Most of my babies are growing! No sign of tomatoes, peppers or squash germinating though.
It’s back to chilly here, and is now endlessly raining, still, I can’t complain as we’ve had some rather glorious days and now the garden needs a good, long drink.
I finally cast my blanket aside, and indulged in walking, biking, and sitting out around a blazing chiminea. I also made a start on the front garden/aka the wilderness, in WARM sunshine! Forgot what the sun looked like here!
Last year I planted over a hundred tulips in this patch, I was surprised to see any come up, second time around, they only tend to last a season here.
I weeded and mulched the long, winding fence border, which runs right around the corner, it used to be the old ‘orrible hedging border. Much more wildlife friendly these days.
Being so long and wavy and all, it’s somewhat tricksy getting a decent photo. It’s just about to burst into blossom, lots of reds, pinks and white to go with the ancient flowering cherry trees.
Doesn’t a mowed lawn make a difference? Can you spot the grass seed sprouting?
Peanut, back away from the planter, that’s my kneeler, you can’t eat that, or can you…
It seems that my palm plants, along with many lavenders didn’t survive the Beast from the East, glad I did though!
I really could do with weeding the veggie patch, but Peanut has taken up residency here, currently she sits in a hole she’s dug….no sign of eggs yet…anyway, ENOUGH of that! How long can potatoes chit in a greenhouse, may have to plant them in containers this year!
And….a curse on these little blighters, they have the cheek to mate right in front of me! There is no hope for my lilies this year, I may have to stop growing them as I simply cannot squish the lily beetles! Not saying I blame Chloris, but talk of them screaming when squished has my guts churning!
It’s good to see the back garden coming back to life, now the six enormous beech trees wipe out the view of the street behind. It’s odd how they all leaf out at different times.
The lime greens are to die for! It’s good to see those new flags in the back soften as the buds and blossom burst.
And finally….
Gorgeous daughter and I attended the opening of The Florist, a new bar in Liverpool. Absolutely beautiful place, light, bright and FLORAL, I will go again, especially as they serve fabulous vegan meals, I tasted their mayo during a masterclass, no token meals here, everything is cooked to taste delicious, for all dietary requirements…..about time too…
and just look at these cocktails, I was giving serious thought to taking the garnish home and planting it…quite sure most of this would grow at this time of the year!
The Florist sounds like a great place to visit. And I love the look of your lawn. It seems to have survived the winter very well. In fact, your garden looks wonderful, even without the flowers. The problem of the beetles is very touching. I can understand the difficulty. And I wonder if Peanut doesn’t scream all the time out of loneliness. Maybe she’s hoping to attract some attention. Best wishes to your beautiful daughter too. xxx
You would enjoy The Florist Shimon, marvelous light for photos and so light and airy.
Our lawn is very mossy, most gardeners dislike moss but I love how soft and bouncy it is underfoot… Oh those beetles, I resign, they can have the plants!
I do think Peanut is calling for a mate, but these birds are renown for being noisy, their calls are utterly blood curdling, very similar to cats actually, only much, much louder!
Loved your last photo….good as always to hear from you my
Great post and images. Garden looking promising – soon be blooming!
Thanks Peter, hoping your weather is good…xxx
Your front garden is looking beautiful with all its lovely blooms and blossom, spring has certainly arrived with you!
Glad to see pea hen has made her home with you, she obviously knows a good spot when she sees it.
Isn’t it fantastic to see spring finally kick in….good it’s arrived for you too. The peahen is still here most of the time but has taken to going walkabout each day, I must say I worry for her as there are so many busy roads around here. xxx
Your garden is so beautiful. It is just so full of life and interesting stories. I enjoyed reading about them very much!
And yum yum for the vegan food!
Thanks Jade, there’s always something going on around here. Oh…that food….sighs…xxx
You didn’t say a word about forsythia — is that yellow bush I see tucked in a photo forsythia? It always was one of our first trustworthy signs of spring, which is all to the good for you! Things really are looking lovely. As to yon peahen, is there a male around somewhere? If there is, prepare yourself: your bundles of feathered joy may be here sooner rather than later.
The Florist looks absolutely lovely — and what an interesting theme and name. Was there a particular reason they went in that direction, or did it just seem a good idea? Whatever the answer, it looks like a perfect venue for you and your lovely daughter.
Yes, that is a forsythia, it’s also one of our early signs of spring, that shrub is at least thirty years old, no matter how hard you prune it back it still puts a a great flush on each spring.
So far there have been no sign of eggs, I think Peanut just enjoys digging holes for a dust bath, maybe to remove ticks etc…
I think the idea for Florist bars started in London, they have become very popular there. I must say, it’s a lovely place to chill in…thanks
Your garden is looking lovely Dina.
The added peahen does give it a certain style
I have lost so many plants to the beast from the East. Bamboo, monkey puzzler,
and Himalayan honeysuckle to name but a few. I will leave them in case they regenerate but I am not hopeful.
Lovely vegan food…delicious.
Is that cocktail a mojita………my favourite.
Your daughter is beautiful.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks Cheryl, a peahen pottering about is lovely, well, in theory anyway! I’m always happy to see her on the branch in the beech tree each night, at least I know she’s survived another day after a walkabout. Sorry to hear about your losses, it was a brutal winter, my monkey tree survived thankfully. Here’s to some of those plants coming back, they often do, just as you are about to give up on them.
Spot on re the cocktail, you are far better versed than I! xxx
Woww Emanuele was right, your daughter is really lovely!
and moreover, you do have over there as well the little red beatles. Since years I try to get rid of them, the only way is to take them one by one and bring them far away from the garden (I don’t want to kill).
I see that Peanut enjoys the sunbathing
Your garden is “blooming”…. I really hope to be able to visit you next summer!
I keep dreaming.
Hugs and kisses claudine
Thanks Claudine, ahhh, bless Emanuele! Daughter is a sweetheart. Oh, sorry to hear you have those beetles too, they are so destructive! I have far too many now, I could never catch them all!
How lovely it would be if you could visit….you are more than welcome!xxxx
You need to train the peahen to eat the lily beetles! I tried squishing mine for two seasons–no screams heard–but have given up. Every day there were more and more, eating and eating. I imagine the lilies were screaming.
What a smashing idea, have the peahen eat the beetles! Yes, every day I have more of them, it’s without a doubt a losing battle. I’m sure the lilies are screaming…poor
Your garden is looking great, fresh green leaves and colorful blooms. I pray that those red lily beetles don’t find my garden.
Thanks Jason, I hope the lily beetles keep away, they do such awful damage!xxx
Wow, your garden is looking FAB – I just love all those bright pinks, you’ve made it look really special. Windowsills are getting full here as well, my tomatoes and squash have only just germinated, with aubergines appearing this morning; I cheated (haha!) and bought tiny peppers and chilli plants at a show in Feb to make sure, and then bought three tomato plants last week because, well I just couldn’t resist! Love the look of the bar you went to (daughter looking v glam and gorgeous, btw); I went to an open air bar in an edible garden last weekend with my adult niece – warm evening, botanical cocktails, vegan street food and, best of all, toasted marshmallows around the campfire! Bliss! Hope the weather warms up for you and you have a fab weekend, Dina,- preferably without the appearance of peahen eggs! xxx
Thanks Caro, I think I may have to buy tomato and pepper plants, nothing much is happening with the seeds, even if they germinate it may be too late….
Oh, that open air bar in the edible garden sounds wonderful….how I love a camp fire, sounds such fun..Still all clear on the egg front!xxx
Your garden is looking great….and you can always sell your water to Australia when you get really tired of the rain….we are waiting for some here…
Lovely to go places with your gorgeous daughter, I have two daughters and love meeting up with them. We don’t have a florist bar thought, that looks good….so enjoy!
Thanks Gerrie, if only we could swop rain for sunshine! Daughters are fab for sure!xxx
I really like the ‘wet’ pictures. Nature picks out features with the rain and they glow. The garden has taken shape and there’s obviously been a lot of effort put into making it as it now is.
Those lily beetles certainly ravage the plant. Do they affect other plants, or, do they exclusively munch the one type?
Peanut does look very much at home. I also wonder what her next surprise will be. You do have some animal adventures.
What winter vegetation will The Florist adorn their cocktails with when the season comes? A rhetorical question that will await their answer.They’ve chosen a lovely theme for a leisure venue.
I always like seeing how the rain alters everything, it certainly does make everything glow, especially if the sun comes out after a shower. Lily beetles only eat lilies, mine are well and truly munched now, although I do have a few in pots that haven’t been found yet, moving the pots around seems to help. I’ve noticed that Peanut rolls in the holes she’s dug, maybe a way of ridding herself of mites? No eggs to date thankfully!
That is a very good question re the winter garnish for the cocktails…..Thanks
I wish I had a Florist to go to, since we’re still waiting on a start to our gardening. I’d go there every day for inspiration and fortification. Daughter looks stunning, as always; takes after her mother!
The gardens, all of them, and the greenhouse, look as brilliant as ever. I can’t believe how much the landscape has changed in the years I’ve known you, but it’s always been such a grand slice of heaven, Dina. Better and better, and you deserve it, No one works harder to create paradise on earth, or succeeds with such grace, love, and humor.
Thanks for this beautiful post!
Oh gosh, I’ve never known your spring to be this late!!! You sure are in need of a little fortification! If only you lived a little closer, I would know exactly where to take you! I have lost track of how many times I’ve started these gardens from scratch only to have enthusiastic pups tear them down, but it’s always onwards and upwards isn’t it, life never stands still, nature certainly doesn’t. I would never be without dogs, maybe without a random peahen though!!!
I do enjoy her hanging around but worry re her safety as she keeps on flying into the back garden when the dogs are out, two near misses to date!
Thanks for such a lovely comment. Love to you, always.xxxx
So nice to see your reds, pinks and white … and yes, they do go so well with the ancient flowering cherry trees. Makes for a very pretty picture.
That’s a lovely photograph of your daughter and The Florist sounds a great place … I think you may be visiting again!?
Enjoy the rest of your week.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I love the soft pastels of spring, it all seems like confetti season around here. The Florist is a lovely place to eat and enjoy a cocktail or two, I shall be back one sunny summer afternoon!xxx
Wow! Stunning Post! Stunning Garden! Stunning Daughter! A Pure Tonic! Love and Hugs.

Thanks Bushka, hugs to
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. It’s good to see your garden looking so good, especially after the various work you had done and the unkind weather. xx
Thanks Flighty….oh…the weather! It’s all coming together, slowly but surely!xxx
I squish lily beetles all through the summer and it is revolting. I only once heard a scream but it made me feel such a brute. Still it has to be done. I am glad to hear that you are mobile and have thawed out and enjoying your garden again. Your garden is looking lovely and so is your daughter.
Eeek! I simply am not up to squashing, and will never recover from your screaming incident! They have won…..I shall wave my white flag and leave them to it! It’s cold again here, my blanket and I are reunited! Thanks
Your garden is lovely. I was surprised at how big it is. Can’t you catch the lily beetles in a box and transport them. I think the last thing that you need is a flock of peacocks!
The gardens are on a corner plot so meander all over. There are far too many lily beetles to catch, they are hard to catch as well, the minute you move they drop to the ground, I think I’m fighting a losing battle….sighs… I have been watching Peanut, I think she digs the holes to form a dust bath, she rolls in them, maybe a way of ridding herself of mites etc? No sign of eggs yet….touching wood!xxx
It’s lovely to see everything springing back into life, isn’t it? I’ve just been outside to hang the washing on the line and it’s mighty cold, it’s a shame that the lovely sunshine we were treated to didn’t hang around for long but at least we managed to get some outside jobs done whilst it was here. Gorgeous is definitely the word to use for your daughter, she’s a stunner. Glad you enjoyed your time out together.
It was great being warm outdoors, I am missing decent weather, hopefully we”l get some more soon! It’s just wonderful seeing spring finally appear, now the trees are leafing up and everything is looking green again. Thanks
Both daughter and gardens are stunning! Screaming lily beetles? Oh my! It was glorious to have some sunny weather wasn’t it. I spent the 4 days digging the veggie patch – I split it into quarters as if I do too much at once, my back complains. Then R came home yesterday to tell me that we have sleet forecast for next week, so my plants will have to stay in the greenhouse a bit longer. I wonder if Peanut will lay any eggs? How exciting! xx
It is wonderful to have a little sunshine, all gone now though. Oh, you and me both re back pain when digging, I kneel down these days, easier on the old back. I do hope you didn’t get sleet, that is simply not on….AT ALL!!!
I’ve noticed Peanut rolling in the holes she digs, maybe she is having a dust bath to get rid of fleas??? No sign of eggs thankfully, although she is going walkabout for a few hours each day and screaming all the way!xxx