I seem to be falling behind blogging-wise, of late, I simply don’t seem to have a spare minute. My to-do list is growing ever longer and things like housework have bitten the dust.
here’s a little of what I’ve been up to.
Finally, the veggie patch has been weeded, and seeds have been sown, now that the ground has warmed up. Hopefully I’ll be able to start planting out the the squash soon. I’ve never known a spring like this, seeds such as tomatoes and aubergines are only just beginning to germinate, I’m concerned that they’re too far behind now. The taters are up and doing well though.
Remember the four juvenile peacocks?
Father has now put in an appearance a few doors away! He is causing utter chaos! He completely ignores traffic, people and dogs and potters about his business, oblivious. I left him some seed and water as I have no idea what is sustaining him. His train looks a little battle worn, and he looks thin to me.
The peacocks have obviously escaped from somewhere, but seem quite happy flying around the neighbourhood, mewling their cat-like cries. In this picture, daddy walked right up to me, so they are clearly used to people.
I’ve been painting non-stop, as sis and I are engrossed in writing/illustrating children’s books, and I’m just loving sitting outdoors, painting in my little courtyard, while watching and listening to the birds and insects, with the dogs, oh, the joy a little sunshine brings! I swear I could live outdoors!
I have a feeling it’s going to be a bumper year for fruit, the apple, cherry, pear and plum trees are all laden with blossom/young buds. I’m hoping the winds blow elsewhere….
I’ve re-seeded the lawn/dog-track, in the back garden, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done this to date. It will grow back, and it will be run bare again, but hey-ho….
On the rescue front, we have a new sheep, who looks like a goat, called Buddy. He’s twelve months old and thinks he’s a dog. Never have I come across such a friendly little chap who enjoys a thorough stroking. The way he trots after us is utterly heartwarming. It’s lovely getting to know individual sheep, they all have such different personalities.
We also have a 27 year old talking parrot and sadly haven’t yet found his owner.
Chick season is now in full swing and the unit is steadily filling up. To take pressure off the staff I’ll be bringing these starlings chicks home with me tomorrow and shall keep them for five days….and nights….I’ll have to have a good lie-in tomorrow! Six hungry mouths will certainly keep me busy!
Tiny bunnies are arriving…
I’ve been releasing birds.
This time it was five feral pigeons and two collared doves. The first collared dove went off like a rocket, and, after weighing up their new environment, the ferals took off, one after the other, flying strong and true. Some were hand reared chicks so I’m hoping they hang around.
The only bird that lingered was this little collared dove. It came to the rescue with a broken wing, so my heart was in my mouth while waiting for it to fly, just look at that droopy wing.
Come on, little one…you can do it….please try…and let me catch you again if you struggle…
YES!!! YES!!!!! That’s it….oh….way to go little one! If only I dared applaud…
Just perfect. What joy!!! This is what it’s all about, to see a broken bird fly again, there are no words!
And Finally….
My first hedgehog release of the year. Mr and Mrs.
Stay safe…live long….
Mrs was found by Sam last year, a tiny, underweight baby, who struggled to survive in the rescue. Astonishing to think she’s the first hog to be released.To date he’s found, and saved at least forty hedgehogs!
Good for you Sam, a rescue dog, rescuing other animals!
If I may say so, you’re as busy as the papa cardinal who has suddenly changed his routine. Instead of occasional visits to the feeding platform, he’s been at it for hours — perhaps a visit every two minutes. I can hear babies cheeping — it seems a nest filled with cardinals has fledged, and now it’s harder to find those mouths to feed them! It’s nearly dark, and he’s still at it.The good news is that, at this time of night, the competition has gone to bed — no pigeons to contend with!
I loved seeing that dove fly. What a tremendous reward for the effort you’ve put in. And those darling hedgehogs — how I wish we had them here.
As for the garden: it still surprises me to see the differences among places. Today, I picked peaches, and purchased blueberries, vine-ripened tomatoes, and zuchinni at the market. We’ll soon be having more veggies, and the flowers are going crazy. In fact, our summer flowers are beginning to bloom. Time is a-flying, for sure.
Yes, you may say so…and that has me smiling! How lovely to have the nest so close, and hear the cheeping and witness all that activity as they leave the nest, that is always the hardest time for parents, as you say, thanks goodness the competition has gone! I’m always surprised to see the differences too, but love hearing about them. Thanks Linda.xxx
Sam! I’m astonished at what a rescuer he’s been! I only wish my felines treated lizards like that…. Especially Your Boy. He does love nosing around their hiding places and bringing them inside to play.
Your Papa Peacock does look a bit bedraggled, but that blue of his neck is astounding. The intricacies of the feathers from head to tail is amazing. I hope these birds don’t become too cavalier about traffic!
Dear Dina. I do empathize with you on the where-has-the-time-flown front. Also, I’ve-got-no-energy-to-do-much-else front. Glad you and your sister are putting your combined creativity together to make beauty. Hugs to you both.
Sam just loves hogs, maybe because he’s used to Herbie who was here before him. When he finds a hoglet, he wags his tail and gives the squarest smile a dog could possibly give!
Oh noooooo….are you telling me My Boy has teeny tiny flaws in his character? But…but, he was neglected and outdoors before you rescued him so, of course, all is forgiven….and because, well, he’s just gorgeous!
I do love that rich blue of the peacock….and hope he keeps himself safe as he now crosses a dual carriageway with six other peacocks….sighs….
Oh yes, time and energy, it is hard to keep up at times. Hopefully you have a little more of both? Thanks Anne.xxx
I’ve been waiting to plant out the tomatoes, as it’s still getting fairly cold at night. I hope yours catch up! Sounds like your fruit trees may make up for any shortfall on the tomato front. Your Papa peacock seems like quite a character.
My tomatoes have never taken this long to germinate before, I don’t have much hope for them, but you never know…..I do hope yours do well, you must post on your progress! The fruit trees are still doing exceptionally well, fingers crossed. xxx
I don’ t know how you fit so much into your day. Well done on getting the veggie garden ready. I am intrigued about your childrens’ books. I wish I could paint. How nice to sit in your lovely courtyard in the sunshine and paint.
What an amazing dog Sam is finding hedgehogs. I really miss having these delightful creatures around, I haven’ t seen one for years. I have loved them ever since I read Mrs. Tiggywinkle.
People with immaculately kept houses must lead very sad lives. Or else pay someone else to do it. To be honest I wouldn’ t mind having someone to do the housework but the Pianist is a Socialist and doesn’ t believe in getting people to clear up our mess. One day when we are dead, our bleached bones will be found behind the tottering piles of books which threaten to take over the house. And the leads which the Pianist uses to connect everything to everything else will have multiplied so much that they will make an impenetrable cat’ s cradle.
You really should have a go at painting, so many people think they can’t, I bet you’d be a natural! It’s always lovely to sit outdoors and be able to paint, it’s just lovely to get outdoors at all given our weather. I do wish you had a hog or two in your garden, maybe you should approach your nearest hog rescue and get yourself a Mr and Mrs….
I secretly wish I had someone to sort my house out, but I’m with the Pianist! I’m laughing out loud…..I have tottering piles of books too…..and hubs has computer wires, our bleached bones may be found one day too! Thanks Chloris.xxx
Housework? What’s that? In spring, it deserves to fall by the wayside. Painting children’s books in the sunshine is so very much more important (and satisfying). I love to read about your rescue work and was especially heartened to see the dove with the broken wing managing to fly again. Imagine how he (or she?) felt.
Haha….yes, housework should be forgotten when the garden beckons for sure! Painting is much better fun! I often wonder how animals feel when they realize they are free again, it must be a fantastic feeling, releasing critters is just fantastic, if all goes well. Thanks Brenda.xxx
I am just the same at the moment I feel awful that I can’t keep up with everyone’s posts but there just don’t seem enough hours in the day at the moment – this is why I am writing this when I should be in bed! Love the pictures of the dove flying away and the hogs trundling away into the undergrowth. Sounds like the centre is getting busy again with never a dull moment and some very sweet new inhabitants. Good that you are able to take some quiet moments in the garden to do your painting the last few days have been gorgeous haven’t they – but today it is back to rain and grey skies again – oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
I know exactly what you mean Elaine, sometimes blogging can be a full-time job! You should ALWAYS put your beauty sleep before blogging!!! It’s certainly lovely being able to paint in the garden and we have had some perfect days….and now I hear that a three month heatwave is on the way……we can hope I suppose.xxx
Hi … I tried to leave a comment earlier this afternoon … but a computer glitch, or something, it just wouldn’t work!!!
You have been so busy, but it’s always good to read your posts and I always love your photo’s.
Isn’t that peacock amazing, but yes … rather noisy!
Love that you have been illustrating children’s books!
Love, love, love Mr & Mrs Hedgehog! I wish them a safe and long life too!
Hope you can enjoy a sit down later and enjoy a cuppa!
All the best Jan
Glitches are so annoying aren’t they, I am still not receiving email notifications re blogs….so frustrating! Thanks Jan.xxx
A wonderful post. I love all the stories. You have been busy doing so much. It is great, as always, to see the birds and animals being cared for in the rescue, after the (often) sad story of how they got there. Releasing them when they become well is such a lovely thing to do. Well done to Sam – such a special dog. I hope the peacock adapts OK – he does sound a bit lost.
I feel the same about being outdoors at this time of year when it’s all so beautiful in the gardens and countryside. I spend a lot of my life outdoors anyway – but I do love my log fire (indoors) in winter!
Thanks Wendy, it is fantastic to see animals recover, especially birds with broken wings, you’re never quite sure how it’ll go when releasing them, so it’s always a special moment when they fly beautifully! Sam is astonishingly good at finding hoglets, he loves them…
The neighbours have seen all seven peacocks walking back and forth across a busy road each day, apparently they just roam free….I hope they stay safe.
Oooooh yes….I too love the logburner when it gets cold! xxx
Always love love LOVE your posts. What fabulous colours on your collared dove! hugs xx
Thanks Gilly. I love the colours on the collared dove too, they are such beautiful, gentle little birds, they make great patients.xxx
Hi Dina, still doing a splendid job with the critters
We stayed on a farm some years ago in Cumbria who had tame pea fowl, we were told their favourite treat was digestive biscuits! Believe me, they love ’em.
Very best wishes
Rose H xx
You have been so busy, busy, busy! Isn’t housework what you do when it’s raining? it is in this household! Love all your stories about your rescued animals and birds, so satisfying to hear about you releasing them back to where they should be, keep up the good work.
Lol….I shall take a leaf out of your book and only tidy up when it’s raining….or when the dog sitter is coming! Thanks Pauline.xxx
Great stories, as always. Releasing wild creatures back where they belong must be so satisfying. Housework has fallen somewhat behind here too, I’m relishing each and every sunny day. Yes, I could live outdoors, but not in the UK!!
Thanks Jess, it certainly is marvelous releasing wildlife, especially when all goes well! I think we have to make the most of the sunshine, it’s not like we get much of it….now, I hear we’re in for a heatwave! Wouldn’t that be nice?xxx
Good morning dear Dina….Forget the housework and all the other non essentials and focus on what you do best which is to create beautiful things. I am so excited to see your paints out and to know that you and your sister are working on children’s books. If anyone should be doing this, it’s you. You must have enough material for a thousand children’s books.
As always wonderful to see the rescues, although so sad to see the 28 year old parrot that talks. I wonder if its owner is very old, or has died…….but how exciting about the dove flying off…..little miracles every day….that’s all we need for sustenance. Sending love Janet. xxx
I’m afraid I neglect the housework far too often!!! Sis is mainly doing the writing, how I would love to have a go though….you are most encouraging so maybe I shall! I wondered if the owner had died, it’s such a shame seeing the parrot in the rescue, it’s clearly been well looked after. We leave the radio on for it when we go home. Sending love right back, thanks Janet.xxx
Sam is such an amazing dog! He is your canine self. :o)
You have me smiling!!! As always! Thanks Tammy.xxx
Oh my, this is all far more interesting than housework. What news of special pidge and her brood?
Is it usual for a mature parrot to appear at a rescue centre without a clue of original whereabouts? It makes you think.
Sheep have their moments. The farm sheep nearly always produced one or two some years, that either sang their operatic arias, came and talked to me when I pinned washing out on the line, or, put on a frolicking show. xxx
Oh yes….anything is more interesting than housework, loath it I do!
I haven’t seen SP for a week or so which is very strange, especially as her partner had been visiting. I am a little worried but am hoping she’s sitting on eggs….I shall keep you updated!
We have had parrots before at the rescue, often we can’t locate their owner but do manage to find good homes, they are such long lived birds so we have to be really careful when rehoming hem.
Your sheep comments have me smiling….they are so entertaining, lucky you being serenaded! Thanks Menhir.xxx
Beautiful as usual.
Thanks Kate.xxx
I am not surprised you have not had time for blogging……you are extremely busy.
It must be so rewarding to release animals back into the wild.
I have a hedgehog in the garden……I love that, and of course, the gardeners best friend munching on slugs etc.
The peacock is beautiful but I can imagine the chaos they cause…..and they are very noisy this time of year.
Sleep well…..you need to
Oh yes…..hogs are the gardeners friend, how lovely that you have one! Peacocks do have that haunting call don’t they…such an odd sound! Thanks Cheryl.xxx
Lovely to see birds & hedgehogs being released into the wild again.. You do a great job with all the animals in need. We are in Italy on holiday at the moment & the pigeons around Venice have the reverse problem …. All the fatty food from scraps & restaurants has made most of them obese…. I saw two today that can hardy walk! What a world!
Thanks Gerrie, and for commenting while on holiday, I do hope you had a wonderful time!
How awful to hear about the obese birds….xxx
Another delightful post…..Much to do…Much done….Your trademark interests ever present…..Lovely D! I’m sure your garden will be a joy to visit…..Take Care!
Thanks Bushka, the garden is certainly bursting into life now.xxx
Busy busy as always. I am glad you find time to share a little of your world with us though. What a beautiful peacock. Such a royal blue body ! I do hope he manages to avoid the road.
I laughed about your dog track. I remember you reseeding it before – several times. LOL
And lovely to see the birds fly free. My local park has an aviary in it full of exotic birds and it saddens me to think that they should be flying free.
Do show us some photos of your illustrations. I have seen your beautiful Christmas cards, but that is all.
And finally that photo of the two hedgehogs, Mr and Mrs wandering off to freedom. Heartwarming. Xxx
Hi Keggs, lovely to hear from you, I hope all is well. I always find it sad to see birds in cages too, it must be hard for them seeing other birds flying free…..
I shall certainly add some piccies from the books when they are completed, lovely that you want to see them. I do hope those hogs produce lots of litt’uns…..xxx
Your world is so full of beauty and life, Dina; thank you for sharing the good works, the tales, and the most wonderful photos! Just glorious! I’d love to hear more about your children’s books; what a lovely setting for you to sit and create.
Sending love from Full Moon. I got way behind on photo work, but hope to post this week…also busier than a porcupine in a balloon factory!
Ah, thanks Kitty. It is lovely to sit outdoors and paint, the birds and blossoms are so soothing. I shall send you the books when they are finished, it would be lovely to have your opinion. That comment re the porcupine in the balloon factory had me laughing! Hoping you are catching up, I doubt it though, what with a new puppy and all!xxx
Nice post and lovely pictures. Good to see that you’ve been busy gardening, painting and ‘rescuing and releasing’. I like the two bunnies picture, they look like identical twins. xx
Thanks Flighty. Those bunnies sure are hard to tell apart.xxx
Ha ha, I thought the sheep was a goat. What a busy time you’re having, both at home and at the rescue. Lovely to hear of all those releases though, that’s what it’s all about, afterall. Fingers crossed that they all live long and happy lives.
I’m glad it’s not just me thinking that sheep looks just like a goat! Thanks Jo.xxx
We are behind with our planting too but I am sure things will eventually catch up especially if we carry on having some half decent weather.
You are sheep really does look like a goat out it had me fooled
Rumour has it that we are going to have a heat wave……that will certainly help the plants! That certainly is one funny looking sheep to be sure!xxx
Lovely post – the photos of birds being released are fantastic and so heartwarming; you do such important work. How exciting to be writing and illustrating children’s books! The photo of your ‘dog track’ made me smile too. Have a great week. xx
Thanks VeggieMummy. It’s the best part, being able to release animals and birds back into the wild. I have a sneaky feeling that I shall always have a dog track!xxx