I’ve lost track of how long Percy Pige has been here, it must be at least five months by now. Sometimes, I think this house is an offshoot of the rescue.
He is completely clear of the paramyxo virus, but still throws his head upside down, reverting to type. Percy Pige has the freedom of the study during the day, and remains in the crate at night as I don’t want him getting entangled in things in the dark.
He can hear bird song and seems to enjoy watching the garden. I do love seeing him fluff himself up each day, I had no idea that pigeons did this so regularly. I know you’ll laugh, but I think he’s such a handsome bird!! Handsome, but utterly crackers! I often play guitar in the study and our Perce loves it, bobs away to music he does, upside-down head and all!
The problem is his flying. Slowly but surely he’s improving, he can get two inches off the ground, but flies in circles. A few days ago he actually flew to the top of the window, about ten foot, before gliding back to the ground.
So what on earth am I to do with him?
The manager of wildlife feels he needs more time, which I’m happy to give him, but what happens if he doesn’t improve and can never be released? I am far too attached to him to have him euthanized, while he still enjoys life..it’s about him not me, he seems perfectly happy flopping about in circles, has a great appetite and doesn’t seem perturbed by my presence, or his current digs.
It was suggested that he could go into a lifer-aviary in the rescue, but I doubt he could compete with fifty other birds for food and being on the ground leaves him vulnerable to rats, who constantly find a way in.
Maybe I’ll just have to build my own aviary!!!
Problems, problems…..sighs…
For those of you who wanted to see me in the rescue video, celebrating our fortieth, click on the link below. I’m the ridiculous dwarf, with a bob, wearing hubs black jacket….well….it was freezing! Daughter accused me of actually singing to the hedgehog, I wasn’t! I swear!
For those who wanted to see a picture of my wallpapering in daughters’ new place….here it is. How those guys love their grey and black. I refer to their place as Greystokes these days!
Autumn was so beautiful, but I think winter is here now.
I’ve been astonished to see so many bulbs shooting up, absolutely everywhere in the garden.
The anemones are fully leafed-up, surely a hard frost will finish them off. It’s so cold now, and with the added wind-chill factor, they’ll have no chance!
I always enjoy seeing the bare beech trees, old friends they are, we have two in the front garden and five in the back. Such stunning, enormous trees, and now I get to enjoy the birds in their bare branches.
Lots of cat paintings have been completed for the rescue, all rushed, but hopefully our director can turn them into something viable and commercial, for coasters, Christmas decorations and cards.
And Finally…
Huge thanks to Anne for this recipe.
You boil new/small potatoes, until tender, then squash them with a masher, to cookie size, season to your taste, and roast for forty minutes.
Hahahaha….I feel a little bonkers after reading your comment, I suppose it does all sound a little odd. Thanks Chloris!xxx
I loved your bonkers video. I’ve never seen anyone serenade a hedgehog before. And you keep a pigeon in your study and play the guitar to him. I love it. Beautiful cat paintings too.
Percy is an anxious wee thing isn’t he, though, it does seem as if he is getting somewhere at his own pace, or that of the music…hard to say really.
What makes you think you are only an offshoot of the rescue? I reckon you are running one. All that care and love being dispensed chez toi to all the vulnerable four-legged, the feathered hedgehogs and tortoises too. I can’t remember if you have ever mentioned snakes.
Your kitty cats are sweet.
The potato recipe sounds interesting.
That’s a skilled bit of decorating you have been doing.
Percy is becoming quite tame around me these days, he used to peck at me but seems to realize that I mean him no harm. Hahahahaha, sometimes it does feel like I have a mini rescue going on here! Thanks Menhir. Hugs to you.xxxx
Wooowwww loved loved loved the video! And all of you do such a great compassionate job, be blessed, dear Dina (nothing wrong be singing at the hedgehog, really!!) I love the wallpaper silver color matching with the sheets… such classy and noble style. Poor Percy pigeon, I guess he’s feeling warm and protected inside, but I don’t understand why there is the discussion about euthanasing this poor bird. Some people have birds inside the house, actually, and about keeping them away from problem and death I think this is ok but I do understand that an external aviary refuge could be better for him… unless he really finds more happiness inside in the warm. Sorry, but if an animal is not suffering from an incurable disease, why kill him? I beg your pardon, but my sensitive soft feeling is popping up right now
We will get the chance to talk about: we’re counting the days before Xmas….
All about cat’s: my favorite companions!
About the bulbs and flowers shooting up around, in the wrong season actually, this is because of the planet warming up. A lot of wrong things are happening all around us, and this is unfortunately only the beginning.
Your new drawings are really lovely and so special (like the ones I will send around for this next season’s greetings
See you soon, love hugs and kisses to everybody :-)claudine & band
Hahaha….SO glad you enjoyed the video!
Percy is a wild bird and the rescue likes to see wildlife returned to the wild, some see it as cruel keeping a bird caged or indoors, however, I agree with you, there are ways of keeping birds, if I build a large outdoor aviary, I’m sure Percy would prefer that to death. Lovely that you liked the artwork! Looking forward to seeing you in London, we’ve booked a room for the 27th, we’ll have to work out what we’d like to do. Love and hugs to one and all.xxx
I have just watched the video….it’s Saturday morning and I have a huge smile smeared across my face and i am dancing with you…..and you Dina look fabulous……..
Yes, your home is an extension of the shelter and I am quite sure you will have your very own aviary…..Pidge is beautiful….I have always thought Pigeons to be quite lovely and when their feathers became iridescent ini the sun…..stunning. We so often ignore the mundane.
I love the cat painting that you did in a rush. It is a classic example of when we just go for it the best work appears. I think it’s very special and would make not only coasters, etc. but a very lovely big poster?
Yes, winter is now with us and I am enjoying the more seasonal weather and still cannot believe that we are coming to the end of November! Time- such an illusion.
One thing about your daughter’s colour scheme it is very calming…good for sleep:) Hope she is doing well and I send you and the family and all your friends at the shelter…hummingbird hugs. Janet xxxx
Ahhh, how lovely that you are dancing with us! Yes, an aviary is inevitable, I’ve avoided having one as I know I’d end up permanently having birds. How I agree with you about the beauty of pigeons, such intelligent birds too. Thanks for such a lovely comment Janet, hopefully we get to meet up soon! Love and hugs to you.xxx
Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves in the video. As for Percy Pidge, something tells me you will be building your own aviary before long.
We did have fun making that video, everyone was nervous at first….I think it’s like trying to hold back the tide re avoiding building an aviary. Thanks Jason.xxx
I enjoyed seeing the video. You all look as if you have a lot of fun there whilst doing such good work looking after the rescued animals. Percy Pige is doing great and must be quite a character. I hope you can find a way of continuing to look after him so that he thrives in your understanding care. Winter does seem to be upon us now. Take care and stay warm when you can. L xx
Thanks Linda, that was our first video, I must say it did turn out to be good fun.I still have hope for Percy, he is improving ever so slightly, maybe there will be a miracle one day! Oh….the weather is hideous here, blustery, wet and freezing! xxx
Aww, Percy Pige … bless him, he’s having the time of his life! Although how you deal with pigeon poo all over your study is quite beyond me! Love that card of the cat looking out of the window – it just breathes warmth and cosiness. Hugs xx
Thankfully, there is a wooden floor in the study so it’s pretty easy cleaning up after him….if he flies, it will be a different story! I still have hope that Percy will be released. Thanks Gill. Hugs right back atcha. xxx
I just couldn’t do the grays and blacks, I don’t think: although I once heard someone mention dove gray, white, and citron as a combination, and thought that would do nicely. But I’m happy with my greens and creams and pond blues — I need color.
I saved that potato recipe myself, and I’m glad to see that you’ve given it your stamp of approval. I’ll not try it for a while — there will be enough leftovers from the Thanksgiving feast to keep me in meals for a while. But it looks delicious.
The video was wonderful, and I agree that you’re probably going to have a pigeon around for a while. I’m becoming rather fond of the pigeons hanging around here. I clearly have two mated pairs now, and it wouldn’t be at all nice to send them house-hunting again.
I’m hoping that our early cold will moderate now, as I’m no fan of working in the cold. I complain about summer heat, but it’s a gentle sort of grumping. Cold? I don’t like it. Still, we’re nearly to December, which means even at its worst, we’ll have only three months of real winter. I can deal with that. I wonder if you get more animals or fewer in the rescue in the winter months. I suppose there are fewer babies, but there might be more older animals who don’t do so well — or who get booted out of the houses where they’ve sought refuge!
I love colour too, dark colours would drive me crackers in the winter. Lovely to hear of your pigeons, they are such intelligent birds. Every season is awful for all animal rescues, people get rid of their pets around Christmas, little hogs pour in along with woodpigeon chicks, which breed all year round, and a harsh winter results in many more birds and foxes being admitted, spring is all about chicks, puppies, kittens and hoglets….on and on it goes, all year, but that’s what rescues are there for. I don’t like it too hot or too cold…somewhere in the middle suits me. Thanks Linda.xxx
I just love the video, I enjoyed it so much. Yes, it does look as though you are singing to the hedgehog,.. but it’s great
The younger generation do seem to like their greys and blacks … it looks lovely.
Your own aviary, now that’s a thought!
Enjoy the rest of the week, and have a great weekend.
The weather is certainly turning a lot colder.
All the best Jan
Pleased to hear you enjoyed the video, it was a good laugh, we all started off nervous but got into the spirit of it pretty quickly. I may have to admit to singing to a hedgehog…..how did it come to this! Lol….. Oh yes, youngsters sure love grey and black, that’ll change when the next fad rolls in! I live in fear of having my own aviary. It has become soooo much colder recently…Thanks Jan.xxx
Not maybe, surely you’re home is an offshoot of the rescue. I’ve had cats that loved music. They have ears too, and they learn so much from us. Here’s wishing you an easy winter. That’s the season for more time in the home, painting, reading… it can be a very pleasant time. It’s wonderful seeing you celebrate with your friends.
I think you may be right! So many creatures have been coming from there to here for so many years now….I think that’s why I have been reluctant to build an aviary, it will never accommodate just one bird! I remember having a robin chick that I raised in the study, that bird loved me playing the piano, used to sit on my shoulder and chirrup every time I touched a key. Winter is a lovely time to relax and get cozy for sure. Thanks Shimon. xxxx
I’ve just watched the music video. So entertaining! It makes me smile! I saw you, ha ha ha! You’re so cute!
Percy Pige is so lucky to have you taking care of him. It really requires lots of love and compassion to do so.
The autumn picture of your garden with the Beech trees is just so beautiful! So are those cat paintings!
And oh, those roasted potatoes look so deliciously tempting!
Glad you liked the video! I’m far too old to be cute…. when involved with a rescue, you just have to go with the flow, the only constant is that you’ll be asked to do many things outside your comfort zone. Making the video was fun though. I really hope to release Percy one fine day, fingers crossed eh? You must give those potatoes a try, gorgeous! Thanks Jade.xxx
Love the video & three cheers for all volunteers, but especially those who look after animals and creatures great & small. Percy Pidgeon is very cute especially enjoying your guitar playing.

Oh yes….three cheers for the volunteers, the rescue wouldn’t survive without them, or the dedicated staff. Percy and I are gradually getting to know one another….how will it all pan out I wonder? Thanks Gerrie.xxx
I think Percie is with you for keeps. Our anemones are leafing up to which really surprised me. The pots that they are planted in were popped somewhere out of the way for summer so I hadn’t noticed that they were so early until a few days ago.
Hopefully not for keeps, I still hope to release him…a gal always has to have hope! So weird seeing so many spring plants rearing to go. I hear we are in for a bad winter….sighs…thanks Sue.xxx
I’m going to take a guess and say that Percy Pige will be with you in your home for a while yet – he obviously enjoys it with you; love that he bobs to music! Speaking of which, love the video, looks like you all had lots of fun! The weather has suddenly turned a lot chillier here as well – big shock for the plants as many had started to reflower. I even have buds on my cherry trees, ooops!!
Oh yes…Percy isn’t going anywhere soon! Even if I had an aviary I’d had to harden him off before putting him outdoors. He used to peck at me, now he just hops on my arm to get in and out of the crate. It has become far colder recently, my cherry trees are budded up too, along with many others. Thanks Caro.xxx
Thanks for the peek at the result of your wallpapering superpower. It’s a nice feature in a room that reminds me of Wimsey with all that grey
Dear Percy. He seems so very settled being under your care. I think your own aviary is inevitable. You can probably raise funds for it with your beautiful artwork.
I first thought those leaves looked like parsley. Does any of that survive the oncoming frost and maybe snow? The thought of all that cold wind makes those potatoes that much more appealing.
Grey always reminds me of My Boy too! I think I’ll have to go down the aviary route, I’ve avoided it in the past knowing I’ll end up with lots of birds! The leaves are similar to parsley, I often think that. A hard frost will certainly finish off all the growth. Thanks Anne.xxx
Certainly much colder now…..Premature sprouting of bulbs etc will probably cease abruptly.

Let’s enjoy Winter in all its glory. Take Care. Hugs.
Thanks Bushka, yes a hard frost will put a stop to all that growth. Winter is cosy….I do enjoy the snugness of it all. Hugs xxx
Oh, my goodness, Dina! I was missing you and came to your blog and am so happy I did,because I either didn’t receive the post, or I lost it somewhere, but I LOVE it!
Where to start? The video was soooo much fun, my beautiful (singing) friend…all your light just shines. How wonderful to celebrate your rescue! Yay!
I love Percy; what a blessed bird he is, and it sounds like he shared the blessings right back…I agree; it’s a dilemma. I think you have a pigeon for a family member, but a sweet, dancing pigeon.
The wallpaper is glorious; very classic and stately looking. And what a beautiful grey! I have none in my home, but it’s very, very popular and easy to see why. What a beautiful job you did of this, Dina.
I can’t believe green things are growing there…really a treat for my eyes. Quite the opposite here, as you can guess.
Your yard/gardens always look so inviting. I see Curly thinks so, too, lucky cat.
Ah! Your artwork always makes me feel delighted, peaceful, and happy. Those samples are all wonderful. LOVE the cat at the window!
The potato recipe is perfect: easy and, I’m guessing, delicious!
I can’t say it enough: Blessings and blessings upon you for sharing such love and joy with the world. Hugs and love for all who find comfort in your sweet haven. xoxo
How lovely that you missed me! You are far too kind, but I do love your wonderful comments. I think you may be right about Percy, he won’t be going anywhere soon the way he’s going. Oh….you do have a long winter ahead of you, they are forecasting a harsh one for us too, that will put a stop to all the bulbs, we even have roses blooming, crazy weather!
Thanks again for your sweet, sweet comment. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
I like the video, but are you sure that you’re not singing to the hedgehog.
The potatoes look and sound delicious. xx
Thanks Flighty, I may have to admit that I was singing to the hedgehog! I hope you try the potatoes, they are truly delicious.xxx
I’m afraid I’d be no good working at a rescue as I’d want to keep all the animals myself, the problem you’re having with Percy now. It’s wonderful when they can be released back into the wild where they belong but there’s always the ones who don’t make it. I think your own aviary would be a good solution, just think of all the other birds you could rehome then too, ha ha. What a great video, it looks like you have lots of fun at the rescue and awwww, that piggy’s tail swishing in time to the music.
It is a problem wondering what to do with animals that can’t be released, trying to provide them with quality of life can be problematic….sighs…I think you’re right about me acquiring more birds if I do build an aviary! Thanks Jo.xxx
Love the video; it does indeed look as though you are singing to the hedgehog, it’s lovely! I think Percy would love his own personal aviary! I love the thought of him dancing to your music. I think pigeons are beautiful too – I love the colours and have a skein of West Yorkshire Spinners’ sock yarn in the pigeon colourway, all greys and pinks. Your wallpapering is fab, as are your cat paintings, and I might have to try that recipe, just looking at it is making me hungry! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, yes, it does look as though I’m singing to the hedgehog! Your pigeon yarn sounds lovely! xxx