It’s always lovely returning home. I do miss all the critters, at home and at the rescue. It’s odd having nothing to take care of! Orphan chicks are already arriving at the rescue, and I just love hand-feeding them, one of my favourite jobs!
Apparently, Curly was an utter nightmare while we were away. Poor Barbara, next door, was subjected to daily doses of hissing and growling when putting his food out. Some days, Curly even flew at her, all fluffed-up, with his claws out, ears flattened, all ready to do battle. The instant I returned home, Curly, once again, became Barbara’s friend and reverted to leg rubs and purring. Thankfully, Barbara is used to him, and his weird behavior! Curly is only pleasant to people when I’m stood next to them….cats eh?
Herbie is home too, and has finally decided to hibernate!
Special Pige is still here, and is still totally tame, although only around me. She, and other hand-reared releases ate me out of house and home whilst away! SP has no intention of dieting now I’m back! She’s becoming a rather plump, albeit magnificent Pige. I’m becoming rather fond of being coo-cooed at. It’s good to have a free bird as a pal!
Buddy has been spending Thursday to Sunday here each week and has adapted nicely to having two homes. He is a live wire! The three of them certainly know how to have fun.
Life is one never- ending game.
Buddy has learnt to hide under Sam which baffles him….temporarily…
Crocus are everywhere and it’s marvelous to see honey bees feeding on them.
I’m sure the squirrels are moving the bulbs around!
Clumps are popping up in the most unexpected places!
While turning the veggie patch over I discovered about ten pounds of purple and white taters, a most unexpected surprise.
So, the scoundrels! Now, some of you may remember our beautiful narrow boat that we sold a few years ago.
The couple who wanted to buy it, initially handed over a £500 deposit. The next day, the sale of their boat fell through. They sounded genuinely despondent, and after a long chat they asked if they could pay monthly for the boat, and I agreed. I asked how much they could afford and we settled on that amount. Then they haggled re the asking price, resulting in me knocking off another four grand.
I genuinely believed that they loved that boat and they did seem to be nice people.
A Mother’s Day present.
Over the last few years the monthly payments have been erratic, at best. Often, three or four months would go by without a penny going into our account. Nine months ago, the payments stopped altogether; they still owed us £7,000. I texted them on several occasions asking if there was a problem, I didn’t receive any reply.
Last weekend, hubs and I visited their last known mooring….Crook. Talk about an apt name!
Now, we know a little about the politics of moorings and boat clubs, we suffered one for YEARS! It was the only club we have ever been members of. We are in total agreement with Groucho Marx who once said….
“I sent the club a wire stating, PLEASE accept my resignation, I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.”
Many of these guys stick together, whilst stabbing each other in the back at the same time…so getting information wasn’t going to be easy. But information I got, even though it was like drawing blood from a stone!
Turns out that the couple sold our boat last year, and several other boats after that. A young couple currently live on our boat, having no idea that it isn’t paid for. We know where that boat is but have NO intention of bothering them.
We also found out where the couple who bought our boat are. They have themselves a mighty fine, 62 foot wide berth on the Lancaster canal. We don’t know the name of the boat, but we do know the mooring and the fact they can’t disappear easily as wide berths have to be airlifted on and off that canal. It’s not just us they have cheated, the wake in their trail is truly dismal.
It was such a pleasure to send a text to the scoundrels, I mentioned the others that they had conned….I’m sure there are many more that I don’t know about, and ended with, “Shame on you both.” Personally, I would be utterly appalled to receive such a text. I’d shoot myself before I’d behave like that….it’s not as though they’re fighting for survival!
Finally…after nine months, I received a reply.
A text, a day later, simply saying, “Payments will resume this month. Sorry about that. “
I’m not a vindictive person, but I will chase those two, until the end of my days if I have to, until every penny has been paid back, even if it costs me more chasing them! It’s the principle of the thing! I can’t abide sneaky, dishonest people, who creep from under stones, taking advantage, and taking people for fools!
And Finally….
Just LOVED the drawings in daughters’ Mother’s Day card/s.
This is top-notch! I wonder how much effort and time you have spent to come up with these informative posts. Should you be interested in generating more ideas about E-Book Marketing, take a look at my website UY8
The Boss is back and the critters will have to behave. We had a similar scenario to yours as far as payments go. A few payments and then a dry-up. Not as large of course. Nice images.
Oh nooooo, not another one! That makes five on this post! How shocking! I do hope you get your money back….sighs….how horrible people can be at
Your text was much nicer than showing up with a flame thrower and a can of petrol. When I deal with people like that I sometimes have to remind myself that karma will kick their butts even if I’m not there to see it. But I would prefer advanced notice so I can watch them suffer the consequences of their miserable, wretched choices. I’m not vindictive, either, but I do believe a dose of their own medicine will do them good! Sounds like Curley cat has a Jekyll and Hyde personality!
Oh, I was so mad at them, especially when hearing how many other people they had conned, I honestly don’t know how people like that get away with it. Let’s hope Karma does come at them and bite them on the butt! You have me laughing, as usual!!! Your passion is always so close to the surface!!! I shall stay on their case, if nothing else, I’m extremely tenacious! Curly….I give up, that cat does what he likes and gets away with it! Thanks
What a tale of the boat crooks! And to think they took advantage of your kindness… despicable. I’m frankly surprised that they bothered to return your texts and plan to resume payment — hey they already sold the boat, they should pay up in full!!
Special Pige’s portrait is a lovely one — so many colors on her beautiful coat of feathers. I love her loyalty to you and hope it’s not only for your generous buffet! Lovely to see those dogs having a blast together. And that they sent you such sweet mother’s day cards
I was shocked to discover they had sold a boat they hadn’t paid for, how awful for the current owners! I think they only returned my text because I had suddenly acquired the blokes number, and also because I listed the other people that they had conned, they must have been wondering what else I knew, and who had been talking. I asked if they had the money as I was now aware they had sold the boat….they said no! What a surprise, they invested it in a bigger, better boat. They still haven’t paid a penny, if I have to, I will take them to court and involve the police, how awful to have to do that. Some people have no principles whatsoever.
Glad you like SP’s piccie, I think she’s gorgeous, everyone sees an ordinary pige! Yes… clever of the beasties to send such adorable cards! Thanks
Now I’m happy, having seen the photo and report about special pige! And again, so sorry about your crooks. I had to chase down a customer for payment, once. It was no fun — although, in some respects, it was amusing, once I got creative and started using public phones, so they couldn’t identify my number and not answer!
I wouldn’t let those people rest until they coughed up the money they owe you. I don’t know how your law works — could you attach a lien on their current boat?
I added SP just for you! Funny you should mention that there’s an element of fun re chasing crooks, we’re almost enjoying the dodging and weaving too, outwitting people can be most amusing, especially when they’ve taken you for a fool! I hope you finally got paid….so many of us seem to have been ripped off, shocking how many crooks there are out there. We certainly would have a claim on their assets and if we have too, we’ll go to court and the police….they still haven’t paid a penny….sighs…thanks
Curly is a sentient being, very attached to you and he surely missed you during your vacation away from home. His behaviour towards “foreigners” I guess is fully normal… Herbie isn’t to blame if he didn’t feel the winter; the Nature (our green and beautiful home) is devastated by the roughness of humankind: seasons are playing weird, see here, we had more than half meter snow at mid march… this isn’t good at all and isn’t it to blame the global warming?? Special pige look gorgeous: he is taking good advantage of your love and caring
and your dog’s friends will soon dig deep holes in the grass, won’t they?
when I need someone to illustrate my kids stories and novels, I may ask her!
I’m sorry about your disaventure with the selling of the boat to these crooks. Why don’t you go to the police and denounce them? It is sad that they will for sure continue doing that to other innocent citizen… and only at this idea my bowels are torn apart.
Okay, karma will at the end give them back exactly what they deserve… but now you won’t be quiet until they pay you back every penny, don’t you Dina?
Your daughter is quite good with drawings…
Hugs and kisses to you all
Oh that cat! He’s a law onto himself! I do wish he didn’t miss me…..sighs, still, maybe he enjoys hollering at the hand that feeds him when I’m away….gives him a focal point for his anger….
The seasons are all out, we’ve had the mildest winter ever, and now it’s freezing and nearly April???? Gosh….having snow this late is downright odd, but as you say, the weather has changed worldwide and we have to deal with that, each individual person has to change and limit the resources they use. I try…..
I’m laughing about the dogs digging holes in the grass….I don’t have any in the back garden, they’ve run it all off, yet again!!!
The boat scoundrels haven’t paid yet,if they don’t I will take them to court and involve the police, I’m determined not to let them off without paying!
I love daughter’s drawings, so cute! Hugs and kisses to you too. xxx
Everyone was looked after well whilst you were away, but they’re pleased to have you back as can be seen in your photos. Such exuberance. Some good surprises with the crop of potatoes found in the veggie plot and lovely crocuses popping up in the garden. Sweet cards and the one from Buddy to ‘Nanny’ made me smile. You don’t deserve this hassle over the boat. Unfortunately there are people who don’t have a conscience and will make empty promises about paying you what they owe. I hope you keep at it to get some justice. Take care. xx
I do miss all the critters so coming home after three weeks was just lovely. It’s good to know they are all so happy and well cared for in my absence though.
I was thrilled with the surprise spuds, I had them peeled and cooked within 30 minutes of finding them! I will keep after those two, they make a habit of ripping people off so I’m determined to stay on their case, even if they don’t ever pay up! Thanks Linda. xxx
It’s so lovely knowing that all the animals are happy and well cared for in my absence, Curly seems to be the only problem…I was absolutely delighted with the surprise potatoes, they were peeled and cooked within 30 minutes of digging them up.
The cards certainly had me smiling! Some people are horrible and I’ll keep on the tail of these two even if they don’t pay up! Thanks
All your babies are obviously so happy to have you home. The dogs are having such fun. I rather fear for my garden now that I too have a granddog creating mayhem.
I am glad you have caught up with the boat thieves. Don’ t let them get away with it. They took advantage of the fact that you are so kind and nice.
Oh Chloris….I too fear for your garden! Pups can wreak utter havoc, they seem to chew and dig everything, but hopefully just having one guy won’t cause too much damage!
Ahhhh….thanks for your lovely comment….I sure am toughening up where they are concerned, it’s the principle of the thing now!xxx
Good morning dear Dina….I have been thinking about you getting reconnected with everything at home and the shelter….looks like life is as busy as ever. I loved the story about Curly….only a cat can do stuff like this:)
As for your boat story..I fully understand and appreciate your upset. I leant someone some money a while back in good faith….no interest needed….but to repay in small increments when they could….anyway – after a 150 pounds – nothing more. The thing that upsets me most is that this person has stopped contacting me….when all she has to do is call me and say she can’t pay….anyhow I hope you get these scoundrels because they do sound like crooks:) Meanwhile, have a lovely weekend….and hopefully sooooooon it will be a little warmer…janet. xxxx
How lovely that you think about me, I often think about you, especially when I see something paintable!
Cats! Curly is a one-off for sure, anything goes where he’s concerned!
Isn’t it awful being conned, your story is horrible too, especially as the person no longer gets in touch, a simple call explaining the lack of money would go a long way, I agree! I do hope you get what’s owed too, that makes three of us, You, Kitty and me….sighs…I will keep after these two, they seem to make a habit of ripping people off!
Happy Easter…sounds like we’re in for a rough ride weather wise!xxx
So sorry to hear about the boat saga. What a con. Absolutely right, don’t let them get away with it. Special Pige knows which side her bread is buttered.
I’m on a mission now Jess, no-one likes being scammed and taken for a fool, it may even be fun outwitting them. Yes, SP certainly knows a good thing when she sees
re cards, which signatory doesn’t have more than two legs?
Pige is certainly a clever bird.
Good for you re your ex-boat and the scoundrels (fraudsters). It does leave a nasty taste in your mouth when people manipulate others in the way you describe.
Curly cat is exhibiting remarkably imprinted and protective behaviour, especially when you consider that he was not reared by you. He is loyal, no doubt of it. His reaction to your disappearance is reminiscent of that of a young child or, even a teen who doesn’t know what’s hit them. What an impression you have made there, Snowbird….. amazing stuff.
Great to have your doings to read, glad you are back. xxxx
Haha….Jen would be the only two-legged! What an interesting comment re Curly, I hadn’t thought about imprinting, as you say he was an adult when he arrived ten years ago. I always saw it as Curly throwing a tantrum because I had gone, I never thought of him being loyal. Thanks for your lovely
Oh, wow; we make cards like that, too: love your daughter’s! How wonderful!
The crocuses are too beautiful! I’m looking forward to blooms, too. And SP is the loveliest shades of blues and purples: what a sweetheart! I can only imagine how happy everyone is to have you home, Curly, Herbie, SP, and those three peppy pups. Annie’s photo at the top is amazing, and I love the photo of Sam and Buddy, just precious. Their joyful energy just leaps off the page.
I remember when you sold your boat, and am so sorry the buyers have been such deceitful delinquents. I remember when my former professor ripped us off (and then went into hiding, as he’d stolen from many others, too), and how it still stings to think of his lying and selfishness. I don’t know how people can do these things and have peace in their lives. I hope your experience is resolved well and fairly.
Blessings on the orphan chicks and yay for the rescue’s luck in having you home again.
(And ours, for having your wonderful blog!
Thanks for posting such a lovely comment Kitty, it’s always good to come home and find that all is well with the critters, Laura certainly does a good job of caring for the dogs and birds.
Oh, I remember you posting about being ripped off, I hadn’t realised that he stole from others too, what an awful thing to do and then going into hiding. You reap what you sow and I hope he gets back what he dishes out, and I hope you get your money back. How can people be so dishonest? Oh yes, I’ll chase these two, I’m going to see my sister tomorrow who lives in their part of the world, I shall ask at the mooring office for their postal address, that should keep them on their toes, they don’t know that we have their address…..they haven’t paid a penny yet, I think they are merely waiting to see what we will do. I will go to court and the police if I have too, but it’s still hard getting money back. Thanks Kitty, I hope things are good and that you are feeling a little
I love to see the dogs running around enjoying themselves. All your critters must be so pleased to have you back!
Herbie can’t feel that it’s spring yet. I wonder how long he’ll hibernate for.
How depressing to think that there are people around like the scammers you describe. How do people live with themselves. I really hope you get all the money you’re owed without too much chasing.
The crocuses and daffodils are beautiful and the cards are brilliant!
I think the critters were as pleased to see us as we were to see them, Herbie hasn’t hibernated at all this winter, just shows how mild it’s been. This cold snap has him sleeping soundly. I would love it if the thieves just payed up, I could go to court and the police but they probably still wouldn’t pay up. I’m going to see my sister tomorrow who lives up there so I may call in at their mooring asking for an address to send them a formal letter. That may rattle their cage a little, they don’t know that we know where they are yet!xxx
Love your Crocuses. Cats are very strange in their behavior, aren’t they – or are they just trying to keep us off balance? As for your boat scammers, it’s a sad fact that some people have no conscience at all.
Cats sure are unique, I have no idea why Curly is so obnoxious to people when I’m not around, it amuses me to see him purring around people one minute then hissing at them the next. He gets away with it too! Yes, some people think they can do as they please without any regret. xxx
Fabulous Homewcoming’……apart from the ‘Boat Saga’.

Hope you can yet sort something out….Enjoy the Spring!
Thanks Bushka, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they pay up. It’s lovely seeing all the signs of
How dreadful that you have to go chasing these con artists, I do hope you can get your money from them soon.
I’m sure all your animals were so pleased to welcome you back, they must have missed you a lot!
Your crocus are beautiful, I’m so glad they survived the dog’s games!
I hope so too Pauline, the blighters haven’t coughed up to date….sighs…
I hold my breath every time the dogs race past the crocus, miraculously, most have survived their
Awww … what a wretched thing to have to tackle. I totally agree with you that they should be chased to the end of their days! Getting a debt collector in might not be such a bad idea …
how lovely to come home to all your critters, and your lovely cards! And it’s lovely for us to have you back here with tales of your ups and downs. Hugs xx
I am on a mission now Gilly, I can’t abide cheap conmen….they still haven’t coughed up!
Thanks for you lovely comment, it’s always good coming home.xxxx
My daughter’s boyfriend is a big strapping debt collector from Kendal if you need someone to pay them a visit!!!!
Oh I say!!! I shall keep that in mind!!!xxx
You can meet some wonderful people …
Unfortunately you can also come across those not so nice! Hope everything is sorted and you get all you are owed … eventually!
Your crocus are lovely, both the white and purple, but that purple shade is wonderful isn’t it.
Love your Mother’s Day cards.
Hope the rest of the week goes well for you.
All the best Jan
Yes, there are good and bad people out there, we haven’t had a payment to date….
I do have some lovely shades of purple crocus wise this year, planted by squirrels! Thanks Jan, enjoy your week
Curly’s antics made me laugh. Lovely crocus pictures. As for the crooks I think what they’ve done is despicable. Nice cards. xx
Oh that cat Flighty, he’s a one off for sure! I couldn’t imagine ripping anyone off, it is a nasty thing to do. I shall keep on their tail now, it’s the principle of the
Beautiful Mothers’ Day cards. Scoundrels indeed – keep after them. Love the photo of one doggie hiding under another! xx
I did enjoy those funny little drawings, Oh….I’m on a mission now, I can’t stand being conned. Buddy is such a funny little chap, I’ve never seen a dog hide under another before!xxx
I bet all the animals are pleased to have you home again, glad they’re all doing well. I can never understand how people can live with themselves after conning people, they can’t have any shame. Had to laugh at their last known mooring, Crook, how apt. Awww, how lovely your Mother’s Day cards are, Eleanor still calls me Mummy too and I love it.
The critters certainly seemed happy to have us back. I agree Jo, some people simply have no shame, yes, that mooring must have called to them! It is sweet still being called
Whoa, I’m happy to hear you were able to find the boat-stealing scoundrels. Perhaps you should round up the others they bilked and have a weekly camp out on the canal bank at their mooring. Just keeping an eye on things, so to speak … It might speed up the payments!
I’m laughing away here, what a marvelous idea! I shall keep that in mind if no payments go in! Bilked, now that’s a new word on me!xxx
Ah! I grew up with the expression, as in “He bilked her out of her life’s savings.” The definition I found certainly seems to fit: “Obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification; cheat or defraud.” Yep, you were bilked!
I certainly was, but on the positive side at least I learnt a new word! I shall start using it immediately!xxx