Life is slowing down in the gardens. The grass no longer grows and the perpetual rain of falling leaves drowns out the song of the birds, who sing softly, now the urgency of summer is behind them. Only the melodic robins sing on throughout the days and nights, rehearsing their spring songs. Back and forth the mated pairs sing, deep into the night.
The air feels damp, and a chill has crept in on the back of the long dark evenings. Autumn mists and unpredictable winds have me wrapping up and rushing to buy candles.
I miss the swifts but welcome the long lines of melancholy geese who fly back and forth each day. As they disappear, a hush descends.
The occasional flutterby and bee still feast upon the flowering ivy and lingering blooms, but soon, they too, will be gone, along with the frogs and toads, who, no doubt, are making the woodpiles their winter home. Buzzards are riding the skies, soaring ever higher now, how effortless their aerobatics look.
As the beech trees lose their leaves, the beauty of the bark and branches shine out, suddenly revealed. I have an urge to stroke them, these trees and I are very old friends.
Soon the hedgehogs will be hibernating and the leaf mounds will fall silent, apart from the lonesome scurrying of the occasional mouse.
Natures’ heartbeat is slowing as she awaits the winter. Mine is slowing too. Now is the time to hunker down, cozy up, and reap what we have sown.
And Finally….
Curly has had enough of the great outdoors. Cold winds and damp don’t do it for him. He always comes in at night, but now only ventures out for a few hours each day.
He owns the lounge, so pretty soon, like every year, I shall have to move his things to another room, as log burning season looms. Dogs are not Curly’s thing, he simply will not share his space with canines!!!
And……One must NEVER, EVER, dare upset that cat!
Wish me luck…..
I shall pass on your regards Shimon, you and Curly would get along
Oh, do give my warm regards to Curly. He seems to be enjoying his contemplation…
You and me both! Just my ramblings….not poet material! Autumn is just so very fabulous though, it would inspire the dead to set a word on paper. Thanks Chloris
Goodness, you’re a poet. What a lovely description. It has been so cold the last few days that I feel like curling up somewhere warm like Curly the cat
Wonderfully written! I am very busy with life right now and am not slowing down at all. Big changes! I’ll be back to blogging in January.
Thanks Casa, I’m not surprised to hear that you are still busy!!! I am looking forward to you blogging again, I have missed you this
Great post and fantastic images. Winter is coming for you up there, and summer for us.
Thanks Peter, I do hope you get a good summer this
This was such a pleasurable post to read, I’ve done it several times. I love autumn, and the descent into darkness. I don’t find the shorter days of winter gloomy or depressing at all. Instead, it’s that time of fallowness, a time of recovery. Spring will come soon enough, it seems to say. Rest now, and restore your energies. Besides, who doesn’t love a kitty cat curled in her own pile of warmth? Just a lovely, lovely post — thank you for bringing autumn to someone who still is waiting for just a hint of it!
Thanks Linda, I am very honoured that you would read my little post several times. We do need to chill and relax, autumn and winter are perfect for winding down, cozying up and letting go. Here’s to you getting more autumnal!xxx
The temptation to simply snuggle indoors is certainly getting stronger. I still do have a few outdoor tasks to complete, though.
I wish I could do more in the garden, I will have to be patient and wait until spring. It is a good time for relaxing and recuperating
Curly I understand,finding a comfortable spot. I like dogs too although there are none around at present. Beautiful pictures. I hope your recovery is going well. Long snug nights and short dark days, winter has its special pleasures.
Gan canny ( a Sunderland expression in translation– Take Care )
Thanks Vera, autumn and winter do have their own beauty, getting cozy is a bonus, you just can’t beat warm lights and candles. Hope all is well with you and
Such lovely writing, I enjoyed your post very much.
The chill of winter is definitely here isn’t it.
I don’t mind cooler days with sunshine, blue skies and frost!
I’m less keen on dull, drizzly colder days … definitely then time for a hot cup of tea, or warming bowl of soup.
Continued good healing.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I enjoy those cold blue sky days too. It has become very cold here recently, if the wind dropped, it would be just perfect. Certainly soup time! xxx
You have captured the turning-inside feeling of the season beautifully. I love the slower tempo of winter and diving into creative indoor projects. If Curly had a good book in his paws, I would join him!
Thanks Brenda, I do like that phrase, turning-inside, perfect description of autumn. It’s good to slow down with the seasons, we all need to re-charge our batteries. That’s all that Curly is lacking….a good book!xxx
This is a very poetic post…describing beautifully the softening and mellowness of Autumn….so pleased to see that Curly is really ruling the roost.
Hope you are coming along with your new hip….sending Hummingbird Hugs in your direction….Janet xxxx
Thank you Janet. Curly has managed to get in on his terms! He is a very single-minded cat and hates to be inconvenienced! I am coming along beautifully, I can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope all is well with
I’ve recently watched (again) The Chronicles of Narnia and your words took me straight back there, Dina; the hushed woods, creatures snuggling down away from the winter. A really lovely soothing read and great pictures, particularly of Curly cat who looks so cosy and warm. Caro xx
Oh, how I love those books! I am very honoured that my words could remind you of such beautiful films. Curly makes sure he has the best chair, cats know how to relax for
So beautiful, Dina, and so evocative of the season…just lovely as poetry and the images are wonderful! I love the sounds and smells of the season, and am hoping for some snow as soon as it can come!
Your lovely paradise looks gorgeous; I’m amazed at the many blooms you still have! Of course, I’m amazed by everything in my own garden these days; I’ve never had blooms this late, and there are still green leaves on some trees, and the green grass is growing! yikes. But very cold tonight, so we’ll see what the gardens look like tomorrow.
Love the photo of the pups at the beginning, and sweet, sweet Curly is so precious; he reminds me of Finny, also pretty demanding, but so worth it.
Thanks for all the beauty and joy, Dina! I do love visiting your world!
Thank you Kitty. Oh…how I love snow, as you do, I do hope you get some soon. Your weather sounds unusual, it seems to have been odd for a few years now. Goodness, your grass is still growing…..that is really weird! Cats are much higher maintenance than dogs, how you keep all yours sweet I’ll never know! Always good to hear from you, still waiting and hoping for a new blog. Hope the flare up is healed now and walking is
Such an enchanting and lovely post~ you paint a very evocative and beguiling mental and physically visual image of it all. I love all the photos and one that especially made me smile was the dogs in the first photo~ great capture of their expressions . Thank you for so generously sharing your little corner of the world ~ always a joy to read your posts. xx
Thank you SO much Val. Always good to hear from you, I hope all is well in your world and life is good for you and yours. Those boys!!!! They have made those planters their own, I do fear for any plants that eventually go in them, I’ll have to buy large, mature shrubs that they can play
Lovely whimsical writing about autumn Dina, and there is something slow and soft about autumn and the coming winter. I always feel the air is sweeter somehow. Good luck with Curly, he has the right idea, a room of his own!
Thanks Gerrie, yes, autumn certainly has it’s charms, slow and soft, as you say. I think you are right about the air being sweeter too! I do hope Curly takes to his room being changed. He can be a stickler for things staying the
Such a poetic centrepiece, I could almost soar with the birds and flutter downward gently in the breeze with your Autumn leaves.
Somehow, I don’t think Curly will be too much of a prima donna, especially if, as I suspect, his needs will be matched – and more- by what you provide. He knows where he is best placed, especially now days.
It’s certainly hibernation time for lots of creatures including us!
Thank you Menhir, what a lovely comment. I hope Curly adapts to his new room, he is a creature of habit, I shall have to build up to moving him. Roll on hibernation! xxx
Wow, what a lyrical ode to autumn, Dina! You evoke its magic so well. How are you doing? Hugs xx
Why thank you Gill! I do love autumn. I am doing very well, it’s all upwards now! Thanks for
“What about making some little space for Curly in your bed? Actually, Massimo doesn’t complain anymore, we have 3 or 4 cats sleeping together with us…
And let the lovely “naughty” dogs in the living room with the last burning logs in the fireplace….
Hugs dear Dina, from everyone (a special lovely thought from Emanuele Giosuè).
:-)kisses c
You have me smiling thinking of all those lovely cats safely snuggled on your bed each night. The dogs have always slept on the bed, they’d howl the house down if I didn’t let them in. I will just have to make Curly’s new room as cozy as the lounge. Huge hugs to all you, especially your boy and your good self. xxxx
We have been watching huge flocks of geese flying over our allotment site, Are those naughty dogs playing in your raised bed?
I love watching the geese at this time of the year, they always sound so mournful somehow. Yes, those mutts have taken over the raised beds, they just love playing in the leaves in
What a change in Curly, I remember the time he wouldn’t venture in the house, it shows that we all enjoy our comforts as we get older. I’m not a fan of winter, I think hedgehogs have the right idea hibernating and waking up just in time for the better weather. That first photo made me laugh, are you going to be able to use your raised beds for plants or are they just another area that the dogs have claimed for themselves?
Curly certainly has come around, he is so trusting, especially for a cat. The winter does get old quick, especially once Christmas has come and gone. I will have to plant huge, mature shrubs in the planters, something they dogs can’t destroy. They seem to think they are dog playgrounds! Thanks
Lovely post and pictures. I don’t blame Curly as I don’t like the damp and wind either. Good luck. xx
Thanks Flighty. Cats sure do loathe the cold and damp. xxx
Bids are bursting int bloom where I live. (Australia) but I did so enjoy your post.
Thanks Mary, how wonderful to be welcoming
What a lovely poetic post. Your garden looks lovely and that first photo of the doggies is hilarious. I hope your hip is still improving as you enjoy these wonderful autumn days. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Those dogs are hysterical, they love playing in the leaves in the raised beds. Autumn is such a lovely season, the weather always seems so dramatic. I am certainly on the mend
Indoor Time….beckoning! Yes! Your garden still looks lovely…..Hope you continue well on the route to complete recovery. Hugs!

Thanks Bushka, I am doing well, the worst is now far behind me.