I suppose everyone who has major surgery feels that they will never be right again. I certainly did, you do have to get much worse before getting better.
Each week I’ve noticed a distinct improvement. Walking without that horrible hip pain has been an utter bonus.
Recently, I went for a check-up. The surgeon was pleased with my progress and told me that I could now discard all hip precautions.
Struth! Just like that!
Iris seeds, courtesy of Chloris.
I must say, suddenly abandoning all precautions was a little intimidating! Out went the crutches, the cushion to raise chairs and car seats, along with the graspers.
I decided to keep the shoehorn, a useful little gadget that, especially as my leg is still a little swollen and stiff.
Hellebore shooting star, about to burst forth.
Initially, I couldn’t shake a feeling of naughtiness, of breaking important rules! I could walk as far as I wanted, bend, kneel, sleep on my side and even drive!
I haven’t knelt yet, as I’m building up to that one, and driving is out for now as my car has given up the ghost, but good to know such things are possible.
There are still a few minor rules that need incorporating into life, but, heyho, I have my freedom again. Talk about feeling liberated!
Beauty berry
Who knew how utterly fantastic normality could be? I never EVER thought I’d get a thrill from brushing the floor again, or doing other boring household chores.
Independence is a truly marvelous thing. How I feel for those who suffer limitations and have to plan out every tiny task.
The feel of a pair of secateurs sitting in my hand was heavenly! I strolled around the courtyard cutting back the odd plant and then did a little brushing.
It was like winning the lottery, I kid you not. I never thought such menial tasks could make me SO happy!
How I’ve missed strolling around the garden with my secateurs and trug in tow. I’m still taking it easy though, just the odd job here and there.
Cutting this climbing rose back was marvelous, it was becoming impossible to walk beneath the arch!
I even cut back the Solanium from the kitchen door and window. That was becoming like Sleeping Beauty’s forest, you could barely walk through the door!
I also managed to get in and out of the bucket chiminea chair!
And Finally….
I’m enjoying being out and about, normally I loathe shopping but found myself enjoying pottering up and down the aisles for once. I came across this lovely lamp and snapped it up. It’s so Gothic and fiery looking, very Game of Thrones!
Here’s to appreciating the little things eh?
Love these pictures, Dina. I so know what you’re saying when you talk about getting back to normal… I used to think about that every time I was sick; even if it was just a flu. But after a very difficult period about a year ago, I suddenly realized that this was a myth I kept believing in… this normality. That real life was just full of ups and down, which have to be used for what we can, because time and the experience/challenge of living is each hour, a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of course, I have to admit that such thoughts only come to me when I’m well and functioning. When I’m ill, I’m waiting for life to start up again.
Thanks Shimon, always good to hear from you. How true, real life is just full of ups and downs and we do have to live in the moment and make the best of it. I’m smiling at your comment of only thinking along these lines when you are well, I do exactly the same. I did enjoy recuperating in the back garden, I was determined to enjoy autumn and now it’s flat and paved walking around it was so much
Hi Dina,
So glad to hear you are on the mend. I am sure the hip op must have slowed you down a little. I often pop in here for a catch up but don’t always leave a comment. Those beauty berries are gorgeous. I didn’t know you had those in your garden.
And isn’t it satisfying to prune things and generally tidy the garden up. I often find things I had forgotten about or things that have put on a spurt when I wasn’t looking. And those dogs of yours. I had to smile at them rummaging in the raised beds. Haha. They are so inquisitive.
Hi Kegs, good to hear from you. I remember you posting about beautyberries, they are lovely. Pruning is one of the best garden jobs, strolling around with a pair of secateurs is wonderful, you can easily lose time! Those dogs! They are determined to ruin the garden! They are funny though!xxx
I’m happy for you. Normality is good. I just wish I could start to drive again as it would be great to have that independence. I see the dogs are still enjoying the raised beds!
Thanks Sue. I never thought I would appreciate normality so much! Life can be so unexpected. Here’s to you being able to drive again in the future. I give up on those raised beds, they are just dog playpits!xxx
It’s that language thing again! I had to look up secateurs — didn’t have a clue. Now, I do. Likewise with trug. Isn’t it funny that we speak the same language, and yet have so many different words for the most common things?
But we share a lot, too. I recognized those red dogwood stems. I have a floor vase filled with some I plucked from a ditch in Minnesota in 2011 — they still look lovely. And you were holding out on me! Look at those beautyberries! I laughed and laughed when I saw those.
It’s just wonderful that you’re doing so well, and I agree absolutely about the joys of independence. I’ve been very lucky, myself, but I’m quite aware that at any time things could change. I intend to do my best to keep that from happening!
Oh, I have to mention the iris seeds, too. I had no idea iris produce seeds. I thought it was all bulb action with them. It’s something else to learn about, I suppose. The list keeps getting longer!
I am smiling at the language thing, it’s funny how many words can be confusing either side of the pond isn’t it? I was laughing too when I read of your beautyberries, great minds think alike eh? Those Iris seeds are such a vibrant orange, just lovely for Christmas.
Getting mobility back is just fantastic, I certainly appreciate mine now!!! Here’s to you keeping yours! Thanks
So pleased to hear that you are feeling a lot better now … but please I would still err on the side of taking it easy though, just for a few more weeks. I always think your body has a way of telling you what movements are ok and what are not.
You’ve done well on the garden, and that lamp does give out such a warm glow.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, yes, taking things slowly is the key. I am delighted with my progress so far, especially being able to look after myself, the animals, the house and the garden. We do take freedom of movement for granted. xxx
It must feel absolutely exhilarating to be able to potter around the garden again. And to enjoy household chores? That must be a thrill. Although I suspect it won’t last! Enjoy your new-found freedom. I’ll bet the dogs are happy to have you getting back to normal.
It is fantastic working in the garden again. I’m sure the glow will quickly fade re household chores, it’s just lovely being able to do things for yourself instead of having to ask others. I’m far too independent for my own good. The dogs certainly seem happier , especially seeing the back of those crutches, what an awful clunking sound they made. Thanks
So glad to hear you have improved so much! I would hate to be separated from my secateurs for any length of time!
Thanks Jason, it is difficult being separated from secateurs, having them back was just fantastic!How I missed snipping!xxx
I’m glad you’re well on the way to a full recovery and I’m sure those doggies are too, they’ll be dragging you along on long walks again before you know it. At least your op came at a time when the garden could get along without much help from you, and you should be fighting fit again in time for the busy time in spring.
Thanks Jo. I can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel now. This is the best time for surgery, as you say, the garden is sleeping and nothing needs urgent attention. It’s all about the clear up now and that can wait until next spring. xxx
I’m so pleased to hear that you are free of the crutches and you’re feeling a lot better. Being able to get around the garden to do some pruning and a little tidying, a bit of shopping is great therapy. I’m sure everyone in your house, including the dogs are happy for you too. I’ve enjoyed seeing the garden and love the lamp. Take care and all the best .xx
Thanks Linda, it’s so good to be able to do so much more. I am noticing an improvement every week, and getting out is therapy as you say. It’s funny with the dogs, they were very gentle with me for the first month, maybe they sensed I was on the mend and back to my old self which is why they are behaving normally again. I don’t think they were very fond of those
It’s good to read that you’re now well on the road to recovery and will soon be skipping the light fandango again. Take care, and happy gardening. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s marvelous gradually getting back to normal. Looking forward to dancing again and gardening properly of
I’m so glad that you are now crutch free. If you feel the need to do any more gardening, you can always come here! Love your Gothic lamp. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, being crutch free is sooo good! I hated the clunking sound on the wooden floors, as hubs said, I’d never have managed to sneak up on anyone! I felt like an old pirate! It’s going to take some time to straighten the gardens out, I’ll leave the hard graft until next spring. I am so pleased with that lamp, it’s so warming on these cold sleety
Superb exploratory freedoms. I see the dogs were helping out in the garden. I am sooooo impressed you got out of the chimena chair, I’m not sure I’d have managed it without a crane, (erm, helping arms might do it).
I’m so pleased for you.
The lamp is a warm and welcoming addition.
I am certainly enjoying and making the most of my new found freedom! You have me laughing re that chair, it certainly aint easy getting out of it, it’s not that comfy either, goodness knows why I bought them. At least that lamp was a good buy! Thanks
Good to read you are on the mend. There is nothing nicer than taking the secateurs around the garden and having a bit of a snip! I’m sure it takes a while to get your confidence after a hip operation. Your lamp sure is very Game of Thrones….it gives a nice warm light on a winter’s evening.
You really can’t beat wandering around the garden snipping here and there, how quickly things become more orderly. It is all about confidence, and overcoming fear. I’m hoping the slowly, slowly catch your monkey approach pays off, it has to date. I am so pleased with that lamp, just perfect for winter. Thanks
Wonderful!!!! Well Done!
As you wisely write: Easy Peasy…….Steady as you go! Nature is Patient!
Take Care.
Love and Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, time is a great healer and all that’s required is a little patience. I don’t miss that horrible hip pain. Love and hugs to
Wow, massive progress! – although I’m sure you’re wise to still take things gently and not expect too much of your new hip just yet. Very impressed with your gardening! Hugs xx
It’s surprising how quickly the body recovers isn’t it? I’m still pacing myself but really enjoying being able to gradually do more each week, especially on the gardening front. Thanks
So glad to hear that you are well and truly on the mend. I know just what you mean about the freedom of driving again, I started on Saturday after my month having to be driven everywhere, it is wonderful !
Love your lamp, you deserve a treat!
Thanks Pauline, freedom is a wonderful thing for sure! So pleased to hear you are able to drive again, I’m looking forward to that too. xxx
I’m so pleased that you can throw your crutches away and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Yippee!
I am glad you have berries on your irises. They are nice for Xmas arrangements.
Take care now and no salsa dancing just yet.
The little things in life make all the difference don’t they? Losing those crutches was just fantastic, at first you fear you’ll never walk again, it’s surprising how fast the body heals after major trauma….thank goodness for surgeons. I’m looking forward to hiking and cycling again. Those berries are just perfect for Christmas, the iris you sent is clumping up beautifully, as is Jack Frost and the Nerines. Thanks for sending them, I think of that part of the border as the Chloris
You sound so much better, Dina! I’m so happy to hear about your gardening and shopping…and that lamp looks like a wonderful score: Yay, you!
Your gardens always photograph so beautifully…and the pups look like they’re on patrol.
I sure would feel safe with them around!
Hope you stay on the mend and merry.
Sending love, as always.
Xxoo, Kitty
It’s wonderful as you gradually recover, something you know a lot about!!! Dogs do make you feel safe, especially Sam, nobody would mess with him, although he is just a goofy sweetheart, a big softy. I hope snow is coming your way, we have lots of hail and sleet here. Thanks Kitty, hugs and love to you, always.xxxx
I am pleased to hear you are so much better.I like to read about you enjoying the little things we can fnd annoying
It’s astonishing how you appreciate getting back to normal, it’s like a new lease of life. I certainly appreciate my mobility now. Thanks Kath, hope all is well with
There IS such a lot of bending and twisting and reaching in gardening isn’t there? My mum used to visit and gasp at the weeds in my garden path or along flower beds. She promised me she’d be at my house weeding when she retired. But since retirement, her knees have been giving her so much trouble, she can hardly bend, poor thing.
I’m glad you are carefully gauging your abilities and comfort level, but have the assurance from your doctor that you are free to do as you feel able. Your smile through out this post is palpable!
Oh yes! Gardening is really physically demanding, it’s plays havoc with the joints. Your poor mum, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for her struggling to bend and that pain is no fun either. I hope her knees improve. I am just loving being independent again, still taking things slow though. Thanks