I’ve just recovered from a hideous cold that had me like a zombie for a week. I ended up on antibiotics, what a difference they make! It’s great to be back and feeling remotely human again!
The Beast from the East killed all ten of the palms that alternated between the stepping stones in the front garden, so hubs did the honours and dug them up, prickly beasts that they are, they even took a hardy fork out in the process. Oh….those thorns….one has a dash of green so may be saved, it’s sitting in a bucket of water at the moment.
I love the way he hung his coat on the plum tree in the background!
So…..what to plant in their stead….
Can you spot three dogs? Love the way they photo-bomb every picture!
I finally settled for standard olive trees, standard bay and standard lilacs, still waiting for the stragglers to arrive before I plant them out. I chose these plants as they all survived the recent freezing winter.
Given hubs and I celebrated another anniversary, and as he was generously paying…..I chose a few extras! I do like pieris, a lovely evergreen shrub that holds the borders together in winter, and early spring. Loving all these varieties.
The guy who built these raised beds also built these little planters that he attached to the sides. The price you’d pay for these items online or in garden centers is ridiculous, it’s great being able to hire local talent.
The side planters are now rearing to go with annuals/perennials, grown from seed, can’t wait for them to flower and soften the wood.
Planters have been attached to the brick raised beds too, and that trellis in the background will go in the back of all three, I haven’t decided what to plant to climb up them yet, but was thinking of climbing hydrangeas. Any suggestions? I already have lots of clematis, honeysuckle and climbing roses. Jasmine doesn’t seem to like our winters, any climbers will be under the shade of the beech trees.
The back is finally beginning to look like a garden again. Here’s to everything filling out.
Clematis montana is running along a fence…..
smothering a climber…
and obliterating a twelve foot tree stump! Oh, the scent of vanilla on warm days. Heavenly.
All the fruit trees are laden with fruitlets.
Pears, apples, cherries, plums….
and apricots. A first around here, most exciting! There’s lots of soft fruit forming too.
And finally….
I don’t know about you guys, but I find this utterly perplexing! Why do we have to meddle to this extent???
Glad to know that you recovered from the bug….and congratulations on another anniversary. I was in the south of France when the beast from the east hit, and it was freezing down there and so I can’t imagine what it must have been like up here.
Just beginning to catch up after my month in the States. more later….sending lots of hummingbird hugs. Janet xxx
Thanks Chloris, I am feeling better, what what an awful bug that was!!! I am so much happier with the back, it’s so easy to maintain now the dusty sand bath of a lawn has gone, I really enjoy sitting out there now. I can’t believe we’ll finally get apricots! xxx
A cold at this time of the year? How awful, I hope you are better. Your back garden is looking very posh, what an amazing difference, you must be so pleased. And how exciting about the apricots.
Dogs eh? What would we do without them!xxx
Love the header shot of the three dogs peering in the door!
I’m still working my way home after a short visit to family, and I’ll be glad to get home, despite the heat that awaits me there. I was surprised for some reason by your fruit trees. I don’t find many mentions of such in other British blogs, but of course you must have them. I stopped at a small house yesterday that had a sign out front advertising produce and eggs, and came away with cherries and raspberries — already!
That clematis is beautiful, and I like your suggestions about possible annuals for the trellis. I’m a great wisteria fan, too — I think its fragrance is lovely. It’s so good to see things filling out and becoming what you’d envisioned. A garden like yours would be a real treasure to have — it’s fun to watch it grow.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy sleeping in your own bed, it’s always good to get home, heat and all! We have lots of fruit trees here, apples, pears, cherries…orchids are common, most allotment holders grow their own fruit. I have about twenty fruit trees and lots of soft fruit bushes, climate change has altered how they grow though.
I am enjoying the back garden, far more manageable, the front is a different story! Thanks Linda.xxx
Glad to read that you’re feeling better, Dina. Summer colds are the worst. The garden is looking very lush (I envy your pear fruitlets, not sure mine will survive – again!) and I love your choice of replacement plants. Bay, olive and lilac – they just seem like such happy plants and will give a lot more pleasure than spiky palms! (PS I have a tiny Pieris which came from my mum’s garden, I’m always so glad I adopted it.) xxx
PPS. Love the side planters on your bigger planters – brilliant idea!
Oh, sorry to hear your pear fruitlets may not make it, it’s sooo frustrating when they drop!
I’m trying to stick with plants that survived the winter, who knows what’s coming next re climate change. I think they will be far more wildlife friendly than those palms! Ahhhhh how lovely that you have pieris from your mum’s garden, they are slow growers but such pretty evergreens.
Those side planters give me so much more space for plants in amongst the hard landscaping. Thanks Caro.xxx
You said “Given hubs and I celebrated another anniversary”
I say “Happy Anniversary”
Lovely to see your garden photographs, it’s looking good.
Sorry to read about your awful cold, pleased that the antibiotics helped … hope you are feeling 100% real soon.
Enjoy the rest of your week… Can you believe it will soon be June!!!
All the best Jan
Ahhh, thanks Jan, I am feeling better by the day. I can’t get over how fast time is flying by, each year speeds by ever more quickly!xxx
What do you do with all the fruit? Do you make preserves? Looks like you got a really nice selection of woody plants. Glad you got over your cold. Your husband is a credit to husbands everywhere.
We eat the pears and plums along with the soft fruit, the birds get the cherries and apples. I am hoping for apricots, they will be relished if they ripen. I’m hoping for figs this year too…Hubs is a good soul. Thanks Jason.xxx
Sorry for the cold… Emanuele Giosuè isn’t feeling well either. I guess is something “in the air” and with all this up and downs with the temperature, it doesn’t help.
these may support lower temperature down to -15 degrees celsius… if you would like to try them out, let me know! Actually, your garden is looking more and more lovely… I got the habit of the stone floor too! But what about the potatos&tomatos in one? Is it a genetic mutation of a sort? Brrrr gives me chills down my neck. Love and hugs from Ticino :-)c
The Beast from the East did quite damage here as well. Our lemon trees were half dead, by great fortune we could save them by cutting down all branches and all the lemons (around 100) have being thrown away, no longer edible.
About the palm trees: the sort we have in Ticino are much more hard to die
Oh, poor Emanuele, I do hope he feels better soon, there are some awful bugs flying around at the moment. I’m pleased to hear you managed to save your lemon trees, what a shame losing all those lemons. Mine seems to be dead, I am still hoping for a bud or two to appear. I will look into your hardier palms, I think worldwide we will all have to change how we garden as the zones are changing rapidly. Glad you have a stone floor, it does make life easier. I have far more room for plants now that sandy lawn has gone. I think that plant is a tomato grafted onto a potato,seems downright strange to me!!! Why do that? Love to all from sunny Liverpool.xxx
Thanks Gill, oh, I do hope you have been enjoying the fab weather too! That clematis is soooo scented!xxx
Your blog always brings me sunshine! Especially love that picture of splashes of sun on your clematis. Hugs xx
I’m glad you’re feeling better, I’ve had a cold recently too and I’ve still got the cough, there must be something going round. Your garden is looking fabulous, you’ve offset the hard landscaping so well with plants and I love the newbies you’ve bought recently. I’m a big fan of lilac. A potato and a tomato in one? Really, a plant of each doesn’t take up that much space, does it. What’s the need?
Sorry to hear you’ve had the dreaded lurgy too…oh..that cough is a blinder! Monstrous! Couldn’t agree more re the hybrid, grafted tom/potato! There really is no need unless space is of the upmost essence! Surely one must drain the other??? Hope that cough goes soon, thanks Jo.xxx
Glad that you are well now. What a perfect match both of you are – One generously paid and the other enjoyed buying! You garden looks great now. I see so many happy plants ( and lovely dogs… ) other than those poor palm trees. Must be very pleasant to gather around the table for breakfast or dinner and enjoy the garden!
Thanks Jade, it’s great to feel human again! These bugs drag you down for sure! Lol…always good to be on the buying side were plants are concerned, they are the only thing I enjoy shopping for and hubs knows that! We always eat in the garden, weather permitting, it’s such a treat…I’d live outdoors if I had your glorious weather!xxx
Your garden make-over is wonderful! Everything looks blooming and healthy … The raised beds & planter boxes on the side are a great idea, and always nice to use local talent, as you say. It is really pet friendly too. Glad you are feeling well now and can enjoy your garden … Wishing you plenty of sunshine for the summer….. Hope all goes well with your rescue hedgehogs.
Thanks Gerrie, I must say the back garden is so much more manageable now, as it matures and softens it will become a wildlife paradise again. It’s great having someone local to build garden items, the mark up in the nurseries is ridiculous…it’s good to have that chest infection on the run, hoping you are enjoying your autumn gardens, I certainly do. xxx
Oh, my, what a grand tour of the gardens. I just love the raised beds, brick and wooden, and the attached flower boxes will, as you say, soften the look all around. I can’t wait to see it all blooming, Dina!
I love the photo of Sam, Annie, and Buddy all peeking through greenery….4-leggeds just make life so much sweeter, don’t they? And speaking of sweet, your fruit trees are amazing. Apricots! Wow!
I had to laugh to see your poor beloved husband wrestling with that palm tree; I’m sure he appreciated your seeing his labor as a photo op. Good luck with the one that might yet live!
I love climbing vines…I found these three and would love to try them, but would investigate further:
and: https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/Amethyst-Falls-Wisteria.htm?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0a7YBRDnARIsAJgsF3OoOfUtIaW9Gq-lloPS8pTDWZx3Gbdj-y2kGEpbihu2AjBFiH_VZYEaAgc_EALw_wcB
But I’m just as happy with sweet peas and morning glories…can’t wait to see what you find that delights you!
Thank you for such a lovely post. I am soooo happy you’re feeling better and making such a beautiful paradise at your home.
Hubs was not at all impressed with that photo….lol….the cheek of me, it was boiling hot too and those palms broke a good fork!!! I will mend my ways! Life without four-leggeds? Unthinkable!
Oh….you have me yearning for wisteria, it died on me a few years back but must give it another go, and I LOVE black-eyed suzy! I think you have sorted my problem, the trellis are only about five foot so will stick to annuals as they won’t bring it down….morning glory and sweet peas! Genius you are! Thanks Kitty…..you have my thinking straight again! xxxx
I have a weakness for sweet peas, that’s for sure.
Phillip is retired after today and doesn’t know it yet, but one of the projects I have in store for him is to build a few new trellises!
Hope all is well as your summer flows on. I just cannot get over the wonder of your spaces. I keep coming back to look at all these lovely photos.
Oh….all the best to Philip, it must be bitter sweet! I’m quite sure you have many more projects in store for him! Ahhhh, thank you, I am really enjoying the back garden now, it’s just lovely seeing it come together and grow, by the end of summer it will be a proper garden again, it’s so low maintenance now the dust bath has finally gone. Thanks Kitty.xxxxx
Very sorry to hear of the vicious cold. Your garden looks good. Sounds like a lot of activity there, and if you’re already seeing fruit, things are going well. The planters made of wood look very attractive. To me, it seems like the dogs are very much part of the picture, and the I couldn’t help wondering if, aside from the dogs, there was a hedgehog modestly viewing all the agricultural progress from behind some greenery. xxx
I am really enjoying seeing all the fruit set this year, odd though after such a wet summer last year and bitter winter, maybe that’s the secret! Ha! Yes, I’m sure there were many critters hiding in the wings of that pic, you have me smiling! It would be strange if no dogs popped up in photos, they are constant shadows! Thanks Shimon. Hope all is well with you, I’ve just been watching the news….sighs…hugs to you my friend.xxx
I do get the feeling you’d do well at a Liverpudlian creative garden project, rather like The Chelsea Flower show.
The dogs did place themselves rather cleverly amongst your plant pots.
Tomatoes and potatoes combined…..erm….not at early April Fool’s then. It would be interesting to know what they really are. As it is we have beef tomatoes without a bovine in sight. Did the bag give any clues?
Glad to hear you are recovering from that nasty bug. xxxx
Goodness, what a compliment! If only…sighs… I saw that tomato/potato plant in a gardening magazine. As toms and spuds are closely related they just grafted the two plants together. Not for me, it just seems downright weird! It’s so good to be rid of that ghastly cold! Thanks Menhir.xxx
It’s all looking and sounding good. I like the side planters. That combined potato/tomato is a really silly price even reduced. xx
Thanks Flighty. The side planters will soften out as they flower hopefully. I totally agree re that price….utterly outrageous!xxx
It all looks great – what about climbing scented roses?
Thanks Sue, I may go for climbing roses, but the trellis is only about five foot so may have to prune hard to contain them.xxx
Certainly in excellent shape……Reaching height of Summer. Super!

Congratulations! Enjoy the super weather….. Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, oh, what beautiful weather we are all having! Hope you are enjoying your garden too. xxx
Awesome update thank you for sharing both your gardens are coming along nicely your 3 dogs are just like mind for being in the photo or want you to play when your working in the garden have a blessed day
Thanks Linda….oh dogs! They always want to play when you garden, mine throw toys in the trug while weeding….gotta love them though!xxx
Your garden is looking fantastic. I love all the raised beds with their little planters – so clever. I’m not sure I want a potato to taste of tomato or vice versa! The girls had fun with those unusual grape varieties that taste of candy floss and strawberry, but it was just the novelty value; we decided in the end that we actually preferred just a normal grape. Love the photo bombing dogs picture! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, once those seedlings get going the back will hopefully look like a garden again, I’m pleased with all the progress. Losing the lawn/sandbath makes a difference! It’s so frustrating seeing these strange plants popping up….why try to outdo nature all the time? Lol…dogs always manage to get in a shot!!! xxx