As usual, at this time of the year, the rescue is flooded with little guys.
This is a wild rabbit kit which needs hand feeding, it looks just like a cuddly toy. People are fighting to feed it!
Holding and feeding a teeny tiny collared dove chick takes some beating too!
These are such gentle patients.
I always opt for the birds….can’t get enough of them!
This one was hours old when it arrived. It’s about four days old now.
Such tiny beaks! Possible goldfinch chicks.
Definitely goldfinch chicks. That flash of gold is now visible on those whirring wings. These guys have SUCH red throats!
The Courtyard is oh-so pretty at the moment…
and not only are the hostas flowering for the second time, they remain hole free!
I have seen some gigantic frogs hanging out though!
Sadly, most of the lilies succumbed to the pretty, but deadly lily beetle this year, a few managed to survive.
And Finally….
notice anything odd about this picture?
The pige playing the piano?
Now perched on my priceless antique books on top of the piano?
That would be Laura’s racing pige. Happily, after three weeks here, he’s now beautifully plump. His rings have been removed and I gave him the run of the study for a couple of days, just to make sure he could fly. The poops are a pain, but cleanable. All I had to do was open the patio doors and let him go free, and free he went.
Lovely. Hopefully, he’ll hang around! I really do hope so.
Hubs worked from home today, with pige flying free around him, and flicking grain all over his desk. He wasn’t particularly impressed….at all!
But hey-ho…onwards and upwards!
Oh that tiny collared dove, so lovely. I bet you are really busy at the moment! I’m very impressed that you are perfect hosta’s my garden has been ravaged by slugs this year. They have been a real problem. Your courtyard is looking really pretty.
It’s been the busiest year ever at the rescue, little birds are cheeping everywhere. I have to say this year is the only year that my hostas have survived slug attacks, but then the frogs have taken up residence in the courtyard! Thanks
I do hope you’ve had a good week …
Such a lovely post to read and look at.
Your courtyard looks lovely and colourful too.
I’m not so sure I could sit and work whilst pige was flying around!
Glad to see pige had good taste in making a bee-line for your piano … was he able to make a sound I wonder?
Enjoy your Friday night, I’m enjoying a chilled glass of white wine in preparation for cooking dinner.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. The pige managed a rather strange little tune, very plinky plonky! I hope you enjoyed your wine and dinner!xxx
This post is a moment of sunshine. Well done.
A couple of times I raised tiny baby squirrels (arrived before their eyes were open). The round the clock feeding is huge work. So I recognize the level of effort in helping these tiny ones thrive. Hugs!
(By the way, the piano is gorgeous!)
Thanks Teagan, how lovely that you have raised young squirrels, oh yes, around the clock feeding is a difficult and exhausting
Wonderful photos. you are doing such a great job there. All the best- Karen
Those goldfinch chicks are adorable – were they very noisy? The photo of the pige playing the piano led first to The Birdie song and then the ‘Stop the Pigeon’ song before my sad brain settled on that Lieutenant Pigeon classic ‘Mouldy Old Dough’. I will focus on your beautiful old books and gorgeous plants in the hope that the ear worms clear soon. The courtyard looks lovely. I hope you find time to enjoy it.
All the chicks are noisy, we feed them and they quieten down for a few minutes, then one starts chirping and off they all go again! I do pity parent birds!
Oh noooooo….now I have those songs going around in my head! Thanks
We used to have a budgie that flew around the house. The poops were a pain to clean but I couldn’t bear the thought of a flying creature being restricted to a small cage so we let him fly free. The baby bunny is adorable. I lost a lot of lilies to those darned beetles too. The one that made it into your post looks gorgeous.
Ahh, I’m glad you let your budgie fly free, I loathe seeing birds in small cages too, it seems so unnatural. Those beetles seem to have a monopoly on lilies around the world, they really have destroyed practically all of my
Ohhhhh, that little bunny!!!! (I’m such a bunny person)… how lucky you are to be involved with such a wonderful place, giving wildlife a second chance. We have a place like that here, and I wanted so much to volunteer there, but, sadly, it is just too far away from where I live. Your pictures brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.
I certainly am lucky, it’s fantastic being able to get close to such a wide variety of creatures. What a shame that your rescue is so far away….so glad to have you
BTW love the courtyard…..the most secluded places.
Thanks Cheryl, ah yes, and small places are so easy to look
So lovely to see the injured and abandoned getting the help they need. It must be so satisfying.
Baby rabbits are cute. I have a lot running the garden at the moment with a Terrier not far behind.
Love your new pianist.
Shifts in wildlife go by in a blur at the moment, there are animals everywhere, it is lovely seeing them thrive and grow though.
We don’t have rabbits in our garden which is strange as they are in the fields
Oh, the vagaries of working from home! I thought having cats meowing during conference calls was bad enough. Your hubby has my respect for managing to get anything done with a recovering pigeon flapping about! (p.s., your mention had me looking closely at those antique books — wonderful dictionaries!)
Your courtyard is certainly a thing of beauty with so much in bloom and in health. Those hosta blooms are so delicate and sweet. They wouldn’t last a day here — the snails and slugs would mow down the whole plant in minutes.
I love how eager all the baby birds always look when you’re photographing them — mouths wiiiiide open!
Hubs had to explain the noise the scattered bird seed was making to his colleagues, they seemed a little surprised! I have a thing about old books, I don’t know why, I especially like ones with engravings and ancient bindings.
I usually have devoured hostas, this year is a one off! I truly am grateful to all those fat frogs that are hanging around. Here’s hoping you make it over here one year and can share a meal in my
So do pigeons like classical music or are they more into jazz?
Lol….I think this bird was definitely a jazz fan!xxx
The photo of the pigeon on the piano is wonderful. That’s one I would print and frame, for sure. And of course the tiny ones touch the heart. It’s always so delightful to see them here, as a reminder of the cycle of life still turning, despite our human messes. At least pigeon poop is easily to clean up!
The courtyard is beautiful, too. I’ve just tossed out some plants from my patio that I didn’t love, and that were taking up room better dedicated to flowering plants that could attract bees and butterflies. Once I get things cleaned up, and repaint a couple of plant stands — and after hurricane season is over — I’m going to try a little beautification, myself.
How true Linda, if only everything was as easy to sort as pigeon poop. I am looking forward to seeing your balcony after the make over, it’s truly amazing how many pollinator friendly plants and edibles you can get into a small
Awesome update thank you for your time and energy when so busy with all the animals you look after blessing to you all
Thanks Linda. I do wish I knew how to access your blog!xxx
Good for you looking after the little birds … And your very patient hubs too! Enjoy your lovely summer garden..
Thanks Gerrie, we are having some lovely weather for a change, we could actually do with a little rain, at night mind!xxx
How wonderful to have Pidge flying free in your home……and those little chicks and the bunny – oh my goodness…sucha a joy.
For the last three Tuesdays I have been watching a BBC documentary about New Zealand…and have thought about you many times…..such marvellous and remarkable and amazing wildlife…there really aren’t words. Have also just read an amazing book…’Bearskins’ by Annie Proulx. It’s a huge novel/tome but for anyone who is serious about the wellbeing of our planet, and how we came to the terrible mess we are in…this is this is a a book to read. Again I thought of you.
Wishing you, Hubs and furies a lovely day and week ahead…janet. xxxx
How lovely that you thought of me, I shall certainly look out for that documentary and book now, thanks for that. I have been thinking of visiting New Zealand for a while, now you have spurred me on! I think it’s coming to crunch time now re the health of the earth and it’s species, every individual will have to take positive action and live a little lightly. Thanks Janet, wishing you a wonderful week
What marvelous pictures!
Thanks Shimon. I do hope all is well with you, I do miss you!xxx
I love how blase you are about a bird flying around the house pooping everywhere. My husband would have freaked out completely. But what a happy, healthy bird he is! That bunny is so adorable I would have wanted to feed it, too!!
I must say, hubs wasn’t amused! I needed to see it flying and stretching it’s wings so it was the easiest thing to do, letting it loose. It wasn’t so bad clearing up as all the surfaces, including the floor are wipeable. It was good to see him fly off so strongly, I haven’t seen him since….xxx
Such cute little guys. Do you think the frogs have kept the slugs round your hostas at bay? Are they very fat frogs?
I have been amazed at the size of the frogs this year, they are hiding in all sorts of odd spots like the woodpile and in bushes, certainly not the pond. There is an unusual one, really brightly coloured, I haven’t found out what type it is yet. I’m sure that’s the reason for my healthy hostas!xxx
Oh, Dina, what a glorious courtyard you’ve created! Just beautiful…and are those nasturtiums? So much lovely color! I’m so sorry about your lilies. I lost some this summer, too, but there you go; that’s gardening. Today, Fergus and I are watching butterflies in the front garden and discussing what plants I’ll be moving, adding, and rearranging when I can walk again. I never knew he was so sophisticated regarding perennials.
He’s given me some very good ideas.
How wonderful to see the lives you’re nurturing at the rescue and in your home. I’m so happy the pige was released, though likely not as happy as your dear husband.
I hope you’ll have time to enjoy the courtyard while ye may. I’m amazed how the days are already growing shorter! We’ve had ghastly heat, so even if I were able to garden, I probably wouldn’t after 6 A.M. But, goodness, will I be ready to sink my hands in the earth in 4 more weeks.
Peace to you and to all the lives you touch.
You have me laughing here, how wonderful to hear of Fergus’s insights!!! A cat designed garden will be a wondrous thing, lots of catmint I imagine! And climbers to creep through….I shall look forward to seeing his plans come to fruition!
Hubs was pleased to see the back of racing pige…!
Sorry to hear about that heat, gosh, it must be draining. I hope time is flying by and the next four weeks fly too, then you can put all your lovely plans into action. Hope you are enjoying your books and films. Here’s to you being up and about
Yeek!! Lily Beetle. I have two Lily plants so far so good, they one is a year old the other is this year’s planting. I’m not sure what to watch for. My ornamental Thistle has been got at, not sure by what.
Pige was very privileged. Poor hubs.
Hand rearing is very special, almost like child rearing. xxx
Lily beetles are rather pretty, they’re bright red so easy to spot. They will utterly destroy lily plants so keep your eyes peeled. I wonder what had a go at your thistle, hopefully it won’t affect the flowers.
Oh yes, hand rearing is a lovely thing to do. The little ones are so trusting. xxx
Gorgeous bunny! All our baby rabbits have deserted us it would seem. Obviously I’m not entirely disappointed given all the damage they did in Spring, but I fear it has coincided with buzzards taking up residence and nesting in the wood. The mice are fewer in number this year too..
Oh dear….poor baby bunnies! We have buzzards now, they appeared a few years ago, I think their numbers are on the up, we even had one in the rescue, magnificent they are!xxx
Super post…as always. Yeah! At this time of year…have to watch those ‘little guys’. Hugs!
We certainly have to keep an eye out for the little-uns! Thanks
I want to sit in your courtyard – what a treat! And the pige … awww. Which reminds me – what happened to Special Pige? Is he still sitting on top of the feeding table and cooing at you???
I would love to have you sit in my courtyard one day! Special pige is still around, but all grown up and wild now. She has a mate and I’m sure has reared chicks. Sadly, she just comes to eat now, no more coo-cooing, but how lovely to have a fully wild bird again!xxx
Your courtyard looks fabulous Dina. It must give you so much pleasure. All your little birds keep you busy. I’ m not sure I could cope with one in the house; all that poo everywhere.
I found a racing pigeon on my doorstep looking very unwell, he died before I could think of anything useful to do for him. Do they die of exhaustion?
Lily beetle needs daily vigilance and I expect you are too soft hearted to sqidge them like I do.
I just love sitting in my little courtyard, I always eat out there and enjoy my morning cuppa, if only the other gardens were so easy to care for…
Pige poo is a pain, but at least he pooped where he sat so wasn’t so bad in terms of cleaning and all the floors in this house are wooden…I gave up carpets years ago, brushing is far easier than hoovering.
Oh….what a shame about your racing pige, we gets lots in the rescue that are exhausted, wind and bad weather often throws them off course and as they’re domestic birds they don’t do very well when it comes to fending for themselves.
You’re spot on, I can’t squish things….moving them is useless….sighs…xxx
Gorgeous pics, especially that lovely little bunny – what a cutie. Your courtyard does look lovely, I have come to the conclusion that just having a small courtyard garden would suit me just fine. Something I could look after properly and not spend every waking hour trying to sort out the chaos that is my garden at the moment. But that would mean moving house and I’m definitely not prepared to do that after all we have been through recently, so I’ll have to figure out how to simplify this garden so it is a bit easier to look after – after all I’m not getting any younger.
Elaine x
I know exactly what you mean, sometimes I wish I only had the courtyard to take care of, all in we have a third of an acre and it completely runs away from me at this time of the year, but the courtyard is so easy and pleasant to sit out in, I couldn’t imagine you moving after all you have been through, yes, simplifying seems the way to go. Good luck with
The little bunny had me awwwing as did the chicks. Your courtyard is looking lovely, a shame about the lilies though, I get the beetles on my snake’s head fritillaries, they’re such a pain. I think you may end up with another pigeon calling your garden home, you look after them too well, they never want to leave.
That little bunny is adorable, you should see everyone fighting to have a go at feeding it.
I’ve never had beetles on my frits, thank goodness, they are so destructive aren’t they?
Racing pige took off and I haven’t seen sight nor sign of him….I would have liked seeing him hanging around. xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
You’ll have to check for lily beetles next year if you want flowers.
Your racing pige story had me laughing, and I’m not surprised that hubby wasn’t really impressed. xx
Thanks Flighty. The lilies are swarming with lily beetles, I’ve given up on them this year! xxx