A hush has descended of late. The birds are mostly silent now, shrouded by mist, and the days grow cold and gradually longer. A lone robin valiantly sings throughout the long freezing nights and still it rains.
January is always a strange month at the rescue. The spring and summer chicks have been reared and have long since flown the nest and most of the hedgehogs are sleepy or sleeping. The droves of people pouring through the doors begin to wane and the dogs resort to lonesome whining, rather than barking.
It is also a month when people tire of their pets and begin to abandon them.
This little rabbit is one of a pair. They are only a few months old, yet were left in a cardboard box, with little bedding, outside one of our former charity shops, which is now empty! How lucky that they were discovered by a member of the public and rushed to the rescue. They would never have survived the freezing temperatures.
The endless rain has decimated the farm, forcing the pigs and sheep to retire to their quarters. Finally they tire of sloshing about and sinking into the mud. No amount of straw seems to make a difference. It’s quiet there now, oddly quiet.
It became eerily quiet at home too, as Buddy went to daughter’s for five days. Sam and Annie couldn’t quite understand or accept that he had gone and took to roaming the house, peering around doors and peeking behind sofas. They certainly missed their boisterous little friend, as did I.
When he returned he was mobbed by my two, and the three of them became one incredible, tangled bundle of dogs. Round and around they rolled and frolicked. Finally, after two hours of high jinx, Buddy remembered that I existed and finally came to me for a cuddle. That’s exactly how I like it!
He’ll be here for a week or so, then off he goes back to daughter’s. He’s a bright lad, so will adapt to having two homes.
Animals form friendships, just as we do….and these three certainly love each other. Who are we to separate them?
The garden was beginning to burst into life, far too early of course. We even have spring clematis buds ready to open. Now all the new growth needs to cease, and sleep, for finally winter is here……
along with all things fairy. Here is daughter’s little fairy door, nestling in the gnarled, ancient ivy stems…….AND….
here is the oddest letter I have ever received.
I have many names, it seems, but this is a new one on me!
And finally…..
one should always cherish the child within…
Yes….for my ice cream money!!!
Thanks Nikkipolani!
You have me smiling!!! If you were closer I’m sure I’d have you adopting a houseful of rabbits! And working with me at the wildlife unit!!! What a team we’d make!!! Thanks Shimon.xxx
I don’t think I’ll ever understand this attitude to pets. But they are so beautiful in your pictures. How good it is that I live far away from you… (I say that with a smile, because I usually think just the opposite). But if I was close, I don’t know how I’d refrain from adopting these adorable critters… I think I can understand your madness in taking care of them all.
Thanks for your comment on my blog post today. Just to say enjoy February and look forward to hearing what you get up to. Sounds good! x
Thanks Linda, hopefully I’ll be able to post as I move around…..that’s the plan anyway, hopefully we have the correct sockets for charging things!xxx
There are strange people in the world …. abandoning their first beloved (?) pets. I just came along this blog for the first time and I love it, it seems we like the same things.
I will be your new follower!
Thanks for visiting Janneke. I can’t imagine giving up an animal either, if I absolutely had to, I’d do it properly, making sure it was cared for….we certainly do enjoy the same things!xxx
All that mud! Do you think it will ever stop raining? Probably not and we will all develop webbed feet. Or trench foot. I love your hellebores and the cute lop- eared bunny.
Now then, I wonder when you are off on your travels you lucky girl? I am looking forward to reading about your adventures.
This rain seems eternal! It’s utterly dismal isn’t it? I can’t remember the last time I saw anything other than a grey sky!
I’m hoping to see a blue sky on my travels!!!xxx
It is sad that this is a month when people turn in pets. I am glad the bunnies in the box were rescued. Just the other day I looked up the number for the local Humane Society ( I found a lost dog wandering near the road where one of my own dogs died just last year) and saw that the rabbits at the Humane Society almost outnumbered the dogs. I almost wish I could take another bunny in, but the one we have keeps us plenty busy.
It is so touching that your dogs love their friend Buddy. I was able to reunite the lost dog with its owner, so there is another happy story.
Sadly, rabbits are the most abused, neglected and abandoned pet in the Uk….sounds like they are where you are too. I didn’t know you had a bunny…you must post some pics!!! I’m so glad you found that poor dog!!! I shudder to think what would have happened to it, I remember your beautiful little Rusty too. Ahhhh….thanks Jen.xxx
Rain… again and again?! Will it stop, somehow?
Spring is just around the corner and then you will need all your strength!
You may take some little rest, since it seems that everyone and everything are sleeping
I always feel so terribly sorry reading about animals abandoned… How can humans be so selfish and cruel acting like that?
Good that there are still loving and caring people like you and the others at the rescue…
Me too I love the small little door you put inside the ivy!
Wishes for some good indian-red-skin to stop with the rain-dance and start with the sun-dance
Hugs and Claudine
It’s lovely to know that rescues exist isn’t it? I love ours, where would I take all the hogs and birds if it wasn’t there? Oh…I can’t wait for spring, we haven’t really had a winter, just rain, endless rain…
Yes…we could do with a sun-dance…thankfully I’m off to warmer climes in the morning! Thanks Claudine.xxx
A sad post. January is obviously a bad month up your way. Animals lucky to have you. Very warm down here, but we have had some rain too. have a new post coming.
It’s good that you are having a little warmth, and I think it goes well with a little rain….it helps the garden grow! Thanks Peter. I must catch up with your new blog when we get back from our hols.xxx
Oh, those poor abandoned bunnies! I love where you’ve put your fairy door – just perfect. xx
I’m rather enjoying that little fairy door Thanks Veggie Mummy!xxx
Such an interesting post! I am a dog lover, and hate the thought of any animal being abandoned…so it is wonderful that you can look after so many. I think of winter as being quiet, but the day I read your post, we had a heatwave, (here in Canberra) and when the weather gets very hot, the birds disappear until the evening. Years ago we had a bush fires in Canberra, and the first sign was the silence of the birds during that day.
We were relieved to get those rabbits, they could have frozen or chewed through their box! I love how the rescue can care for so many unwanted and abused animals!
Oh gosh…I do hope those silent birds aren’t right!!!! Bush fires are hellish, I do hope you don’t get any!xxxx
Joy, sweetness and sadness all wrapped into one mixed roly-poly.
It seems winter is having a break, that will confuse plants yet again. I noticed on my recent travels thst the water levels, though high, have noticeably subsided. The ground remains sated.
Good to hear your water levels have dropped a little, but now you are being battered by wind and snow, you really do get the lots chucked at you where you are. Hoping you’re keeping warm and your weather improves soon.xxx
I agree that animals make friends. When one of my dogs died several years ago, the other dogs mourned him. But it is unnerving when animals just become so quiet. But what else is there to do in all that mud?
Oh….it’s awful to witness an animal mourning, I’ve seen that too, it’s utterly heartbreaking!
Hopefully the rain will ease and the pigs and sheep can come out of their pens and barns. I have never known a year like this for rain, all records have been broken. Thanks Casa.xxx
I just love the fairy door in its little place. I’d check behind it, now and then. One day you’ll open it, and it will be spring.
It’s sad that animals are abandoned, but on the other hand, at least an alert person found the bunnies. And given where they were left, it seems the person might have been making the best guess possible (for them, perhaps) as to where to leave them. Sometimes, we forget the grief of people who are forced by circumstance to give up their animals. I think of elderly people here who go without food themselves, in order to feed their dogs and cats. It’s terrible, and sad.
The “quiet seasons” are natural, but sometimes a little unnerving, don’t you think? It always seems strange, to go out into nature and hear not a single sound. Your mention of it brought back a song I haven’t thought of in a good fifty years. Remember this?
Thanks Linda, you have me smiling re the fairies….I shall certainly check behind it! I’m hoping it will be spring when we get back from our hols, but the garden and birds seem to think it’s spring already!
It was good to find those rabbits, and timely! As you say, there are many people who do without in order to provide for their animals, having pets doesn’t come cheap!
How I loved that song….haven’t heard it in an age! Thanks for the reminder.xxx
It’s nice to think that animals form friendships. It’s easy to just assume they are without emotions of any depth.
It really is lovely to see how animals form friendships, and how some can’t stand each other…I’ve had dogs that simply loathed each other!. Thanks Jason.xxx
How sad that people abandon animals like that. I’m so pleased that they were found. I love the way the dogs were so delighted to see one another! Enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
We were so relieved that the rabbits were picked up as they would have frozen or chewed out of the box and ended up running loose.
It’s lovely to see how animals form friendships as we do….bless!Thanks Sara.xxx
QUIET????????? Struth, gal, make the most of it quick!!! We’ve had very cold weather darn sarth … but as we came home from Surrey to Devon today it got milder and milder, and the sun came out!
Hope your garden survives the cold snap … hugs xx
It is rather nice when life winds down a little! Struth! You’ve seen the sun??? I have forgotten what a blue sky looks like….good job we’re off on our jollies soon! Thanks Gilly.xxx
Lovely post again … some of it made me smile … other parts made me sad … some of it made me laugh … so all in all what a great mix! Thank you.
That fairy door is just perfect … every garden needs a fairy door … and how lovely to be known as ‘Mrs Dina the Butterfly & Fairy Lady’
Hope the rest of your week goes well, and have a great weekend too.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, every garden needs a fairy door! I’m just waiting on the fairies now!xxx
Oh dear look at the state of that yard – so difficult at this time of year especially after all the rain. They say we are a nation of animal lovers – but you do have to wonder sometimes considering what you have to deal with at the centre. I can understand the dogs missing Buddy he is such a live wire. Loving the hellebores – is that a double white one – gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend Mrs. Dina!!
I know, a right mess aint it??? At least the animals all have nice dry barns and pens to hang out in. Yes, some Brits certainly aren’t animal lovers…..as all the shelters can testify to!
I really like that double white hellebore too, I don’t have any recollection of planting it though.
Why thank you Miss Elaine!xxx
What a lovely bunny, how can someone abandon it and in such a way! Its beyond comprehension, but you have to deal with that on a regular basis!
What a great place to put your fairy door, looks perfect.
What a lovely friendship those dogs have.
I am always surprised at people abandoning their animals, all they have to do is call us! It does seem heartless, especially when they have been neglected too.
I am really pleased with my little fairy door….just need a few fairies now. Thanks Annie.xxx
Oh, dear, Dina, I just found this post by the luck of visiting. I can’t figure out why i’m not receiving them in my e-mail anymore! I’m soooo happy to read about sweet Buddy’s visit and the joyful romp of 4-leggeds that ensued.
Not so happy to read about the farm’s condition, but I’m glad the animals have a place of refuge, even one that’s wet and muddy. Hoping for some drying time.
I can’t believe you had clematis budding this early! It will be interesting to see how the gardens come through this winter, that’s for sure.
The fairy door looks so perfect in the ivy, and what a treat your cool new change purse is! What a cheerful surprise!
Blessings on your week’s end and sweet love to all the 2- and 4-leggeds, including your dear robin.
How odd that my posts are being binned….glitches eh? It was lovely seeing the dogs enjoying being reunited, they all have such different personalities yet still get along really well.
At least the farm animals all have good pens and barns to keep warm and dry in, but such a shame that they have no grass to roam around in, hopefully it will be re-seeded soon when the rains finally stop.
I’ve never known so many flowers and bulbs so bloom so early, we even have daffs now along with crocus and snowdrops….I too wonder how it will all pan out. Thanks Kitty, huge hugs to you.xxx
I just cannot understand how anyone can abandon a pet like they do.
My sister’s little dog (my sister would say she is our dog too) treats our house as a second home. When she arrives, she checks out her dishes and toy box. She is as happy and comfortable in both places.
Me neither Sue, why get the pet in the first place>
Lovely to hear Tivvy [It is Tivvy isn’t it?] has two homes and is equally settled in both, I’m smiling at the thought of her having two toy boxes!xxx
It’s sad to hear about pets being abandoned in such a heartless and underhand way. Glad that there has been a bit of a lull at the rescue and you can gather your strength for the next lot of challenges. Having Buddy around now and then after he’s bonded so well with his friends seems like a good arrangement. So sweet to be called the Butterfly and Fairy Lady and how lovely to get such a nice gift.
We do end up with an awful lot of abandoned animals, it’s always sad, especially when they have been neglected too. It’s always odd when the rescue goes quiet, it’s never for long though! I’m glad I’ll get to see plenty of Buddy, I’d really miss him otherwise, he’s such a character. Thanks Linda.xxx
It saddens me to hear of abandoned animals. I just can’t grasp the mentality of people who get a pet and then no longer want it, what’s wrong with people? Glad to hear that all the dogs were happy to see each other again after their time apart.
I don’t understand such people either, some treat animals almost like toys, to be discarded when they grow tired of them….it was lovely to see the dogs getting reacquainted, they really are great friends now.Thanks Jo.xxx
It looks as though you have had more than your share of rain. Mud season!
I can’t recall having such an extended period of rain, we haven’t been a day without it in months. Now it’s sleeting!xxx
Yes! Everything…. All that Be….seems to be in Limbo….some literally frozen. Keep the log fires burning…..Last lap of hibernation….All systems ‘Go’…SOON! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka….thank goodness for a stove eh?xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
It’s good to see that you’ve had a quieter and more settled period. The farm looks like a quagmire so it’s not surprising that the animals don’t like it. xx
Thanks Mr F. I don’t blame the farm animals either, they tend to retire to the barn most of the time.xxx