Spring seems earlier than usual this year. It’s rather odd as the snowdrops, crocus, iris and daffs are doing very little in the sunnier, south-facing front garden but are bursting into bloom in the back. Usually, it’s the other way round.
I absolutely love the iris popping up in all the side planters on the raised beds. It’s wonderful when you forget what you have planted. The anemone is in bud too.
Crocus are appearing in all their varied colours.
A little sunshine brought this clump out.
I’m always surprised at how quickly they close when the sunshine, however weak, disappears.
Some clumps are just pushing through…
while others have been battered by rain.
More bulbs and tubers have been bought. Why oh why do supermarkets sell them. I try to avoid garden centers until I have a list but when so many delightful gems are on the shelves in supermarkets, all thought of food shopping disappears!
More seeds and other bits have been purchased….
and many February seeds have been sown.
Half the veggie patch has been weeded and onions, shallots, broad beans and garlic have been sown. The strawberries and fruit bushes have been pruned and all the areas sorted have been mulched.
Seems our robins become tamer by the year. A pair of them were only inches from me. Back and forth they darted, devouring small insects and worms.
And Finally…
I was kneeling down next to this planter, about to take a photo of the tete-a-tete daffs when I heard daughter coming in. All three dogs galloped off to welcome her then galloped straight back into the garden. Given I was kneeling by the gate, Sam charged straight into me. Oh….the PAIN! That dog has a head like an anvil and I literally saw stars. He smashed an enormous hole in my lip. I’m surprised daughter didn’t go into labour when she saw me lying there with my face covered in blood! I’m astonished, yet grateful that I didn’t lose any teeth. My face is an utter mess, I truly look like a victim of domestic violence. Eating and drinking aint easy either!
Sam sure is lethal, albeit accidentally, he has also fractured two of my fingers in the past, on different occasions, by suddenly bouncing up……sighs….
We had a hot and humid summer last year, it was far too hot for me, we couldn’t even walk the dogs as the tarmac was melting. Enjoy autumn, it’s always such a lovely season. Thanks Peter.xxx
Ouch! Otherwise nice post and images. What are you telling me? Autumn is coming down here. Have a cold and wet snap as a front has come across the country. Been hot and humid here previously though.
Your flowers look so beautiful. Sorry about the dogs. I do have a cat who hurts me occassionally, but it never occurred to me that dogs could be dangerous to their loved ones. I hope he realized that he overdone his expression of love at seeing you and apologized. xxx
Poor Sam looked utterly bewildered when he saw me lying on the floor, clearly he was worried but had no idea he’d done it! He’s such a goofy dog, he thinks he’s tiny and tries to sit on my knee. Thanks Shimon, always a treat to hear from you. I hope spring has arrived for you and that your days are warming up. xxx
It looks like spring is already there at your place! So many beautiful blooms! Love that picture of that cute Robin. So good to be able to capture it in picture!
Gosh, hope you are alright now!
Do take care and happy gardening to you!
Thanks Jade, it always lovely to welcome spring and enjoy all her beauties. I’m all healed thankfully!xxx
I love all your spring flowers, what a welcome sight.
Oh your poor face, these big dogs can be dangerous. Daughter got pulled over by Hector last summer when he suddeny saw a deer. She was dragged over a flint stone and her knee was ripped open. She had to have it sewn up and was off work and laid up for 6 weeks and then had to have weeks of physio to get her walking again. She still adores him of course and you still adore clumsy Sam even though he has rearranged your face.
It’s lovely seeing the spring flowers after winter although I do hope the weather doesn’t turn, we are having some lovely sunshine. Jeez…..your poor daughter! That all sounds utterly horrific! It’s hard to blame these goofy dogs as it’s always accidental, but you’re right, big dogs can cause problems! Thanks Chloris.xxx
Ouch. Hope the discomfort doesn’t last long. In the meantime, your Iris and Crocuses are wonderful.
Thanks Jason, all healed now, the flowers helped! xxx
Oh no, you poor thing, there you are kneeling by your daffs and thinking about all your beautiful plants and then you get a header like that!! So sorry. Please take care of yourself and put Sam on the naughty step …
It was so funny, just admiring the daffs them boom! I really didn’t know what hit me! Thankfully all healed now. Sam certainly needs to go on the naughty step! Thanks Gill.xxx
Yes, we too have a good lot of spring bulbs blooming.
Lovely to see but it still seems a little early!
Sending lots of healing wishes to you …
All the best Jan
It is early around here, but flowers are always more than welcome, I just hope we don’t get a cold snap. Thanks Jan.xxx
over here, only dry earth… no flowers… but a lot of work to do in the garden for sure! I spotted the little one: gorgeous and so cute. Ah, robins look all the same but still, each one has his/her own character and a particular way of finding you and the food you let for them. Sorry about your disgraceful encounter with dog’s head… (fortune you didn’t lose some tooths) it will heal but need patience. I cross my fingers….
Hugs and love :-)c
I do hope your spring arrives soon! There is always so much to do in the garden at this time of the year, it’s pretty overwhelming. I really did think I’d lost o tooth or two, I really was lucky. It great that it’s healed up now. Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to you all.xxx
I hope your mouth heals quickly. Sounds painful. It’s a nice surprise to see the Spring flowers springing forth isn’t it? I can’t resist getting a few packets of seeds. I’m pretty good at sticking to a list, although there are so many I would like to try to grow this year. The packets of seed are twice as much in the garden centre as at the big DIY store. I think it’s a hit and miss experiment with me re. flower growing. All the best and I wish you a good weekend in which I hope you can eat and drink more comfortably.
It’s such a pleasure seeing the spring flowers emerging after winter. How I wish I could stick to a list….I am far too easily tempted. Thanks Linda, my lip is all healed now.xxx
Oh no .. your poor thing, we had some crashes too with our big dog when the kids were little. Your bulbs look gorgeous, hope they can continue flowering all through spring. I am the same with impulse buying with plants/packets of seeds, in shops, & they usually aren’t as good as ones from a reputable garden centre. Have fun in your spring garden.
Big dogs certainly can flatten you! The bulbs are marvelous this year, each day brings more out, it’s lovely seeing them as I usually forget that I’ve planted them. Yes, garden center seeds and bulbs are far superior. Thanks Gerrie.xxx
I had a sense that spring was arriving more quickly this year, but when I went back into my archives, everything seems right on schedule. Mid-February is our time for everything to begin to stir, and it seems you’re having the same experience. I’ve not seen any blooming trees yet, but I hear rumors that they’re beginning to bud.
I can’t even imagine doing all the planting that you gardeners do, but I certainly admire it all. Now, if you just could keep that little garden gnome named Sam from creating so much havoc, all would be well! He’s clear he doesn’t mean any one any harm, but it seems that when he gets going full tilt, it’s time to look out! I hope you heal quickly. I still laugh when I remember being stung by a bee on my lower lip. I looked like I’d been in a bar fight, and did get some strange looks!
Lovely to know life is stirring into action in your part of the world. Many of our trees are budding up, some are even about to flower. Ha…..a big lip is awful! I too looked like I’d been in a bar fight! Thankfully it’s healed now. Thanks Linda.xxx
Oh, Sam, Sam, Sam! Yikes. I hope the application of ice and a good glass of ale might have helped, and am so sorry your beautiful face took such a hit. Ouch!
But I’ll say this, Dina: your gardens are more amazing every year. These bulbs are just glorious. I can’t believe the colors. Especially looking out at our remaining 4 inches of snow!
I always fall in love with English robins; they are so different from ours, which I also love. I’ll have to listen to their songs online and compare them.
Gentle peace to you, my friend. Thank you for this beautiful post, and I’m sending a hug for wicked fast healing.
I am happy to report that my face, although not beautiful….lol….has returned to normal. Sam certainly has a head like a hammer! Oh dear, four inches of snow must get old fast, it’s so pretty and transforming though. Here’s to your garden stirring into life, spring will be with you soon. Our robins are gorgeous, they are so tame around gardeners. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to you all.xxx
OUCH! Ooh Lordy…… Were you checked for concussion? Some peotective clothing for you and headgear – like cricketers use – may be de rigueur.
Plants are shooting up early and blooming, even here in the far north with our lower, but warmer than usual temperatures. It’s weird. Will we get a short sharp spring quickly followed by a drop back into frosty winter….the meteorolgical office may have the answers.
Do be careful Snowbird. Xxx
I didn’t get checked for concussion, but did almost get knocked out. That dog!!!! It’s a good job I love the beast! Lovely to hear you have blooms too and are enjoying milder weather, that makes a pleasant change for you all. Oh, I do hope we don’t go back to cold weather but it’s certainly a possibility. Thanks Menhir.xxx
So sorry to hear about your latest accident, poor you!
Your spring bulbs are lovely, such beautiful bright colours, so springlike! I think the sun we have had lately has got us all out in the garden, but must remember that winter hasn’t finished with us yet!
Thanks Pauline, I’m fully recovered now, it’s nice having a normal sized lip again. We have had some very pleasant days resulting in more and more bulbs coming out. The garden is looking colourful at the moment, it’s a shame they don’t last very long though.xxx
Oh, my poor friend! I’m sorry you are banged up from that exuberant dog! But your gardens are looking so colorful with what you’ve planted. The vibrant blues and yellow are just gorgeous. Love the brilliance of those daffs.
And those look like terrific (irresistible) deals on bulbs. I have ordered only one dahlia (Cafe au Lait) that hasn’t arrived yet. Twas my only capitulation to the onslaught of temptations.
I’m happy to report that I am now fully healed, my lip felt absolutely enormous! Each day more and more bulbs emerge, it really is lovely at the moment. I had Cafe au Lait last year but it didn’t do well, I don’t think it got enough water doing the drought. I hope your does better, look forward to seeing the blooms. Thanks Anne.xxx
Lovely post and pictures, apart from the ouchy bit where Sam headbutted you.
You’ve certainly been busy in the garden, and it’s always good to see a pair of robins.
Take care, and I hope that your lip heals quickly. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s good to make a start, some of my seeds are already coming through. I do hope that’s my first and last headbutt off Sam!xxx
It’s time like this when I’m grateful for small dogs as they can pack a punch when at full pelt si I dread to think what being floored by Sam feels like. You’ll have the neighbours talking when you go out.
I was thinking our crocuses were early too but looking back on last years photos they are at the same stage.
Meant to add that our dwarf irises seen ti have almost disappeared – just one or two survivors.
Oh, that’s a shame. I think the iris are just lovely.xxx
Being floored by Sam is horrendous, I thought my head had exploded! I certainly got a lot of funny looks walking around with a huge fat lip! Our bulbs are earlier than last year when everything took forever to bloom. Thanks Sue.xxx
Small dogs are so much easier, if we need too we can easily pick buddy up, no chance of that with Sam! I have to say it was agony getting knocked down by Sam, I’m amazed he didn’t do more damage. I checked the spring here, we are definitely earlier, we had a really late spring last year. Thanks Sue.xxx
Gosh, your bulbs are out early. No sign of our irises at all yet. You put me to shame – I have done absolutely nothing in the garden/greenhouse yet; I really should get my act together! I hope your poor face mends quickly. That’s one benefit of only having a house rabbit – the only risk is tripping over him! xx
Our bulbs are out a lot earlier this year, I do hope we don’t get any more rotten weather. My face has healed thank goodness, it was a pain trying to eat and drink with a bust lip. Hahaha….must get me a rabbit! Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx
Oh no, I think Sam should come with a warning. I hope you mend quickly. Lots of spring bulbs out here too, I think the better weather this week has brought them on leaps and bounds.
Sam should come with a warning, he really is such a sweet gentle dog, he’s just big and clumsy. We are all having some lovely spring weather, long may that continue. Thanks Jo.xxx
Nooooo! Heal quickly!
Spring is early. It is really weird. The trouble is there is plenty of time yet for frosts to reappear. Let’s hope not.
Thanks Jess, we’ve had some lovely mild sunny days, buds are everywhere, spring seems to have arrived so I’m hoping that we don’t suddenly get an arctic blast. I’m glad my lip has finally healed.xxx