I’ve swaddled myself in the most enormous blanket since I’ve been home and have been drinking endless cups of scalding hot tea. Never, ever, have I been so COLD! Of course I’ve caught the local lurgy, so now feel like I’m in a permanent state of torpor. This weather after tropical climes is unbearable!
Initially, my blanket and I crept into the greenhouse, it’s somewhat warmer in there!
Really need to wash that cup!
I was surprised to find the gardens more or less as I left them. Snowdrops and crocus have come and gone, but everything else seems to be on ice, literally, what happened to spring???
I’ve sown lots of seeds and a few are finally beginning to germinate, over ten days later! It’s now April, they should be romping away.
The greenhouse hasn’t been cleaned since my surgery and smelt utterly rancid. It took me a week to figure out that the stench was coming from a watering can where several unfortunate mice had drowned. Don’t want to dwell on that!
Seems that Armageddon had struck the pond too, I was horrified to come across numerous shriveled frogs and lots of dead bloated ones in the water. The pond must have frozen and trapped the poor creatures, and the survivors crawled out and died anyway. How sad! I counted at least thirty casualties. I was wondering if there was a frog left standing….
so I was delighted to see frogspawn appearing over the last few days. No sign of the frogs though. I’ll have to warn Laura to break the ice next year.
My blanket and I have also been a pottering. This area was a dumping ground when we left, as a result of the new fences going up. Good to see it looking a little tidier!
Teeny-tiny climbers have been planted,
and little baskets planted with herbs and perennials.
A couple of hanging baskets have gone up on the courtyard wall,
along with bee houses in the back garden.
I hung these solar powered light bulbs in the black bamboo…very pretty,
and turfed the area around the stone circle with an old piece of astro turf. Real grass would be destroyed here as this is Sam and Buddy’s wrestling area.
I was pleased to see the that the olive trees in the raised brick planters survived, the lemon tree, wisteria and other plants seemed doomed!
I had to move the box in the blue pots from the courtyard to the back garden as a pair of dunnocks were building a nest in one of them. Given it was right outside the kitchen door, the birds and their chicks would have been continually harassed by the dogs. They are now hopping around the courtyard with moss in their beaks looking utterly bewildered.
Good news for once, re house maintenance. The bathroom floors have been ripped up and all fixtures removed. Turns out that the hall and kitchen floors have dried out and are fine. I’m delighted they don’t need replacing! There was no need for the dehumidifiers either…..phew!
Everything goes back tomorrow.
And Finally….
Introducing Heidi…
Previous owner’s picture.
I now have me a pygmy hedgehog….courtesy of the rescue!
This is a hideous trend that has been going on for about ten years now. People buy these exotic creatures as pets, because they are small and cute, despite the fact that they are nocturnal and were originally wild animals, and, in the wild, they walk five miles a night. They are also high maintenance, as they will die if they get too cold given they can’t hibernate.
Heidi now has a large indoor living area, in hubs study. Once I get a lock on an upstairs bedroom door I’ll move her there, where she’ll be safe from Buddy and hubs won’t disturb her daytime sleeping.
I won’t be playing with her/petting her/ or bothering her at all, apart from checking her nails and general health. She has a wheel which she walks on each night and a tunnel and a tiny kong and toys to stimulate her, I also hide her food, as this gives her something else to do.
I really, REALLY don’t like animals in cages, but her owner couldn’t cope with her, despite her being the only pet she had. Always the same old/old…people get bored with animals and make them someone else’s problem.
I will be getting Hattie back soon, my little wild hog that has been in the rescue since my surgery and another broken one, given Herbie’s hutch is vacant. More on that soon!
Oh, and I’m considering keeping bees.
It took me a while to get to this post, and I hope that till now, all looks better. But I have to tell you that reading of your return made me wonder how you managed to stay, and that you didn’t just turn around and go back to the tropics. I can remember that once I used to enjoy traveling… but now, not only is it a lot of trouble for me, but I know I’d be worrying about what tragedy would greet me on my return. And then, of course, there’s my obligation to my cat. I could get someone to bring her food (before this last trip I took, I bought a little machine that pushes a little food out after she eats. Fortunately, that worked), but what about the trauma?! And where do we find a cat psychologist?
Hubs mentioned turning around and going back to warmer climes many a time!
Oh, you and me both re worrying while away, thank goodness for email, Laura is in touch with us the whole time which makes it easier!
Cats!!! The dogs are fine with Laura, but Curly cat is a nightmare, he becomes feral with her despite her spoiling him, feeding him and bringing him in each night. People have dogs, cats have people! You do make me smile, thanks Shimon!xxx
I’m kind of not surprised you’ve been feeling chilly after those warmer climes …
Spring seems to be late everywhere this year, although I think your garden is looking good.
Heidi looks quite cute, and interesting that you may be keeping bees.
Happy April Wishes
All the best Jan
I was far too hot when away, then far too cold when home, there is just no pleasing some people is there? Spring does seem late everywhere, lets hope we get a long summer and pleasant autumn! Thanks Jan.xxx
You sent me down a rabbit hole (or a bee hole!) with those fabulous little homes. I know one person here who maintains bee-homes, both with bamboo tubes and drilled holes. I was fascinated to learn that not all bees lives in hives, and now here you are with the same set-up. Amazing.
You have all my sympathy re: the cold. We’ve been bumping along in the 70s, and now I’m sitting here wrapped in a blanket. Last night it got “really” cold — a thirty degree drop when a front blew through from the north. There’s a warmup coming, but for now, that north wind is making things pretty darned uncomfortable. I was refusing to turn on the heat, but I finally gave in, as it seemed even layers of clothing weren’t going to do it.
That little hedgehog is adorable, but night-time roamers can be trouble. It sounds as though the wheel will do the trick. I must say, now that Dixie Rose is gone, it has been wonderful to have a full night’s sleep again — although I still am waking up at the time she used to wake me: 3:15 a.m. Isn’t that silly? My bio-rhythms apparently adjusted to my cat’s.
I hope you have warmth soon, and pretty flowers, and all the good things that spring will bring. It’s time!
We’ve always had lots of solitary bees and wasps, usually they burrow into the ground, or make use of shed corners, I’ve always had bee houses for them but haven’t had any takers to date. I’ve done more research lately and have placed the homes in sunnier positions, I hope it works!
I hate central heating so only put it on when I’m truly frozen…it’s been on far too much of late! Usually a blanket works, psychosomatic…not this time. There is something eternally cozy about being draped in a blanket late at night though.
Ahhhh….yes, we do adapt to those we live with, people and animals. Hoping you get to sleep through soon….thanks Linda.xxx
Bees! You will find them endlessly fascinating. I hope that get a hive (or two).
I’m sure I’ll enjoy keeping bees, I just have to commit and go for it, they are such fascinating creatures as you say. I have enjoyed following your experiences, I’ve no doubt ine would just swarm and get off though….xxx
I’m not surprised that you felt the cold when you returned to the UK after being in that lovely warm climate. I’m sorry that you’ve been under the weather too and I hope that you soon feel better. I’m sure there will be plenty to keep you busy once you get back into your usual activities. Heidi looks like she needs your expertise and it’ll be good to have Hattie back with you. The garden is looking great. It’s satisfying to put out hanging baskets, new lights and bee houses. Even though the seedlings are late in developing they’ll soon start to grow when we have that warmer weather we’re all craving here in the UK. We’ve made the best of things being in the UK rather than Italy as planned. Mr P and I slowed down because of the cold, but it was an opportunity to nurture our vegetable seedlings which one of our daughters will continue to look after as well as the house when we finally get that break away, hopefully with warmer weather. Take care, Dina. xx
Now I’m home it seems everyone has a cold and a cough….glad I missed the worst of the weather though. I’ve noticed a lot more seeds are beginning to germinate now it’s a little warmer, nothing is happening with the tomato and pepper seeds though, if they don’t come up soon it will be too late methinks. I do hope you get good weather soon and get that break. Thanks Linda.xxx
I feel so sorry for the frogs… these nights I’m going to help them cross the busy road on the Piano di Magadino, so they can reach the protected Park or from there, go back to the mountain.
Usually, in winter, they hibernate to survive the below zero temperatures. During Spring, they reach a wet areal where they mate and depose their eggs. They are sensitive little creatures needing help to stay alive in an urban area which creates a lot of obstacles.
Yes, the climate is going crazy here as well. It’s still freezing especially when it rains.
When I go out to help the frogs, I put very warm clothing and water’s protecting boots and jacket.
I shall share some pictures… even the sad one!
But cheer you up, Spring will finally arrive. The seasons are crazy and (guess what) still, people deny that is because of the warming up of the planet.
I love how your garden is looking… even if there is much “stone” and less grass…
About people buying foreign species of pets: but why can’t they go to a rescue to get some poor dog or cat without a house?
Hugs and kisses to all of you :-)claudine
I’m so glad you are able to help those poor frogs cross safely, it’s horrifying seeing the route they have to navigate. At least they have you and your helpers which is comforting.
I will never understand why people buy animals then give them up so quickly, if those types went to a rescue they would abandon those animals the minute they stopped being cute too. Love and hugs to you and yours. xxxx
I can certainly imagine the difficulty of adjusting from a tropical climate. We are having the same kind of April. Oh, the poor frogs! Someone should think up a really nasty punishment for these people who buy exotic pets without serious consideration of the implied responsibilities.
I’m with you re nasty punishments! If people give these animals up they should be made to pay for their care….they never do though, they just make them someone else’s problem! Sad about those frogs….horrible to see when returning home, poor beasts! I do hope you get better weather soon, spring seems late all over the place! Thanks Jason.xxx
Hi Dear Dina…yes it is so bloody cold…I think we are all fed up with it. I am going to Portugal on the 16th and hopefully it will be warmer there…….Wonderful to see that the garden looks great after your travels. I love the bee houses – what a great idea.
Keep warm. Sending love Janet xxx
Glad that the house is coming along and that you now have beautiful little Heidi…what a sweetie she is.
OK…back to one step at a time, and feeling sure that sooner or later the weather will get warmer…probably a raging heat wave
I do like the sound of a raging heat wave, today we had sunshine and I had lunch in the garden, it was marvelous, all the birds were singing and flitting around….sighs…then it rained! We mainly have solitary bees and bumbles in our garden so the houses should be beneficial to them. You will have a fabulous time in Portugal, I’ve never been but hope to rectify that one day. Thanks Janet, love and hugs to you.xxx
You’ve certainly been busy since you got back… best way! Spring really is just around the corner. It’s what I keep telling myself and it helps for a bit. Poor Heidi. I know you’ll look after her but like you I hate to see animals cooped up and away from their natural environment. I’d never heard of a pygmy hedgehog before today.
Oh, animals in cages….awful! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep Heidi stimulated. We’ve had several pygmy hogs in the rescue, people get them then tire of them, it’s hard to find homes for them. Here’s to spring coming into it’s own! Thanks Jess.xxx
Spring will come, you know it will! It’s not too bad here at the moment, a bit damp but I can live with that. Even in the south we’re behind though; photos from this time last year show pear and plum trees in blossom, gooseberries in full leaf and flowers on the honeyberries. Haven’t got any of that yet. How lovely to come home to such a tidy garden! It’s looking good and I love your little wire baskets! How pretty are those! Btw, I laughed out loud at your last sentence – always a few more beasties to care for! I’d love to keep bees but it’s not practical in a community garden full of children so I hope you do get some – I’d be interested to see how you get on. xx
I know spring will come….eventually…sighs… but I expected to find it had sprung when I arrived home. Today there was a little sunshine, almost blinded me!!! Bodes well though!
I don’t think there are any rules re keeping bees. I live opposite a primary school and that seems hunky dory, the bees get off to forage each day so don’t hang around the hive….I am seriously tempted, a hive or two seems manageable, they seem to be fairly low maintenance! Thanks Caro.xxx
Outstanding post thank you for sharing Snowbird blessing to you and the family
Thanks Linda, all the best to you and yours.xxx
You have a quite big and nice garden with some nice plants. Even the turf looks nice like real grass…
Feel sorry for the unfortunate frogs and mice…Am very happy for Heidi for she has a most thoughtful owner now…
Hope warm days would come soon. Meanwhile, do take care!
Oh….I do miss the warm days! Today we had a little sunshine, how marvelous that was. Yes, it was a shame to see the demise of the mice and frogs. Heidi seems to be enjoying her new quarters…..Thanks Jade.xxx
Thanks Gerrie, yes, it’s hideous how people take these creatures from the wild and breed then as pets, they end up living in alien worlds, it really frustrates me. At times I could scream re people’s endless selfishness and cruelty!
Spring has to begin soon, doesn’t it? A little sunshine would go a long way re plants getting a wriggle on. I will have to tackle the front garden soon, it’s becoming a wilderness given I didn’t sort it last year as a result of my surgery. The light nights should help…hoping you enjoy some pleasant weather.xxx
Your garden looks lovely … All you need now is Spring & sunshine! Hope it comes soon. I could not agree more about wild animals being sold as pets & then people buy them! …..What do they not get about the word … Wild!
Anyway good for you trying to make Heidi’s life a bit better. Keep warm & cross fingers for Spring!
You might not believe it but you really did miss the worst of the weather! I hope you soon feel better and feel able to garden without your blanket. Your garden looks so neat and tidy, it puts mine to shame, I just wish it would stop raining, then I can get some work done!
I heard how grim it was but was amazed to come home this late in spring to find it sooooo cold!!! So glad I enjoyed sunshine for a month though. I think my blanket will need to be surgically removed! Oh yes….now it’s endlessly raining, what joy! Thanks Pauline, hope you get into your garden soon, I need to venture into the front, that really is a wilderness! xxx
Well, the bee boxes had to be erected for a purpose, now we wait for your scribing of your adventures with the drones and the queens.
The garden spaces look absolutely lovely. What a transformation you have made. Glad to hear the domestic maintenance is a going to be less fraught than you originally thought it might be.
It is flippin’ cold, perishin’ cold, wet, windy, sleety, snowy…it’s ‘orrible, We can all join in the same fed-upness . I hope you acclimatise soon, it’s no pleasure constantly feeling chilled.
Without a doubt, Heidi had to be the name of a hedgehog. She is an interesting looking wee character. Are you homing her permanently?
Bro-in-law seems to have lost his fish, when his pond iced up. He didn’t get to crack the ice quickly enough. He thought though, that one fish might have survived and be in the underwater foliage. A clean out was required. He has frogs-a-leaping annually and the odd visit from a toad or two. You would think with so much lying water and for so long, frogs would be happy enough inhabiting the almost permanent rain pools.
Nice to have you back. xxxx
LOVE your description of the ghastly, grim weather! You get the brunt of it all of course, I really hope that changes soon, it really is unbearable and soul sapping for sure!
Heidi will be with me for life, I’ll have to keep her amused somehow. These hogs can live until they are six and she’s twelve months old at present.
I’m hoping the courtyard and back garden mature quickly, they have been savagely culled, what with rats and new fences, not to mention flagging. The front is a jungle though, need to get that into some sort of shape.
Ahhh, how sad re you BIL’s fish….why don’t the frogs hang out in pools of water as you say, makes more sense! Thanks Menhir, here’s to warmer days, especially in your neck of the woods.xxx
Countryfile had an extensive feature on hedgehogs – did you see it?
Sorry you’ve come back to snow, ice, drowned mice and dead frogs – not to mention the dreaded lurgy! Hope you feel better very soon. xx
Oh…I didn’t see that, must go look for it. Thanks Gill, here’s to warmer days for us all!xxx
Your grounds and gardens look so neat and beautiful, Dina! And there is green and there are blooms! We’re having such a late spring: snow again today, and freezing temperatures all week. I figure the good news is that the ticks won’t be active as early as last year.
Heidi looks adorable, and I love that you’re honoring her needs so compassionately. Yes, people make half-assed commitments to animal companions and then can’t be bothered to fulfill even that much. We’ve had people not even try with their adopted dogs and then turn them back in, demanding they be re-homed, never thinking how they’ve further traumatized the pup.
It will be so great to have Hattie home again!
So much readjusting after your amazing vacation, but I hope your sweet 4-leggeds and gardens will ease you into it, once the weather warms up and the sun shines.
A merry week to you!
Oh my….your weather sounds utterly ferocious!!! I bet you are desperately waiting for warmer days so you can enjoy your beautiful garden! Good news about the ticks though! Horrid things!
I am saddened reading about the lightweights who adopt those poor pups only to give up on them, HOW can people be so selfish and callous???? It really frustrates me, the same happens at our rescue, unbelievable isn’t it? At least Heidi will live here now, I’ll do my best by her, I’ll have to keep coming up with ways to keep her entertained. It will be good to have Hattie home and outdoors again, I’m wondering who my new hog will be….
Here’s to the sun shining for us both. Love and hugs to you all, my friend.xxxx
I’m sorry to see that you’re feeling under the weather and hope you recover soon. Good to see the garden slowly starting to take shape.
At least Heidi now has a safe home. Good luck with the beekeeping if you do take it up. xx
I’m hoping the back garden grows and matures this year, it’s a blank canvas at the moment. I really need to venture out into the front but don’t know where to start! Yes, Heidi will live her days out with me now, I’ll have to be creative re new ideas to keep her stimulated. Thanks Flighty.xxx
Awww, Heidi is so sweet but it’s such a shame that people buy these animals without being committed to their care. Will she be okay living alone, are they sociable animals who prefer to live with others? Poor little thing, though I know she’ll be well looked after now. Hope you start to warm up soon, it’s a bit of a shock coming home from a warm climate when spring is supposed to be here.
It is annoying how many people take on animals only to be bored a short while later…
pygmy hogs are solitary sadly, I would love it if she could have a companion, that would be ideal but a no go. She is lovely, really small, I leave her be most days as she is clean in her bed so I only need to clean her outdoor area and wheel each day. It does seem to be getting warmer, but now we have endless rain…sighs….thanks Jo.xxx
Welcome home……your holiday looked amazing, thanks for sharing.
Sadly the ‘so called’ Spring has been tough on wildlife and gardens.
I was saddened to read about your frog population………..temperatures dipped here to -9C and my pond froze.
I hate trendy pet buys. How many times do you read of abandoned animals when the novelty wears off. Sadly the internet does not help, where they are seen to be all cute and cuddly.
I hope you warm up and feel much better soon.
The weather has been harsh on wildlife and the plants for sure, -9 is crazy!!! I’m surprised the magpie with the broken wing has pulled through, good that Laura left food out for him, he’s as sprightly as ever.
It’s so frustrating seeing these stupid animal trends, the internet does make it all worse, at least Heidi will have a home for life now, I’ll have to keep coming up with things to keep her stimulated. Thanks Cheryl, hope it warms up for you too.xxx
Oh yes, did nobody tell you spring was cancelled this year? It’s not quite so cold now but apparently it is never going to stop raining and we all have recurring coughs and colds. This winter has been like groundhog day. But slowly, slowly buds are opening and the birds are busy with their nests.
So sad to hear about your frogs and your abandoned baby hog. I hate to see animals in cages too. Bees? I used to keep bees and there is nothing like your own honey. The trouble is I was terrified off them. I bet you, being an animal whisperer will never get stung.
I hope it warms up soon so you can enjoy your lovely garden without your blanket.
Not quite so cold….it’s freezing!!! I seem to have adapted to chronic heat, it will be a while before my blanket and I part company! I’ve noticed the roses unfurling leaves and the clematis, hopefully spring will be sprung soon! Winter lasting for six months is not for me!
If I get bees I shall be picking your brains, interesting to hear that you kept them, although I’m not surprised. Thanks Chloris.xxx
One thing that I have noticed is that early spring flowers are lasting longer – we still have some crocuses on flower. Keep warm.
I’ve noticed that, we still have crocus blooming. Thanks Sue.xxx
I’m not surprised you’re feeling chilly, coming from that lovely heat to rain and snow – you haven’t missed much! Your garden is looking wonderful and Heidi is adorable. I love the thought of her on a little treadmill! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, the gardens will hopefully grow and mature as the year goes on, I haven’t ventured in the front yet, lots of work needing to be done there! I’m amazed that Heidi uses her wheel, relieved too!xxx