I’m off to the Lakes tomorrow, one of my favourite places….ever!
chimineas have been enjoyed.
There have been some lovely balmy evenings of late, so hubs and I have made the most of them by sitting out enjoying a good old blaze, we have a huge supply of broken fence panels, thanks to Doris, ideal for burning.
Wildlife awareness talks have been enjoyed.
I went along to meet this little troop of Beavers, complete with hedgehogs. What a marvelous audience they proved to be; they just loved the hedgehogs, as did the brownies.
They also collected a shed-load of animal food and treats as well as raising money. What a bunch of angels. It was lovely meeting them all.
Birds have been released.
A black pigeon, a dove…..
and a racing pigeon.
They went off beautifully and are still hanging around. The dove has paired up with the racing pige, and the black pige is hanging out with a …..wood-pigeon?!?
More plants have been dug up.
and the back pond is finally out. The new flagging will cover this area. I’m planning on having lots of raised islands and hope to relocate the pond somewhere out of reach of the beech tree leaves.
Meanwhile, the front pond is prettying up! I saw a female blackbird hunting tadpoles today. She stood on a lily pad and pounded her feet to dislodge them. She caught three.
Rock roses are blooming…
along with brambly ones….
and seedlings have been potted! I now have absolutely nowhere to put anything!
And Finally….
a couple of videos….still figuring it all out.
I never seem able to take pics to show how the courtyard looks, so opted for a video instead. Yes, it’s packed solid….. with all sorts of junk!!!
Your pond is lovely. I found a crested newt in mine much to my delight as I haven’t seen one for years.
I am looking forward to seeing your garden makeover.
Your courtyard look such a great place to sit. I am impresed by your technology., I wouldn’t have a clue how to post a video.
Oh I say…a CRESTED NEWT… I am green with envy! Lol…me and technology are a nightmare. I would love to see a video of your garden, ask lovely son or daughter how to do it, it really is easy…take a vid, upload to youtube and add the link to your blog.xxx
I always love visiting The Lakes, we had wonderful weather, almost too hot too walk. I’m used to the rain there! All those birds have gone, they came in as adults so maybe went back to their old hunting grounds. Yes, the pups have run themselves ragged by the time I took that video. I still try to squeeze the odd plant into the courtyard….thanks Linda.xxx
I trust you had a lovely time in the Lake District – one of your favourite places to take a break I know. It looks as if the Beavers had a great time with you and well done them for contributing to animal welfare. I wonder if the birds you released will stay around your house? Thanks for the video clips of your doggies in play mode. Maybe they were tired out by the time you took the one of the courtyard? It’s a real oasis of calm stuffed full of plants and greenery. I’m looking forward to hearing about your time away.
loved your courtyard, and it was a pleasure seeing the dogs romp. How nice that you’re able to give us movies from your world. Best wishes, my dear Dina.
I’m glad you like my little courtyard, it’s my little haven….I contemplate the meaning of life there on a regular basis. I must take more dog-play videos, I’m new to the game but hope to improve. Lovely to hear from you….my friend.xxx
Love the videos, Dina – how you managed to keep still and not laugh at the dogs playing, I’ll never know – they had me laughing out loud, they’re just like kids playing! Your courtyard is a lovely spot, filled with lush greenery, just fab. Hope you have a lovely holiday, you’ve certainly earned a break with all your hard work, especially judging by the happy look on the Beavers’ faces. (I hope someone is watering your seedlings though!) Caro xx
Thanks Caro, that game is played for hours each day when Buddy is here, it always makes me laugh too, they are just like kids! Glad you like my little courtyard, it’s a real haven for me. My marvelous neighbours water my greenhouse, courtyard and gardens…as well as feeding Curly cat.xxx
What a gorgeous courtyard. I just want to sit out there and enjoy it all. No wonder your grass is a mess – but aren’t they having a good time?! The pigeons look very lordly as they step out of their cage … have a lovely time in the Lakes! Hugs xx
How lovely it would be if you popped around one day and had a cuppa in my little courtyard. It is a haven, so peaceful, I take my tea out there every morning. Hope all is well with you. Thanks Gill.xxx
I always enjoy seeing your releases of birds and wildlife — free the birds, hold the children captive! They do seem attentive, though — the children, not the birds — and I think your work with them is just wonderful.
So many plants, though. I would have a terrible time remember what needed watering, what didn’t. I suppose you’re so used to it that it doesn’t make any difference if they’re in the ground or in a pot. You still recognize them and give them what they need.
I hope your time away is delightful. We’re already into the time of year when a fire seems redundant, to say the least. No blankets for us — although the humidity now feels like a blanket. A wet, soggy blanket, now that I think of it.
Ha! I loved, free the birds, hold the children captive!
Re the plants, as it’s such a tiny space, I just stand in the middle with a hosepipe, so it doesn’t take long. I only water if it hasn’t rained in a week.
Oh….I am not a fan of humidity! Thanks Linda.xxx
What a lovely post, I enjoyed everything about it, especially The Courtyard Video.
It looks such a great place, full of interesting things and so very peaceful – loved it.
Have a wonderful time in The Lakes, my most favourite place … I envy you.
We hope to get up there in a few weeks time,
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, so glad you enjoyed my little courtyard. I hope you get the same sunshine we enjoyed there, but even when it rains it hardly matters….the views are worth getting wt.xxx
Clearly everything is in order for your to go off and enjoy yourself. Weather is also supposed to be good
Love the videos and yes your garden is flowing over with goodies including of course the little angels……..
Have a lot of fun…sending love Janet xxx
Thanks Janet, sending all my love back! We’ll have to try and catch up this summer!xxx
It does look like you have lots to enjoy. Have a great trip!
I certainly do. Thanks Jason.xxx
A VERY good life. You are rich! I especially love the doggy video. Have a wonderful vacation.
I am indeed rich. Glad you enjoyed the dog video. Thanks Brenda.xxx
Well done with the videos, a great way to see your dogs and the courtyard, which looks great, so full of interesting plants, and nice to walk out into it every morning I bet. I love the Beaver boys, they look just like the little keen beans I taught a few years ago. How about the dove and the racing pigeon and the black one with the wood pigeon…..it’s never going to work! Enjoy the lakes….
Thanks Gerrie, the courtyard is such a difficult place to photograph so a video seems to show it better, I will have to practice a little more though.xxx
A heavenly bloomin’ courtyard, a great inspirational haven. The remodelling of your garden is going to be quite a large project.
I was struck by the proud bearing of the racing pigeon. Do you think you may have another season or two of feathered friends living on your sills, or, do this group appear to be more confident about moving on?
I’ll bet the Beaver hedgehog talks are more fun for them than being at school. It will make for good memories for you and them.
Happy trails in The Lake District. xxx
Don’t the dogs have a lot of physical fun.
Glad you like my little courtyard, it’s astonishing what you can do with the smallest space isn’t it? Yes, the flagging is going to be a huge job, six weeks in all but hopefully it will resolve some long running issues.
The birds hung around for a few days but all came in as adults so less needy. My neighbour fed them while I was away, but since I’ve been home I haven’t caught a glimpse of them. Thanks Menhir.xxx
Wow, Dina! I don’t know how you find all the time it takes to create such a paradise…all the digging and potting and re-potting and watering! Yikes, but it’s glorious. I LOVE the videos.
Oh, those children look so smoochy-face! How wonderful it is that they gathered all those terrific supplies for the shelter. Yay!
The pups look good and I cannot wait to see the flag settled in and new raised beds. Wow.
Thank you for the great spirit hug provided by all of this visual amazing-ness (somehow, amazement doesn’t work). Love you, K
Gardening certainly is time consuming isn’t it? Each spring I regret sowing seeds, then come autumn I’m so thankful I did! It’s always so enjoyable interacting with the little guys, at that age, as you well know, they soak information in like sponges.
I will be glad when the flags are in, there will be some destruction no doubt, but I have dug up as many plants as I can.
Just love amazing-ness….and you!!!xxxxx
Children and wildlife seem to go together and then sadly at some point they part ways. I always maontained that science for primary children should focus on the natural world and not subjects that they have no experience of or understand. I was disappointed by how many 11 y ear old children coulndn’t name birds that they saw every day.
I never thought of a blackbird eating tadpoles.
I agree with you Sue, kids need to be taught things that they can relate to and they are fascinated by the natural world when young.
Our blackbirds seem adept at hunting the poor tadpoles, probably a good source of protein though.xxx
Lovely post and pictures. Enjoy yourselves. xx
Thanks Flighty.xxx
Excellent! Have a Super Time….My favourite place, too. Hugs!
Thanks Bushka.xxx
The good life indeed. I can see why grass doesn’t thrive with three boisterous doggies running around in that manner, I do love to see dogs happy and playing though. Your courtyard is quite charming, chock a block with plants and paraphernalia. Have a wonderful holiday.
Thanks Jo. That lawn never stood a chance! I’m hoping to have lots of islands with raised beds so not too much concrete. I like to see happy dogs, and these three certainly know how to have fun. I keep trying to resist adding more pots to the courtyard but am failing dismally. Soon there will be little space to move!xxx
Your courtyard is stunning; a real oasis of calm. How long does it take you to water all those containers?! I love the doggy video – you can certainly see how they wear the circuit in the grass! You’ve also made me yearn for a chiminea; I can just imagine cosy evenings with a blanket and a glass of wine. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I have a hosepipe so it’s fairly easy to water everything as it’s only a small area. Getting that chimmy was one of the best things we ever did, it’s like sitting around an outdoor log burner, it really is cosy, you must treat yourself!xxx