Christmas day was most relaxing this year, hubs and I even managed to fit a dog walk in, that’s a first!
Hubs had me laughing, he came in carrying this wrought iron bird, with it’s head wrapped saying, “You’ll never guess what this is!”
You should have seen the technology flying around, wireless sleep headphones, pebble phone chargers, credit card wallet tools, flying screaming monkeys!?!….that’s my contribution. Hubs came up with a new lappie for me, what joy, I am also now in possession of wireless earphones. Goodness, these items would have been seen as science fiction back in the day. Seems I am being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Now here’s a thing to ponder. Daughter bought me a plasma ball as I’ve always fancied one.
I placed it in the center of battery operated lights. Imagine my surprise when the lights suddenly came on, especially as the batteries had died three days before.
Goodness, who knew? Every time I turned the plasma ball off, the lights went out. After a few hours the lights worked independently of the plasma ball, seems they can store the excess charge. I’m pondering on what else I can charge now….a wireless charger at last eh?
Maybe I need to patent it!
Tesla discovered plasma! Knowing that, I’m being a little more cautious with my experiments now.
Enough said.
Lovely gifts from dear blogger friends. Thank you Kitty, and you too Anne. How I wish I had invented this gardening pinny. Now my phone and camera will remain scratch free and I shall never lose my secateurs again! I swear my heart misses a beat when I receive seeds!
I finally met Janet this year, someone I have been in touch with for many years. Meeting her was just fantastic, she was just as I imagined her to be, charming and delightful. What a simply marvelous time we had, a trio of artists. Misa, who I know, is a little darling too. Hopefully we’ll catch up again soon. I am thrilled to finally own a piece of Janet’s work. I’ll show it when I get it framed.
I made a real effort to see all my good friends this year, time can be short and we have to make the most of the present and the time we have.
It was just lovely to see nephew, his partner and their baby, who is now one, she wasn’t born when I met her mother in NYC last year.
It was also odd coming across this picture of my sister. How very beautiful she was, inside and out. I am so lucky to have had her in my life. Wish she was still here….
And Finally….
talking of making the most of the time we have….
where, oh where shall hubs and I go for three weeks in February?
The world is our oyster.
And Finally…finally…
Here’s to a simply wonderful 2017 to you all, I’m sending you all my love and very best wishes.
Thank you for visiting and sharing your fabulous lives! I do appreciate you
Thanks Caro. I’m looking forward to using that apron, it has pockets for everything, tools, camera, phone…even seeds! I won’t know myself. Daughter always loses her charger too…I have to keep a sharp eye on mine as she often sneaks off with it. All the best for
What a lovely christmas you had! I love the idea of that gardening apron as everything gets stuffed into my back pockets, not always the most sensible option! Lucky you being kept up to date with technology – you’ve also given me an idea for my son’s birthday present this year as he’s always losing the charger for his phone! Happy new year, Dina, and happy travels in February. Caro xx
Thanks Chloris, it is indeed a beautifully wrapped bird.
Hahahaha, yes we did go to see Rod Stewart, I don’t think he’s sexy, but he wears it well!
I’m hoping our February trip is a real adventure….it’s so good being able to travel after not moving for years, Laura is such a gem. xxx
I love your festive dogs and the beautifully wrapped bird. The plasma ball sounds a bit spooky to me, all these invisible electromagnetic rays.
Did you go to see Rod Stewart? Do you think he is sexy?
What exciting plans for February, I wonder where you will go. I think the planning is as exciting as the travelling. Have a wonderful 2017 dear Dina.
It’s lovely seeing the images of your Christmas and New Year. I’m glad you had so many enjoyable moments. I love the festive dogs! Hope you have a wonderful 2017 and great fun on that February holiday. Look forward to seeing where you go! x
Thanks Wendy, Sam and Annie will only suffer a hat for a few seconds but Buddy seems to love posing! All the very best to you for
Good morning Darling Dina – and here’s wishing you, Hubs and all the Furies and wonderfully healthy, peaceful and creative New year, and here’s to seeing one another again sometime during the coming you.
As always your posts brings huge smiles to my face……and yes what a wonderful time we had together. Christie has been with me since 29th (the day before the Funeral) and will be flying back to Boston on Friday. It’s been a strange but lovely time and we did give my Mother a very beautiful send off.
Love the doggys in their Xmas hats, and what a happy memory of being with you in Liverpool…a city I have fallen in love with.
Sending love Janet. xxxxxx
Oh….I do hope we get together again soon, it would be lovely if you came here and met all the critters! I’m glad you enjoyed Liverpool, next time I’ll show you around.
I’m so glad the funeral went well, I have been thinking of you and sending you love, glad Christie made it home and you had a lovely time together. You take good care of you, All the best for
A wonderful post and images. We had a great Christmas Day with everybody coming, apart from our Christchurch and Melbourne parts of the family. On New years day it was incredibly wet and cold. Actually never seen anything like it here.
Thanks Peter, so glad you had a great Christmas with family. The weather is downright odd worldwide now, I don’t think any of us know what to expect any more. Here’s to better weather coming your
I’m glad you had a good Christmas with great gifts exchanged and some fun moments. Enjoy planning your February trip – something to look forward to. Wishing you and your family all the very best this new year 2017.
Thanks Linda, Christmas was good, and now we get to plan an adventure. All the very best to you and
What a marvelous gathering, in all ways — of gifts, and guests, and even of guesses about where the next destination should be. It just looks wonderful, although that plasma ball has me a bit perplexed. I’ve never seen one, or even heard of one. Should I get out more?
Your sister truly was beautiful. It’s good that you included her, too. The first year after a loss is hard, but I truly believe we help the healing take place when we lovingly remember.
My best to you for the new year. It’s going to be exciting to follow along on your travels again, and to see what other mischief you can get into in 2017!
Thanks Linda, yes, remembering does help healing…and love never dies. Oh, plasma balls are astonishing things, they came out in the eighties and I’ve always had an eye on one. When you touch the globe a current of electricity attaches itself to your hand.
Holiday planning is always fun, this one feels like it will be an adventure alright. Happy
That plasma ball looks like something out of Dr. Who, what fun! Looks like you had a merry Christmas indeed, a happy 2017 to you!
Happy 2017 to you. Plasma balls are fun and endlessly entertaining. Thanks
I’m so glad you had a good Christmas.
Many thanks for sharing all your photographs, especially the one of your sister.
That plasma ball looks great, I’ve seen them on TV and in magazines but never been that close to one … it’s fascinating!
Your trip and travel plans sound excellent,look forward to reading and seeing more about them as the weeks progress.
Many good wishes for this year – gosh we are now in 2017!
Good health, safe travels and happiness
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, it was good sharing my sister’s photo, and remembering all the good times. Plasma balls are endlessly fascinating, I can’t stop playing with mine.
Yes, 2017 already, where does time
Happy New Year to you Dina, I look forward to hearing about your travel plans. Losing people close to you is hard but really makes you realise that life is precious and you must make the most of it. Love your life and every minute of it. All the best for 2017.
Thanks Annie, all the best to you too. Yes, we share the loss this year and how true, life is precious and we do need to make the most of it, here’s to loving
Happy New Year and travels to you!
Thanks Casa, all the very best to
A joy to read, your post is full of energy and bursting at the seams with love!
It was good to see Misa, I was wondering how she was.
Gilly has mentioned the emotional difficulties of special people’s anniversaries during the first year. It seems that when the first deep aches lessen the memories come more gently. A hug from me.
Wishing you all the very best in 2017. Take care.
M xxxxx
Thanks so much Menhir. Misa is well and looking great. It’s always lovely to catch up with her.
Thanks for your kind words. All the best to you
It’s hard, the first Christmas, the first birthday. It doesn’t get any less sad but I guess we get used to the ache in our hearts. Glad you had a good Christmas, lovely Dina. May 2017 be full of blessings. Hugs xx
How very true Gill. Hugs and a wonderful 2017 to you
Well, what a mighty, merry time it all sounds, and don’t the 4-leggeds look festive?!!
Lovely gifts and the bird: too funny, but how what a wonderful gift!
How wonderful to meet with artist friends and receive samples of their creativity, too! And seeds! What a happy gift, like a packet of hope!
How I imagined your sister: beautiful, and I see her similarity to your also-beautiful daughter (and to you, dear Dina; lots of beauty in your family)!
I’m excited to learn where you may be headed on your next adventure. February comes quickly (and lasts forever, another story). I’m already looking forward to your photos and stories.
May all good be winging its way to your new year: blessings and joy, and great, gentle love!
I do send love and smooches to all.
I had to laugh seeing that bird!
How lovely that you can see a resemblance with sister and daughter, people often commented on sis and I looking alike.
I’m really enjoying browsing the travel mags, there are so many fascinating places to explore….decisions, decisions eh?
Smooches and love to you
There’s always exotic Madison, Wisconsin…but probably better to visit in late spring or fall.
I can’t wait to hear where you’re headed next!
How marvelous it would be if I got to visit one day, or you both visited me!xxx
Happy, happy New Year to you and all your loved ones.
It sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time and received lots of lovely gifts. The dogs looked to have enjoyed it all too. Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2017.
The dogs had a lovely time, all those extra tit bits! Thanks
Good to see that you enjoyed Christmas and got lots of interesting presents.
Thanks, and to you too. xx
Roomie and I had a good laugh at your husband’s “surprise.” What a wonderful sense of humor he’s got
And so you are up on all the technology. Can we WhatsApp? I’m always coming across a photo of Your Boy that you need immediately.
Thanks for that glimpse of your beloved sister.
Many many good wishes for your 2017, too — apparently starting off with that fab tour!
Hubs has no patience when it comes to wrapping, even square boxes pose challenges for him…
Looking forward to pics of My Boy now!!!
It’s exciting thinking of all the places we could go to! Thanks
I bet you will lose your secateurs again. I have the same trouble with scissors too. That plasma ball is spooky! Hope the new year is good to you.
I’m sure I will lose my secateurs, that’s a given and no doubt they will, as usual, turn up beautifully rusted, in the compost heap! Thanks
That plasma ball looks such fun and I’m so envious of your February holiday. Lovely dogs in Santa hats too! Happy New Year and best wishes for 2017. xx
Thanks VeggieMummy. I must say the plasma ball is