Recently, I’ve been asked to review several different products, these four were my favourites.
This summer edition gin is unique and just perfect for these warm summer days, it really does have the most beautiful scent and tastes wonderful.
Botanicals for this gin are foraged from the cliffs of the Pentland Firth where Rhodiola rosea was introduced to the company by a local herbalist. To find out more click on the link below.
I couldn’t resist this dog bed cushion, you get to personalize it with a photo of your choice. I chose this picture of the courtyard with all three dogs in it. Buddy just loves staring at it! It was so easy to order online.
For more information see link below.×28
The three dogs seem to find it fascinating!
I liked this idea very much, a toothbrush made of sustainable bamboo, no more plastic! You pay a subscription and are sent a new toothbrush every six weeks.
For more information, see link below.
As well as helping the planet, The Pearly White Club are committed to helping people. For every subscription The Pearly White Club donates a toothbrush to New Hope – a homelessness prevention charity, providing practical and emotional support to the homeless and disadvantaged people in Watford.
This toothbrush is also vegan.
I also adored these solar diamond caged lights. I must say, I was pretty impressed as the lights glowed for ages. They come on at dusk, around nine pm and stay lit for over four hours.
They look oh, so, pretty in the courtyard!
To find out more, please click on the link below.—diamond
In other news, I recently released twelve ducks. They all went off beautifully, there is simply nothing nicer than seeing ducks free for the first time. Their joy is palpable!
Wonderful, just wonderful! Only another thirty or so to go! Releasing is certainly going to keep me busy for the next few weeks!
Buddy put the fear of God into us all a few days ago, as he came out in the most horrendous hives. They first appeared on his face then rapidly spread all over his body. The speed they developed was terrifying. I managed to get him to the vet promptly where he was diagnosed as having a severe allergic reaction to something, probably an insect bite.
It was scary to think that he could have died without treatment. A steroid injection and antihistamines quickly sorted him out. He’s now completely recovered and is back to being trouble, with a capital T!
While cycling, I spotted these cows, all lined up, eating….how strange!
The teasel is proving to be a bee magnet, even more so than the lavender and buddleia. I’m always amazed how these tiny flowers attract so many pollinators.
The rescue is now full to overflowing. Each day more and more creatures pour in. It’s now also hoglet season, and they all need hand-feeding which is SO time consuming. But hey, how cute are they? I could happily feed them all day.
For some reason we have several swift chicks in this year. They are such strange looking birds when young. They literally hang off your fingers for food, utterly insatiable they are!
And Finally….
Peanut update.
The Peacock guy kept Peanut in his barn for almost a week, then let her out a couple of days ago. She immediately flew off, and has currently taken up residency in a golf course behind his properly. Oh, and she took one of his peacocks with her! I’m hoping to spot her tonight, but there are a lot of tall trees on that golf course!.
It was a huge relief seeing Buddy back to normal, and so quickly! It seems it’s just an allergy, the vet didn’t mention his size being a factor.You do have me thinking though….surely size is relevant. You have me smiling re Peanut, and WOW…thanks for telling me about that duck, just googled her, what an amazing mother. Thanks
What a relief it must have been to have Buddy back to normal. That’s quite a reaction he had — was it because of his smaller size relative to whatever insect it might have been? I don’t know a thing about vet medicine, but it makes sense to me that a bee that wouldn’t affect me so bady might do more damage to a smaller creature. Of course, being allergic is what it is, and I suppose that’s regardless of size. Anyway — he’s better, and that’s what counts.
As for Peanut, what can I say? You don’t suppose she was raised on a steady diet of Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want To Hav Fun,” do you? At any rate, she has a friend now, and with any luck the peacock man will increase his flock somewhat.
Speaking of ducks, have you seen the video and photos of the mama Merganser in Minnesota who had 70 ducklings trailing behind her? It’s the most amazing thing. Apparently they can hatch up to 20, but if there are babes around who’ve imprinted but lost their mothers, they’ll follow any mama-looking duck who shows up, and she collected them all. Nature is utterly unpredictable!
Thanks Jo, I was hoping Peanut would settle in her new environment too…but that bird has a mind of her own, at least she has peacocks around her and is a lot safer as it’s just country that side of the road. I’ll keep an eye on her…. It’s a relief to see Buddy back to normal, who knew a dog could react like that?xxx
What a lovely selection of products you’ve reviewed, I especially like the sound of that gin. I was hoping that Peanut would behave herself as it sounds as though she had the perfect home, but she’s obviously a bird who knows what she wants and she won’t let anyone tell her otherwise. Poor Buddy, it’s scary how these allergic reactions can take hold, I do hope he’s much better now.
Glad to hear that Buddy recovered. Ducklings are almost always cute.
It was a huge relief seeing Buddy back to his normal bouncy self! I do have a soft spot for ducks and ducklings, I am always amazed at how day old chicks feed themselves, why can’t all birds do that?xxx
Crazy peanut, but at least she has company now
Poor little Buddy. His dear little face. Lucky you were so quick to react.
Wildlife certainly love teasels. I have loads in my garden. Not only do they attract bees butterflies etc in Summer, in Winter the Goldfinch will come for the seeds.
The centre is doing such an amazing job. How wonderful to see all those duck released back into the wild.
Always love your posts.
Oh, Peanut is in a better, safer place, with her own kind, what a single-minded bird though! It was a huge relief to get Buddy back to normal, I’m not used to seeing him so subdued.
As you say, teasel is such a magnet…those tiny flowers always astonish me with their pulling power, and we have lots of goldfinches too so they shall harvest them. Thanks
The hoglets and young swifts are cute. They’re in good hands as are all the creatures at the rescue centre and it’s great to see the ducks being released onto the water. A good busyness over the next few weeks being able to do that. Glad to know that Buddy is well now. That must have been scary to think what might have happened with a bad reaction to whatever he was allergic to or an insect sting. We have so many bees flying indoors and especially attracted to the lavender in the garden at the moment. All the products you’ve reviewed look interesting. Your garden must look magical when those solar lights start to twinkle. Hope you have a good weekend and especially enjoy relaxing evenings.
Thanks Linda, I do enjoy all the youngsters that come into the rescue, even herring gulls are manageable when young. Releasing is always a pleasure though, that’s what it’s all about. I always thought Buddy was indestructible, he always seems tough as old boots, who knew he could react like that?? I do think it was a bee or wasp sting, they are all over the gardens at the moment. I just love solar lights and these really are
Love the dog cushion and the toothbrush!
So glad peanut managed to find a kindred spirit at her new home, sounds like a happy ending.
Also so pleased that Buddy is ok after his scare, they do like to worry us don’t they.
The cows are probably in a straight line as the farmer will have put feed out for them in a line, the grass is so dry that it has no nourishment left in it.
Thanks Pauline, I’m sticking with non-plastic anythings these days so welcome a sustainable toothbrush. The dogs love that cushion, initially it was too plump to sit on! Buddy did scare me to death, so glad he’s back to his hyper self! Oh…never thought of the cows following feed….xxx
Buddy looks soooooo uncomfortable. Allergies can be frightening and often you don’t find out if you, or, a pet have any particular one till the event occurs. Delighted to hear it has all been sorted. do you have to keep a stock of veterinary antihistamines around for Buddy?
Peanut is a real character. I do wonder if she was kept under wraps for just a tad too long, having got used to your way of life. But, I guess the guy knows what he is doing. However, she has proved herself desirable with her attraction of a peacock. Interestingly, she and he have not gone too far from the site of the estate.
The chicks’ releases look delightful.
I guess we all have a preferred tipple or two. I do like a gin, ever so rarely. It has to be almost a sipping one. In other words one which doesn’t have to be smothered in a sweet mixer, and which, therefore, suits my taste buds.
Your toothbrush is an interesting development. Bamboo is being used in so many products now.
The hoglets are sweet and curious. Do you have to take them home because of their feeding schedules, or are there enough helpers around to cover things?
The swifts sound fascinating…
Every sanctuary visit is a learning experience for all of us and I for one, thank you.
I do have a few antihistamines from the vet,turns out you can buy them from a pharmacy, but the steroid jab sorted him straight away….thankfully his allergic reaction didn’t happen out of hours……a long drive would be called for and a small fortune to treat him. I’m hoping he has some resistance now to whatever stung him, a bee most likely or a wasp.
Peanut is a law unto herself … least she’s a lot safer now, and is around her own kind. Very young hoglets go home with staff and volunteers each night along with very young chicks, it is exhausting…but it gets them through the night. Hoglets need feeding every four hours, night and day. Oh…swift chicks are almost alien….they use their wings to climb, wonderful getting to see them up close, but wish they weren’t in the rescue….they rarely come into contact with people. Thanks
That vegan non-plastic toothbrush sounds interesting. Will definitely take a look later today.
Sorry to hear how poor Buddy had suffered from hives. I’m glad he is fine now.
I know how wonderful it is to see those ducks being freed at last.. Feel so happy for them!
We have lots of cows here in Malaysia but I have never seen them in a line like that. How interesting!
Reading about Peanut is ever fun and interesting! I’m happy that she has finally found a mate now! Hope she would be happy always!
I shall stick with sustainable toothbrushes now they are available, the less plastic the better! It was a relief seeing Buddy back to his usual self…..I don’t like to see him that subdued! Poor guy! Releasing animals is always such a treat, although some releases can be complicated, but seeing them free is just wonderful. It is good knowing Peanut is in a safer area with no roads….what a bird, she sure is a one off! Thanks Jade,xxx
I’m glad Buddy is ok!! What a scare. I keep my toothbrush until the bristles are bent sideways so that bamboo one looks like a good idea!
Thanks Casa, I’m so glad Buddy is back to normal, albeit trouble as usual. I will stick to bamboo or sustainable toothbrushes from now on, every little
Great to read your reviews … love the idea of the toothbrushes!
Sorry to read about Buddy but glad all is ok now.
You are certainly being kept busy with your releases, such lovely photographs of the ducks.
Keep well and enjoy the coming weekend.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I liked the idea of an environmentally friendly toothbrush too, hopefully more companies will follow suit. It was a huge relief to see Buddy sorted, I’m not used to seeing him subdued! It’s always wonderful releasing creatures, sometimes tricksy but these ducks went off beautifully. xxx
Lots of good news here. I was especially tickled by the news of Peanut eloping with a peacock at her new home. I hope that this time she’ll finally see chicks coming out of those eggs. Of course the most uplifting photo and story was of the twelve ducks that had a second chance at life. You’ll get a lot of blessings from those ducks as they play in the water and recall your gifts and your faults, wondering about your psychological stability as they try to understand why they were kept in a virtual prison for all of their childhood. And the dog bed cushion… the picture you chose to put on the cushion makes it a masterpiece. So far as products go, I haven’t seen anything more attractive in years. Sorry to hear about Buddy’s suffering, and don’t tell him I told you, but maybe he’s allergic to the stuffing in the dog pillow. Regards to the hoglets, and the next time I run into the Pope, I’m going to recommend you for sainthood! xxx
Oh…That Bird! Fancy taking off like that with a peacock….but she is free and can choose where she wants to live. She is living in a far more suitable area away from roads and should have a more natural life. I do miss her…..I often wonder what wildlife make of us, keeping them captive and handling them to treat their wounds, it’s an awful, but necessary thing, the best bit is finally seeing them back where they belong, that’s such a privilege. Buddy seems fine around the new dog bed, I suspect a bee or wasp sting, never come across anything like that before, it was shocking seeing him deteriorate so quickly. Hahahahaha……thank goodness you are not likely to run into the Pope, it would be a huge NO from him…and I’d agree! Thanks Shimon, you always make me
I love your recommendations…especially the gin:) Please do more of these.
So glad that little Buddy is OK…what a scare that must have been. As for Peeps you could write a book about this one….I love it.
Great pictures and oh my goodness what a summer we are having…and they are forecasting hotter next week.
Sending lots of hummingbird hugs to you all. Janet xxx
Thanks Janet, oh…that gin! I was shocked seeing how quickly Buddy was deteriorating, never came across that before! Thankfully he’s fine now. That bird is a total one off….I’d love to write her story, but it hasn’t ended yet methinks……Love and hugs to
Good post and pictures. Glad to see that Buddy was okay after that scare.
Your comment about Peanut made me smile. xx
Thanks Flighty, it is a huge relief to see Buddy back to normal. Peanut is one of a kind! I give up!xxx
Just so long as poor Peanut doesn’t think that the lost golf balls are her eggs …
Oh…..never thought of that did I? I do hope not! Thanks
Poor Buddy…. Perhaps he came across a plant or grass that didn’t agree with him. It looks like Peanut is a survivor anyway… A master stroke taking another peacock with her to the golf course! Hope you are getting plenty of sunshine & sipping your nice pink Gin in the evening!

I think whatever caused the hives happened in the courtyard which is teeming with bees so I suspect it was a bee. Oh…that bird! She certainly has a mind of her own. We are getting plenty of sunshine, but I’m longing for rain!Thanks
Poor Buddy, I’m glad he has ben sorted out. Peanut certainly has a contrary streak.
Peanut has a mind of her own, a wayward bird for sure, like that though! She’s safe where she is, no cars, just more countryside. Oh…that dog! So glad he is
I do like a nice gin and also love anything rose flavoured, so that’s got to be a winner! Poor Buddy! I’m glad that the steroids and antihistamines did the trick; lucky for him you reacted so quickly. Here’s hoping that Peanut and her new beau stay safe and sound – I’m rather pleased that she isn’t on her own, but I bet the Peacock guy is a bit miffed! xx
I was never really a gin fan, but this gin is utterly gorgeous! Hand picked botanicals certainly give it a lovely scent and flavour. Buddy scared the life out of me, so glad I was home….phew! Peanut is certainly a one off, saw her tonight, safe and sound, shall post on her next time. Poor Peacock guy…..thanks
Wow, poor Buddy! So happy he came round so quickly with treatment, sweet boy. Please give him a smooch for me.
All of those products are interesting; I’m a sucker for garden lights, and those look lovely. How are you able to review so many nice products? What fun! The dog cushion is darling, too. Bamboo toothbrushes are great; I use them, too. I have to say, the gin sounds amazing.
Hooray for the ducklings, and I sure hope there are enough people helping at the rescue with all those animals in need. What a lot of work. Aren’t rescue volunteers just the best?!
I do hope we’ll hear of Peanut’s safe return to the Peacock guy: Why did he keep her in the barn so long? Poor girl! Hope she’ll be OK.
Joy and gentle peace to your week, dear Dina! Love to you and your brood.
Buddy put the fear of god into me, I have had dogs my entire life and have never come across a situation like that. I am so glad I didn’t have to be anywhere and was home all day, the thought of his throat closing is still terrifying. Smooch has been delivered! I love solar lights, each year they get better…..these are really good, they do last a long time, I’ll have to see how they do in winter. The dogs love the cushion, it really is plump! As for that gin…sighs….lots of companies are looking for bloggers to genuinely review products, get your blog back gal! Rescue volunteers are the backbone of rescues across the world, without them many would close. We always need more, reliable ones of course, how I wish you lived closer, you’d love our rescue. The Peacock guy kept Peanut in the barn to acclimatize her so she got wind of where home was….. that worked a treat didn’t it? She’s fine, saw her tonight…more on that in my next post. Thanks Kitty. Love and hugs, as always.xxxx