It’s been almost a year since I had my hip replaced, so a few days ago I went for my annual checkup.
I was delighted to hear that my recovery has been text-book perfect.
Given I’d had an Xray on both hips, I asked how the left one was shaping up as it’s been a little painful over the last few months.
What a relief it was to hear that the hip was healthy, and, for good measure, I was given a diagnosis re the pain, turns out it’s chronic tendinitis on the hip bone. No surgical intervention is required, it will just burn itself out eventually. Phew!!!
How quickly that year went, to think it’s Autumn once again. This time around I have two good hips…….and…. some more good news.
Daughter is having a baby, and recently went for her first scan at fourteen weeks.
It was incredible seeing that healthy little child, moving in the womb and trying to suck it’s thumb! Bless!
The baby is due on the first of March……I’m now pondering on what I would like to be called, nana, ninni, nan?? I’m favouring nana.
At least I’ll have two good legs so shall be able to run around after the baby.
And Finally….
More good news. Three more ducks back in the wild. Probably one of the nicest releases ever!
Just look at how vegans are being catered for in some eateries!
The Gods sure are smiling on me!
Thanks Caro, Yes, Nana it will be!xxx
A really lovely heartwarming post, Dina. I do love a bit of good news! Congratulations on becoming a grandmother in March – your daughter’s due date is my dad’s birthday and my mum was always referred to as Nana. Good choice! xxx
Great to hear that you have healthy hips. And you are going to be a granny, how wonderful! I am so pleased for you and green with envy too. What fun it will be.
Your late summer photos are lovely, I specially love the pale pink gladiolus.
Thanks Chloris, it’s great to just get a week of fabulous news!! It will be fun for me, as a Nana you get to give them back….that gladiolus is a wonderful shade, I don’t really like them so can’t imagine when I planted them…must have been that pale pink that attracted me when buying the
Just catching up with your news! Love the photos of flowers, fruit, delicious veggie food, happy dogs and ducks. Excellent news too about your hip report. (Family all wish Mr P would go for the op, but can’t persuade him). Anyway, I’m really pleased for you. Wonderful news about the baby. That’s something to look forward to! Congrats to all of you! That will be fun being a Nana.
Thanks Linda, it will be fun being Nana, it’s always good to hand them back! Oh…I do wish Mr P would go for the op, please ask him to read my blog, I was utterly terrified and only had it done when I couldn’t walk any more……it is soooooooo safe and utterly liberating….and you are independent fairly quick after surgery as they get you up and walking on day one. xxx
What a wonderful post.
I loved your photographs.
I loved reading that your hips are ok … and … most specially
I love the your daughter is having a baby, that’s wonderful, wonderful news
My good wishes to all
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I know how much you enjoy your grandkids, lovely to be getting one of my own. Good to think I have decent hips to run around after one too!xxx
Good news is good! So glad your hip is well-healed and congratulations on the coming grandchild! Judy’s hip replacement also made a huge positive difference in her life, though she had it at a fairly early age.
Thanks Jason, seems we are both looking forward to grandbabies! Hip replacements are such life-changing operations, the freedom they give you!xxx
Meant to say I am five day vegan now.
Not too sure where the other two days are going. I am lactose intolerant so dairy is out.
I have to say it is the best thing I have ever done. I have so much energy.
Pleased you are being catered for…veganism seems to be accepted more now, and so it should be.
Vegan food suddenly seems to be everywhere, obviously a growing market! So good to hear you have more energy and are feeling better!xxx
Congratulations my dear, let the fun begin.
A Grandchild is the most wonderful gift.
I wish Mummy and baby a safe journey to March.
I am a March baby
So pleased both hips are okay now…..that is such good news.
I am feeding four hedgehogs now. It is so great to see them putting on weight ready for hibernation. One has already claimed the hedgehog house. I shall buy another one and put in a different part of the garden.
Lovely post………..beaming from ear to ear after reading the joyous news
So many march babies here! A grandbaby is a gift, I am looking forward to meeting s/he! So good to know you are helping the hedgehogs, four is a grand number, just think how they can go forth and replenish the population! They are in serious trouble now, but obviously not in your garden!!! Thanks Cheryl. xxx
Great news about your hip, that will be such a relief and a weight off your mind knowing that everything’s healed as it should, but wow, wonderful news about your forthcoming grandchild. You must all be over the moon. You’ll be wishing spring here like you’ve never done before.
Thanks Jo, oh yes, certainly a relief knowing both hips are healthy. It is lovely to think of a new baby… will change many things, all for the better!xxx
Hooray!!! You will be an amazing nana!! My kids and I had nana’s. :o)
Nana it is then! Thanks
Good news, Dina! Congratulation for the up to be granny! Gosh, that’s an amazing happening… unfortunately I’m afraid I will have to wait another 10-15 years before I got my turn. And I will be over 70, no good, nothing to share with such an old lady maybe using a walking frame ah ah ah. But I’m not hurrying my kid, he needs to conclude studies first; meanwhile, Sara Luna is far much too young with 16 yrs old.
we’re about to get the chestnuts… and the grapes!
And you will need your hips to be in a perfect shape, so “hurra” that your healing is taking place in a fast pace.
Oh yeah, Autumn and Winter are out there
Hugs and kisses and all the best to your lovely daughter from Emanuele as well
Thanks Claudine, you do make me laugh, you will always have much to offer a grandbaby whatever age you are! I’m sure you’ll be out- running any child without appliances!
Autumn has roared in, it’s now wet and windy, but the garden still needs the rain, so I’m not complaining. Love and hugs to all of
Such exciting and uplifting news all round. Congratulations on having two good hips and a grandchild on the way…..I definitely think Nana is lovely:)
Picture and wonderful and yes, how quickly this year has gone by. Always evidence of our need to make the best of every single moment.
Sending lots of hummingbird hugs. Janet xxxxx
Thanks Janet, it was a wonderful week full of good news! Yes…Nana it will be! Oh….time is just flying by faster and faster each year….we do need to enjoy the moment and live in the present. Love and
I think Shimon is right, that your hip pain’s just a result of being what we call “catty-wompus” while you were recovering. A friend is going through a bit of the same thing right now, with shoulder and neck pain that her doctor says is caused by a different way of holding her body while a knee recovers.
What a delight to hear that you’re going to be a Nana! I anticipate a multitude of wonderful posts — first of the babe, and, later, of you introducing the babe to the big, wide, world. It’s going to be wonderful. Sending the best for an uncomplicated pregnancy.
I must say — even though I’m not vegan, there are several items on that menu that look wonderful. It’s great that those who prefer vegan are finding more and more good options. I know it’s not possible for all restaurants to include such an extensive list, but even one or two seem to be possible for everyone these days. That’s good news, too!
Catty-wompus…what a wonderful phrase! I shall adopt it immediately! Yes, I’m sure you are right, one dodgy- anything triggers a knock-on effect. Being Nana will be exciting and new and will change everything….how lovely though. Vegan seems to be taking off lately, it is marvelous having so many choices, if only a decent cheese could be made! Thanks
Great post and images Nana. What is your autumn like this week? Our spring is a belated winter.
Thanks Peter, our Autumn is roaring in, wet and windy so far, such a contrast after the scorching heat of
Delighted about your hip, your beautiful flowers, your free ducks and most of all your grandbaby! How very exciting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ahhh, thanks Gilly, yes, very exciting! Can’t wait!xxx
So good to hear such good news, Nana. Not just the gods are smiling. See the smiles on all your friends. And that is good news about your left hip, though it doesn’t surprise me. Probably, when the other hip was giving you trouble, you put more weight on the left. I’m sure that now that you’ve recovered well, the pain will go away. You should have given us a picture of rose hips to celebrate the occasion. My best regards to Scarlet. So happy to hear of the developing situation. And here’s to healthy and varied vegan food. It sounds delightful. With best wishes and love to all the family. xxx
Ahh, thanks Shimon! I’m looking forward to being a Nana. I’m quite sure you are right about the bad hip affecting the good one, I’m delighted I don’t need another operation, one is quite enough. I shall pass on your good wishes to Scarlet, she is thrilled at the prospect of being a mother. Love and hugs to you,
Happy to hear about all your good news. Hope things stay that way always. Ducks at our place are reared as livestock. They are not so lucky. Am happy for the ducks that you released. I’m so glad we have many vegetarian restaurants around where I am. Whenever I am busy or lazy to cook, I will pop to these restaurants. Some of them serve really nice food. However, vegan ones are few. But suffice that I’m only a vegetarian and not vegan yet. That vegan food that you had looks really delicious!
Thanks Jade. I did really well in Malaysia finding vegan options, many establishments cooked vegan meals that weren’t on the menu. That meal was lovely!xxx
That’s good news about your hips. Did you go out yo celebrate?
Thanks Sue, yes we always celebrate after each check-up!xxx
What a gloriously positive , lovely post~~ particularly the release of the ducks back into their natural home again and I am so envious and impressed by the terrific vegan selection on the menu here! I am vegan and although we do not eat out much it is so welcome to find there are actually more options these days than ever~ not many vegan restaurants here but at least five now and vegan options in some supermarkets. Such a happy post. Thank
you as always for sharing your corner of the world.
Thanks Val, I do enjoy releasing, always fantastic seeing animals back where they belong. I was surprised by the vegan menu, especially as it was in a meat eating establishment. So many places are adding vegan options lately and many will modify veggie meals if asked. The ranges in the supermarkets are getting better too so all good, hopefully will get even better. I do wish someone would come up with a decent vegan cheese one day! I hope all is well with you.
Congratulations!!! Both on becoming a ‘nana’, and having 2 good hips! Good news indeed. That food looks delicious – we were exploring a localish antiques centre in an old mill at the weekend and, by happy chance, their cafe was totally vegan. It was yummy! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, vegans are being catered for all of a sudden, which is good news. I do wish someone would create a decent vegan cheese
Wonderful news about your healing hip and soon-to-be-recovering-other-hip. So glad you won’t be undergoing more surgery with grandbaby on the way! How is Daughter? Is she feeling okay? Our neighbor is having her sixth in December and always has a terrible first trimester. Big hugs to you and the family.
Oh, and the blush on that gladiola — so lovely.
Oh….it was fantastic to know both hips are healthy, certainly a relief! It would have been awful timing needing further surgery. Daughter is fine now, she had the most awful morning sickness but thankfully is now over that. Goodness, six children!!!! Your neighbour must be run off her feet. Thanks
What great news all round Dina, but especially about becoming a grandmother….this is such a wonderful experience and changes your life completely. ( I have just spent 10 days with our granddaughter .. such fun).. A March baby will be a spring baby for you … perfect! ( my birthday is in March) Also good to see ducks being released into their natural environment…. and that your hip is okay… the gods are definitely smiling!

Thanks Gerrie, ahh, how lovely that you got to spend ten days with your little angel! We’ll be able to swop stories! Oh yes, the Gods certainly are smiling!xxx
Joyful, joyful! How wonderful to read such amazing news.
Hooray for your healing, and hooray that your left hip doesn’t need surgery! (Hope the pain abates soon.)
Hooray for the merry duck release!
Hooray for delicious, artistic veggie food options!
But a baby? A grandchild??! That is WAY beyond hooray, Dina; it’s a magical, mysterious, miracle of love. I bet your heart and days will be consumed by this little one, at least most of the time. Soooo happy for your lovely daughter and for you, Dina. And, yes, hooray that your healthy hips and joints will allow you to keep up with baby energy.
Joy and gentle peace to all: thank you for the light, as always.
Thanks Kitty, I am looking forward to being a Nana… s/he will certainly change everything for the better. I’m so glad I had that operation now, being able to walk properly is marvelous. Love and hugs to you all.xxxxx
Lots of delightful experiences, news, and a great joy to look forward to.
That’s one happy flappy duck on the water!
Thanks Menhir. All these ducks went for freedom straight away, it was lovely seeing them so happy in the
I am so happy for you.Love the photos
Thanks Kathryn. Hope all is well with
Nice post and pictures. Good to see the happy news about your hip, and coming grandchild. xx