. Not India though…..
Ahhhhh…thanks for your lovely comment….my gardens will always be a work in progress, but we shall laugh and laugh….and we shall egg each other on! Yes!!! All my love to you and yours and a big huge hug!!!xxx
Thank you for sharing your stories, experiences and that sometimes we need to take gratitude in the simpler things in life. Just reading your posts have brought a smile during what I can only describe as a difficult year. A happy new year to you and your family. I wish you much joy and peace for 2016.
Often simpler is better isn’t it? Lovely to hear from you Karen, did you start up a new blog anywhere, if so, please let me know. Ahhhh, how lovely that I could raise a smile, especially during a difficult year. Here’s to next year being better, far, far better!!! Joy and peace to you too……you take good care of you. All my best.xxx
That was a close call eh ? So glad the water didn’t find its way in to your house. It really has been a very interesting year. Thanks for sharing your life (well part of it) with us. I have loved the photographs and the stories behind them.
Here’s hoping that 2016 will bring blessings for you and yours. I can’t wait to hear where you go on your 3 week holiday. Best wishes to your daughter and little Buddy in their new abode too.
Ahhhh, thanks so much Caroline. All the very best to you and yours, have a marvellous 2016.xxx
oy, out with the old, and laughter within.
A happy year to all of my loved ones,
and may we laugh till we ache,
and enjoy each moment…
Oy…how lovely!!! Yes, yes, yes…..let’s laugh till we ache and enjoy each moment! Thanks Shimon.xxx
Such a lovely post, and yes … like you I am grateful we had a dry Christmas, which was enjoyed with family and friends.
Family up in Lancaster did lose power, and what families in so many areas are now facing – well my heart and thoughts go out to them. They will need help and support for a good time yet, I just hope they do receive it.
I’ve enjoyed all your lovely blog posts and look forward to reading more in 2016.
My good wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2016.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, glad to hear you had a good Christmas, My sister lost power last time the Lancaster sub station was flooded, given there was no warning it was frightening, and it took days to come back on. I hope your family coped ok. Yes, they do all need all the help they can get…..here’s to them getting it, these stories quickly go off the news!xxx
What a lovely post, Dina! So pleased you haven’t flooded – it’s so awful for so many people. And I love that final picture – one day the sun will come out, the water will go down, people will clear up and move on with their lives … but will our government have learned any lessons??
A very happy new year to you too!
Oh yes……the floods are awful. Yes, one day the sun will come out, and hopefully, shine all the brighter! It has to stop raining one day….doesn’t it? The government has to take note this time….clearly this is now the norm rather than a once in a hundred years event….Thanks Gilly.xxx
Glad you’re safe and well. Lots of love ~ see you in 2016
Marian x
Thanks Marion, lots of love to you too. See you soon.xxx
I am so glad that you kept the water out of the house – I did wonder about you when they showed photos of floods in the NW but thought that you were further south than the flooded area, I do think that concrete gardens and new builds with postage stamp gardens add to the problem. Most of what was green belt land between us and Wakefield has been developed on now so we are physically linked with no green field breaks in the chain. Maybe new builds need areas of comunal green space if they insist on such small garden areas.
I guess your two will miss Buddy too. That first photo would make a great Christmas card.
Have a happy and safe New Year.
We haven’t had it anywhere near as bad as the other areas, fortunately we’re not that close to a river, yet the roads and fields are flooding. Seeing the water that close to an air brick is a wake-up call…..we’ll have to keep an eye on that area. It’s still raining, I can’t remember such a prolonged raining spell! I agree about the green spaces, maybe flags need to come up right across the UK. My two certainly will miss that little guy, thankfully he’ll be a frequent visitor. Thanks Sue.
My dear D! Thanks for your friendship and memorable posts…both in the former place and here….
Pleased you had a good Christmas….May 2016 bring you and yours much joy and pleasure….. Love and Hugs! xx
It’s been my pleasure knowing you Bushka, and it’s lovely that we’ve managed to keep in touch! Love and hugs to you too.xxx
The weather’s been terrible, hasn’t it? We’ve still got Daniel and his girlfriend staying with us as their houses in York are still under threat, the River Ouse is on the rise again. Wishing your daughter well in her new house and how lovely that you get to share Buddy, it would be a wrench to lose him completely after all this time. Sending my very best wishes to you and yours for the coming year.
The weather is truly dismal, I am wondering if it will ever stop raining….I do hope Daniel and his girlfriend have managed to return safely….how horrible and scary!
I don’t think I could part with Buddy unless I got to see him, he does get under your skin without you even realising it…..thanks Jo.xxx
Thank goodness you’ve been okay. It’s good to see that you all enjoyed yourselves, and it looks like being a busy start to next year one way and another.
Happy New Year. xx
Thanks Flighty, I do wish the rain would stop…..it’s becoming wearisome! Yes…next up a little travelling.xxx
Your table looks so very festive — not to mention that darling shot of Buddy! Food looks scrumptious
Many congrats to your daughter for landing a new job and new home. That’s a lot of adjustment to handle in just a few months.
I’d heard about the flooding in the UK and did wonder how/if it affected you — obviously YES!! Hope the rains will pause long enough so you can dry out! When the yard was relandscaped some 10 years ago, I had a couple of drains put in. With El Nino approaching, I’m glad to know they are in place.
Well, my friend, it’s been an eventful year and I’m so glad we have been part of each others’ events
Buddy does look sweet in that pic…..it was jolly decent of him to sit still long enough for me to get a picture!
Would you believe that it still rains here? Good thinking re the drains!!!
Yes, it has been a pleasure to share each others lives….long may it continue! xxx
How inviting your Christmas table looks ~ I could just sit myself right down…well I’d phone first
Buddy does indeed look most festive and I’m glad to hear you’ll be spending time together in the new year. A big congratulations to your daughter on her new job and home ~ a very exciting time and I wish her well as she goes forward.
The flooding in the UK seems to be non-stop and very frightening, especially for those who are literally swamped. I am originally from Cumbria so am aware of the terrible conditions they are experiencing, as well as other areas.
Glad you received my little parcel in the mail… I have had it waiting to mail to you for a few months, as it was given to me by a friend and I thought of you, right off!
I would like to thank you for coming by my blog and leaving such thoughtful comments… I am so pleased that you enjoy seeing the wildlife that we have over here, and often think of you while I am taking photos of the eagles and such.
Wishing you all the best of everything in 2016 and looking forward to hearing where you will head on your holidays!
You would be most welcome at my Christmas table, you of course would provide the entertainment!
It is awful to see all the flooding across the UK. Many of the roads we’ve walked in Cumbria have been destroyed…..the clean up is going to be a big job there. Such a shame. How lucky you are to have grown up there.
Your gift was very welcome, I’ve now passed it onto my sister, she loves it too and wishes she worked there, as I do, so double thanks coming your way!!
Your blog is always a pleasure to visit. Thanks Glo.xxx
Dear Dina
So glad you had a good Christmas despite the weather and that you didn’t get flooded out – it is pretty scary when it just keeps on raining and raining – all those poor people – I’ve never seen the like before. Buddy looks so handsome in his hat and scarf posing like a good ‘un. I am sure even the dogs will miss that little ball of mischief. Wishing you all the best for the coming year and thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such delightful comments – you are a friend indeed.
It is scary, I can’t believe it’s still raining. The lawn is so squishy….Buddy is a funny little chap, sometimes he’s as calm as can be then turns into the Tasmanian devil! Oh, my two will certainly miss him. He’s still here though so I’ll enjoy him while I can. Thanks Elaine, yes, you are certainly a friend!xxx