Unbelievably, it actually stopped raining for a few hours today, so off I raced into the front garden to tidy up a little. I’ve noticed that the bulbs are shooting up, so I thought I’d make a start by clearing the leaves from the Lavender hedge, to see what lurked beneath.
Lots of bulbs showing here.
I’m a little concerned though, as now the forecast is for three months of freezing weather complete with snow. The plants won’t know what’s hit them! At least I’ll be away for three weeks in February, and although I’ll miss out on many of my spring bulbs at least I’ll be somewhere warm!
The Bride
The ground was utterly sodden and of course I had to kneel on the soaking wet lawn as Curly cat took possession of the kneeling mat, as he always does. I really must purchase another one.
I received some delightful Christmas gifts this year. Daughter bought me this charming Chinese witch hazel, what a beautiful colour.
My other witch hazel is now flowering. I think these two will sit together rather prettily.
Hubs excelled himself this year. He bought me a tiny laptop for Christmas, along with a knee desk that moulds itself to my lap, so, now I can use the lappie while sitting on the sofa in the lounge in front of the log burner. It’s also small enough to take abroad so I shall be able to post on my travels each week. How smashin’!
If that wasn’t enough, for my birthday he bought me a telescopic lens for my canon, I am enjoying playing with it. For the first time I was able to capture a bird from a good distance way. Splendid! Just in time for my jollies.
How about this for a cute gift? Daughter bought me this fairy door for my birthday, I’ve located the perfect hole in a tree ….I’ll leave it a little ajar so the fairies can come and go.
Now, would you believe that Special Pige is sitting on eggs? Oh yes! Each day she waits on the roof for me to appear, then flies down and pleasantly coo-coos at me. For old times sake I still put seed on the top of the bird house for her. To think we all hand fed her when she was a featherless chick. She sure is a mighty fine looking gal now…..or maybe she’s just an average pige and I’m bias, as all mothers are!
Just look at the mess beneath the bird table though! It’s been so wet I haven’t been able to clear it up. It’s never actually grown in the fence before. Why on earth do the manufacturers include seed that our birds don’t eat?
And finally….
A big thank you to Nikkipolani
I think this gal has magical powers. Her timing is unbloomingcanny! Her Christmas card arrived Christmas eve, and these birthday wishes arrived on my birthday. Not at all bad given they came from the other side of the world.
So …….if anyone needs any tips re international posting…..she’s the maestro!
Thanks Veggie mummy. I don’t have the nerve to move Curly, he can be extremely single-minded when it comes to his creature comforts. Now it’s become so cold here I’m looking forward to going somewhere warm and getting away from the endless greyness….and rain.xxx
You made me laugh at the thought of you kneeling on the wet ground whilst kitty sat on your kneeling mat! Love the witch hazel and the fairy door is so sweet. I’m also envious of your holiday to somewhere warm! Have a happy week. xx
That second witch hazel looms like Pallida but what is the first one? It’ s such a gorgeous colour.
What lovely presents; belated birthday wishes, dear Dina. You are so lucky going somewhere warm in February, I am looking forward to reading about your trip.
The first witch hazel is Jelena, I thought I saw it on one of your posts. It is a lovely rich colour.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, we are heading to the Far East for three weeks so shall dodge most of winter. It will be lovely to come home to lighter evenings with Spring just around the corner.xxx
Special Pige looks very special indeed. How nice she will have babies soon. Lucky you to have a new lens and a laptop to play with! The witch hazels are terrific. One of these days I would love to find one to add to my own garden.
SP is a little darling, I do enjoy having a wild bird as a friend, I am looking forward to seeing how her babies behave around me.
I would go with a witch hazel, they are such fascinating little plants and the flowers are such a lovely splash of colour in the winter.xxx
I can’t believe you already have buds coming out. We are still in a cold snap with lots of snow. No buds for us for months yet. The adorable pic of the kitty at the top reminds me so much of our beloved cat who passed away last week. Beautiful coloring!
I can’t recall ever seeing buds and bulbs this early, it’s been an incredibly mild, wet winter. It’s finally become cold….
Oh, so sorry to hear about your cat, it’s always utterly heartbreaking, they become members of the family and leave such a yawning hole when they pass. Hugs.xxx
You are good going out to brave the weather for your garden clear up. I haven’t been in the garden for weeks – there is so much that needs doing still before the onset of spring but I just can’t get into gear. No doubt it will all be done in a flurry of activity when spring starts to arrive. It sounds like Father Christmas rewarded you for being a good girl with all your lovely gifts – although it seems far away now doesn’t it; all the preparation and stress and it is gone in a flash. I agree about the birds making a mess around the feeders; flinging seed everywhere in gay abandon – still, I would hate to be without them in the garden. Lovely close up of Curly propositioning your kneeling mat – perhaps you should buy another one especially for you and no more muddy knees.
That gardening session was a one off, it’s back to endless rain now and it’s a lot colder…I suspect I’ll be way behind the game this year, going away for three weeks, although that will be lovely, will certainly set me back gardening wise. It will be nice to dodge the winter though and return home in time for spring.
Lol….I did do well re father Christmas….the gods are smiling on me it seems! Oh I agree about Christmas, all that hype and how quickly it goes….
I’m with you re the birds, they are most welcome, mess and all.
Yes, there’s nothing for it, a new mat will have to be bought! Thanks Elaine.xxx
Cats know how to find the dryest places don’t they, lovely picture of Curly. Yes so glad for a bit of respite from the rain, but forecast snow now!! Eek, bet you will be glad to get away. I love your Witch Hazels, I’ve been tempted by a yellow one, to go with my orange one too. Enjoy having fun with your Christmas presents, what treats.
Cats certainly like their comfort! I shall have to invest in a second mat…
We haven’t had any snow yet but it’s cold enough, I would love to have a heavy snowfall…as long as it doesn’t hang around for too long. It will be nice to get away and dodge a little of winter, coming home to lighter evenings will be nice, especially when spring is just around the corner. Thanks Annie.xxx
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blogpost about the water mark on my shed. “Spirit of the Bear blessing my home” That was so sweet and kind of you!
I love, love, love that fairy door your daughter gave you! I made one of popsicle sticks one year, painted it blue and set it against my oak tree. It looked kind of raggedy but was fine for a season. I’d like to buy a “real one” sometime.
Have a nice holiday in February – hope your garden doesn’t freeze while you’re gone.
You’re welcome Wendy. How lovely to think you made your own fairy door! I must say I do love all things fairy……
The weather has become very cold here now…I am looking forward to missing three weeks of winter and returning when it’s almost spring with lighter evenings.xxx
What a lovely post … from start to finish.
It does look like your cat is surfing – love it!
Every garden needs a fairy door – grand-daughter has one too!
Your witch hazel looks great.
Yes, our weather is certainly not quite right at the moment, I’m sure things will eventually be sorted, well I hope they will!
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I’m smiling at the thought of Curly surfing!
Lovely to hear your granddaughter has a fairy door too…..as you say, every garden should have one.
I’m hoping the weather gets back on track, everything is so confused!xxx
I love your witch hazel. There’s a species that’s native here. I made a vague pass at a nature center where I’ve seen some before, but I wore out before I found it. I’ll go back one day this week, now that the rains are gone.
Like nikkipolani, I’m eager for more details on your telephoto lens. It’s clear to me that I’m going to need one eventually, and it’s good to know what people are using as they travel about.
It sounds as though you had a lovely birthday, and it’s good that the rains are easing. The photo of Special Pige is wonderful. I love that she stayed around, and still is being friendly. It will be fun to see how she introduces the babies to you.
I do hope you find the elusive witch hazel, hopefully in flower. My new lens is 18-255, it takes a little getting used to but it is such fun playing with it.
I am looking forward to meeting SP’s offspring, I too wonder how it will all play out. Pigeons are such intelligent birds so maybe they will follow their mother’s lead and decide I’m harmless. I am enjoying having a wild yet friendly bird hanging around, it seems odd to be able to stand so close to a bird. Thanks Linda.xxx
Since Curly has appropriated the mat, you should call it the Cat Mat. Lovely witch hazels you have. Even here the snowdrops have come up, though they are currently covered in snow.
The cat mat!!! Love that! Gosh, snowdrops eh? To think how different it all was for you last year. Good you are getting your usual weather now though. Thanks Jason.xxx
Sounds like your loved ones know how to give good gifts
Do tell me more about your zoom lens! I have a 70-300mm that I like for hummingbird shots when they visit, but a longer zoom would be handy for birds farther off.
I don’t think I’ve seen witch hazel blooms, much less different colored ones. Very interesting and reminds me of mini fireworks
Love that shot of Curly cat stealing your knee pad. My four prefer chairs with cushions or dusty leaf piles.
Three weeks somewhere warm? Hmmm… sounds idyllic! Hopefully, there’ll still be bulbs abloom when you return.
p.s. timing for other-side-of-the-world parcels and letters is rather precarious — it takes a minimum of two weeks for my friends in Germany. One int’l student sent me a box of stollen and cookies that took nearly a month to get here from Germany.
I’m enjoying playing with the 18-250 lens, it takes some adjusting to though, especially with close up shots, it seems to freeze….you have me pondering on your 70-300mm ….do you change lenses for different pics?
Do you have native witch hazels in your corner of the world, …they are such fun shrubs, such weird little winter flowers!
Curly owns all garden furniture whatever form it takes….I swear he would sit on a postage stamp if I put one down, cats!!!
I find international posting difficult, there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it!!! Thanks Anne.xxx
I loved your Christmas presents. I hope you have lots of fun with your telescopic lens. I hope to improve my photography skills this year, but I have a slight ”fear of all things technical!”
I enjoyed your post.
Thanks Gerrie….I have a fear of new technology too, especially where phones are concerned, I currently use an antiquated monstrosity and refuse to upgrade….
btw, I can’t find your blog. Could you send me the link?xxx
I’m happy to read that it stopped raining! Was about time… and the rain moved south, where we didn’t see it since two months! Good thing…
Is so lovely to see all these buds ready to blossom… but we still are in winter! Nature because of the climate change, is driving mad.
You will have to do a lot of work in your great garden… take it easy, when Spring is here, it will be so beautiful as each year.
It is normal that pige came back to you… animals are very sensitive being, for sure they have sense of gratitude.
About xmas cards… here on my desk I have a lovely one representing two black caps… it was such a nice surprise, gosh! you are so talented!
About birthday, by chance are you as well a Sagittarius? (I’m so curious since I am one).
Hugs and serenity :-)claudine
You wouldn’t believe it but it’s still raining here, and now finally we have normal winter temperatures….I would prefer a little snow. Yes…the weather is changed worldwide, we are officially 1 degree warmer and as moist air causes rain we shouldn’t be surprised at how wet it is!
SP knows she will never come to harm at my hands and is so trusting, that is a beautiful thing! She is a little darling, it will be interesting to see how her chicks behave around me….
I’m glad you like the birds on the card, you are too kind though….I’m a Capricorn…born the 2nd of Jan. Thanks Claudine.xxx
What nice gifts! I’m with the other comments on the new witch hazel. It’s a beauty.
Thanks Brenda. I must agree re witch hazels, they are such fascinating little shrubs!xxx
Love hearing what you have been up to. Congrats to special pige. We would like a bit of snow as it always looks lovely but the weather does seem rather mad now days.
Thanks Steph. It’s good to know that SP is thriving. Looks like you got that snow eh? I do like a little of the white stuff!xxx
Of course special pige is a looker and a love! She had a beautiful mother!
Hahahahaha….what a lovely comment!xxx
Oh, Dina, so happy the rain’s abated. It’s been a challenging winter for gardening, that’s for sure. Rains this week washed away most of our snow and tonight begins a week of low, low temps and high wind chills. I was so sad for my gardens, but then, this afternoon, we received a lovely snowfall, so at least they’ll have some protection. Straw and marsh hay, etc., are excellent blankets, but I haven’t enough for acres of gardens. Crossing fingers and sending prayers to garden angels.
Sweet blessings to your bulbs. And the new witch hazel is stunning; I agree that it looks just beautiful beside the yellow version. daughter and husband sure love you!
And know you.
Your gifts sound marvelous. I’m so looking forward to your telescopic lens photos! How wonderfully cozy sitting with your tablet (?) and pillow by the fire sounds. And that all these things will travel with you…I can’t wait to hear about your adventures! And see the stunning photos!
Blessings on your journey and New Year. I love the Curly photo. He looks a lot like my dear cat Sally Ann.
I’m so sorry I missed your b-day…when is it? May grand, sweet, adventurous, joyful blessings crowd your path this year.
Gentle Peace, K
Unfortunately the rain only stopped for a few hours, but hey ho….onwards and upwards, at least we have a lovely log burner to sit in front of which drives away the gloom.
I’m glad your gardens are getting some snow, they will be grateful for it. I can’t believe how the climate is changing….
Hubs and daughter always know what to get me…I’m very spoilt! I always love receiving plants, especially perennials. Talking of which, I am looking forward to see how the plants I grew from your seeds get on this year. Given they like the cold I’ve kept them outdoors rather than in the greenhouse.
I love my little lappie, it’s a tablet with a keyboard, but can be separated to be a tablet, it’s touch screen which I usually dislike, but this one seems much more advanced.
Ahhhh, how lovely that Curly looks like Sally Ann….I do love a tabby!
I have no intention of telling you when my birthday is….and you know why!!!! Thanks Kitty. Love and hugs to you.xxx
I can’t wait to see how the amsonia and baptisia will do! They’re both pretty hardy prairie plants…you can see photos of them here: http://www.perennialresource.com/encyclopedia/results/?search=ALC-ANT&type=B
Oh….they are gorgeous! Mine should flower this year!!! I shall keep you posted!xxx
Love the fairy door and the witch hazel flowers! They are amazing those little vivid weirdy flowers…… little fireworks or corals off a coral reef. Buddy has such a sweet little face…..bless ‘im. The laptop and knee desk thing sound amazing – never heard of anything like it! And what fun to have a three week trip to the sunshine planned!!
Do people sometimes cover their bulbs in straw or something to keep them from frost damage? Not that I know anything about gardening stuff…..
Have to say I don’t think I’d have had any qualms about turfing Curly off the kneeler……..! Kneeling in sodden grass is ‘orrible!
I am missing getting stuff off me chest on me blog…. I must sort something out!xxx
Oh I do agree re witch hazel flowers, they are the oddest thing aren’t they? They do look like coral now you come to mention it.
The knee desk really is useful, a little desk sits on some memory foam and bob’s your uncle…it works!
I usually leave my bulbs covered in whatever debris blows over them during the winter….I wish I hadn’t cleared those bulbs now….I shall have to cover them up again.
I wouldn’t dream of turfing Curly off the mat….that cat is very single-minded and has been known to throw tantrums involving claw and fang…..not for the faint-hearted moving him!!!!
I do wish you’d get yourself another bloglet…I do miss hearing what you’re getting up to!!!xxx
A fairy door for a fairy godmother? Special Pige will be testimony for it, I am pretty sure. I wonder how the chicks will behave towards you when they hatch…it will be interesting to chart their progress. Erm. Curly Cat might need some distraction.
I have never seen one of those door. Nice touch.
Sounds like you are superbly kitted out for a great pictorial journey.
I’m trying to remember when it stopped raining; there must have been some moments, but I just cannot recall them. Does light spitting count?
Good luck with the plants. We had confused Spring stuff growing a few years ago, then a spell of really picturesque cold snowy weather descended and stayed for sometime. I think the plants just curled down into their burrows and hibernated. They all appeared when the weather changed. They’ll probably be lovely when they do appear in your garden.
Happy travels! xxx
Oh…I do like that, a fairy door for a fairy godmother! Lovely! I was wondering about SP’s chicks too…..should be interesting seeing how that plays out….fortunately, Curly has become to fat to hunt!
Light spitting counts as raining….it does all become pretty grim doesn’t it. It’s the same here, I can’t remember a day without rain. Thanks Menhir.xxx
Wow – where are you going that’s warm? Sensible gal! I will be grandstanding as grandmother all Feb! Maybe after daughter gets married in July Hub and I might hightail it off to somewhere lovely. Have a great time!
We are heading off to the far East….It should be a grand adventure! I do hope the grandstanding is going well……they are little darlings so although you shall be exhausted, it will be a good exhausted….A holiday after the wedding sounds just the business!!! Happy planning!xxx
Belated happy birthday….what is the date????? I love the header picture of darling Curley Cat sitting on your kneeling pad….but of course – where else:)
I also love the fairy door and can’t wait to see where you put it…..they are such fun things and will of course attract the fairies and maybe some magical hummingbirds – you never know….
Ah yes, the rain…..it’s doing that right now as i write this….still mild here, but they are forecasting cold weather…..ah well, one step at a time…we know it’s going to be crazy, no matter what it does.
Pige looks to me to be very intelligent…and how lovely that she has eggs….
As ever a wonderful post, reminding us all that Mother Nature plods on despite all….have a fantastic weekend….enjoy your laptop in front of a roaring fire. janet. xxxxx
Thanks Janet, I’m the 2nd of January, an awful date for a birthday! Glad you liked Curly on the mat….cats eh, they certainly love their creature comforts! Oh….I hadn’t thought of attracting hummers, that is an encouraging thought, the more magic the better!
I am really pleased to see how SP has come on, and to think she now has eggs…let’s hope the weather stays mild though! Thanks Janet.xxx
Love the fairy door…… I’ve just had another birthday too. Many happy returns to both of us!!! x
Oh yes of course….another winter baby. All the best, I hope you had a good one!xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. It looks like Curly has taken up lawn surfing!
Lucky you with the laptop and telescopic lens. xx
Hahaha….lawn surfing! Yes! I am still figuring my new lens out, I am enjoying it though. Thanks Flighty.xxx
If special pige’s eggs hatch will that make you a grandma?
I’m guessing curtly cat thinks that the kneeler will float if you get too much rain and hencan use it as a raft.
My friend in South Africa has cracked their international posting issues. Her son-in-law was visiting England and brought all her cards etc with him we were then given an address where he was staying in order to be able to send our things for him to take back it worked great.
I wouldn’t worry about the prediction for months of snow especially if it was in one of those sensational newspapers. They often can’t predict weather more than a couple of days in advance anyway. Weren’t we meant to have a scorching summer?
We have had a very worrying few days as our little dog had to go into hospital for an operation and at one point they told us that her blood wasn’t clotting so that operation was very risky. Thankfully she is now home again.
Gosh yes….I shall be a grandma to SP’s chicks, what a lovely thought…and of course Buddy is my granddog…
Lol….yes, maybe Curly is eyeing the mat up as a raft, with all this rain she may need it!
You do have international posting boxed off!!!
I hope the forecast is wrong, you’re right though, they can’t predict the weather from one day to the next!
Oh….poor little Tivvy, I do hope all is well with her now, that does sound worrying. xxx
Your new witch hazel is really lovely, I’ve always fancied one but don’t really have any place to put one. You received some lovely gifts, I’d love a longer lens for my dslr but they’re so expensive. I’ve been eyeing up a Panasonic FZ72 which has a 60X zoom, we bought one for Eleanor last Christmas and it’s a great little camera. I had sunflowers growing underneath my bird feeders last year, they were a welcome surprise as the seedlings I’d grown myself weren’t very successful.
Thanks Jo, I am a huge fan of witch hazel, they have such zany, freaky little flowers! I think it will take me a while to figure out this new lens, but it’s always fun learning how to operate a new gadget. I remember you telling us about your bird seed sunflowers…..you’ve got to laugh haven’t you…..especially when the seeds you planted didn’t grow!xxx
Hmmmm…..Weather gods are certainly at ‘sixes and sevens’…..Going to take some adjustment from all of us.

You certainly had a great ‘gift’ Christmas…despite the weather.
Have a super time away…wherever you go…and have fun…weather permitting. Hugs!
After such a long mild spell three months of artic weather will certainly freak us all out. Thanks Bushka.xxx
Your new witch hazel is gorgeous. I don’t like the sound of that weather forecast though!!
Thanks Jess. That forecast is rather grim, let’s hope it’s wrong!xxx
I seem to have missed a couple of your posts over the Christmas holiday so I’m wishing you a happy new year. I hope your sister and her partner are ok during this time of flooding. I understand that your daughter has moved into her new house. All the best to her. You received some lovely Christmas gifts – the witch hazel, fairy door and the small laptop will be very useful on your travels. I’m sure you’re looking forward to your time away in a warm climate. We won’t be getting to Italy for a while, probably in April as Easter comes early this year and I don’t want to be away during the holiday period. I must say we’re looking forward to a time in Italy though and some warmer weather. Have a good weekend whatever you’re doing.
Thanks Linda. All has been well with sis and her partner…..no more blackouts, touching wood! I can see why you would be looking forward to going to your lovely Italian home!!! What’s not to love…..and to top it all you have lovely weather there!xxx