It appears the rainy season is upon us, after the drought. Whatever happened to moderation in this green and pleasant land?!
The rains came, along with wild, wild winds! There has been torrential rain, non-stop all day, and for the last week…..It’s easy to see how flooding starts.
We’re off to the New Forest, Hampshire, tomorrow, somewhere I’ve never been. I am looking forward to it.
First though, animals need to be sorted. We’ll be taking Sam and Annie, so Buddy goes back to daughter. Packing for Sam and Annie is more difficult than packing for hubs and I……the STUFF they need!
Percy Pige goes back to the rescue, along with Hope hog, Heidi goes to the manager of the rescue and Curly cat is cared for by the wonderful Barbara, next door, who also keeps an eye on the place and sorts the mail and bins….and anything else that bothers her.
Soooo….the house needs cleaning, top to bottom as Barbara will do a thorough, daily check on all doors and windows….. she is married to an ex-chief constable.
Going away sure does involve a lot of planning.
Given we are going to be in the sticks, lots of vegan food ingredients need to be bought and packed, who knows where the next vegan meal is coming from!
So, now there are only three animals in the house, Sam and Annie are with hubs and I in the Kitchen, and Curly cat in the lounge, she will not tolerate dogs….ever! It’s odd, the house seems so quiet, clearly the energy of the other creatures is now missing, it’s tangible, it was even before Buddy left. Even though all these creatures live in different rooms, the minute they go, you feel it! Physically and every other way.
A first for me, recently, was a wildlife talk for retired priests and laymen/women at a nursing home that was formerly a stately home. It certainly was strange, twenty or so people were present but only three seemed able to follow the talk. They were most engaging.
Some fell asleep while I was talking, some never seemed present to start with, and some stared at the ceiling.
I took the hog around the group and was surprised when one particular lady, who stared at a corner of the ceiling, responded. Her hand moved to touch it and a smile flickered across her lips. Her daughter was present and said she was an animal lover.
Her eyes didn’t move but I was absolutely positive that she was completely lucid and aware of everything.
This stately home has fifty acres of land, two lakes, forests, mausoleums…you name it they’ve got it.
The staff are wildlife lovers and are happy for me to release hogs and ducks there….oh!
Most of the Blundell family are buried here.
I remember my father telling me about a Blundell, he was in the RAF during WW2 with him, he was critically injured and asked my father to take his remains home to his family. My father did that and spent a weekend with them, he was estranged from them and refused to be buried in the family mausoleum. How odd I end up back in the same place seventy years later…..
What wasn’t so great was….
getting my car stuck on the rocks on this island due to crazy parking. Tore my car to bits I did!
Back and forth I went, until I gave up and went inside to ask for help. A women no bigger than me came out and hauled each any every rock from beneath my car…. mind boggling it was! All the while she ordered the elderly priests back who rushed out to help. I certainly had much to reflect on!
And Finally…
Daughter had another scan, it’s a girl! Welcome to the girl’s club little one!
All is well with daughter and babe, exciting times indeed! Yes….I can release hogs at the nursing home, such a wonderful environment, and the clients are anxious to be involved in all future releases. Oh….those mushrooms, they are everywhere this year. Thanks
Such exciting news about granddaughter! Hope she is thriving since the scan.
Does this mean you can come to this nursing home to release animals?
All those mushroom pictures. I can’t help but imagine them with fairies peeking around the corner.
I love how your comments always make me think…in a good way. My father often said, when the Sheila is ready, the guru appears…..
Being stuck on those rocks, and driving back and forth had me sweating. I could have called the rac…but didn’t even think of that! My thoughts were that someone stronger than me just needed to move the rocks….how wonderful that it was a woman who managed it.
Oh..yes…being stuck on the rocks takes on a whole new view point, now you mention it!
Jenny isn’t as wild as her persona portrays…little pussy cat really….without claws! Thanks Shimon xxx
I loved the story of entertaining the oldsters, but what impressed me most was your adventure of getting stuck on those rocks. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to learn the moral of that story, and sometimes, even though we’ve learned it, we’ll still find ourselves in the same place again… because the circumstances have changed or we’ve gotten too old… and we have to learn it all over. Of course, the abundance of road services, and insurance type guarantees that are becoming more popular all the time, do their best to convince us that there is no chance we’ll be able to solve our own problems or get out of trouble if we run into it… I’m really enjoying these holiday stories, and my regards to Scarlet. It’ll be interesting hearing about her adventures as a mother when she herself will have a ‘wild girl’ to deal with. xxx
I love that you brightened the day for the pensioners in the care home, Dina; I’m sure that they’ll have appreciated it, even when it was less obvious. And what a beautiful home they have! I wish more care homes could have access to a really lovely outdoor space. I hope you’ve enjoyed the New Forest – and I hope you’ve been agreeably surprised at the availability of vegan food! The New Forest is a lovely area that I know well having spent some time there; it’s in between where I was at school and where my family lived. I’m expecting lots of photos of wild New Forest ponies in your next post! xx
Thanks Caro, those guys have the best nursing home ever…such a stunning location, they ride the paths in mobility scooters…way to go eh? Lucky you being able to live in such a glorious area growing up…
I didn’t find any vegan eateries, but didn’t really look for them as we cooked our own food in the cottage, I’m sure there were lots of places but we didn’t like driving in the dark with so many animals on the narrow, windy roads. xxx
It’s going to be a girl! Many congratulations, such a happy event to look forward to.
Have a wonderful trip and break in the New Forest, such a lovely place.
Look forward to hearing and seeing all about it. I think the weather for this week down South is meant to be good.
Safe travels.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, looking forward to baby girl! xxx
That’s a very strange coincidence about you and your father having a connection to Blundell. Such colorful mushrooms you have!
Isn’t it just! The mushrooms this year are so varied, and absolutely everywhere, I never seen so many and so many different species. I wonder if the hot weather is a factor? xxx
What a lovely story.
I love that you give talks to the elderly. I am sure it makes a difference.
Little hog would make anyone smile.
I hope you have a wonderful time in the New Forest. It is incredibly beautiful and I have spent many a holiday there. Have fun.
Organizing your animals is a major task. I know exactly what you mean when the animals are not in the house. Such a void.
Thanks Cheryl, that was my first senior talk, I’ll have to come up with a more relevant one next time….working on that as I have other challenging talks coming up. Oh….that void…. so weird! xxx
I seem to be the only one who didn’t know what the New Forest might be, but after a quick meeting with Mr. Google, I have at least some idea, and am ready to declare it a perfect holiday spot. I think I’d enjoy it greatly, and I know you will.
Congratulations on that new granddaughter! It will be such fun to anticipate her, and then to enjoy her. Just think of all the things you’ll be able to introduce her to over the years!
Six months or so ago I wouldn’t have understood that difference that a missing animal can make, but it was absolutely remarkable after Dixie Rose’s death how silent the house was. Clearly, there was a buzz of communication between us all the time, even when we weren’t talking to one another (each in our own way, of course).
How wonderful that you’ll be able do some releases at the place you visited for your talk. I really enjoyed that photo of the fellow watching the little hedgehog on the table. If it weren’t so far, I’d love to come to one of your talks, too. I’d love to meet a hedgehog — and I promise I’d pay attention!
How I wish you lived closer…You’d be part of my team delivering the talks! When an animal’s energy departs the emptiness is complete, it’s tangible, that sudden gap, over and over again I’ve noted it. Looking forward to meeting that little gal….Thanks Linda.
Oh wonder of wonders: a baby girl. We desperately need more woman in this world
I feel a kind of sadness… I guess isn’t easy to get old, very old, with all the unexpected circumstances which may occur.
But this is a “very private” matter, which I don’t like to talk about since I could get into terrible discussions (it does, here, with my family).
I’m happy to hear that you are about to take some vacation… good girl, you need to detach a bit from the daily habits.
Enjoy every single day… and get new forces to bring back for the Fall and Winter!
Hugs and love for you both :-)claudine
I am delighted that the baby is a girl….I get girls! I have cared for many nephews, that I love, but…how they love to kick balls around the house! It isn’t easy getting old, none of us want that…but we have to go with the flow….we don’t really have a choice, only to make the best of it. It was lovely having break….so much to reflect on. Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to you all,
Your talks take you to some interesting places. I’m sure you have an impact whether the audience is a group of youngsters or, in this case, some seniors in a residential setting who probably need the stimulus of the hands-on approach as much as hearing what you have to say about on-going care for your creatures at home and at the rescue centre. Sorry about the car incident afterwards. Glad the lady was able to come to the rescue. More lovely news about the scan. Hope that now you’ve got away you’re having a relaxing time on your break in the New Forest.
Thanks Linda, oh…for sure I end up in interesting places re wildlife talks. I loved the shake-up this time, made me work a little harder! It was worth it though, just seeing that lady respond! Being trapped on rocks was a pain but amazon woman was there!!! Who knew women could move rocks that big? I had a go but couldn’t shift the things! Looking forward to meeting that little gal….xxx
As usual, love to read your post. Lots of interesting stories and nice pictures. I’m sure you will enjoy yourself at the New Forest. Looking forward to read about your adventure there.
Thanks Jade, the New Forest was everything and more than I’d hoped
First .. I’m so pleased you are having a granddaughter, both for you and for your daughter, that will be extra special as the first grandchild. Exciting times ahead! I wonder if Buddy’s nose will be a bit out of joint when the baby comes. Good for you giving a talk on wildlife at the Retirement Centre .. you never know the impact you are having.
Thanks Gerrie, I’m looking forward to having another girl in the family…exciting times indeed! Of course Buddy will have his nose pushed out, but he’ll just be here with his pals! How true, we have no clue who we touch…life is so
Dina, I’m agog to know what the residential home was!! It looks a fabulous place. It’s difficult when your audience doesn’t seem to respond, but sometimes, as you say, things are happening underneath everything else. You would have brought joy to them.
Congratulations on your granddaughter! Hugs xx
Here’s a link re the history, run by Catholic nuns these days….
Oh yes, all that is gold doesn’t glitter! There is always something going on underneath surface appearances.
Looking forward to meeting that little
I love the full circle loveliness of you and your father connecting with this home and its inhabitants; you both brought love to that land.
I worked in so many nursing homes for hospice, and about 90% of my patients lived with severe dementia, but music, animals, gentle touch…I never knew what might call forth a response, or even just engage on some level, and so perceive a change in their energy, where I just knew connection was made and the inner flame was flickering. It was always beautiful. Bless you for being there and sharing your amazing light, Dina!
I know what you mean about the absence of one of your companions changing the energy of the home, too. We’re still all missing Mulligan and readjusting our rhythms to his absence.
It sounds like all your darlings will be well-cared for, so I hope you two, and Sam and Annie will have a wonderful time…and speaking of your darlings: HOORAY for your daughter and her daughter-on-the-way. Joy, joy, and more joy!
Oh…how I get how much you must miss Mulligan, every time we lost a friend that gap was tangible….even with a house full of animals you’d feel the loss and emptiness of that departed soul.
It was odd finding myself in a stately home dad stayed in, what a coincidence! I often feel like I’m living in the Matrix…..apparently some billionaires have employed scientists to prove that we’re not! How the mind boggles! I find it heart wrenching to think of older people, trapped in their bodies… I would loathe that!
I am really looking forward to meeting that little girl child! Thanks soooo much Kitty. Hugs and love to you all.xxxx
Interesting post. Mushrooms and all. Spring has really come here after a devastating late charge by winter.
Thanks Peter, so glad to hear that spring has finally arrived, climate change is now hitting us
Have a lovely time in the Hampshire Forest.
So much preparation before you depart. You’ll be glad of your hols.
Animal visits in residential homes can have very unexpected results. As you show, a little response can be a major indication you have reached in to someone’s heart.
It’s always hectic preparing for holidays here…..and then collecting all the critters the minute we return, but they are all worth it. It was lovely to see that lady respond, had me wondering what it’s like to be trapped in the human body. Thanks Menhir. xxx
Another super post…..great sequence of mushroom pics…..edible? I’m very wary of them.

Have a delightful time in the New Forest. Hope the weather goods smile on you…..Hugs.
Thanks Bushka, oh….I would never dare eat wild mushrooms! The weather gods certainly smiled on
I hope you have a lovely break.
I’m sure the elderly residents appreciated your visit more than they seemed to.
It does look like a beautiful place to live if you are unfortunate enough to need full time care.
Thanks Sue. I’m sure many of the residents heard and saw more than they showed…. it was certainly an interesting experience. Oh…that house and those grounds!!! xxx
Lovely post and pictures. Enjoy the New Forest, where I hope that you’ll manage to relax after all that hectic activity. xx
Thanks Flighty, it was a wonderful
It’s amazing how animals can touch people, even those you wouldn’t expect. How interesting about your dad’s experience with a Blundell and then you crossing their paths all these years later, the world really is a small place. Enjoy your holiday, it sounds like it’s going to be very relaxing and the pooches will love it. I’m sure all your other lodgers will enjoy their little holidays too.
People do connect to animals, sometimes more so than people. It is a small world for sure….so many coincidences too. Thanks
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS on your granddaughter! Great news. Interesting about the energy of the house changing with the absence of the animals – it’s lovely to know that they have such an impact. Similarly, with the people listening to your talk. Shame about your car though! Enjoy your holiday in the New Forest. xx
Thanks so much Veggiemummy. Looking forward to another little girl! It’s odd how the vibe changes when animals are missing….. I was astonished when that woman started tossing rocks around as though they were weightless!!! xxx