Well, says I, taking a deep breath, where does a girl start?
Laura, as usual, did all the animals proud. It’s such a relief being able to go away and know that all their needs are met….and more! The dogs, hogs, and cat were all fine.
The special ones? Pige, doves? Shall we just refer to them as doves from now on?
Well, they too are thriving and are obviously lifers here now.
Introducing…from left to right..Bella, Billy-Bob and Ben.
Billy-Bob and Bella have teamed up and snuggle together in the old knitting machine box that is their temporary accommodation, Ben sleeps on the ledge of the upstairs bathroom.
Proper homes are being built as I type!
Laura’s racing pigeon suddenly reappeared along with SP’s three children, they seem to like hanging out on the roof too, they disappear each evening though. I’m kind of hoping Ben and Laura’s Pige get together.
Billy-Bob is collecting twigs as I type! Jeeez!
If all was well on the animal front, it certainly wasn’t on the home front.
The shower had finally given up the ghost, and as that bathroom was looking rather dated we decided to put a new one in.
Turns out that the floor, the joists and the ceiling were rotten, so out they came. It wasn’t one leak, more like a dozen, in fact it was rather difficult finding a pipe that wasn’t leaking!
Of course the toilet next door was rotten too, so out came the floor, the joists and the ceiling, oh my, you should have SEEN the dust! It was falling throughout the house like volcanic ash!!! It’ll take months to sort.
The catalogue of horrors continued, yup….the water stop cap was also leaking which has destroyed the joists under the kitchen floor. I agreed to the tap being fixed, but that floor will have to fall in before I replace it! There are only so many jobs you can stand to do at once.
Being asked if we want the bad news is becoming incredibly old. Sometimes I suspect builders enjoy running around people’s houses pointing out innumerable jobs in urgent need of repair.
It got worse, the loft has woodworm and the gas pipes need immediate attention as not only are they illegal but charges could be brought against the person that installed them.
On it went…..the boiler vent is too close to the kitchen door and the central heating only has a one pipe system instead of two…..the place is damp as the courtyard flags are too high and the courtyard vegetation aint helping! That’s it so far….but it’s early days!
Last night the joists under the kitchen floor and the loft were sprayed. I thought I was dying, seriously! I have a bad dose of flu and tonsilitis and I simply couldn’t breathe! Awful, awful stuff! I prowled the house the entire night, trying to find a spot to sleep in, that didn’t reek of whatever they’d sprayed …if it hadn’t been raining I would have happily slept in the garden. Hubs slept like a baby???? The dogs snorted and coughed, as I did!
Of course these builders have no regard for dogs, and tear around the house opening doors and leaving them open. No room is sacred! Most of the time I’m barricaded in one room, with a chair blocking the door!
In other news I had an appointment with a surgeon re having my hip replaced. It was seven thirty in the evening and the guy looked tired. He yawned constantly and seemed detached and distant, making little eye contact. He raced through the possible negative outcomes and then picked up his diary to determine a date.
He held his diary right up to his eyes and stared at it for ages…..not terribly inspiring! Anyway he gave me a date, 14th October, and asked me if I had any questions.
“I take it I’m in good hands,” I asked. “Weeeeeeel, ” he said.
“Hahaha,” says I, “I take it you haven’t killed anyone my age, who, y’know…… is fit and healthy???”
“Weeeeeel” he said. I stared at him, rather fearfully and left, feeling distinctly uneasy.
After thinking about it for several days I’ve decided to go private!
You can’t put a price on your health!
And Finally….
Meet LJS, on the left, who has now joined Skulldoug and The Lock Keeper. I love his wooden leg, hook, and gold tooth, but that parrot on his shoulder sure is something else!!!
Laura’s pige has found a mate, so poor Ben is still single, if only another dove would drop by.
Oh, dust and men tramping around is no fun, I try to keep out of the way with the dogs but it’s fairly impossible as they are everywhere. Hopefully in a few weeks all will be well and I can get around to sorting the house out.
I have a new surgeon now, I’m seeing him tomorrow so may get a date for the op, he certainly inspires confidence. Thanks so much Linda, you take good care of you!xxx
I’m glad to hear all is well with the animals and you have hopes for bird bonding and mating, that is, between Ben and Laura’s Pige. Your skeletons are a lot of fun. I feel so sorry for you as you deal with the disruption from the necessary building work. Living with the dust as material got ripped out couldn’t have been easy not to mention the woodworm treatment fumes. Hope everything gets done soon and now that you feel more confident with the new surgeon your hip replacement goes well. Take care of yourself dear Dina.
Dina! I can hardly believe the litany of things unraveling at your home-sweet-home! Perhaps you should’ve scheduled to be away while a responsible elf managed the restoration of showers and pipes and floors and pigeon homes.
I do hope that you find someone knowledgeable and skilled (and awake!) to do a good job on your hip. Praying it will all go well. Hugs, my friend.
It’s a dusty old home right now, but hopefully will be sorted at some point! Oh….how I wish I could just go away and leave a responsible elf holding the fort!
I am far more confident in the surgeon I have now, he’s the one who diagnosed the problem and he has a marvelous reassuring manner, and has yet to yawn, his eyesight seems perfect too! Thanks Anne.xxx
Oh dear, what a homecoming. I hate it too, the noise, the dust and the lack of privacy. I know the sort of builder who sucks his cheek and says how very bad everything is. I have a plumber like this, who shakes his head gloomily and says how impossible the job is and what a botch the previous man made of the pipe work. And you have flu too, not to mention noxious woodworm stuff being sprayed about the place. Oh dear, what a nightmare. You must be stressed out. Let’ s hope you get your nice new hip quickly.
I think all builders suck their cheeks …tut and shake their head!, and why do they always criticise the previous builder??? I don’t envy you your plumber! I think everyone loathes having strangers in the house. I’m hoping all will be restored in a few weeks. I’m resigned to it all now, sighs. Thanks Chloris.xxx
marvelous pictures… they’re inspiring. But the thought of you dealing with decomposition of parts of your home while suffering from the flu sounds like the famous nightmare within a nightmare… bubble within the bubble. I wish you a speedy recovery. Can see that the dogs and doves are enlightened, so there’s room for hope that you too will be in the seventh heaven here on this damp earth one of these days. Sending you love and a wistful smile from a parallel planet…
Thanks for your love and wistful smile, that has cheered me up no end as has hearing from you. I hope all is well with you and yours, I do miss you!
I’m beginning to adapt to the endless hammering and banging, as have the dogs. Hopefully all will be sorted in a few weeks.
Loving your parallel planet comment!xxxx
Fantastic post – thoroughly enjoyed it! Great extended family!
Thanks Peter, my extended family just keeps on growing!xxx
Oh dear, what a nightmare! Are you living in a haunted 200 years house? I know that after some time you have to consider replacing and restoring things (my husband is a Minergie specialist and he does a lot of this kind of works…) but I never heard about spraying around gas-killer for wood worms when people are still living in the house or loft! This is awful… I hope your health is going to be under control and don’t pay much attention to the attitude of the doctors: they all are weird… in one or the other manner. Good choice to take the “private” option, maybe you get more rest and consideration! I cross my fingers.
About me: finally, I wasn’t able to take off to Nepal. Because of the internet agency Bravofly didn’t do its work properly by checking the passport date and give me the right information. My pass is valid until next 17.3.2017 (5 1/2 months the date of the departure), but to enter Nepal the pass needs to have 6 months validity.
My friend Nadia went alone. She took 6 days trekking and until today I haven’t received news from her.
Having my deeply desired vacation at home, seemed to haunt me… there are many works to be done in the garden and inside the house as well. Hugs and kisses wishing you all the best
Our house isn’t that old but is behaving as though it is!!! Oh….that spray truly was horrible! If only they had sprayed early morning I could have opened doors and windows…the awful smell has gone now, not the dust though!
I should be getting a date for the operation this week…I’m much more confident re this surgeon, he’s the one who diagnosed me.
Oh, I’m so sorry you missed out on Nepal, what an awful thing to happen!!! Poor you, hopefully you can go another time, I can imagine how disappointed you were though. Hugs and kisses to you too.xxx
What a drama to come back to but at least the animals were well and happy.
It certainly is a drama….the entire house is upside down at the moment, but as you say, it’s good finding the animals healthy and happy.xxx
Poor Ben. It’s never fun to be the third wheel. Have you considered getting a fourth pigeon?
I do feel sorry for Ben but have noticed several pigeons taking an interest in him, hopefully the next doves I release will hang around and join him.xxx
Goodness this is certainly a roller-coaster of a post.
I hope that everything at home gets sorted out eventually and, more importantly, that your hip operation goes okay. xx
Thanks Flighty, I’m hoping to get a date for my operation this week. It’s still chaos on the home front though. Hopefully, all will be sorted in a few weeks.xxx
Every now and then, I congratulate myself on renting rather than owning. I know, I know — I lack equity and all that, but there is much to be said for being able to just call up the office and say, “Here’s the problem — please take care of it.” Of course, that’s satisfactory only if you have good management, but so far I’ve been lucky.
I’m taking off for a bit of a jaunt myself, and the anxiety about leaving my beloved kitty in the hands of someone I both trust and don’t quite trust is always hard. I’ve never left her for such a long time (nearly three weeks!) so it ought to be interesting to see the reaction when I get back. It’s too bad she’s the way she is. If I could board her in a kitty hotel, it would be so much easier. I know she gets lonely, but not being willing to make friends with anyone else is her decision!
If I’d had the experience you had with that surgeon, I’d have gone running the other direction, too. I’ve read plenty of stories of late about the problems with the NHS, and I’m sure the physicians are feeling as overwhelmed as the system is. Still, that’s not your issue. Your task is to find the best care possible for your issues. It’s your hip, after all, and I’m sure you’d like to have it working at 100%!
Here’s hoping progress on the house is quick. Having at least a bit of the chaos dispelled will make life so much better.
It times like this when I wish I was renting too! It’s the upheaval and mess that’s the worst.
Oh….now where are you off too? Three weeks is a grand break. Sometimes you have to just let go and not worry, hard to do I know. Hopefully Kitty will come around during that time, Curly did, he used to hiss at his carers, but this time he let Laura stroke him each day. I do hope it works out!
I’m now going with the surgeon who diagnosed me, I have every confidence in him. Thanks Linda. Enjoy your break, I’ll look forward to hearing all about it.xxx
Oh my goodness Dina, what a time you are having. I hate having builders around the house and all the disruption. I hope they get it all sorted for you soon especially if you are having your op. You will need to rest after that. What a disappointment your experience with the surgeon but you need to feel confident when you are going into hospital. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I hate having builders in the house too, they must get tired of all their clients not wanting them around! Or become totally insensitive to it! I hope they sort things before the op too…I’ll need a downstairs bathroom. I am far more confident with the new surgeon, I’m just waiting on a date now. Thanks Annie.xxx
The old expression ‘It never rains but it pours’ comes to mind! Well, the good news is that clearly all animals are doing very well…..the pigeons have made your home their home….wonderful.
As for the work on the house…OMG. I am dreading the fact that a new bathroom will be put into my flat starting October 1st….they have promised that it will take seven working days….but I am dreading it, however, like your situation mine is needed, and I am sure once it is all completed we will all be collectively jumping up and down with joy.
It sounds like you made the right decision re your hip. It saddens me so much that there seems to be so little time for one on one relationships anymore in the NHS….however, as you say the most important thing is that this be done the best way possible…as you say this is your health…and we can never put a price on that.
OK, my friend, think of this, when I see you in December, you might already be done…re hip and the bathroom should be up and running….one small step at a time:) Sending love on what is another glorious day…Janet. xxx
Oh…it’s certainly raining here!!! But yes, the critters are all fine. SP’s three chicks hang around the roof too, along with Laura’s pige and her new mate, it’s so funny watching Billy-Bob trying to see them all off….up and down he stalks, strutting indignantly!
Oh…..you’re having the bathroom done too? I have my fingers and toes crossed that all goes well, and that, as you say, we both get to enjoy them after all the upheaval!
It’s funny re the NHS, some get superb treatment while others are treated dismally….it certainly needs sorting out!
How lovely it will be to meet you, and yes, hopefully we will both be sorted by then. It would be lovely if you came here and painted some of the animals….and got to meet them!!!Thanks Janet.xxx
What a dilemma .. House falling apart …& needing a hip replacement! Good luck with both and good to see the dogs & pigeons are happy. And your skeletons add a nice touch too!
It certainly is about things falling apart!!! Thanks Gerrie, at least the animals are happy!!! xxx
Oh my, all those house repairs! We’ve been through it, so I sympathize. At some point you want to say to the builders, “don’t look under, behind, or over anything anymore,” just turn a blind eye and keep moving.
You should feel comfortable and confident with your surgeon, so you made the right choice. Here’s wishing you a happy new hip and speedy recovery.
I’m with you re telling the builders to turn a blind eye! I’m trying to ignore the endless list of things they think should be done and focussing on urgent jobs only. Thanks Brenda, I’m feeling far more confident with the new surgeon.xxx
Where to start and stop…yikes! The adopted doves of [peace] and Pige are a good distraction.
We had to sort out a gas vent this year…change in regulations in recent times. I do feel for you, it was a horrendous bit of work, requiring our boiler position to be changed. Your shower room and WC are a major upheaval as well. Looking as your pix, I wonder if I should…..
Is there something other than Halloween in that thar skeletal picture……..a domestic philosophical aspect perhaps? They are a right good pair.
When a medic doesn’t inspire confidence, if you can find another way of fixing things, the possibilities are worthwhile looking looking at. You’ll have to let us know what you do. xxx
Oh dear….dealing with gas is awful, I feel for you having your boiler moved, I remember it, I thought you were having a new kitchen fitted. I’m just going with the flow at the moment, or at least trying too. Hopefully most of the jobs will be sorted in a couple of weeks, then it will be all about cleaning and decorating….yet again! You have me smiling re the skeletons!!!
I’m nw going to see the surgeon who diagnosed the problem initially, he certainly inspires confidence! Thanks Menhir.xxx
Bella, Billy-Bob and Ben… wonderful names.
I am so sorry you’ve come back to all this work and the problems it’s bringing. Take a deep breath and Just take things one step at a time. Think positive, it will all be sorted and life will return to normal … or as normal as can be!
I send lots of good wishes for your hip op.
… and finally love the garden occupants
All the best Jan
Y’know Jan…..those birds know their names now! Yes, I’m trying to rise above it all, one day it will be sorted, until then it’s about going with the flow. No point in resisting is there? Thanks Jan.xxx
And PS: I LOVE the elf painting!
Thanks, my sister sketched that for a children’s story I was messing about with.xxx
Ah, once again we’re in similar boats, as Phillip and I are looking at a new roof and some drywall repair because of leaks from a skylight and endless rain…gad. It does just keep adding up…I hope your necessary repairs get sorted in good time and well.
As for your hip, yes, find the surgeon who makes you feel safe and as though s/he knows everything about the surgery. You’re right: we’re worth the best, and far too much depends on our joyful and comfortable mobility.
So wonderful to see all (most) of the 4-leggeds and winged, and how happy they all are at your blissful haven. I send you all hugs and smooches and wishes for cozy, lovely times together, despite the dust that’s rising and settling.
Oh dear, you have two huge jobs there!!! Builders don’t come cheap either, these boys are costing us an arm and a leg, so far, it’s costing 10k….sighs…and a lot of decorating will need doing once they’ve gone. It’s so intrusive having builders stomping around the house, I think it’ll be another couple of weeks before it’s sorted.
Our health is so important isn’t it? That surgeon really freaked me out! I’m going back to the guy who diagnosed the problem, he is so reassuring and calm, I do feel in safe hands with him.
The doves are such funny birds, you’d love them. They walk around the roof almost like chickens, they seem to freeze every now and then with one foot frozen in the air. They go to the window every time they see me looking for food, they are sweet! Sending love and hugs to you and yours too. Thanks so much Kitty.xxx
You have all my sympathies and more.. Dust falling like volcanic ash, I shall remember that one! It will get better I promise, just maybe not yet!!
Good luck with the op.
Yes, you have your fair share of building work! It’s a right pain isn’t it? I have never seen dust like this before, it will literally take months to sort out. Lol….thanks, it has to get better…right???xxx
Oh my goodness – there’s so much to come back to after your holiday. I love the doves making themselves at home but I’m sorry to hear about the disruption the builders are causing. Builders are very good at opening a can of worms – one thing needs doing, then something else etc. You must feel under siege, too. But what a relief when it’s done and is all looking good.
Best wishes for your op. Take care x
How true, builders always open a can of worms. I think they exaggerate too….I wouldn’t mind, but all the problems are caused by previous builders, they all seem to criticise each other’s work! It will be heavenly when it’s all sorted out, the best bit will be having the house back, it’s exhausting having people tramping around all day long. Thanks Wendy.xxx
My dear friend
OMG sounds like disasterville at your house, a bit like what we went through earlier in the year. I hate living with mess and upset, I feel for you. I am sure it will look lovely in the end. Good luck with the op, you will be able to run a marathon after it’s done
Thanks so much Elaine, disasterville is the perfect description. Every room in the house is affected as pipes and wires are being replaced….building supplies and builders are simply everywhere, as is the dust. I’m just hoping it all gets sorted in the end, I’ll have to do a lot more decorating. I am looking forward to walking without pain!xxx
Oh my goodness Dina, what a catalogue. You always sound so cheerful but I’m sure it must be getting you all down. Do you have an alternative shower or is it a case of standing in the toolshed with a bucket??
Sensible decision, going private. I bet that surgeon had been up at 5.30am and had already done a ton of surgery and a load of clinics, if it’s anything like my daughter’s day! Doesn’t inspire confidence, does it? You need your health and strength, me dear gal, with all you’ve got to do! Huge hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lol….thankfully we have another bathroom upstairs, we’d be in a right mess if we didn’t! I’m trying to go with the flow, but the builders are so intrusive, messy and noisy! If only they could remember to close doors….sighs….
I feel for your daughter and other hard working medics, they certainly graft! The guy I saw seemed downright odd….and a little shortsighted!! I didn’t feel very confident at all, I’m so glad to be going private, I feel a little more in control of my destiny. Thanks for the huge hugs….sending one back!xxx
Goodness, it never rains but it pours. I hope you get all the jobs sorted out soon, including your hip replacement, you’re so right, you can’t put a price on your health. Love the new garden occupants, especially the parrot.
How true Jo, why does everything happen at once??? I’m trying to get the builders to focus on the urgent jobs, and am now turning deaf ears to jobs that can wait. It all mounts up doesn’t it, so far it’s costing an arm and a leg and the house is a right mess. The disruption is the worst and being trapped in one room. That parrot does make me smile!xxx
I have an ever growing list of ‘to do’ jobs for the house but, after reading your post, I’m suddenly feeling much more cheerful about it all! How lovely to know that all the animals were well cared for while you were away – it makes a big difference to the holiday doesn’t it. I love the new addition to your garden. Good luck with the hip operation. xx
Once you get a builder in it starts! They seem to gravitate to problems! It certainly makes a difference being able to go away without feeling worried or guilty. Laura is certainly a one off, we are lucky. Thanks VeggieMummy.xxx