We’ve had several heavy downpours these last few days, and despite being caught out in torrential rain and wind while walking the dogs, I have to say I’m so relieved. How we needed that rain!
Unfortunately, the heatwave will be back, sighs….
To combat the dreaded lily beetle, I’ve taken to planting lilies in pots and moving them around the garden each year, this seems to confuse the red devils and allows them to flower.
Still signs of nibbling though.
Another eight ducks have been released, lovely, as always, seeing them off on adventures new.
So often, while releasing birds, people approach me, and recall other birds I’ve released and update me on their progress.
To know those birds are surviving and have people watching out for them is just marvelous!
A cuckoo came into the rescue recently, it had been attacked by magpies, maybe they recognized it for the predator it is! I’ve heard many cuckoos over the years, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen one. This is a juvenile bird, just beautiful! Happily, it’s now back in the wild where it belongs.
The heatwave is creating all sorts of problems in the rescue. Trying to keep animals cool is an utter nightmare. Fans are powering away on full steam and water bowls are constantly being refilled, it’s tripling the workload, especially as ducks and herring gulls seem to need fresh water every five minutes. I was surprised to see another batch of ten tiny ducklings admitted, as fast as you get them out, more pour in.
I’ve been keeping an eye on Peanut and following her progress since she moved to pastures new. She’s been pottering around the driving range in the golf club, where everyone seems to love her, BUT…..she’s now decided to move back to the peacock guy’s place during the day, along with her new mate.
Apparently there was a lot of argey-bargey between her and the other peahens, but she’s managed to become number two in the pecking order of seven. I went across to see her tonight as she roosts in a tree across the way from her new home with her new bloke each night.
Here she is preparing to roost….
and here’s her bloke. One of these days I’ll get a photo of them both.
In other news….
we went to a marvelous Vietnamese restaurant, in Liverpool a few days ago…
how I’ve missed Pho, this is a tofu and mushroom Pho. Utterly heavenly!
And Finally….
meet Percy pige. He has come home with me from the rescue as he has the paramyxo virus, which is highly contagious to other pigeons. Given there is nowhere to put him in the rescue he’s now in Hubs study for the next few months until the infection runs it’s course.
Poor Hubs has to put up with Percy flicking grain all over the place while he’s working from home.
I’m in the bad books again.
When I see lilies, my memory goes back to my dad. He loved these flowers and had some species in his garden… the Stargazer Lilies were the last flowers on his coffin. I was sure he did see that he was present with us of his family, somewhere in the air around us. Now I feel strange each time I buy some to put on the table…. Here we had heavy rain (always during the Locarno Film Festival), finally since nature needs it desperately. The heat wave was horrible here as well, you get scary since isn’t going to be better in the future. These are the signs of the global warming which will produce the main catastrophes in the years to come. And still… people deny that we are destroying our Home….
So lovely to see Peanut around: hope she will be settled down somehow without creating problems! How comes that the male doesn’t have those wonderful long fancy feathers on his tail? Are there different species of peacocks?
Hugs and love :-)c
Lovely hearing about your connection to lilies, yellow roses always remind me of my mother. The weather has changed dramatically across the world and it is worrying, extreme weather seems the new norm. Where will it all end I wonder, one day the world will have to unite and take action, but when?
Peanut’s mate is the peacock in the tree, the other peahen is number one in the pecking order. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
Beautiful post, as always. So much of interest to read.
Love the cuckoo. Glad he has been released and can make his journey to his chosen Winter retreat.
The peacock story has so many episodes and I love to read them. It is like another chapter in peanuts life.
Food looks delicious. I developed a severe dairy intolerance last year.
It has lead me in many directions, the main one being I am five day vegan now.
The other two days I eat fish or meat. I have to say I am much preferring the vegan diet and find I feel really healthy on it.
Storms expected tonight. It will be good to have some rain on the parched land in Kent.
Thanks Cheryl. It has been something of a saga with Peanut, but hopefully she is settled and safe with her own kind. It’s certainly a better life for her. Good to hear you are feeling better on your new diet, I’m beginning to think I am allergic to certain foods too, maybe gluten intolerant. Here’s to lots of rain for you, I do enjoy a good storm, we haven’t had one this year.xxx
I’ve never had Pho, despite hearing about it everywhere. We have Vietnamese restaurants in the area that serve it. One of these days I’m going to have to just take myself to one and give it a try. No one I know seems interesting in giving it a go. (A Pho-go?)
I love that Peanut has a special friend now, and that she’s settling into her new community. I suspect she’ll settle even more, just because even birds seem to enjoy a little routine, and stability. You’re certainly right about the need to keep the water bowls filled now, and otherwise provide for the creatures who are fighting the heat just like we are. I read about your rain, but now there are headlines here that suggest it’s no better than it was, heat-wise, and that it might be worse.
The good news is that the year’s progressing, and the sun’s elevation is lowering, however slightly. It does make quite a difference. By September, we find that, even if the heat continues, the shorter days and lowered angle make things more tolerable.
I’ve discovered a new bird seed mix that is drawing doves and sparrows without increasing the number of pigeons significantly. The little sparrows are roosting in the Hawaiian schefflera now, and seem to be grateful for a place near water that’s also shady!
Oh…you must give pho a whirl, it’s simply wonderful if you like things spicy! It is good knowing Peanut is with her own kind, even better knowing she is safe from all the speeding cars around here.
I an’t remember a summer as dry as this one has been, our seasons have changed beyond recognition, I think worldwide we will all have to re-think what we grow.
That new seedmix sounds wonderful, lovely it’s attracting the smaller garden birds. Thanks Linda.xxx
Birds do tend to be messy eaters! We could use some of that rain, too. I’m going to spend half the weekend hand watering my poor plants.
Birds sure do love to flick at the seed mix looking for the best bits! Hand watering sure does get old fast.xxx
Hi Dina, so much new life and so many problems to solve. Your pictures are so much a part of your story-telling. Myself, pictures are a puzzle, one day the answer will be revealed to me or I will work it out.
Words I can cope with more or less !!!
Many thanks for giving me a glimpse into a different world.
The rain will come, I just hope I’m indoors when it does.
Peaceful days and cozy nights, Vera.
Thanks Vera, if you need any help re uploading pictures to your blog, please email me and I will try and talk you through it. It’s very simple once you know how. Rain has fallen lately, the difference it made, now the grass is greening up and plants looking less frazzled. We do need a lot more though. All the best to you.xxx
Another wonderful post,, I love reading all the news and happenings!
Your flowers look lovely, and the photo of the ducks looking out of their crates is just brilliant – especially when in the next picture you see them swimming and enjoying themselves.
Very good to have an update on Peanut, it sounds as though she’s settled quite well.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, it’s always a pleasure releasing animals and seeing Peanut back with her own kind is just wonderful.xxx
I am often lurking here and sometimes binge reading your posts, but I don’t always comment. I love the header photo of the 3 dogs at the door in descending sizes.
Glad to hear that peanut has settled into her new home and found a new love interest.
It must be hard to look after some creatures such as the cuckoo, who whilst beautiful in their own right, are so destructive to other birds. I do feel some conflict about magpies too for the same reason. But you look after them all and don’t show favour to one or another. I did wonder if said cuckoo made the ‘cuck-coo’ sound while it was staying with you or was it too afraid ?
Loving your heartwarming blog and enjoying the glimpses of your garden and pics of your restaurant visits. I haven’ t had pho yet, but it does seem to be very popular.
Keep up the good work and tell hubs he is a saint haha.
Lovely to know you’re there Keggs! It is hard seeing what some species of birds get up to, so get your conflict, but we willingly accept, and care for every creature that turns up here and cater for their needs, I always remind myself that I didn’t create this system, none of us did, everything has to eat something else, it just is. The only thing I kill are flies…..hate fly-strike…. and the ticks I pull off dogs and hedgehogs, I only managed to start doing that around two years ago! Oh…you MUST try pho, you will absolutely love it! I shall pass your comment on to hubs! Take good care of you, hope all is well.xxx
The heat is very trying for all, but especially for your rescue animals who are dependent on water supplies being replenished often and being kept cool. Peanut has certainly bonded with her mate and well muscled into the pecking order of the established group. The young cuckoo is interesting. The pigeon’s health problem sounds nasty. Hope all goes well as it shares Hubs study space. Take care Dina.
The heat has been trying for sure, no doubt I’ll complain when it gets cold, the Brits and the weather eh? It is hard in the rescue though, keeping animals watered and cool, we simply aren’t used to it. Normally, three days of warm weather would result in a thunderstorm, whatever happened to those? It’s good to know Peanut is in a better environment, I hope she stays! Pige has a nasty virus but it will run it’s course, and it isn’t life-threatening now he is captive…..only a month to go. Thanks Linda.xxx
Hubs is a saint. How happy I am for you in your home life. The most exciting thing I ever read about in your blog, is returning ducks to nature… I’m sorry I never had the chance to even see such an event. It sounds wonderful. Good that you still find time to visit the restaurant. I’ve always enjoyed Vietnamese food. My very best wishes to you always, and this time, with warm regards to Hubs. xxx
Hubs is a saint, re animals, these days, especially as he didn’t really grow up around animals and then married me and ended up with far more than even I expected. How I wish you could come with me on my next duck release, you would enjoy it, the ducks certainly do…..maybe I could Skype you so you could watch it live? Easy to set up. I have passed on your regards to hubs, he sends them right back to you. Thanks Shimon. xxxx
Dear Dina, I’m probably more old fashioned that you could imagine. I have never used skype. Barely use the telephone. But I am thrilled by many of your activities, and reading your descriptions, and gazing at your photos give me encouragement and pleasure.
You’re streaks ahead of me that’s for sure! Hubs sorts most of these things out for me. Lovely to know you enjoy my posts. xxx
Nice post and pictures. It’s the same here. Lucky you with the cuckoo. xx
Thanks Flighty, it was lovely to see a cuckoo for the first time.xxx
Those lilies are such beauties. Especially love the white one. Seeing the picture of those ducks swimming freely in the water is just wonderful. Thanks for the lovely update about Peanut. Glad to know she is having a good life at the new place. This is the first time I see a cuckoo too. And that is in the picture which you share here. It looks cute and quite beautiful. Your husband is very kind as to let the poor little creature share his study. That mushroom and tofu dish looks so delicious. Is it a vegetarian or vegan dish?
Finally, wish you all the best with the weather!
Thanks Jade. It’s always such a wonderful feeling seeing ducks go free, for the first time in their lives, how they love the water. It’s marvelous too, knowing Peanut is with her own kind and in a safer environment. I was surprised at how big the cuckoo was and how elegant it’s plumage was, great to think she is back where she belongs.
Poor hubs, he puts up with many creatures, great and small! That pho was vegan, most of the options in the restaurant were…and oh my….utterly delicious it was! xxx
I meant to say, I love the sound of the cuckoo…it reminds me of my childhood in Kent when Kent was still the Garden of England not wall to wall motor way:) xx
Awwww….so many motorways now carving up the countryside. xxx
Good morning Dina…Like you I am much relieved that during the past few days it has been cooler and we have had some rain. The trees outside my flat are looking slightly healthier…but as you say the heat will return!
I love the picture of the little ducks being released and Peanut is such a girl….a different bloke every night – well well well.
Even though it’s 9 a.m. just looking at the Vietnamese food made my mouth water. I have never been there, but love the food.
Hope you continue to enjoy and that it doesn’t get too hot again…before we know it it will be autumn and before we know it you and I will be wassailing in January:) xxxx
Oh, I like warmth but the heat was getting to me, we couldn’t even walk the dogs as the tarmac and paving would have burnt their paws, we aren’t used to it, at all! I enjoy a little sunshine, being able to walk out in a T shirt, but this weather has drained me. How lovely it was to see rain. So glad your trees are recovering, the grass here has now greened up a little.
Oh, nooooo. Peanut has paired up with one guy…only! Lol! What is it about Vietnamese food…..I ate it for breakfast every morning while there, it’s utterly addictive if you like spices, noodles, fresh veggies and herbs…..sighs…
Can’t wait until January….my friend!!! What fun we’ll have!xxxx
I’ve never seen a cuckoo. Peanut is a really feisty lady.
Me neither Sue, such beautiful birds though. Delighted to have had the opportunity to see one close-up, and know it went back to the wild so quickly. Peanut is a force to be reckoned with, a bird who knows her own mind!xxx
Good for you working so hard to revive birds & animals that would otherwise die a lonely death. I love the photo of the duck about to jump out of his box and into the water. I’m not surprised Peanut is number 2 in the peacock clan .. she is a dynamo!
Ahhh, thanks Gerrie, all the staff see it as an honour. Seeing ducks go is always memorable, it almost makes you wish you were a duck, how they crave the water! Peanut sure is a force to be reckoned with, obviously an alpha peahen!xxx
Gotta say, the pho looks sooooo delish!
Percy, I’m sure, adores your kind and hospitable husband; soon, they’ll be mates toddling off to the pub.
Hooray for Peanut and her new romance. Glad life is looking up for her! Her mate looks quite regal!
A cuckoo! Wow! Was the song lovely?
Thank you and all at the rescue working so hard to tend, hydrate, and keep everyone fed, cool, and healing! I love you all for it, to bits and pieces. Our planet is all the better for you!
The lilies look as beautiful as everything you plant, Dina, including love, everywhere you go!
Sweet surprises and gentle peace.
Oh…pho! I just loved the vegan version in VN, lovely to find that restaurant, most of the options were vegan. Hahahaha…hubs isn’t QUITE there yet….but as our Percy pige improves, so does the seed tossing, he’s not flicking it quite so frantically now, as he regains control of his neck ! Only a month to go, then I can release him, fingers crossed. He is doing well, now he’s wing slapping me, cooing and pecking at me when I clean his quarters, such a good sign. He was so quiet when he first arrived, such a bad sign.
I didn’t hear the cuckoo’s song sadly, probably to stressed to sing. Here’s a huge thank you to you, for all you do for your dog rescue, and all the creatures you tend to daily. Our planet is all the better for you and Philip!!!!!!! And….I love you both for it…always! Sister soul of mine.xxxxxx
The lilies are stunning. A few of my Lilies (not the same type as yours) have the odd nibbled leaf, if that’s what it is. I put it down to snails. I have found a few hiding behind the stalks, preparing for a climbing expedition. Slugs haven’t been so evident here this year.
Love the duck peeking out from the carrier, it looks almost like a neighbour from over the fence about to have a natter.
Your workload is ramping up again; how do you find the time for all the other things you do?
Is the Cuckoo as large as it seems, or is it a bit puffed up?
The updates on peanut are a continuing delight.
nother question arises as I read about the pige with the infection. Is it possible for birdie infections to jump across to other species?
Oh, so good to know the red devils aren’t on your lilies! How true….it’s an awful year for slugs, I’ve not seen any this year, still plenty of snails though, maybe their shells protected them from the harsh weather. I’m smiling re your neighbours comment, it does look like that, maybe it’s all body language and a little telepathy with ducks. We always have more time than we think I suppose. The cuckoo was a juvenile but a much bigger bird than I expected, it wasn’t puffed up, just stretching. probably the size of a smallish wood pigeon.
This infection only spreads to other pigeons, if hygiene isn’t observed correctly it can cause conjunctivitis in humans……so I scrub my hands! Thanks Menhir.xxx
I must try moving my lilies around, I’ve almost given up on them because of the red lily beetle.
So glad that peanut is getting along with her new mate, that must make you very happy.
It’s such a long time since I’ve heard a cuckoo here in the SW, we used to hear them every year, but not recently unfortunately.
Love reading your posts, they are always so interesting!
Keeping lilies in the ground doesn’t work around here at all. The first sign of those beetles results in them being dug up, potted up and moved. That way I still get flowers. I hear cuckoos but have never seen one, how sad you’re not hearing them anymore. I am thrilled to see Peanut in a safer home with her own kind and a mate. Such a relief. Thanks Pauline.xxx
That pic of the ducks contemplating the water from their crates is just priceless!
I do love the way they peep out of their crates, part excitement, part fear.xxx
It does make me chuckle when I get to the end of each of your posts and see who else has joined the household, it’s a wonder there’s any room left for the humans in your house. I love the photo of the ducks looking out of their crates and then the next photo showing them enjoying their new environment. Nice to hear an update on Peanut, it sounds as though she’s settled well and it’s nice to know she’s got some company now.
Thanks Jo, I do try to limit the animals that end up here, although it’s like trying to hold back the tide at times. It’s lovely thinking about how Peanut has finally settled, although were that bird is concerned I take every day at a time. Fingers crossed she stays where she is eh? It always great to release ducks, at least they won’t need to depend on people to eat.xxx
So many lovely things here: good to know that Peanut and her mate are settling well; how rewarding it must be to release your animals back into the wild, and that Pho has me salivating! Wishing Percy a speedy recovery – if only for your husband’s sake! :0) xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, I am pleased knowing that Peanut is now in a better place and releasing is always special, it’s always the best part for sure. Oh….how I’d missed pho, I’ll be back for more! Hubs certainly agrees with you!xxx