How I long for rain. The garden is in dire need of it. We had one downpour a couple of weeks ago and since then, not a drop of the wet stuff. I loathe getting the hose-pipe out, given it has a million holes in it which all act as miniature fountains, soaking me, rather than the garden. I should never have thrown it over a fence sporting the thickest brambles you ever did see!
Everything is romping away, especially the roses, it’s a wonderful year for them!
This unknown rambler has now completely covered the ancient apple tree. The warmth releases a heavenly scent. There are still a few pink ramblers in there adding to the display. The rose hips should be fantastic in the autumn.
I’ve cleared two thirds of the veggie patch, but it’s hard going in this heat. Strawberries and fruit bushes have been freed from the wilderness and volunteer potatoes are offering a wealth of new potatoes given I didn’t dig them up last year due to having my op. I’ve left most of them to grow on, as they are doing so well.
I roasted my first batch in a little garlic olive oil, sprinkled with herbs, with a few sprigs of rosemary and cloves of garlic. Oh my, utterly delicious, and I have enough for months!
On the animal front…..
Long walks in shady lanes have been enjoyed.
Here, we are not used to prolonged heat so many people still walk their dogs on hot tarmac, or sand and leave them in hot cars, genuinely, in all innocence.
There’s a ten second rule, place your inner arm on the walkway for ten seconds, if it hurts, don’t walk your dog/s. There are so many cases recently of dogs with the skin burnt off their paws.
We constantly surprise protective mother ducks with ducklings of late on our walks!
Obviously a good year for the ducks too.
I have resigned myself to the fact that I shall always kneel on hard ground while gardening…..
My tiny pygmy hedgehog, Heidi is doing well. She is utterly wild now and hisses at me when I check her each week. She is clean in her little house so I don’t have to disturb her, I just clean the rest of her crate. She has a four-way tunnel she likes to walk through each night, she hardly uses her wheel now as I keep changing her environment. I have to admit that she is ultra cute, which is why these poor creatures are kept as pets.
Sad news re my little Hettie hog, the one with the neurological problem. She is unable to walk or feed herself lately and has grown a large lump near one of her ears. I have been feeding her twice a day and shall take her to the rescue with me tomorrow to see the vet. It’s always a hard call isn’t it?
It’s all about quality of life, and I have to think hard about that. I am quite happy to continue to care for her if anything can be done; don’t like to give up easily, but it’s not about me, it’s about her…. We’ll see….
Meanwhile, Hope, the hog with skin cancer has been dropping those hideous growths on a weekly basis, the remaining growths are shrivelling and feel loose. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing. When the growths fall off there is little bleeding but given this heat I am constantly checking her for fly strike. So far, so good!
And Finally….
I’ve found Peanut a home! A guy who lives across the dual carriageway has fourteen acres and lots of peacocks, mainly birds he’s rescued.
It’s just a case of catching her, he made it sound easy!
When she comes to you for food, he said, grab her legs from behind, get control of those spurs, but watch out for her wings though, you don’t want to damage them….
Hmmmmm, so I grab those legs from behind, avoiding the spurs, with two hands… what do I do about the strong flapping wings? Obviously a two-person job, but hubs abdicated, flat out. A firm NO from him! Have I mentioned she’s a large, strong bird???? There was also talk of nets, just as problematic in my opinion.
I don’t think her eggs are viable, it’s been far too long now. Thinking cap is on re catching her! An idea is brewing….
Oh….and, and finally, just a thought, please leave water out for wildlife, birds are gaping here, as fast as I fill the bowls the water is gone, there are even queues forming!
It is a privilege being able to watch wildlife doing their thing, something I never tire off. I did enjoy reading of all these birds taking advantage of a leaky pipe, almost makes me wish I had
Apologies as I managed to miss this post, Dina! Glad you mentioned leaving water out for animals and wildlife – it reminded me of the ground floor flat here where an overflow pipe is constantly trickling. The pipe is above window level (from an original high up toilet cistern) and makes a perfect perch for birds to land and dip their beaks into the water. That sight was lovely enough last year; this year, the flow has formed a large puddle – with a board angled to protect the building behind from water damage, the puddle makes the perfect sheltered bird bath and attracts all sorts of birds to the area. Such a privilege to watch! xxx
Hi JR, no, Heidi can’t live outdoors here, our climate is too cold, she has to be an indoor hog sadly. She came to me as an unwanted pet via the rescue. I leave her be and keep her as stimulated as possible. These poor creatures should be wild not pets in unsuitable
Is Heidi living wild outside?! Our Pygmy Treacle has developed a mouth tumour which comes with neurological problems so we’re making the best of the end of his life (as well as vet checkups every week). They really are darlings who need so much care. Your garden is the absolute dream!! A little haven
Roses have been amazing, never seen mine looking so good.
Yes we sure do need some rain. Large cracks are appearing across the lawn.
I am sure if this very dry spell continues I could possibly fall down one
So pleased peanuts has a new come in the offing. 14 acres, dream come true.
I am sure you will make the right decision re Hettie. You have given her love and care during the latter part of her life. For that I thank you.
The roses have been spectacular haven’t they, maybe the cold wet winter and warm summer suits them, but mine are wilting now, we haven’t had such hot dry weather for fourty years. Your cracks sound alarming….do a rain dance for us all gal…I’ll join in!xxx
I must admit I would love some rain … preferably during the evening … I wonder if we may soon be lucky!!!
Your roses look so nice, I love these flowers.
Your potatoes do look nice, with garlic olive oil, sprinkled with herbs, with a few sprigs of rosemary and cloves of garlic… yum!
I like cooking celeriac chunks in a similar way …
Enjoy your week
All the best Jan
PS Good news about peanut, but I’m really not sure how you are going to catch her !!!
Rain overnight or late evening is the perfect solution, right now though we are desperate for it so I won’t complain when it falls. I just love potatoes, you do so many recipes, maybe do one on just them….pretty please!xxx
Great post and photos. You are having the weather we had six months ago. Wet and cold in NZ now. Come and visit Green, Health and Happiness.
I shall visit
I’m in England right now and it’s been much warmer than I expected! I’m visiting a friend who always puts out food and water for the hedgehogs that visit her garden. At least Hettie had a great life with you instead of suffering a dreadful end in the wild.
I’m always so glad to hear that people are putting water out for wildlife. Lovely that you are here, next time you have to pop by Liverpool! xxx
Hello there .. I found your blog from another blog and just wanted to say hi and what amazing activities you are involved in (I had a suspicion you were British so I had to check that out too .. haha) .. I understand you find the prolonged heat and drought so uncomfortable, with what your usual weather should be .. I still think of the UK as a cool rainy place, but global warming is changing all of that. We are in a heat wave here too .. mixed with the humidity it has registered (with the humidex) at it’s highest 47 C .. I worry for animals in this too … people can be so thoughtless .. we leave baths and fountains out in the garden for the birds and little creatures as well .. I am so ready for Autumn already .. haha .. your potatoes looked scrumptious ! .. your mix of animals amazing ! Hope the weather lets up for you soon!
Hi Joy, thanks for visiting, I had a look at your place, what a lovely blog. I’m following
I once was involved in capturing a brown pelican. In the end, the big, burly policeman backed away and let the woman who was a bird rescuer do the deed. My job was mostly to hold the cage to keep it from tipping over while she got the pelican inside. The poor thing was blind in one eye — damaged, somehow — and was walking the neighborhood, since it couldn’t fly. Without being able to fly, it wasn’t able to eat, either. But all ended well. It ended up down in Galveston, with clipped wings and a new home with other rescued birds, where it had a place to swim and people to provide it fish every day.
Which is to say: I don’t envy you having to gather up Peanut — not one bit. But how good that she’ll have a home.
We’re hoping for rain, too. It’s projected to arrived on our Independence Day, but we need it so badly I’ve yet to hear anyone complain. I hope you get yours, as well. Personally, I’m sitting here craving roasted potatoes — at 10:30 p.m! That’s not happening tonight, but it well might on some day not too far away.
What do you do with your rose hips? I remember reading that they’re high in vitamin C. Do you make tea with them?
Just loved the story of the pelican and so glad it was captured and ended up in a good home. I have wrestled many birds in the rescue, swans, geese, turkeys along with owls buzzards and other wildlife, usually we can contain, then capture. This bird has a free run, I’m more worried about hurting her than her hurting me, she is so tame these days I could reach out and grab her, if that went wrong though, I’d never get another chance.
I often see a recipe late at night and want to go for it, you can’t beat potatoes though…any which way! I do hope you get plenty of rain, no floods, just steady rain. How the climate is changing worldwide now.xxxx
Wonderful to hear about fruit and flowers. and I do love potatoes… so much that even hearing about them gives me satisfaction; not to speak of the duck and that thinking cat. But the sad news about your little Hettie hog brought me right down to earth. Sorry for the both of you. I think you should inspire that guy across the carriageway to give Peanut a man’s hug and take her home with him. After all, he’s getting this wonderful bird for free… Here’s wishing you a beautiful summer. xxx
Oh, you and me both re loving potatoes! I am smiling at the thinking cat comment, Curly is and has always been a thinking cat, at times I actually see thoughts running across his eyes. Hettie didn’t make it, always hard to let a creature go…..has to be about them though. The will to live is so strong in the tiniest creatures, sometimes that sways me in the wrong direction, but vets have a way of putting things into perspective, from the animals point of view, well….wildlife friendly ones!
The guy who is prepared to take Peanut works during the day, and she only pops off the garage at random times so difficult to get anyone here, she only comes down from the garage for five minutes a day…but there have been developments. All the best to you, always, friend of
Do you have porcupines in the UK? I wonder if they are related to hedgehogs. Those potatoes look delicious. Great roses! We are dealing with wild temperature swings lately. Very hot today after unusually cold temps.
No porcupines here, the hedgehog’s closest relative is the pig. The weather appears downright strange worldwide at the moment, maybe we all have to reconsider what we
Good morning Dina…..I could live on potatoes and yours look fabulous…what a treat. Yes, we do need rain, and it’s not until we don’t have it that Brits realise how fortunate they are to have a climate with rain and sunshine
All the photographs are fabulous and I do love that climbing rose and know that wonderful sensation of perfume that the sun reveals….Always good to see the progress of your creatures great and small. You are amazing.
Sending love Janet xxxx
You and me both re spuds Janet! Oh, the lack of rain is becoming a major problem here, I do hope this isn’t the way it’s going to roll in the future, everything is suffering. I love climbing roses, I always remember your rambler in Wales too!xxx
Your own new potatoes roasted – served with butter? Heaven on a plate, as a friend of mine would say! Hope you get your peahen rehomed … and I’m sure you’ll make the right decision about your little hedgie, although it might not be easy. Hugs xx
I ate them straight from the oven, didn’t even give them a chance to cool down. Ahhh….yes life, aint always straight forward is it. xxx
At last, there is a chance of some rain here tomorrow. Everything is gasping, animals, plants and humans alike. A solid overnight shower would be ideal! I hope it travels north too.
Glad to hear that Peanut has a good home in the offing. Good luck on catching her!
I do hope you got a little rain, still not a drop here. Like your place, everything gaping here too! xxx
Oh dear heaven! I’m happy to read that you found a new home with others of her species for Peanut! Courage, you will manage to catch her but me too I guess is a job for two people. Ask someone from the rescue…
Here as well we’re missing the water and each night we spend time around the garden with the water hose… the grass turned yellow and at noon the temperature is over 35° (in the shadow). I have that strange feeling, you know, that the seasons and the climate are definitely changed. No fuss about the stories of the heating of the planet? Oh, many on top of the hierarchies say that there isn’t any global warming due to the CO2…or yes, maybe a little but they still pump up fuel from the underground, fracking here and there causing minors earthquakes, but very few are agreeing that the CO2 emission in the air is mostly caused by the not sustainable huge farming of animals for flesh. Make it short, you and I know what I’m talking about… Keep up the good mood and the fantastic growing of veggies and beautiful plants! This is the best stimulator for serotonin!
PS. Did you ever think to visit Ticino? You’ll be really welcomed… hug and kisses :-)claudine
There are so many people who would help me catch Peanut, the problem is she only gets off the garage once a day, always a different time, so anyone helping would have to spend a day here.
Oh, your weather sounds as bad as ours, how I wish it would rain here, wildlife is suffering along with pets and gardens everywhere. It is climate change, across the world strange, extreme weather prevails! Oh…I will visit you all one day! Love to all.xxxx
Lovely post thank you for sharing why does the man who wants Peanut come and help you catch her or find a recording of a male peacock to help her come easily ?
lovely photos and blessings very warm are moaning of the heat at each other as the all want the same cool place
The guy works and Peanut comes down at random times of the day so it’s difficult to get anyone at a minutes notice, and when she does come down, she’s only down for five minutes. Oh ….this heat is awful!xxx
I can see how your cute hedgehogs attract people …. Easy to forget they are wild (koalas are always being given to tourists for photo opportunities, and I always think they hate being held/cuddled.) I thought you would be getting heaps of rain in summer… Hope it comes soon .

So glad you have found Peanut a home, she’ll be very happy amongst her own… Looks like it is going to be a challenge getting her over there … Good luck!
I saw several places in Australia inviting the public to hold koalas, it made my blood run cold, I’m with you, I’m sure they loathe being manhandled! I do pity all the cute animals, people treat them like toys!xxx
Well, we’ve had one very warm day when I dressed down and let my arms and breathe and feet toddle around in an open sandal. Apart from the lack of rain, nothing is really and truly wilting from heat in these parts; lack of fluid would be the reason.
Peanut is quite a challenge isn’t she. Finding a home for her is great. As you describe, getting her there is another story.
Good advice about overheating walking surfaces, I doubt that many people have thought about it in relation to their pets.
Your potatoes look yummy. No need for you to supplement your stocks for a good while by the sounds of things.
Your fascinating hedgehog stories of the lives of the two, really are chalk and cheese. Curly cat seems to have the right idea, and in comfort.
In searing heat, your holey hose pipe is just the right bit of kit to set up to anoint you while you work!
I am amazed you have only had one warm day!!! The weather here is utterly bizarre, I can’t recall such a prolonged dry spell, dogs are even dying of heatstroke as a result of being exercised in this heat. I do love potatoes, any which way! Oh…that hose-pipe, hubs has stuck bits of sticky tape on the worse fountains…
Good luck catching Peanut. Strong gloves are required. Didn’t her new host offer to come a catch her for you as he sounds to be an expert?
Peanut comes off the roof at different times each day so it’s difficult to get people here as they could be hanging around all day. The Peacock man works so not available during the day, he sounds like a nice guy though, seems he’s rescued lots of different
Yum! Garlic-herbed potatoes in olive oil! Heaven!!!
So happy for Heidi, but keeping her in my prayers, and certainly Miss Hettie and Miss Hope, the poor dears: keep us posted and love to you for the love you offer them.
I think I’d be with your beloved on catching Peanut, but I know you’d talk me into aiding and abetting her capture…can’t wait to hear about it, and sooooo happy she’ll have a home for free-ranging adventures.
Your gardens look so abundant and lush, Dina. The 4-leggeds all seem so content.
It’s tricky when you have to water it all, poor dear. We’ve had great rain so far this year, but are just beginning at least two weeks of hellish heat and humidity, which I can’t abide, so I’ll be gardening in fits and starts, dashing out early, covered in bug spray and clothing. NOT my favorite, but there you go: life and love in the time of climate change.
Much joy to and love to all…and may soft rains fall generously and soon.
Hahaha, love the fact you’d help me catch her! I’d help you too! That had me laughing! We’re still in the midst of a heatwave, our plants are simply not able to cope with dry, hot weather, watering is a nightmare, so many plants are dying! I simply don’t know how you cope with that hellish heat and humidity, and getting eaten alive, I can’t garden in heat at all. Some strange temps raging worldwide at the moment, climate change has made it’s presence felt for sure. Here’s to rain and cooler temps for you all. Love too all of you.xxxx
Oh, it is it is it is a great year for roses! Even the ones that were on the verge of collapse from our multi-year drought rebounded with blooms and new growth. I’ve also added more alfalfa meal and that always spurs new canes to shoot up.
And rose fragrance intensified by the heat — isn’t it wonderful? I’m sorry you have to suffer through excessive heat to get it though. Here’s to hoping for more of that wet stuff falling from the sky. We don’t even hope to see rain from June to October. So we make frequent use of the hose.
Your Heidi is certainly as cute as a button. No wonder there’s so much artwork that features hedgehogs. And every time roomie and I see them, we want to send to you. We do try to resist, though it is very difficult.
Good luck with Peanut. She doesn’t know how good she’ll have it once she allows herself to be captured.
One good thing about this heat is that delicious scent of roses, how much you must enjoy that on a daily basis! How you cope that long without water beats me, I simply can’t water everything and am losing so many plants, the veggie patch looks doomed, we need a good downpour, our plants and wildlife an’t cope with this weather.
Ahhhh, how lovely that you both think of me when you see hedgehog art, that really are adorable little mammals…..almost said don’t resist, glad you do!xxx
That’s very good news about having found a new home for Peanut. She won’t be lonely anymore…
As usual, I enjoyed reading your post. So many interesting creatures and stories ( some sad ones though ) . And always happy to see some nice flowers or plants that grow in your garden.
Hope you would still enjoy gardening despite the dry weather and having to manipulate that water hose!
Good to know you enjoyed the post Jade, there do seem to be a lot of critters here! I am looking forward to rain, our gardens cannot cope without it, so many shrubs and plants are struggling now….how do you all cope with prolonged periods of drought? Your plants are obviously used to it and far hardier than
Lovely post and pictures. Me too, as there’s been none here either. As you say it’s been a wonderful year for roses.
Those potatoes look delicious. I hope that Hettie and Hope are both okay.
I also hope that you manage to catch Peanut without too much kerfuffle. xx
Most of my roses have gone over now, I’m hoping for a second flush, if and when it rains, oh, how I long for rain! xxx
In this hot water thank goodness for a good drinking water supply. We have to remember to keep a constant supply for our animals, domestic and wild. Our daughter has had a worrying time with Jasper, her beloved pet cat. Even before this heatwave Jasper developed a urinary blockage problem because he wasn’t drinking enough water. He had to spend a few days at the vets w to help him get well. Thankfully he’s home now on an aftercare regime and our daughter is making sure he’s eating wet food and drinking plenty of water. Looking after the poorly hedgehogs must need know how and dedication with their best interests at heart. Good advice about dog walking in shady places on paths that are better for their paws than hot tarmac. Hope you manage a way of catching and transporting Peanut to a new home! Yummy looking roast potatoes. A little garlic, olive oil and rosemary is the way we cook them too. It’s a shame we haven’t room for potatoes and have given up growing in a tub. That’s one thing that was good about having a big plot on an allotment. Take care, Dina, and have a good, restful weekend, if possible.
Poor Jasper, good to know he’s feeling better, this weather certainly wouldn’t have helped. Yes, everything is suffering due to heat and a lack of water, especially wildlife, even bees are risking drowning to drink. xxx
Mmmm…..a veritable little paradise….rain-less, notwithstanding. Those tatties look scrumptuous….bet the did not last long. Lovely, D! Hugs.
Those tatties lasted no more than five minutes, where potatoes are concerned, everyone has a second stomach! xxx
Nooo, I don’t want rain, we’re just about to set off on our holidays. Yum, those spuds look delicious. I haven’t grown any this year so I’m very envious of everyone with home grown produce. It’s good to see Heidi doing so well but sad news about Hettie, I do hope the vet can give you some good news but as you say, it’s about them, not us, and if she has no quality of life then it’s the kindest thing. I can’t wait to hear the next installment about Peanut, rather you than me.
Oh, No rain then! The forecast is looking wonderful, have a fab time, I’m determined to visit this year, you have inspired
Your potatoes look delicious. I’ve never roasted potatoes in garlic oil – I’ve no idea why as I often add just garlic; I shall give it a go. I’d never heard of the 10 second rule, I’m sure it’s the same for lots of people, judging by the number of dogs I’ve seen walking the pavements in the heat. We’re desperate for rain too – we’re promised some on Sunday and I can’t wait. Poor little Hettie hog! Sending her all good wishes. xx
You can’t beat roast new potatoes…delicious however you cook them. I quite like them in chili oil too. I have to say this drought is driving me crackers, how the wildlife and garden yearn for rain, here’s to us all getting some