Life has been utterly hectic this week. What with evenings out, catching up with friends, the rescue, amongst other things, and trying to clean a house while three dogs tear around it, is like shovelling snow while it’s still snowing.
Laura, our wonderful dog sitter will be staying for three weeks this time, so there has to be plenty of cat and dog food, bird seed, coal, logs, toilet rolls, laundry detergent….the list seems simply endless! That will all be sorted tomorrow, hopefully, then packing can commence! We’re off at the crack of dawn on Monday morning.
Meanwhile, crocus, snowdrops and mini daffs are beginning to bloom and a robin is building a nest right outside the kitchen door. How sad I shall be if I miss all of my spring bulbs flowering…sighs….
I shan’t miss all this endless dreary rain though!
The back garden has become a mud track for the dogs to race around. You can see the paths they always take. Buddy in the rear, Sam in front, looking like a torpedo and Annie disappearing through the path she’s run between the mound. You can just see the snowy tip of her tail!
They don’t seem to mind the mud funnily enough….
Life is endless fun for the three of them. Most pictures I take come out like this….a crazy, fuzzy, fast moving blur.
Laura came around to figure out the new log burner and brought Baby Bear aka Emmi along….remember that tiny wee beastie I fostered last Christmas? She’s over twelve months old now and is getting to be a big lass.
Struth, when she first came in, she pinned me to the floor and almost licked me to death.
Suddenly, Hubs arrived home, unexpectedly, and she raced towards him. Laura was a little nervy as Emmi hasn’t seen him in a long while….and she can be protective of her mommy, only in a growly way mind….she’s a total pussycat!
But dogs aren’t stupid, and of course she remembered her foster daddy!
Also this week, I took the Rainbows around the rescue one evening, they’re working on a cat care badge.
After visiting the cattery, I took them on a tour of the wildlife unit. Whilst doing a hedgehog talk I showed them a disabled hedgehog, and began to tell them about my special Herbie hedgehog, but was sidelined {as usual} by many questions. About half an hour later, I noticed that the little girl in the front left of the above pic, had had her hand up persistently.
I had a horrible feeling that she wanted to go to the toilet which would have been an impossibility as it was pitch black and she would have had to wade in utter darkness through the muddy fields to reach the porta loo, and I didn’t even have a torch……so, to my utter shame, I took the course of least resistance and ignored her as long as was humanly possible, but eventually I had no choice other than to acknowledge her, eventually, her hand was the only hand in the air….AND …parents were present!!! Soooo…….
finally, the little girl said, in the sweetest sing song voice you ever did hear, “Could you please, please, please finish your story about the special little hedgehog who lives in a hutch in your garden?” She’d seriously waited half an hour for THAT! Bless her little cotton socks!
Of course I could! And I did….and told her plenty of other stories too.
Utterly adorable they were!
Unlike Brown Owl, or whatever the Rainbow leader is called. That woman seriously messed with my mind!
All was going swimmingly well, until Brown Owl unexpectedly let out the most bloodcurdling shriek and started dancing hysterically on the spot. Yes, she’d FINALLY spotted one of the rats slinking around. I had hoped no-one would notice them. Unfortunately most of the parents, along for the ride, joined in too, mercifully, the kids remained focussed on me and kept calm.
I quickly re-routed the tour to another outdoor, enclosed unit, and sadly, as I put the light on, FAR too many mice could be seen dropping off shelves and scurrying along surfaces!
What can I say? I don’t think Brown Owl and co will ever be the same again. I was pretty shaken myself…..what with all the darn prancing, wafting, and screeching!
Also this week I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to Kitty for her lovely, thoughtful gifts, what a lovely friend!!! See that charming little card top left? A Kitty original! That’s going in a frame for sure!
Now….see that light catcher just beneath the card? Well, that survived a hurricane in Wisconsin! Kitty made it, and many others, but this was the only one left standing, soooo, I thought I’d take it travelling with me as a good luck omen and get pics of it in all the different places we stay…
And finally….
We’re off to Singapore, the jungle in Bali and Hong Kong. Hopefully I’ll be able to post on each place whilst we’re there as I’m taking my tiny lappie. I’ll miss you all but will catch up with your antics when I get back.
You all be good now…and if you can’t be good, be careful!
Emmi gave you a saliva facial
And only very special humans get that treatment! Lovely that you got to visit with her again. So pleased that Laura could come and watch over your little kingdom whilst you are away. Happy trails, my friend!
Lol…yes, I got the full works! Emmi is such a darling girl, it’s lovely to see how she is growing. Good too to have Laura, someone I can totally trust.. Thanks
I’m still laughing about Brown Owl shrieking whilst the children remained calm! I’m SO envious of your holiday – have a great time and take lots of photos to show us. xx
Oh dear….Brown Owl sure was embarrassing! It will be good to escape the dreary damp…and see pastures
Great images in the animal rescue. So hot down here in NZ at present.
Thanks Peter….looking forward to a little warmth when away!xxx
What an exciting trip you have planned. Have a wonderful time, I look forward to seeing your photographs and reading all about it.
I am rather excited to be getting away, especially escaping this grim wet winter! Thanks
How wonderful – I love the story of the Rainbow waiting so long for your story! Wishing you a safe, relaxing, enlightening holiday. Oh to be heading off abroad now… have fun!
Those Rainbows were the sweetest little guys! Thanks Sarah, it’s a good time to get away, I’ll miss some bulbs though…xxx
What a wonderful post, my dear Dina. It was great seeing the picture of the two dogs competing for a stick, but I would have been in seventh heaven just thinking about the Rainbow girls working for a cat care badge or dreaming that I was listening to the hedgehog talk. Wishing you a very beautiful vacation in the far east. Oh, how wonderful it is at times, getting away from the routine. xxx
So glad you enjoyed the post, I often think you and I would make a great team at the rescue….you would be the grand master of tours methinks! Oh yes, how good it is to shake things up at times….and leave the wnter behind….thanks
Love your header photo.. Emmi has a beautiful smiling face. Have a lovely, safe trip :o) xx
Thanks Julie, Emmi sure is a pretty gal and is growing up to be a gentle, albeit big girl!xxx
Have a great holiday, look forward to hearing all about your exciting trip.
Thanks Annie, I am looking forward to experiencing something different and getting away from all this
My dear Dina…. I really think you shall write a book, so each little one coming to see the shelter will be able to enjoy your full-hearted story of animals.
Kids are just amazing: the shall be taken into that, the deep love for animals, so that the can be a good example for the adults! But this are a lot of my ideas, here, fixed in my brain… I will talk about it one day with you.
I wish you to enjoy you trip to the far east!
Gives me chills down the spine… I miss all these city… I was there many many time, when I was working for Swissair!
Hugs and love
I would love to write stories, true stories for kiddies, but don’t think I’m good enough…you could certainly write them! Yes, we must talk one day!
It is always lovely to see kids enjoying animals and learning how to care for and respect them, they have kind hearts when young….and certainly can influence their parents, I gave up meat at five years old and the whole family followed suit. How lovely that the places I’m visiting are your old stamping grounds. Love and hugs to you
Just wanted to wish a most delightful holiday after your hectic time with so many things!! You’re going to the Jungle? Where there are animals waiting to meet you? How exciting. The jungle will never be the same again ~ Having left your home and dogs in loving care, I am sure you will enjoy yourselves immensely. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures
Lol, thanks Glo!!! I’m hoping to see lots of wildlife in the jungle, that’s the part I’m most looking forward too. xxx
Such an enjoyable post starting with the dogs running in the muddy garden, it´s like in our garden which shows a muddy racecourse of Snarf. The Rainbow children are so adorable listening to your hedgehog stories but the adults too bad, I could not help laughing and in my imagination saw them dancing and jumping, afraid of rats and mice, haha.
Wish you a great time on your travels to Singapore, Bali and Hong Kong!
Thanks Janneke….oh dogs and lawns eh? They are a terrible combination!
You have the situation spot on….it was chaos! The adults had totally lost the plot!xxx
Have a wonderful holiday! wow….. sounds an amazing selection of places to go to!
Love seeing the pics of digdogs tearing around your poor garden though I guess the lawn aint going to come out of it too well especially as so wet…..
How funny about the rat and the mice and the shrieking flapping adults and unphased kids….
Have a great time and I look forward to hearing all about your travels soooon!xxx
Thanks Rosie, I’m looking forward to experiencing something different, so shall enjoy this trip.
Sighs….that lawn will have to be re-seeded YET again!!! Maybe I should just leave the darn thing!!! Gosh, the adults fair freaked me out so I was surprised the kids remained calm, that has to be a first!xxx
Wow, can’t believe how moderate it seems there, Dina. Flowers blooming! But I’m with you on the mud, not my favorite time of year and pups absolutely don’t seem bothered, do they! They always look like they are the happiest, peppiest dogs on earth! What an amazing home you provide for them.
The Rainbows look soooo darling. I really miss my second graders this year, and yes, you can always count on the adults to shake things up. I do wish people weren’t so offended by mice and rats. I agree, if they were dashing around my kitchen uninvited, I’d be unnerved, but at a wildlife rescue? Hello? I am sorry that happened, but it sounds like it didn’t upset the cart for the children at all. And how sweet that the little girl wanted the rest of Herbie’s story! It’s a grand one.
Blessings and sweet, exciting adventures on your vacation. What a glorious opportunity!
If I told you we had hurricanes in Wisconsin, I will say it was due to this darn head cold and the head-numbing case of “cotton-brain” that travels with it. I meant to say “tornado,” and they can be quite enough.
Now, take a break from all this packing and readying, and settle into a fun, wonderful break.
It certainly has been a strange, wet, mild winter! Ahhh, all I want is happy dogs, if they’re happy, I am…just like your good self!
I can’t understand the fear of rodents, but then I see them so often that I no longer notice them, maybe people who never see them are more easily spooked….I was really surprised that the kids remained calm, normally when the adults panic the kids follow suit, most odd!
I completely get how you must miss your kids, they are such sweethearts at that age, I really enjoyed showing them around.
You did say tornado…that’s me and my woolly brain!!! Lol, I do hope your cold has gone, it’s awful when everything is so fuggy….and yes, that tornado WAS quite enough!!!!
I am so pleased that I caught this before you leave. Wow..what a week you have had….and I can only imagine that when you depart for your trip, it will be a huge relief in one way or t’other. IN other words when you are on your way, you will not be able to do anything more at home…and simply trust that all will be well….and it will be.
I love to read about all the animals and children and crazy adults……your posts always warm my heart.
Have a fab trip…and I for one, will look forward very much to seeing lots of pics and reading all about your adventures. Janet. xxxx
How true, once you have gone, you’ve gone….and that’s the end of all the worrying!!! I’m sure all will be well, I really trust Laura and the dogs love her…
Glad you enjoy my posts, I always think I’m rambling! Thanks
Oh such a lovely post, it made me laugh!
Have a truly wonderful trip,and can’t wait to hear about it when you have time.
Take Care, Stay Safe and Enjoy …
All the best Jan
Glad to make you laugh. Thanks
Have a wonderful trip!! All that screaming over some rodents? How ridiculous!!
I’m with you re being puzzled about the hysteria….as you say, it’s only a few rodents!!! Thanks
Safe travels! I love the photo of the girls, and enjoyed your charming tale of the one who had to hear the rest of the story. We’ll be looking forward to your travel stories, no doubt!
Thanks Linda, that little girl has the patience of a saint! I am looking forward to seeing the Far
Have a wonderful time, that is a super trip you have planned, what an experience it will be! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Thanks Pauline, I am rather excited about our trip and it will be good to leave the rotten weather
You deserve you break away from it all. Even your dogs are having a holiday with an extra playmate, as is extra playmate….what fun they’ll have.
I agree bout escaping the rain and the storms; we woke up to snow this morning and very low temperatures.
The grown up brownies will have to be amused and distracted in a safe pen next time.
Have a wonderful holiday. xxxx
Thanks Menhir, I’m sure the dogs will enjoy having Laura around as you say….oh my, your weather is even grimmer than ours, I do hope it eases off.
I will have to figure out how to dodge rats and mice during evenings tours!!!!xxx
Have fun in the jungle
Thanks Jess, I’m sure I
Emmi looks so delighted to see you all again! Have a wonderful trip.
Thanks Brenda, Emmi certainly behaves likes she owns the place, I’m sure she remembers staying
Have a great time my friend – I bet you will miss all the dogs. Hope they don’t miss you too much. Come back full of tales and wonderful experiences. Relax and enjoy yourself. Missing you already
Thanks Elaine, oh yes, I’ll certainly miss the dogs…..I’m hoping they won’t miss us too much, Laura will spoil them and they have each other so hopefully they’ll be fine. Ahhhh….yes, I’ll miss you
As always a most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. I like the header picture of Emmi, it’s good to know and see that she’s doing so well.
Have yourselves a great time. xx
Thanks Flighty, I do enjoy seeing Emmi, she really is a lovely
Busy till the last moment…….Hope you can/will enjoy a slower, relaxing life in the ‘jungle’…..Have Fun…Travel safely….Love and Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, it will certainly be an experience, I’m sure!xxx
Ha ha, I bet the adults were nearly having a nervous breakdown having rats and mice running around nearby. I do love hearing your different stories about the rescue. Have a wonderful holiday, it sounds quite the adventure. I can’t wait to hear all about it.
Thanks Jo, I must say I was surprised that the kids didn’t panic once the adults started shrieking! It will be good to leave all this endless rain behind for a
Have a lovely holiday. It’s good to see baby bear looking so well and happy.
Thanks Sue, it’s always lovely to see Baby Bear. I can’t believe how big she’s
Wow, that is some serious adventure! Have fun and take lots of pictures!
Thanks Jason. It’ll be good to escape the greyness for a while!xxx