Summer is slowly flitting by and the rowan and hawthorn are sporting berries, autumn is creeping in.
Now, when did I plant this?
And this?
I am constantly startled by the appearance of plants I have no memory of planting.
I really must add labels to new plants. I know I’ll never get around to such things though….sighs…
Each year we have a run on a particular breed of bird, for some strange reason, it’s goldfinches this year.
This guy has an eye infection, hopefully it can be sorted.
Talking of birds, Special Pige put in an appearance today, along with three fully fledged chicks bearing similar wing patterns. There was no coo-cooing at me, she’s utterly wild now and was just showing her offspring where to feed!
That’s what releasing is all about.
Although….. if food was short I think that pige would still coo-coo at me…..
More wild rabbit kitts, we have a run on these too, along with ducks and herring gulls.
Herring gulls are very angry patients! My fingers are a testament to that!
Biking on a balmy evening.
Face painting at the rescue open day. This little girl asked me to paint her recent holiday….I did my best and thankfully she liked it.
The staff had a BBQ to celebrate a marvelous fundraiser. We of course, unlike the public, have to share the field with a flock of sheep who are intent on eating our food….
Hubs and I attended a quiz to raise funds to build a Rumanian shelter for street dogs, oh, how I loathe quizzes!!!
NOT my cup of tea AT ALL…but the outcome is. A pretty penny was raised!
And Finally….
Oooooh, a box….
Annie owns the boxes.
Buddy is catching on, boxes are fun.
Lovely to hear from you, I miss your posts so always good to know what you are up too. Goodness, 270 members is just marvelous, I love how many vegans and veggies there are these days, back in the day it was unheard of, now it’s becoming the norm. I can imagine how time consuming it all is though, as you say, time goes so quickly, and these events do sneak up. We all secretly love sharing our BBQ’s with the flock, they are as tame as dogs and just love buns! Often it’s a battle eating one, the sheep usually win! Enjoy green week, that sounds great and hope the BBQ goes well….you can always borrow a sheep or two if you like….lol xxx
Haha. I don’t like quizzes either ! Especially if they are about sport.
As usual I am binge reading your blog posts and catching up with several weeks’ worth of them. Things have got so busy since I set up a local vegan group about 18 months ago. We have nearly 270 members now and there is always lots to organise and get involved in. We are about to take part in our local green week and I am doing lots of last minute stuff that should have been dine ages ago. You know how these things creep up on you.
But I do love reading about your work at the rescue and seeing the cute pics of those lovely creatures. And I am quite envious of your green fingers too ! My garden has been quite neglected of late. I heartily approve of the vegan BBQ at your rescue btw. We are having one at the Green Week, but I’m glad to say as it’s in the beer garden of a local pub, we are unlikely to be bothered by scavenging sheep !!
Hope you are all keeping well. And keep up the good work xxx
A lovely post as always, with so much to enjoy reading about. I love the dogs destroying the box – they look so pleased with themselves after creating so much mess. I love the sheep joining your BBQ, too. I hope the goldfinch is OK, they’re definitely one of the most common birds in our garden these days. The little girl’s face is wonderful – I bet she was thrilled with it.
I loathe quizzes too and like you, got involved in one earlier this year for a good cause. I’m just not competitive enough for them; I never take them seriously enough.
Thanks Wendy, it’s quite nice having the sheep around, as you well know! The goldfinches are all now in an aviary and will be released into the graveyard in the rescue, lots of feeders there. I think they are having a good year numbers wise.
Oh, I really can’t abide quizzes!xxx
Ahhh, thanks Cheryl, but I’m honestly not a beautiful person….but we do all have to do our own little bit don’t we… have me laughing re wishing you were a dog here….you’d have a good laugh watching them all with a box, who knew the things could be such fun, and cost free
Do you know, you are such a beautiful person.
With all you do and with the actions you take, you make the world a better place.
I know the juveniles are safe in your hands………….and oh how I love the box game, Wish I was a dog in your house
Boxes are fun, for children as well as dogs. I have the same experience of being mystified by the appearance of plants I have no memory of.
Boxes are excellent value aren’t they, I remember playing with them a a child, the things I turned them into! Good to hear it’s not just me being startled by the appearance of plants…
‘Paint My Holiday On My Face” that is a really great request, a request calling for a super- imaginative response. It looks pretty good to me.
It is nice that you think that special Pige circled with her brood. It definitely takes a ‘mum’ (albeit a two-legged one as opposed to a two winged one) to know her [foster] offspring.
Thanks Menhir, I was a little thrown by that request initially, but happily the little girl was pleased.
I always memorise the wing patterns on released birds, I even draw some so I know who is hanging around, but with SP, she hung around for so long I’d know her anywhere, it’s odd how her chicks have similar markings given her mate is a much bigger and spottier bird. It’s always fantastic to see her, a little coo-coo wouldn’t go amiss either….xxx
I love your Canna and Lobelia, how funny that you can’ t remembber planting them.
I was in Romania 4 years ago and a common sight was people standing on the side of a busy road holding up puppies for sale. It seems a funny way to buy a dog, when you are out for a drive. I think your dog shelter is really needed there.
I hope you are enjoying this lovely summer Dina.
Thanks Chloris, I honestly do have the world’s worst memory!Goodness….how sad to hear of people selling pups on the roadside. The woman running the quiz has almost raised the amount needed to finish the shelter, that should make a difference to so many of the strays roaming the streets there. We are having a rather lovely summer, let’s hope it lasts a little
I’m so glad someone else is surprised by what is growing in the garden….I’m always surprised in spring at the plants that shot up! I must start keeping a diary. So glad you are raising money for the Romanian dog shelters, animals in so many countries have no voices for them.
Buddy seemed to be saying ..”sorted…what next??”
Spring plants are always a surprise to me, I often think squirrels have planted the bulbs until I find a label in a drawer! Yes, animals need help worldwide, it’s awful to read of the endless suffering…
Lol, I suspect you’re right re Buddy!xxx
Oh my goodness, what messy dogs you have – you are so tolerant of their naughty behaviour. You have lovely colour in the garden, I wonder what that mystery plant is and how it got there. Lovely pics of the countryside too – lucky you
Lol…my dogs sure do know how to make a mess! I’m sure I planted the canna and the lobelia as they are in pots, I just have no memory of doing so….dementia must be kicking in! The fields are lovely at this time of the year aren’t they?? Thanks
Its definitely getting an end of summer feel, the moors round here are pink with heather and there looks to be loads of berries on the rowan trees. Must be quite a nice treat to find plants flowering that you don’t expect. That purple Lobelia is lovely. Hope the Goldfinch does recover from the infection, wonder why so many of that bird?
Autumn certainly is early this year! Those moors of yours sound a pretty sight! It’s the first time we’ve ever had a run on goldfinches, they must be having a really good
What is this “quiz” you speak of? I tried to find something on Google, but couldn’t — the great Google kept wanting me to take a quiz to see how much I knew of England! I finally decided it’s a bit like our game, Trivial Pursuit. I’m not much for games, but I do enjoy that one. In any case, it looks like a fine time was had by all — including the sheep.
Another blogger I follow just had a goldfinch fly into her sliding glass door and knock itself silly. But, she put it into a box with a soft towel after checking to be sure it’s wings weren’t broken, and in 15 minutes it had come to itself, and flown off. That’s the kind of rescue we like!
I’m so glad to hear a word about Special Pige, too. It’s good to know that she’s adapted to the world she’s meant for, and has babies, to boot!
Ah yes….a quiz is a little like Trivial pursuit, just general knowledge questions. For some reason, whenever I’m asked a question under pressure my mind instantly goes blank. How lovely that the little goldfinch recovered, they are such tiny birds, it could have done some serious damage to itself.
It’s always a thrill to see SP, especially with her offspring. So good to know she’s thriving. Thanks
You have such happy dogs to be allowed to destroy the box and make a mess! But your dogs grin says how much fun she had!
You can’t beat a happy dog can you? It only takes a couple of minutes to brush the cardboard up but the doggy smiles linger much longer.Thanks
Thanks Dina for sharing! I love to see how boxes can disappear… ih ih ih with some good help
I hope too that the small bird will get well soon, the vet surely knows what to do with the eye infection.
Be sure, the “wonder Pige” will coo-coo at you again (happen to me when, sitting in the park on a bench, I feed all the birds sharing my lunch bread
Have a lovely day :-)claudine
It took all of five minutes to destroy that box! Annie really loves them, poor Sam just snatches pieces of cardboard when he can! I can just imagine you feeding all the birds….lovely! Thanks
Wonderful photography, Dina; really taken in by your top photo! I do enjoy garden surprises and yours are beautiful. What fun!
Happy to see all the goldfinches and rabbits being brought back to health, and how wonderful that Special Pige came by with her babes. I think you’re right, too: if she needed you, she’d come for help.
How great that your fundraiser was such a success! I think I might enjoy celebrating with the sheep. But, like you, not so much the quiz portion of fund-raising.
It always warms my heart to see the pups celebrating their time on earth with such merry play: Bless you! Riley and Clancy always enjoyed a fascinating and tasty cardboard box, too! Made me smile.
Joy to your week’s end, Dina, and thank you for this post and all your good work and happy energy.
Thanks Kitty, it really made my day seeing SP with her offspring, there was a time when I doubted that she would ever survive in the wild. I would be delighted to help her if she ever needed it, I am mighty fond of that bird. The open day went really well this year as the sun shone out and a record number of people turned up…I knew you would enjoy hanging out with the sheep, they really are a friendly bunch and think they’re dogs, they are cheeky when it comes to stealing our food though!
How lovely that your Riley and Clancey enjoyed the boxes too, it’s funny how some dogs take to such things….it always makes me smile watching them play.
I hope the time is flying by for you and that your foot is getting better by the day….not too long now!!!You take good care of
Like you, I sometimes find plants that I can’t remember planting, I put it down to my age!
Love the little girls face, she must have had a wonderful holiday.
Well done with all your fund raising, all your tiny ones deserve it.
I must say it’s rather delightful when an unexpected plant pops up! Thanks Pauline, every penny really does go sucha long
… summer days are passing aren’t they.
I can’t believe it is now mid-August, the year is flying by, and can you believe I actually saw restaurants advertising their Christmas Dinners, and book your table now … EEK!!!
I think you have a great talent for face painting, amazing design, well done.
I just love the photo entitled ‘Biking on a balmy evening’
Finally to finish with the box and the dogs – well it just made me smile, thank you.
Enjoy your Wednesday evening and the rest of the week
All the best Jan
The year certainly is zipping by, I know what you mean about Christmas dinners advertised in pubs, I’ve seen that too and Christmas produce is alreading in the shops, it truly is awful isn’t it? Thanks Jan, you have a good week
Goodness, what a gorgeous splash of colour! I love the flowers at the top. Is that a canna? I guess sheep don’t make good meal companions. What a photo, Dina! And that girl’s face is so fun. I love that she wanted such a fond memory of her holiday. Just as Special Pige remembered your garden as a safe place. What a lovely thought.
I don’t suppose Sam will come in after Annie and Buddy to tidy up their fun…
Yes, that is a canna, it really was a pleasant surprise.
The sheep are a hoot, they have a thing for buns and can become very forward trying to rid us of them. They are not averse to a little head butting!
It was such a treat seeing SP again and most comforting to see how she has reverted to a wild pige again. I do miss the coo-cooing at times though.
If only those dogs tidied up after themselves….sighs…xxx
Super Summer Time…….Loud and Clear! Let’s enjoy! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka. Sadly, summer seems to be slipping
Lovely post and pictures. It’s felt autumnal here some mornings. The dogs made me smile with their antics. xx
Thanks Flighty. The trees around here are beginning to drop their leaves already, surely it’s far too early!xxx
A lovely update. Nice to hear that Special Pige is still around, and what a great outcome knowing she’s got back to how nature intended. We had a cat who loved boxes, the smaller the better so that he could push his head right in and get it stuck, he’d walk around with it covering his head.
Thanks Jo. It was a treat seeing SP again, I don’t see her very often, she’s too busy enjoying life now. You have me smiling with that story of your crazy
I wonder why there are so many baby goldfinches coming in?
A bit insensitive barbecuing in a field of sheep or was it a veggie BBQ?
Tivvy goes mad for plastic bottles to crush.
It is strange seeing so many goldfinches, this is a first for us. Maybe they are having a good year.
Don’t worry Sue, the BBQ was vegan, we only ever have/serve vegan food on site, none of the staff eat meat. Lots of dogs go mad for plastic bottles, I’ve never given one to our dogs, maybe I should try that
Sounds like you are having a fun time. I love the scruffy little goldfinch and those rabbit kitts are adorable. Great face painting skills too. Who knew that there was so much fun to be had with a cardboard box?! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, it’s always a good laugh watching the dogs having so much fun with something so