Buddy…..get OFF that pot! How are plants to grow???
Busy, busy busy!
Grow little seeds, whispered the breeze..
Oh…the joys of spring!
Apricots this year? One can dream…
Ah…yes. You are gorgeous.
So are you, little one.
Not ravaged by running beasts.
Big, blousy and adorable.
Small, blousy and adorable.
Oh, where did you come from?
Planted by squirrels? I’m not complaining, whoever lost them might.
And Finally….
WHAT has happened to the fiery jack on the right?
And….Please ignore the mud racetrack!
Some of you may remember the long running limp saga and the tendonitis diagnosis. After 18 months of hitting a brick wall with my GP’s, I took matters into my own hands and went private. I was more than happy to pay for decent treatment. Turns out my right hip is done for and at some point I will need a hip replacement. Fine by me, at least I know what the problem is now. The good news is that I can still walk, hike, cycle, garden….. and limp! Seems my right shoulder is broken too, I think that’s self inflicted…..far too many years of digging and hacking at stuff…..you get the picture.
Don’t things always come in droves, I also managed to put my back out over the last week too, but happily that’s on the mend. Ouch…..back pain is the pits!
Thanks Susanne, my shoulder is broke as such, just worn out, seems I suffer with joint issues, still they are resolvable….I hope!xxx
The doggy in the planter made me laugh. I love the signs of spring you shared. So sorry about your hip but glad that you have got it properly diagnosed. And you broke your shoulder? Oh dear…praying for a quick recovery for that one and for your painful back!
Snowbird, you poor thing……..gosh that is a lot of damage.
Do take care and do not do more than you need to……you do not want to make things worse.
Lovely post, especially the cheeky pair in the first photograph…..so cute.
Have a nice weekend….prepare for the fact it will be very cold, an artic blast is on its way….oh joy !!
Thanks Cheryl, things always come along at once….I am taking things a little easier and my back is so much better now. It will be awful having cold weather again after a few nice days. Our weather is becoming so unpredictable.xxx
Back pain is terrible! I am sorry to hear about the hip problem. It is always easier to cope though when you know what the issue is. Still it is minor consolation, if you are limping. Your garden is coming along nicely. Buddy on the pot was funny, but frustrating from a gardener’s point of view. Our new puppy keeps digging holes, so I have similar challenges. Happy spring Snowbird!
Oh my, yes, back pain certainly isn’t fun. I agree re having a diagnosis, it’s most empowering. Dogs and gardens eh, puppies are the worst though, however, yours is a little darling. Thanks Jennifer.xxx
Getting older has its drawbacks but it’s a lot better than the alternative! As you say, at least you know what the problem is now and that it’s fixable. I do love your garden and I’m very envious of your apricot tree. Love the ‘Potted Buddy’ photo too. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, yes, it’s good knowing what the problem is, now I can help myself a lot more. I have two apricot trees, only one has fruit on, and this is the first time it’s bore fruit. I hope a few make it.xxx
Oh, my dear, I’m smiling and cringing a bit at Buddy sitting on that pot. We used to have a neighboring cat who liked to sleep in a container while there were things growing in it.
Nice to see spring making the rounds in your garden. The squirrel-planted-beauty is so very delicate. Loved seeing how you captured it with that close-up.
A friend of mine is fond of saying that growing old is not for sissies. Well, at least you’ve gotten a diagnosis from your doctor. Can’t imagine what hip pain you must be enduring until now!
I must say I cringe too….he does the rounds of all the pots, especially those in the sunshine! Sighs….
I do bless that squirrel, well most of the time, it also plants bird seed and circles of crops pop up in unexpected places.
I’m delighted to have a diagnosis, at least I can now do things that will help. Thanks Anne.xxx
You poor thing, struggling on with all these aches and pains. It sounds as if you work too hard and put your body through too much stress. But then as gardeners we all do this. You have some lovely spring flowers to cheer you though. Funny that the fritillaries just appeared, what a lovely surprise. Take care Dina.
Yes, gardening isn’t easy on the bones for sure, I’m sure we all have bad backs at some point or other. I’m positive the red squirrels are stealing bulbs and planting them here, it’sthat or dementia! Thanks Chloris.xxx
I love Buddy’s new seat! Lovely photos of the spring colour in your garden. I’m sorry to hear about all the pain you’re in. That is rotten for you. Hope everything is sorted soon and you can feel well again x
Thanks Wendy, my back has eased off which is great. It’s hard not to just get stuck in again.
I just love spring and all the promise of summer.xxx
Nice post and great images. Need to see your doctor.
Thanks Peter.xxx
Lovely photos Dina, and good to be reminded of spring while we plant bulbs in autumn! Very hard to have a bad back and also having troubles with your hips, you did well to get these photos out. I love Buddy, just the sort of thing our various dogs might have done.
It’s always interesting seeing what bloggers across continents are doing during the different seasons. I do wish Buddy would stop treating the pots as comfy seats. Thanks Gerrie.xxx
Ah dear! Age’s problems, isn’t it? I feel empathy… I went (and will again) through such problem, fortunately my ishias isn’t that bad and I can keep it under control with acupuncture. Actually, with my chinese doctor we fix every physical (and mental stress as well).
I hat too much bad diagnoses which where to be treated with strong drugs… one day, after the last bad infiltration in my right shoulder (which didn’t improve things) I happen to try ou MTC. Since 10 yrs. I just trust on acupuncture and herbal teas which came along with the therapy. At 57 I can’t expect total healing but is just fine.
We have a lot of work in our garden as well… but time is a bandit: I chase it all the time
Buddy looks like a beautiful Tuscany statue… in a vase…
Have a lovely day :-)claudine
I’m glad acupuncture helps you, that’s good to hear, I must give it a go myself, so much better than drugs as you say. Thanks for letting me know how successful yours is. Where does time go, all of a sudden everything springs up, weeds too and it’s hard to keep on top of it all. Thanks Claudine.xxx
Judy had to get a hip replacement at an unusually young age, but it was definitely the right thing to do. What is that flower in the second to last picture – a Fritillaria? Beautiful.
That is most encouraging to hear, how Judy required a hip replacement fairly young too….thanks for that, and good to know that Judy is still active and mobile, It is fritillaria, not sure which type though as it was planted by red squirrels. Thanks Jason.xxx
Oh my goodness….as you say things always come in droves. However, the good news is that you now know what the problem is – and so here’s to getting it all sorted and for you to move on free of discomfort.
I absolutely love the header picture today…..it could be a poster…It’s as if the Angels are posing for you.
hang in there dear Dina….and if you can do some watercolour work…it’s the closest I have ever come for finding the panacea to physical pain and discomfort.
I send you love…and will think of you enjoying your beautiful plants. janet. xxxx
Things do have a habit in coming in multiples…why is that???? Yes, it’s great to know what’s going on finally and how to fix it. Now my back is easing off, life is looking so much better.
Lol…I think Buddy was posing there, he does mimic Sam, that pot was in the sunshine, and all male dogs seem to love a ray of light….
I’m still painting, and you’re right, it is an anaesthetic….and diverts the body and occupies the mind. Sending you love, hoping that you are having a marvelous, creative time in Portugal. Thanks Janet.xxx
Lovely pictures. I’m sorry to read about your hip and shoulder, and hope that that both get sorted out before they really give you grief. Take care. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s great to know what the problem is, at least I can look for solutions now, shame I had to go private to get a diagnosis though. Some of our G.P’s need to up their game. xxx
Am horrified your shoulder is broken and you’ve been soldiering on anyway ! – ouch!!! The getting old thing is ‘orrible…. but it is good that you found out what is happening with your body.
You always manage to sound upbeat no matter what is going on in your life which is very humbling….
Sam is such a glossy diggy dog and how funny that Buddy jumped up onto the plantpot – like a cat!
Really hope the gruesome pains go away very soon… it all sounds so painful
My daughter and I have been struggling and failing to get on over the last few months and she left a day early to go off travelling without saying goodbye. Don’t know if I will hear from her again or whether she will come back this year even… Sitting here a bit weepy! But am not in physical pain so shall just take a leaf out of your book, stiffen that upper lip and plod on… Hugs! xxxxxxx
I heartedly agree, the getting old thing certainly aint no fun! It’s even harder actually accepting we are getting old. My shoulder isn’t broken/broken, just worn away, like my hip….shame on me old bones eh? They should just woman up and get on with life!
Lol….don’t be humbled, haven’t you just listened to me whining????
Ahhh, sorry to hear about you and daughter not getting on, and that she has gone travelling without saying goodbye, from what I know of you both, I’d say she’s feeling exactly the same as you….life is like that with daughters sometimes, however it seems, it’s obvious that you love each other, despite the challenges, and that will stand the test of time, it has before and it will now. I get how distressing that isthough, and I wish I could pop around and have a good long chat, instead I’ll send you the biggest, warmest hug….you have my email if you want to do a blogish thing, and Gilly’s too…you take care of you and know that I’m thinking of you.xxxx
Thank you dearie! She did text me in the end and has done twice now but with no kisses so guess she is still angry with me….but the main thing is that she is ok and responding, albeit tersely! It is like when she was a horrendous teenager and all I could do was be a rock for her….
That said….am loving having my little house to myself!! Am getting so much more done!! And I don’t live in fear of her disapproval all the time… However I keep leaving the washing up as no longer shamed into doing it….haha…!!
So sorry your shoulder and hip are all worn out…you dynamo! Reckon all the miles of walking to work and back will wear me out eventually….shucks…. xxxx
Oh, I’m so pleased that daughter has been in touch, you and I both know that kisses will be added soon. Great that you know she’s ok as you say.
I bet you are enjoying your own space again, it’s always good being able to clean up when you want to and not have to tiptoe around! Walking is supposed to be the best exercise we can take, so hopefully it’s just doing you good.xxx
Oh, Dina, I’m sorry for your pains and suffering, but glad your back is on the mend and that your hip issue is diagnosed and the hip joint can be replaced when you’re ready. Gentle peace in your continued healing.
I love the lead photo of Sam and Buddy. Sam’s looking so regal and Buddy so precious: smooches to both and, of course, Annie, and Curly…and Special Pidge, and Herbie.
The flowers look astonishing to my eyes…we had snow yesterday and today, so all I have blooming are Scylla, although the tulips are well on their way…thank you for treating my eyes to your garden beauty. Your plants appear to be healthy and glorious; love the colors.
That sweet bird at the rescue: priceless! Thanks for that photo, too.
Sending love. xxoo
Thanks so much Kitty, it’s always such a relief to know what the problem is, then it’s just a matter of dealing with it and happily there is a solution when I need it. I’m glad the back pain is easing off, day by day, then of course I’m off and at it all again. I don’t do myself any favours! Buddy loves to impersonate Sam and he’s so bold with my two, whe out on his own he becomes vulnerable…..he just loves being a part of a pack so I’m so glad he has one.
Oh…I hope spring has sprung for you, I’m sure it has by now, looking forward to seeing all your delightful blossoms! Love and hugs…xxx
Oh no! But at least you now have a solid diagnosis and can get proper treatment. Maybe your new hip will be bionic and you’ll get everything done twice as fast.
Buddy does seem to own that spot on the pot. I doubt he’ll give it up easily. I love your little mystery tulips. Good things come to good people. 
Yes, getting a diagnosis is such a relief! Information is certainly power. Lol…you always make me laugh, and the thought of getting a bionic hip is rather fabulous! Thanks Casa.xxx
Buddy belongs on that pot. The apricot blossoms are beautiful. Let us know if you get fruit. At some point aches and pains just seem to rotate from one body part to another. Hang in there.
I’m still hoping for at least one fruit, maybe more next year. Yes, how true about aches and pains moving around. Thanks Brenda.xxx
I confess those purple and yellow tulips are my favs. I think purple/lavender and yellow in any form is just delightful. And I’m with the rest of the crew — your “planted” doggie is adorable. Let’s see. There are some plants that put out pups. You don’t suppose… Oh, surely not!
I’m sorry to hear about all those aches and pains. I’ve had back problems, shoulder problems, and hip problems, but never at the same time! The good news is that recovery is possible. Today, not a one of them gives me trouble, except for my back at the end of the day, if I’m really tired. Here’s hoping you’re feeling better every day!
I just love the purple/yellow combination too. Lol….maybe I shall resort to the prickly varieties, or just throw a few holly leaves around the plants, he’s a clever chap and wouldn’t get prickled twice….if I have the heart to do it! I’m very motivated by the fact that all your problems went away, That is most reassuring. Thanks for that.xxx
Lovely little look around your garden, Dina, and really sorry to hear that you’re suffering aches and pains – an osteopath once told me that women’s shoulders age the fastest of our bones due to carrying children, shopping, etc, etc – so you take care of yourself! I must say that your rhododendron and camellia are the most gorgeous vibrant pink, stunning! (it is a camellia isn’t it, growing around that tree trunk?) Wishing you a pain free week, Caro xx
Thanks so much Caro, it’s always astonishing how quickly the garden comes back to life isn’t it, daily new leaves unfurl and flowers blossom……
How interesting re women’s shoulders! It makes perfect sense when you think about it.
My back is so much better now which is a relief. The shrub is a azalia….they love my soil. Now they are all flowering away.xxx
Back pain is the pits. but you have to keep on moving. and doing all the things that hurt! That’s what the people who we believe are in the know, say. Sorry to hear you’ve got all that discomfort (understatement….sorry, again). It is good to know what is going on, even if it is to know we are maturing.
Buddy wouldn ‘t be so pleased with himself to find he was sitting on something prickly. Obviously, your plants make him feel comfy.
A very nice set of unfurling plant life pics. The wee birdie was interesting.
Oh yes….back pain aint no fun, thankfully it’s manageable now. We do have to keep moving, I’m a great believer in the old additive, if you rest you rust! Please don’t apologise for the sorry’s, it’s lovely that you have so much empathy, thanks for that. It’s such a relief to have a clear diagnosis, and a solution, I always think the not knowing is the worst thing.
I’m smiling re the prickly solution, the plants may appreciate a few holly leaves around them….Buddy won’t though… Thanks Menhir, for your caring comment.xxx
What gorgeous pictures, and all the love you have for plants and wildlife comes shining through even though you don’t sound a well girl at all.
So sorry. Do hope you can get yourself sorted out as much as possible soon …. BIG HUGS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My back is getting better by the minute, thankfully, that pain was getting old, fast! As for the hip, at least I now have a diagnosis and a solution down the line which is a huge relief……thanks for your lovely hugs and kisses, I hope all is well with your thumb too.xxx
Take care and don’t do too much!
Your “frits” are beautiful, I love them.
Your garden is looking very springlike, isn’t it wonderful!
It’s so hard not to potter isn’t it, then the twinges start again…. oh, I love frits too, divine little blooms. A little sunshine goes a long way, how I’ve missed it.xxx
awesome update thank you for sharing have a blessed day hope your soon on the mead
Thanks Linda, my back is a lot better now.xxx
Do you know Buddy does look like a statue sitting there …
Love the blooms in the garden, Spring is here …
Oh the joys of life as we get that little older!
Bad backs and other ailments are not good, so take care and let them heal …
Glad that other niggles should be sorted with the hip replacement, good luck with that.
Enjoy your weekend
All the best Jan
He does look like a little statue for sure, if only he was always that calm! The back is finally on the mend which is a huge relief. Thanks Jan.xxx
Ah!!!! Spring is fully sprung…Buddy intent on getting in the way….

Pleased you are able to make some headway with your ‘health issue’. Hope all turns out well for you….Love and Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, it’s good to get a clear diagnosis, at least you can work with that.xxx
Ouch. You be careful out there!
I’m trying….xxx
This getting old lark is no fun at all, is it. At least you know what the problem is now so that it can be addressed. It looks as though you’ve planted Buddy in that pot. Lovely photos.
Oh tell me about….how quickly time passes, one minute you’re 30 odd, the next you’re hobbling around! Sighs…. Buddy loves sitting on all the pots, the plants aren’t quite so impressed. xxx
Oh poor you – you have my sympathy. I think that fritiilary is mine – I planted some bulbs that never emerged.
What type of bird us that?
Thanks Sue, Now if you want them back you’ll have to fight me for them….
The bird is a wood pigeon chick.xxx
Oh dear – sorry to hear your poor old body is still suffering and now a bad back to boot – what have you been doing to yourself! Hope you get yourself sorted soon and back into fine fettle. I love that photo of Buddy he looks like a statue sitting in that pot and rather regal in his pose. Take care my friend, your garden is looking colourful and coming to life again as the weather warms a little at last.
Thanks Elaine, I think I’ve just done too much heavy lifting etc….I think the hip may be genetic. At least there’s a cure for that. Buddy makes me laugh, I think he’s copying Sam and trying to look bigger!Hope all is going well for you.xxx