Blustery winds and lashing rain have arrived with a vengeance, and the house is rattling and shuddering as though it has a life force of its own. It’s now dark at 4pm, grim just about sums it up!
In these conditions, I only go out when it’s absolutely necessary.
Why oh why do dogs enjoy walking in such awful weather? And…in the dark?
They gather around me, same time, each and every day, their eyes fixed intently upon me, every muscle poised, utterly focused, waiting for me to so much as twitch. I slow my breathing and avoid eye contact until I can’t bear it any longer, then grasp the nettle and take them all out. These days it’s a case of powering round, head down, hood up, just wanting to get the walk over with.
Every time it’s poured down, I’ve HAD to go out.
Lots of cat home-checks have been required this week. I had to refuse one family as a little girl aged nine was screaming horribly at her mother and punching her repeatedly. If she treats her mother like that, in front of me, what on earth would she do to a cat? And….what would a cat do to her? It was a resounding NO!
Fortunately, the other families were all wonderful. I always laugh when people tell me that the cat chose them…of course they did! Everyone who has a cat knows that they own their people, and are owned by no-one.
There have also been several urban wildlife talks. A few firsts for me.
I was asked to do a talk for The Parkinson’s Society…. such a cruel condition.
For once, not a phone came out, how very refreshing! No pics, no video….sighs, just engaged, intelligent adults, who asked many pertinent questions.
These days, teachers have to evidence everything, but it can be intimidating being photographed and videoed while talking.
A university in Manchester wanted to do a documentary about hedgehogs and wildlife generally, focusing on how they survive winter.
I was surprised that they had to come to Liverpool for this, turns out that every rescue on their patch turned them down. Surely someone could have stepped up, whatever happened to community spirit?
At least I won’t have to look at that film until January.
All I want is to be snug, warm and cozy now.
Daughter bought me these sweet hedgehog Christmas decorations, how lovely!
It’s all about candles, warm lamps and the log-burner at the moment.
Please ignore the ironing in those baskets under the dresser! How I loathe ironing!
And Finally….
I know many of you dislike rodents….
But how about these domestic rats? We often get them in the rescue. Look at how they use their paws, just like human hands.
Seriously, what’s not to love?
I didn’t know you had a rat! Lovely to hear from you my friend, I hope you are well.xxxx
I had a rat once, years ago… He reminded me so much of human beings I knew at the time. But I’m sure humans have improved since then. So much time has gone by…
Couldn’t agree with you more about the careful homing of pets. Your description of the scene that confronted you could not have been appropriate for any extra ‘family’ members. You wonder if junior’s ‘tantrum’ indicated other tensions that required attention from other sources.
Love the warmth that flows through your pictures, all those lovely glowing fire lights and candle lights.
A dog’s gotta do, what a dog’s gotta do, rain or shine. There are limits to invigorating walks in the damp and the wind chill of gales. I’d doff my hat to you if I was wearing one just now.
The hedgehog talk is right up your street…they couldn’t have got a better speaker, fortuitously for them.
Your house rats are darlings. Hope they find a nice home. The white one is a dead ringer for the first ever rat I was introduced to. That’s a story for another time, maybe. Xxx
I agree re your comments about the tensions in that household, but what to do? I had no intention of adding to them. I don’t think I could survive winter without candles and cozy glowing lamps, the early nights can be depressing! Thanks for the doffed hat, I know I should enjoy the walks but my enthusiasm wanes in grim weather!
Oh…..really would like to hear your rat story!!!! Thanks
Good for you Dina giving talks on hedgehogs .. you would be the perfect person to do it & educating people on wild life is so important. Your house looks lovely & toasty & warm .. I know exactly what you mean about dogs wanting to go for walks in winter.. what do they not understand??
Thanks Gerrie, I’m sure there are many who could do a better job than me, sadly, many seem to be camera shy, having said that, I don’t enjoy being in front of a camera either.
Brave you for going out in awful weather. I can imagine you hurrying to get back inside your nice, cozy home.
Love those sweet little hedgehog ornaments. I’ve often admired them in the stores. Maybe this year I will pick a couple of them up.
I don’t understand why the rescue centres would refuse to allow the university to make a documentary. It’s educational – not something silly.
Keep warm!
Thanks Wendy. Seems our weather is only going to get worse….sighs…. I haven’t seen any hedgehog ornaments like that around here, they are pretty though. You and me both re the rescues lack of
Dogs seem to like water, no matter where or how they find it. Very cool that you were interviewed for the hedgehog documentary.
Thanks Jason, mine certainly love water, especially Annie. I was surprised noone in Manchester was prepared to help, given it was such a good
Dogs do so love their walks, but I have to say as soon as it rains Nella tries to ignore the calls to go for a walk.
Like you the sooner its over with the better and Nella feels the same I am sure.
Lovely decorations and the fire is so inviting.
No problem with rats, or most other animals to be honest. They all have a place.
Have a lovely weekend.
So many dogs seem to dislike the rain, if only these three did!!! Yes, all animals have a place. Thanks
Tivvy hates going out in the rain. She just downright refuses and only pops into the garden for the necessary visit after much deliberating in the doorway. As for choosing owners, I think dogs do too.
I’m with you on the ironing hatred. but surely a celebrity like you has someone in to iron. Rodents are like all other wildlife fine in the correct place.
So many dogs seem to dislike the rain….why oh why don’t mine? Oh yes, dogs certainly choose their people too! Hahahaha, oh how tempted I am to have someone iron for me! Thanks
Lovely post and pictures, I especially like the dog in front of the fire, which is the best place to be at this time of year.
You’ve certainly been busy, as always, and good for you for giving that talk.
Thanks Flighty. How that dog loves that warm granite hearth! Definitely the best place to be! I was happy to help out, surprised no one in Manchester would, maybe they were all camera shy, can’t say I enjoy cameras much
Archie hates going out in bad weather and he’s not fond of the dark either, very handy when weather like this strikes, I can just send him out for a quick tinkle in the garden and wait for it to pass before we go out for a proper run. I can see that Buddy likes his home comforts too though, I don’t think he could get any closer to the fire. We used to have a cat and yes, he chose us. I think rats are quite cute but I wouldn’t want one, they’re just one of the things that Eleanor asked for when she was little, along with a hissing cockroach! Her school had a small farm and they kept other animals too. She used to go and help out in her lunch hour and used to let the cockroaches sit in her hands, I can’t think of anything worse!
How I wish I had three Archie’s! Buddy does love the fire, the granite hearth warms up and he just loves sitting on it. Sam and Annie prefer a little distance from the fire, the sit either side of me on the couch. Eleanor sounds brave, I don’t think I’d enjoy a cockroach sitting on
my hand! Thanks
Your house looks so cosy, no wonder you don’t want to go out! Gorgeous photos xxx
Thanks Gill…..I’ll be hunkering down for the winter, if the forecast is to be believed!xxx
The dogs really have their way to make you bring them out. So very cute!
My nephew used to beat and torture her mum when he was a kid but strangely, he was especiallly caring, gentle and patient with cats and dogs. He said he would only be kind to animals.
The hedgehog decorations your daughter bought for you are indeed lovely.
Oh, to me, even the house rats are lovely! Whatmore these beautiful, domestic ones.
I can imagine how cold you could feel there. We have had lots of rain recently and it feels cold to me even at over 20℃. So, do stay warm and take care!
Goodness, what strange behaviour by your nephew, I’m glad you said …used… to beat her up, hopefully that situation has improved.
I’m a rat fan too..such intelligent creatures! You feel the cold at over 20? here we would be sunbathing! Thanks
I think those rats are cute, actually. Granted, I’m not so fond of the critters when they make an attempt to set up housekeeping in the walls or attic, but that’s not nearly the problem here, since we stay relatively warm during the winter. Even during our bouts of freezing weather, they’re usually short enough that the creatures cope. On the other hand, there was that winter of ’83, when we were below freezing for days and days. The bay froze, and hundreds of thousands of fish died. What a mess when the thaw came!
I see that little light you showed us last year on the buffet — the one that looks like a starburst. It’s just as pretty as ever. Your candles look warm and inviting, too. It’s still too warm here for candles, but the time is coming.
I’m with on you on the rats, lovely creatures as long as they stay out of the house! Good grief, 83 sounds like a terrifying year, let’s hope you never get a repeat performance! The lamp is a plasma lamp, it charges the dead Christmas lights every time I put it on. Thanks
Nice post and images. Spring is still a bit of a pain down this way.
Thanks Peter, here’s to some better weather for you
Yes, the weather at the moment is not nice!
I do think your house looks so cosy with the candles lit, and I just love the hedgehog Christmas decorations, they are so cute and sweet
Enjoy these last days of November, and I wish you a happy month of December.
Where has this year gone???
Take Care
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, winter is perfect for candles and warm lamps, if only if stayed lighter longer, we sure have some hard months
Your house looks so cosy with all the candles lit, and I love the ironing pile hidden under the dresser! The weather has been wild here too today. I enjoy it as long as I’m indoors and thank my lucky stars that Hamish doesn’t need taking for walks! Enjoy the rest of the week. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, sadly, there is always an ironing pile hidden under the dresser, and many other places. Oh….the joy of rabbits! Fancy a swop?xxx
Oh my God, Dina! Such lovely rats… I’m just crazy about them, I wish my husband was the same… I wanted to get one, to make him domestic and take for walks on my shoulder. But Sara Luna preferred a hamster: now I’m taking care of Meily and she loves to be with me going around the house (sometimes I let her free in Saraluna’s room…hooo oh what a complain from daughter!)

I can’t stand kids screaming and behaving so horribly (not their fault, most of the time, I blame it on the parents).
When you go out with the fellows’ dogs, better get very well dressed up, warm clothing and moon-boots
Here the weather is now cold, but not terrible yet… the bad cold front with snow from the south will arrive in a few days. I’m getting ready
Hugs and love to all claudine and family
I can just imagine you with a domestic rat sitting on your shoulder! I would let a little hamster roam about too…bless.
I blame the parents too, daughter never behaved like that, she knew better. Enjoy your snow, I would prefer it to all this gloomy rain and wind. Love and hugs to
Oh, Dina, I’m not a fan of those dark, dreary, wet walks either, but just think how well you’ve healed that you can get them done. Now, that’s something to celebrate!
How wonderful that you are willing and able to spread the word about wildlife care and promote your amazing rescue, too. I expect you’re becoming quite famous throughout Britain by this point!
I am so glad that naughty girl didn’t receive a cat. Hope she can learn some manners, self-control, and kindness! And, you certainly are right about cats picking their humans.
Your candlelight and fire light look so cozy and welcoming! What a lovely nest altogether. Gentle peace as you sit with all your beloveds.
How true Kitty, at least I can walk pain free now which is wonderful. Hahaha, no I’m not remotely famous, thank goodness. The University will post the film on their website and plan on showing it to the public. I love how they are raising awareness, wildlife need all the help they can get these days.
That child was truly out of control, how they get to that stage is beyond me! Love and hugs to all of you. Hope you are feeling better and enjoying the coziness of the
Wow! Yes, time of year to batten down the hatches……Still, love your cheerful posts and pics. So, you’ll be on TV? Great fun, I’m sure. Stay warm, stay safe. Hugs.

Thanks Bushka, at least the winds have dropped a little. Oh, no I won’t be on TV, just on the University site, they plan on showing the documentary to the public. Hugs to you