We’ve had some dreadful wet and windy weather of late, so very little gardening has been done apart from sowing seeds.
Finally, we had a dry day so hubs managed to get his chainsaw out and deal with the fallen tree. I’d become used to climbing over it to get to the greenhouse so actually found myself stepping over a tree that was no longer there!
He even managed to get the stump out, it was completely rotten, how lucky that it didn’t fall on me while I was in the greenhouse!
Daughter’s partner has been doing a little tree removal too, and asked if we wanted the logs for burning, which is always a resounding YES, as hubs and I covet the things!
When I saw the logs were hollow, I decided they were far too attractive to burn so thought I’d plant them up instead.
The stone circle surrounding the bamboo seemed the perfect setting for them.
So, hubs got out his leaf sucker-upperer/blower to clear all the leaves while I supervised from the warmth of the greenhouse.
While in that little oasis, I watched the dogs trashing the borders, a daily occurrence that I have no control over. Yelling simply doesn’t work! Sooooo many plants and shrubs have met with a bad end due to pulling/wrestling matches that spill over from the flags. I keep buying larger specimens but they all meet the same fate.
While brooding on this, I was blinded by inspiration, literally, as the sun burst through the beech trees. I haven’t seen the sun in weeks.
Use the hollow logs as planters in the borders, my muse screamed at me. It won’t look good, it’s not clever and it certainly will look decidedly funny…..BUT…..plants will grow as those logs are heavy!
The empty log is covering a beautiful rose that has been smashed down to an inch!
Yes, it’s all downright peculiar, not a stumpery any normal gardener would recognize, but then I’m not a normal gardener!
As odd as all this looks, I know I can work with it. The hollow logs will protect the plants and I can plant behind and between them to soften the strangeness of it all!
I do think these logs are beautiful, I love all the side holes and multiple entrances, strawberries will love the larger ones. How I wish I had more!
I shall keep you all posted. I do hope I’m right about the bigger picture here. How lovely it will be to keep my precious plants safe.
And Finally…..
I’m lucky enough to live around the corner from grandbaby of mine, so I’ve seen the little angel most days. She’s a month old already and I utterly adore her. She really is such a content baby. Daughter is doing so much better, health-wise now, and is such a fantastic, loving mum. I am so proud of her, it certainly hasn’t been easy.
Thanks Casa. Fabulous and clever, love that, hope all is well with you.xxx
Congrats on the beautiful grandbaby! I love the stumpery. It’s fabulous and clever!
You are lucky! My poor brother has his two grandchildren in Japan. He only sees them about twice a year. Thank goodness for skype. I agree with you about the log planters – very nice!
Oh…that’s a long way from grandkids. Yes, thank goodness for technology! The planters should look a lot better once all the plants grow. Thanks Jason.xxx
I love things that are natural. I do think those log planters are beautiful and unique. Hope those plants would live happily in them. I ever had one before though not a hollow one. I tied my orchid on it and it looked gorgeous!
May your precious grandbaby be blessed with all things good in the world!
I like natural products too, hopefully they’ll last a good fewyears. I do like the thought of an orchid growing on a log. Thanks you for your lovely blessings.xxx
Hollow stumps make wonderful planters, also plant protectors, what a great idea.
Lovely photo of the dear little hand. Babies’ fingers are so adorable. Lucky you, such a precious gift.
Hollow stumps are just lovely aren’t they, perfect planters for sure. They will look better when they fill out a little. Oh yes….baby fingers are delightful! She is very precious. Thanks Chloris.xxx
I think the log planters are great! They look very natural. You were inspired. How lovely to be able to see your little granddaughter every day! Glad that you’re all keeping well and your daughter is fine. Wishing you all a good rest of the week. xxL
Thanks Linda, they should look a lot better once they fill out. It is great having my girls around the corner.xxx
Loved seeing all of your photographs, and I think your stumpery could well be the perfect solution! I hope so … time will tell.
Your last photograph is just so special, how nice that you are close by. Enjoy your precious grand-daughter they grow so quickly. I was fortunate to see our youngest grand-daughter yesterday and she’d lost another tooth – the tooth fairy was going to visit soon
Enjoy the rest of your week.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, the logs are certainly working, the rose in the empty one is already growing. It should look better when all the plants grow. Baby fingers are delicious for sure! Ahhh, bless…hope the tooth fairy is too expensive!xxx
I’ve often seen stumps used as borders for gardens or even parking lots, but I don’t remember ever seeing hollowed ones put to such creative use. I think they’ll do quite well to protect plants, and I suspect they’ll become even more attractive as they settle in to their new spots.
I laughed at your mention of stepping over the tree that was no longer there. I’ve done similar things myself. It’s interesting how deeply accustomed to things being this way or that we sometimes are. Of course, even worse is constantly running into something that wasn’t there before, and now is! It makes sense of the advice I’ve read to not rearrange furniture in the home of an elderly person who’s had things the same way for years. It can discombobulate!
That last photo is wonderful. I didn’t realize they lived so close to you. That’s even better.
I’m hoping the stumps disappear a little when the planting grows. They are lovely though. It’s funny how quickly we get used to things being in a certain place, I still go to step over that tree. I can see the sense in leaving things as they are for older people! Yes, it’s lovely having my girls around the corner.xxx
Nice post and images. Your spring will soon settle in, Good work.
Thanks Peter. Our weather is very changeable right now, sunny one day then freezing the next.xxx
What a great idea for your garden, protecting the plants with the stumps of trees, it looks good.
Having a grandchild is just lovely ….words cannot describe it really. For the parents it is such a learning curve for the first few months, your daughter is lucky to have you close by.
They should look better once they fill out. Oh yes, a grandchild is a wonderful gift for sure. It is hard on new parents as you say but so much easier for grandparents. Thanks Gerrie.xxx
What a fabulous idea! I think those stumps look perfect, all of a piece with the natural plants in the garden. I look forward to seeing what they look like in the summer!
You’re sooooooooooooo patient with the dogs. What a star you are – and how lucky to have your grandbaby round the corner. Enjoy! xx
Thanks Gill, they should look a lot better when the plants in and around them grow. I’m not very patient when it comes to the dogs wrecking the garden, it’s just that there’s nothing I can really do to stop them. It is lovely having littl’un so close.xxx
How nice it is to watch the grandchild discovering your world. The dogs look like they’ve already got spring fever. And your planters are gorgeous. Wishing you and all the family all the pleasures of renewal with the new season. xxx
Thanks Shimon, I hope all is well is your world. It is lovely seeing little Hallie grow, even if it is far too quickly! The planters should look better once the plants grow. Love and hugs to you and Nechama.xxx
Great to see the work in your garden….and love the hollow log planters. You might have something there.
The ‘hand’ photograph is so beautiful and I am very pleased to hear that all is well…and yes how lovely that you can visit every day.
Sending you lots of hummingbird Hugs. Janet xxxxx
Thanks Janet, hopefully the stumpery will fill out soon. Aren’t baby fingers the cutest thing? xxx
I love the stumpery it’s a beautiful, interesting and so ‘green’ Eco/bug friendly idea. Those strawberries will taste all the sweeter.
Why thank you, Anne Marie, it’s all working out far too well….I’m not used to anything plant-wise working with dogs! xxx
Love the hollow logs, what a brilliant idea to use them as planters! Hopefully the plants will now be safe from all the doggie games and will grow to their potential.
So pleased to see the lovely end photo, being a grandparent is just the best thing!
Thanks Pauline, those stumps are working beautifully. I’ve got several other plants in behind and between them so fingers crossed! Ahh yes, I am enjoying being a nana.xxx
I love the hollowed out logs. I’m sure once they have plants to nestle amongst they will look even better. I bet they’d look great with ferns and some moss growing on the bark.. Glad things are going well for your family.
Those stumps are looking better by the day, especially now more plants are going around them.. I do like the idea of ferns but they take over in our garden. Moss sounds perfect. Thanks Sue.xxx
Faux bois is a thing and you’re miles ahead with real wood! I love the idea of planting with those heavy “planters”. Brilliant! Just as you are unable to control rampaging dogs, I can’t keep my cats from munching on grass. Not that it hurts the grass; it’s the return of said grass while the cats are back inside….. sigh.
I didn’t realize Hallie was so near. Pleased to hear that everyone is settling in. No, I can’t believe that girl is already a month old!
Goodness….it’s a thang???? Who knew!!! They are working so I’m thrilled, and more plants have gone behind and in-between them. It’s all looking SO promising! Oh…the grass thing, the dogs and Curly do that too. Sighs. Six weeks now…..were does time go! She’ll be one before we can all blink! Thanks Anne. xxx
What a lovely post, Dina! Good to see the pups so merry, and your sweet Hubs looks quite frisky: I thought a teenager must be visiting!
I LOVE your loggery-stumpies! They will look wonderful when everything fills in and flowers and geens! Terrific idea!
Such good news that Daughter is feeling so much better, and, of course–since she takes after you–is proving to be a spectacular mother to that precious babe.
Blessings on all,
Hahahaha….hubs will love you for those words! Funny how you hang onto crumbs at a certain age. We were all in a restaurant a few days ago and I was rocking Hallie. A couple of women cooed and said how lovely it was that she was looking at her mummy….mummy being me! I was SO thrilled!!! How pathetic am I? Ahhhh…yes, daughter is a natural mum, Hallie will be talking before she’s three months! My stumpery is working…..goodness…plants may grow! Thanks Kitty, as always for a lovely comment. Hugs and love to you all.xxxx
You certainly could pass for Hallie’s mother, and Jen could be her sister! You are both blessed in the “youthful looks” department!
Hahaha…Jen will pass for her sister, but me NEVER for her mum. I am aged and wrinkled…no youthful looks for me sadly, but bless you for saying so. xxxxxxxxxx
A Stumpery; I like it. Do the logs need treating to obtain more life out of them, or, are they okay as they are for a bit?
Your three dogs are a challenge when it comes to gardening plans. A huge log kennel might satisfy their needs….
Isn’t it lovely how grand parentage connects so beautifully to those warm inner feelings. Glad your daughter is getting her equilibrium back. xxx
I never thought to treat the stumps, hopefully they’ll last for a good few years yet. I’m delighted to see they are working! Lol….these dogs would never tolerate a kennel, they are far too spoilt. Oh yes…..the grandparent thing is fabulous for sure! Who knew???? Thanks Menhir.xxx
Lovely post and pictures. The weather has been the same here so I didn’t do any plotting. Using the hollow logs like that is a great idea and should look really good once the plants in, and around them grow. Glad to see grand-daughter and daughter are doing well. xx
Thanks Flighty. It has warmed up here now and we’ve enjoyed some sunny days. Great for planting out the veggies. The stumps are working thankfully, I’ve added plants between and behind them, they should disappear soon. xxx
I think your stumpery is the perfect solution. Fingers crossed that your plants can grow in peace there. Awwww, such a lovely photo, how lucky you are to live just around the corner, not too far to travel for all those gorgeous cuddles.
Thanks Jo, I’m amazed at how well those stumps are working, so far they are dog proof! It is lovely being so close to my girls, I do enjoy all the cuddles.xxx
Such a lovely post. Well done Hubs for managing to get the stump out, your new stumpery is ingenious, and that final photo is just the sweetest thing. I’m so glad that your daughter is recovering nicely and lucky you having them just around the corner. I look forward to seeing more of your stumpery. Have a great week. xx
Thanks Veggiemuumy. It’s great to see daughter and grandbabe thriving. I’ve begun planting around and in between the stumps, even that poor rose is growing now it has a little protection.xxx