I have another special needs hedgehog.
Drum roll please.
Introducing…. Hattie!
Hattie arrived at the rescue, as a tiny hoglet last autumn, unfortunately, she has trouble walking. The vet thinks she has a neurological problem, she can use all her legs but has no coordination at all and rolls about. All four legs seem to go in different directions. Despite this, she eats well and is in great condition, but obviously can’t be released or even live in a walled garden. I’m the last resort, only the most broken hogs come to me!
I’ve had Hattie a week now. Initially, I put her in this small hutch to see how she’d manage. She coped really well, and is moving around quite easily.
Now, the plan is to cut the legs off the hutch and place a large enclosure, which I’m having built, around it. Hopefully, the grass will help her grip the ground better. If all goes well, Hattie’s new home can be moved around the garden, as Herbie’s is, to add a little variety to her life.
Herbie hog
Talking of Herbie, well, he knows she’s there and is once again attempting to dig himself out of his hutch! I’ll have to keep a sharp eye on him and his tunnels.
In other news…..
here’s me feeding jackdaw chicks today. Usually they perch on my head! I LOVE these birds! Finally, they are sated, trust me, it takes some doing!
More releases….
Hubs and I released a pair of ducks. I always hope they’ll stay together for a while, once released, as I’m a great believer in strength in numbers.
These two have been raised together. They came in separately as orphaned ducklings. Once we knew they were disease free we teamed them up.
Initially, they swam off together, exploring their new environment, then one flew off. The other desperately tried to fly after it, but didn’t quite manage it. A little more practice is needed methinks! I was sad to see them separated but stayed a while to watch. To my joy, the first duck came swimming back and was reunited with it’s friend. Lovely! A wonderful release.
On the garden front, my taters are flowering…
As is the new clematis around my kitchen door, and the peony is coming out. To my utter relief, the lemon tree I moved to the rock circle in the courtyard has stopped sulking and is throwing out a few buds.
Ermmmm….WHY is my pond so PINK???
The grass seed is growing in the back garden, well, in some places. The dogs managed to escape there a few times and ran the new turf ragged, yet again….
soooooo, drastic, unorthodox action has been taken!
You may think I’m a little crazy but I’ve come up with a radical solution! I’ve sown a shedload of….
Because the stuff grows everywhere under the bird table and I just want strong, mowable, green stuff! Don’t care what the green stuff is!
The decorating is still in full swing, the study is done, now the kitchen is in a state of upheaval!
And Finally…
saw Elton John at the Arena this week, his voice was great and those fingers of his still fly across the piano.
And Finally, Finally…
The news this week has been monstrous, bad news always grabs the headlines. You should see all the lovely people who support the rescue, they don’t hit the headlines, but they’re there, every day, doing their gorgeous thing, as are people all over the world, just going about life, being kind and compassionate, helping wherever they can …. that gives me hope, and we all sure need a little of that…
Ahh, thanks Gill. Poor Hattie, her walking isn’t great! I do hope it improves.xxx
Always love your posts … love the rampaging beauty and life in your garden and the love you and Hubs give to your wild things. Hope Hattie responds well and learns to walk properly!
I always love all your rescue stories and it’s lovely to hear that you’re giving Hattie a home and so much care. I hope the ducks hang around together, too, and are pals for a long time! I think the bird seed idea sounds a good idea – why not? Look forward to seeing how you do with it. And the decorating is coming along great and the garden, too.
I’m hoping Hattie settles in and adjusts….so far so good although there have been a couple of hiccups! The kitchen is now finished, just waiting for some soft furnishings to arrive. I’m loving the sprouting bird seed lawn.xxx
I think the bird seed will work beautifully for you. It worked so well for me that I was fussed at by a downstairs neighbor, who was the recipient of all that casual greenness when the birds kicked the seed over the railing. I went to waste free, and that took care of that problem, but your problem will be better solved with the real thing.
I was completely shocked — or at least surprised — by the photo of the potato blossoms. I couldn’t believe they were potato. When I first saw them, I was sure they were our silverleaf nightshade, a native plant. Lo and behold, both plants are in the genus Solanum! Every day, something new to learn!
I can just imagine all that seed growing madly in your neighbours place, mine is the same, it sprouts in days and is indestructible. I’m sure I’ll end up with a green type lawn this time around!!! Drastic but workable. Yes, they’re all solanum, I even have a solanum climber! Loved that link.xxx
Love the picture of your garden outside your kitchen. Do you think Herbie might want the company, or is he going to be jealous?
I think Herbie is after the new girl! Hogs are solitary and only come together to mate, I often wish I could keep them all together, it would certainly make life easier.xxx
Fun to see you at work with your feathered friends perched all around
Shame to cut the legs off that cute hutch, but I’m sure you are thinking of every good thing for Hattie. I hope she’ll make it.
That clem looks fantastic! And you have peonies, too?! Wonderful. I do hope your lemon will produce for you. Nothing like fresh ones off the tree. Mine is on hiatus — happens every couple of years. Looking forward to hearing progress report on the bird seed experiment
It’s always lovely to have chicks perched all around! They do accept us as parents and don’t really fly very far. They always end up on an arm, shoulder or head! I din’t cut the legs off the hutch in the end, I put Hattie in a hedgehog house, built by my neighbour and placed that in the enclosure, there were a few hiccups, but all seems well at the moment, she seems to be getting the hang of going in and out of it.
I’m really looking forward to having lemons next year, as you say, you can’t beat having them to hand, especially in the summer.Lol….the bird seed is sprouting beautifully and has even survived a dog run or two.xxx
Sweeeeet! I love that you take in poorly hedgehogs and look after them – as well as all the other animals. I really hope those ducks realise that friends stick together – you never know, there might be some ducklings in future years! The garden is looking great and I love the tip about your lemon tree – mine is still in a pot but I have lots of cobbles so will find a space in the new middle garden for it; I just love the scent of the flowers and there’s a fruiting lemon tree on a nearby estate – and I mean fruiting prolifically!!!
I really enjoy looking after the special needs hogs, it’s lovely to see them enjoying life, even if it’s not perfect. I was thinking there may be ducklings too, I think the ducks were male and female. My lemon tree was left out too long last autumn and about forty lemons, of all sizes fell off. It’s too big for the greenhouse, but should be safe in the centre of the courtyard, especially if I wrap it during cold weather. It now has lots of new leaves and a few flowers so I’m hoping it will be prolific next year! Looking forward to seeing yours planted out.xxx
Good luck with little Hattie, she is lucky to be with you. Loved the story of the ducks staying together in the end…. safety in numbers is quite right. I agree with you about people being basically kind and just wanting to lead normal lives… I must admit I sometimes watch gardening programs instead of the news these days…that might be escapism but it works! Good luck with your animals and the garden.
Thanks Gerrie, I am happy to have Hattie, at least she’ll have some sort of life, she is adjusting well so far, I do hope that continues. I’m with you watching gardening programmes, the news drives me crackers at times.xxx
Lucky little Hattie; she looks adorable and I love the baby jackdaws being fed. Your garden is looking great; I’m so glad that your lemon tree is recovering and good luck with that bird seed lawn! Elton John? I’m so envious; I’m a big fan. Have fun with the decorating. xx
Hattie is a gorgeous little hog, they do all look the same but have totally different personalities, she’s a very gentle little hog. My bird seed lawn is coming along nicely, looks a little weird, but hey, it’s green! Thanks Veggie Mummy.xxx
It’s not possible for Hattie to have found a better home! What a lucky hog! Seeding with bird seed is a brilliant idea.
This has been a horrible week but I am convinced there is more good in the world than bad. Kindness is a choice I wish more people would choose.
Ahh thanks Casa, My bird seed is sprouting and has survived galloping dogs, crikey, I may get a green looking lawn yet! Yes, I agree about kindness being a choice, here’s to more people giving it a whirl.xxx
Awww. Good luck to Hattie, she has certainly fallen on her feet so to speak! I laughed at the bird seed. Under our bird table it’s now about three feet high. Vigorous? Yep! It will be on the coarse side. But no worse than the blasted crocosmia growing up in Mike’s newly seeded lawn!
It felt like a light bulb moment when I decided to sow the bird seed, it grows wherever it falls, in fence panels, between flags….indestructible stuff it is, and I am desperate.I have a major problem with crocosmia too, it’s a nightmare trying to get rid of the stuff.xxx
Lots of hope here, and lots of new life starting out.
Can’t call you just the ‘bird lady,’, there’s hedgehogs, too, not to mention the dogs.
Your grass seed may produce some interesting species of growth.
Thanks Menhir, lol, I do have many names! The bird seed is sprouting already, a little rough looking but gloriously green. I even let the dogs run on the growth and no real damage was sustained…..hey ho, maybe It’ll work!xxx
Yes, dear Dina, the news has been horrid, but you’re right; everywhere, there are helpers and lovers and gardeners, and caregivers, and artists…and many more, creatively, kindly, compassionately and imaginatively healing our world. Your post is a delight, as always, as you do many of these things in the course of a day! And how sweet that your beloved helps you with the releases!
Love the jackdaws and sweet Hattie’s story: bless her and smooch her for me. Herbie, too, off course.
The garden’s a marvel, just glorious! Hooray for the lemon tree!
The decorating looks wonderful: what are the plans for the kitchen? Or is it just getting attention because the study things overflowed? The couch and chair we can see in the photo look beyond comfy!
Elton John?! Wow; saw him about 30 years ago. (When I was 10. Not.) Glad you got out and enjoyed yourself!
Thanks you for the wonderful slices of life; joy to your dear heart!
Love, Kitty
Thanks Kitty, yes, the world is full of lovely people who just go about their lives helping others, if only they hit the news now and then…I don’t do much, just what I can here and there.
Hattie is such a sweet little hog, I really hope it works out for her, it always takes a little time but so far things are going well.
I’m just freshening the kitchen up, the walls and skirting boards are rotten, I think all the endless rain last year took it’s toll, three muddy dogs to splatter walls however much you dry them.
Lol, glad you got to see Elton too, he is a marvelous entertainer. Love and hugs to you and yours.xxx
Hattie is one adorable, and dare I say, cuddly hog. Bless her little cotton socks……She and all the other critters that end up with you are very fortunate indeed.
Your garden and house are looking fantastic – wow you are really pulling out all the stops…but at least when we move into autumn/winter, you will be able to sit in your lovely new place feeling very smug and content……surrounded of course by all the angels…..:)
You are so right about the fact that there are so many decent, wonderful human beings in our very troubled world….we must never give up.
Have a lovely weekend…janet. xxx
Hattie is very cuddly, she has very soft spines and doesn’t curl very tightly so feels all floppy when handled.I really hope she adjusts to her new home, so far so good. It’s lovely to see fresh, clean walls isn’t it, once it’s done it’s well worth it. You’re right, we can never give up. Thanks Janet.xxx
Hattie is so vulnerable, but you’ve thought of everything to make her life comfortable and meaningful. Sounds as if Herbie wants to be friends! Glad that the ducks seem to be staying together now they’ve been released. Lots of good things going on in the garden with an inventive way of restoring the bald patches in the lawn. These home decorating projects take time, but will be good when finished. A treat for you to get to that Elton John concert. I’m sure the atmosphere was electric and very special.
Herbie seems rather determined to dig himself out! Each day I have to fill his hole with a stone. I hope the ducks are doing well, another seven have since been released, all our ducklings are growing up. The birds seed is beginning to grow, I need to sow some more now. It is rather rough looking but still, it’s green! Thanks Linda.xxx
A lovely post and wonderful pictures. I hope that Hattie settles in and improves. The garden, even with ragged turf, is looking good.
I agree with your last paragraph. Enjoy the weekend. xx
Thanks Flighty. All is well with Hattie to date, says I touching wood.xxx
How wonderful having another little hog in the garden. I remember when Herbie escaped last time, he’ll need watching very closely. How lovely that the duck returned to its friend, I don’t like to think of them being on their own and lonely, I’m such a softie. I bet the Elton John concert was fantastic, he’s one performer I wouldn’t mind seeing myself.
Herbie is still digging his holes, as soon as they get big enough I pop a stone in them, then he moves onto another one. It’s early days, but Hattie seems to be coping. I was surprised how good Elton John was. Thanks Jo.xxx
It must be difficult not to get too attached to your rescues. Just reading about them, I was rooting for the ducks to stay together! Lovely post. And you are right about everyday kindness. We have so little control over what happens in the world, but can do our best to make our small corners a little sweeter.
We often get far too attached to our charges, seeing them go is always a worry, so it’s great when all goes well, sometimes it’s more complicated. I was so pleased to see the ducks finally together again. Yes, that’s all we can do isn’t it, take care of our own little patches. Thanks Brenda.xxx
I do hope Hattie thrives and Herbie behaves. You don’t want them starting a family!
Goodness me! That would NEVER do!xxx
Extremely ‘Hopeful’ post…..uplifting and inspiring….Lovely D! Hugs!

Thanks Bushka. xxx