It’s been a little chaotic around here this week. Caring for six NOISY, demanding, intelligent starling chicks has had me spinning!
Buddy has also been here which was a little unnerving, as he has that strong terrier prey drive, so obsessing about closing multiple doors, to keep him away from the chicks had me feeling a tad manic! I even dreamt that doors were open one night and awoke in a cold sweat.
If only I could get a pic of all six chicks….sighs...they move too fast!
As mummy bird, I thought it was high time this little lot learnt to perch, so I popped them all onto bamboo canes, oh my, you should have seen them all falling backwards, wings a beating while struggling to hang on, and falling on top of each other. Carnage it was, but FINALLY they all caught on, even the little runt.
All six are now back in the rescue, and a little further on re their development, and no longer need to be taken home by staff each night. That was the whole point, so mission, happily, was accomplished.
I would like to announce a miracle, yes, a MIRACLE! All my hostas are perfectly formed, not a hole to be seen. Where on earth have all the slugs gone???
To my greenhouse, sadly! Seedlings with shorn off heads reside there…
I unravelled a long-running mystery too, I simply couldn’t understand why some of the fatsia leaves were torn and ragged, until I came across Sam actually eating them!
Mine is not to reason why….
The columbines are popping up again.
They come in so many different colours.
Each year, new varieties spring up. Soon the garden will be full to overflowing with them.
We’ve had some beautiful sunny days of late and the garden is heavily scented.
I was thrilled with this jasmine I bought last year, it was only tiny and I planted it right outside the kitchen door, it’s scent now fills the entire courtyard and the kitchen, just gorgeous! My genius amazes me at times….not often I get things right!
Sunshine is most welcome in May, for it brings out the gorgeous scent of clematis montana, oh…it’s everywhere in the garden at the moment. It’s coming from this little climber, planted along the fence last year, which, btw, I have to train along the fence as my neighbours’ gardener always throws anything overhanging back over, and that eventually kills all things rambling!
The montana on this trellis, and on the old pine stump behind it, are just incredible, the blossom and scent are totally overwhelming. It’s such a fab plant, always delivers, doesn’t need tlc and does well when utterly ignored! What’s not to love?
Just noticed the re-seeded dog track. Less said the better. Woodpigeons are eating all the seed!
And Finally….
I released a magpie today. I was dreading doing so, as it had already been released at the rescue, only to be savagely attacked by resident magpies. This is a common problem with these birds, they get mobbed in new environments and often killed.
I have a similar problem here, lots of magpies, so it was a case of crossing fingers and hoping for the best. Magpies are everywhere, and if we can’t release this bird, the only option is to have it euthanized.
The magpie flew off and soon became a distant dot on the horizon, selfishly, I was relieved, at least I wouldn’t have to witness it being mobbed/killed. A little while later, hubs heard shrieking in the courtyard, and witnessed an altercation between three magpies, as he and the dogs went out, all three birds flew off.
A little while later, the released magpie was in the back garden. I was alerted by the blackbirds with chicks on the ground, shrieking their warning call, so went out. Sure enough, there was our bird in the apple tree, cheerfully eating apple blossom buds. It happily hung out there for an hour, then flew to the beech trees and into the front garden, unmolested! I really hope that it is as simple as that! It seems safe enough in my gardens and all has been quiet for twelve hours now.
And, and, Finally…..
Off to the lakes tomorrow with the dogs for a week, hopefully if I can get the internet I’ll catch up with all your goings on, if I can….seems there is a gremlin afoot again, I’m not getting notifications of posts again….grrrrrrr!
thank goodness there are kind people like you willing to nurse orphan birds. Keep up the good work. I am enjoying reading all about it. Also love your garden. I have a cat that’s making holes in all the foliage at the moment. Sigh!
Ah, bless your son and his girlfriend. Did it get released in the end? Chicks are definitely harder to raise than babies!
I really am pleased with my little jasmine, who would have thought that such a small plant could be so
Goodness me, you have been busy. My son and his girlfriend raised one featherless starling chick and it was a full time job, worse than having a baby.
I love your clematis and what a great idea to plant a jasmine where you can enjoy the scent sitting in the courtyard.
The Lake District is so beautiful in May, lucky you, have a wonderful time.
I did giggle imagining you trying to get those little starlings to perch!
I think I might have found your slugs alive and well and living in Norfolk. Shall I send them back?
Happy holidays!
Hahahaha…..erm…!!! Those slugs can stay just where they are!xxx
It sounds to me that a rest in the Lakes is well deserved….ENJOY. So Buddy was back – those JRs can be little devils – I mean Angels:) and Sam eating the plants. What next? I think you are very lucky to not have slugs. I have heard that they are very bad in some places.
Have a wonderful time. Janet xxxx
Hahaha…..Jacks are both angels and demons for sure!! It’s lovely to have Buddy here though, he is such a character. Thanks
Great post. Marvellous images. Summer is coming up your way. We got a brief look at our coming winter today. Quite cold. We had one of our warmest summers in decades this year.
Thanks Peter, I do hope you have a good
Those starling chicks are so cute. You’d think they’d perch by instinct. Obviously not! Had to laugh about the grass seed. We’ve just re-seeded the bit of earth reclaimed from the rhododendrons. And the pigeons have found that too..
Have a great week!
Chick seem to take longer to learn things in the rescue, I think they copy their parents in the wild, we have to peck at food to teach them how to feed, it’s surprising how quickly they learn when taught something, even by human parents.
Sighs…..seedand pigeons….Thanks
A marvellous post. The little starlings are gorgeous. I used to see so many of them when they first fledged but I hardly see them now. There just aren’t so many around here. I’m glad yours are doing so well.
Your garden is looking lovely but naughty Sam, sabotaging your plants. The garden scents are wonderful at the moment, especially at dusk.
Have a great holiday in the Lakes!
Thanks Wendy. We had lots of starlings in the past but rarely see them anymore, I often wonder why that is….
I do love warm days, then as you say, the beautiful fragrance at dusk. xxx
The smell of jasmine is slightly intoxicating. I love it. I would have love to have seen the starling chicks learning to perch. If your magpies are anything like the ones we had in Alaska, they can be such bullies. Hope your released one didn’t get too badly beat up. Enjoy the lakes.
Oh, watching those chicks rolling around was captivating, each time one fell off I had to pop it back on again, sometimes they all fell on top of each other. They did catch on rather quickly though. Magpies are terrible bullies, they’re even worse than crows. The released magpie is still around look better by the day. Thanks
Mummy bird has done a great job with her chicks! The release of birdie was very interesting to read. I really would be interested to hear about special pidge and her brood.
So, you’re dashing off for a deserved break just as all your blossoms are at their very best. I could almost smell the perfumes.
I haven’t been getting notifications of any replies to my comments for a good while, I used to, I’ve no idea what has happened. I now have to ask for notifications of all comments, which, the gurus here, advised me to turn off because if replies are on, means you get every single reply that everyone gives. There was another anomaly apropos of replies. You got two notifications, I cannot remember how that trick worked. Also, someone who clicks on a ‘like’ button may generate an extra one, I have ‘likes’ turned off. I am not keen to revive it. In unison then…….Grrrrrrrrrr.
Have a great holiday in the Lake District. xxxxx
Special Pige has been absent for a few weeks which has me a little concerned. He partner visits each day so I’m hoping she is sitting on eggs or looking after offspring somewhere…..I have my fingers crossed for her.
There seems to be a problem with that site, I still haven’t had any notifications of posts. Oh, I can just imagine how maddening it must be getting all those notifications, I do hope the site sorts itself out! Grrrrr indeedy!!! Thanks
I came to find this reply, as there was no notification of it. It’s not helpful for intercommunication is it.
Special pige may well be busy. She has had a brilliant start with your care and attention.
Oh….it certainly is frustrating! Why can’t these sites work properly???
I do hope you’re right about SP….I do miss seeing her. Thanks
Jasmine has such a wonderful scent …
l always love the month of April and then May comes and the gardens start blooming even more … such a lovely time. Your photo’s are so lovely to look at the colours are gorgeous.
We just love the lakes, a lovely area to visit. Have a glorious and relaxing week away.
All the best Jan
I love April and May, they are just lovely months in the garden. The Lakes are so stunning aren’t they, we always stay at the same little cottage and just love it, we never get tired of the place! Thanks
I didn’t know that magpie mobs each other when entering a “foreign” zone. That’s cruel, in some way, but it’s nature… and we humans surely are the worst example! It seems that where you live Spring gave his best, how beautiful is your garden… I love the moltitude of flowers and plants at random, in ours we have to keep things more “squared” since my husband doesn’t like me to plant things without logic. But I do prefere yours, even if it takes much more time to care for and give water!
I wish you a lovely week at the lakes… hugs :-)c
Yes, it is nature, and there’s little we can do about it. I’m really pleased to see that little magpie stillhanging around and growing stronger each day, a wonderful outcome.
You have me smiling re keeping things squared, everything is higglety pigglety here!!! Thanks
I found some star jasmine this week, by following my nose. What a beautiful scent it is — no wonder you’re delighted. And this clematis you mention is so different from our natives. At least, I think it is. More research is needed.
I do enjoy starlings, even though they have a bad reputation here. They have a lovely, liquid song that is so pleasing. So many of them nest in nooks and crannies at the marinas that there’s always something to see.
Enjoy your week at the lakes. It sounds fabulous. I’ve been facing deadline after deadline at work, and am ready for a break — in due time.
Jasmine is such a fragrant plant, looking forward to seeing and hearing about yours! We used to have huge starling populations, but they have dwindled. Funnily enough, they do like to hang out by the beach. They are such fantastic mimics too. I hope your workload eases and you get a well deserved break
You enter into everything and treat it all with such love, no wonder it repays you by flourishing!
Thanks Gilly….I do wish the slugs didn’t flourish though!xxx
Oh, Dina, your garden is so beautiful. I can imagine your sorrow at the magpie problem. Let’s hope she gets a bit stronger and a bit more curious about the world at large. Wishing you a fine trip to the lakes. xxx
Thanks Shimon, lovely to hear from you. I hope all is well with you and yours.I’m pleased to say that the little magpie is still around and looking strong and healthy. That’s a wonderful
Oh, goodness, what a paradise, Dina! The jasmine and clematis montana would be so heavenly to smell! I know you love the Lakes, but i always find it hard to leave for a week or more (as I must, too, in a few weeks) when my gardens are blooming. It all goes so quickly!
Buddy! i can imagine the stress level with doors opening and closing. Glad all went well. And Sam snacking on fatsia! Rascals, and how we love them.
Grateful, as always, for all you do to make our world beautiful, safe, and lovely. Blessings on your travels and adventures!
I do agree with you Kitty, it’s so hard leaving the garden when it’s coming into it’s own, especially as some plants fade so quickly.
I was a nervous wreck re Buddy, but I’m glad all went well, I won’t be so stressed next time.
Ooooooh…..I hope you are off to somewhere lovely!!! Thanks
I think you get things right much more often than you realize! I love the idea of a courtyard filled with jasmine. Brilliant!
Why thank you Casa! I was astonished at how fragrant the jasmine is given it’s only a small
Your baby starlings are very cute. I was going to say that the snails spared your hostas in recognition of your extraordinary kindness to animals, but I guess not. The Jasmine sounds wonderful, sadly it’s not quite hardy here.
Thanks Jason, I was amazed to see healthy hostas, that has to be a first, but the carnage in the greenhouse is truly shocking this year! What a shame the jasmine isn’t hardy in your zone, it really does have a beautiful
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. I bet those baby starlings were a noisy, squabbling bunch. It’s good to see that the garden is doing well despite Sam’s efforts. Enjoy your week at the lakes, and I hope that the weather stays fine. xx
Oh yes….those starlings were one rowdy bunch!!! I was surprised to see Sam eating fatsia, now why would that appeal to him? Dogs! Thanks
Eeek, I can just image Buddy when he became aware that there were birds in the house, it’s amazing how terriers have that in-built prey drive. I remember my niece bringing her little dog here when we had the rabbits, it’s a good job they were in good, strong hutches, that’s all I can say. Your aquilegias are lovely, especially the lemon coloured one. I bought one last year and it looks to be doing well but no flowers yet, there’s just the purple ones flowering so far. I do hope the magpie made it, it’s such a shame to nurse them back to health just to release them to their death but at least they’ve got a chance, the alternative is much worse. Have a great week, The Lakes are on my list of places to visit, I really must make more of an effort to get there.
Oh….I’m glad your rabbits were out of the danger zone, they wouldn’t have lasted long around a terrier. I do hope you get some flowers soon, once you have one strong plant, they’ll seed everywhere.
I’m pleased to say that the magpie is still around and looking good too. You’d love the lakes, and Archie too…..thanks
We have plenty of slugs eating newly planted brassicas on the plot. In the garden greenhouse it’s snails that are trying to eat everything.
The grouping of pots is lovely.
I hope your magpie survives we had two pats scrapping on the plot the other day,
Lovely to see the young starlings doing well – you are obviously a good mum.
Slugs and snails are real pests aren’t they? Especially when they devour the young plants, they never grow back. The magpie is still around, which is a huge relief. Thanks
Wow! Super post for May…..Summer is certainly with….Gorgeous blooms etc..
Hope the weather gods treat you kindly in the Lake District. Have fun! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, the weather is a little unpredictable in the lakes….xxx
I love the baby starling photograph. I remember starlings being one of the most common birds as a child (people used to complain about them eating all the seed) but we rarely see them in our garden now. I’ve been admiring a few people’s clematis (plural clemati?!) when out and about. We used to have one at our old house and I miss it – I feel a trip to the garden centre coming on! Enjoy the Lakes. xx
I remember seeing lots of starlings ten or so years ago, now I hardly see any, quite a shame really as they are such intelligent birds and great mimics, I do hope you get yourself a montana, they grow so quickly and do have that lovely vanilla