I can’t recall a spring as pretty as this one in many a year. The garden has burst into life and delights are everywhere.
Flowering cherry, cherry, plum, apple and pear blossom float on the breeze and litter the lawns like confetti.
This year I’m hoping to make apple juice as I have a huge cooking apple tree and daughter has a large eating apple tree.
I have some lovely daffodils this spring, I don’t know the varieties as all the labels have long since disappeared. I’m sure the squirrels make off with them.
Many are double, triple and even quadruple headed.
These guys are tiny.
I popped some in a vase, oh my….the scent is delicious.
Tulips are out…..
along with the fritillaries. Lots are double headed, mainly the white ones.
The brick planters are flowering, despite Sam and Buddy tearing across them daily.
The birds have raised their chicks far earlier this year, so the gardens are full of fledgling blackbirds, dunnocks and robins and nests with nestlings are everywhere. Back and forth birds dash with beaks full of wriggling insects. I have to check the garden each day before I let Buddy out.
The wood-pigeons are building nests in really silly places so I have been removing them if they are egg free.
A wood-pigeon built a nest in this clump of bamboo, three foot off the ground, which would be easy pickings for Buddy, so I moved it each day. Somehow the bird managed to repair it and lay eggs, overnight by the looks of things!!!
In other news, filming re urban wildlife has been completed for a University at the rescue…
and I spotted my first duck with ducklings.
And Finally….
Hubs and daughter have had a birthday and grandbabe is already seven weeks old.
How bonny are they, sitting there so very pretty in pink?
How lovely it will be when you do come here, how I’m looking forward to that! Some of my flowering cherry are beginning to die but I have youngsters coming up behind them, so there will always be blossom here! It’s just wonderful having all the fruit trees and cherry blossom littering the lawn…..you’ll love it! Grandbabe is smiling now……goodness, what joy that is to see. Thanks Anne.xxx
Oh oh oh! You’ve got me swooning. One of these days, I’m going to be in your garden when those pink and white petals fill the air. Yes I will! Love the colors of your fritillaries.
Belated birthday wishes to your beloveds! And look at that grandbabe of yours looking around, plotting new plants for the garden, I imagine
Thanks Peter. Hope it doesn’t get too cold in your part of the world.xxx
Spring is certainly springing up your way, getting cold down here. Great images.
Awww. your grandbaby … I just want to give her a cuddle! Lucky you!
I was thinking about the squirrels and the plant labels, and I thought, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/garden-squirrel-ornament.html
Grandbabe is soooo cuddly! She loves being sang too! Hahaha….love the squirrels! Thanks Gill.xxx
So many lovely flowers are there in your garden! Thanks for sharing beautiful pictures of them! Especially love the vase display! If only I could smell them …
Love the picture of the duck and ducklings too.
What a pretty mum and baby picture that is!
Finally, happy spring to you and all your loved ones!
Thanks Jade, shame you can’t smell the daffs they are just wonderful.xxx
What a beautiful daughter and grandchild! Even better than your spring flowers, and they are wonderful. Your spring is much further along than ours.
Thanks Jason, I agree re daughter and grandbabe. Here’s to your spring arriving.xxx
Your garden is looking fantastic, such wonderful flowers and blooms and the colours are heavenly.
Happy Birthday Wishes to the hubs and daughter.
That last photograph is just lovely, they both look so pretty in pink
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, we are having a wonderful spring, best for years, everywhere smells so lovely.xxx
What a beautiful portrait of your daughter and her babe. And what a beautiful spring you surely are having! We don’t have such daffodils and tulips, except in the grocery stores! Of course, we have our own spring flowers, but I was raised in northern climes, and still think of flowers like yours as “real” spring flowers.
I was so surprised to find there’s a flower called a fritillary. I’ve only known the butterflies. Now I’m going to have to find out why a flower and a butterfly carry the same name!
Thanks Linda. I am enjoying your spring flowers…they are far more exotic than ours! I will be interested in your findings!xxx
Spring has definitely burst in on us – everything seems to be growing at once! I have daffodils and asparagus in the same bed, both growing and I’m sure it’s too early for asparagus! Lovely to see all the colour in your garden, you must be well pleased. Your girls are both looking very bonny, such a lovely pic. xx
Isn’t it wonderful? It does all seem very early. The girls are certainly blooming. Thanks Caro.xxx
The perfect spring indeed and what a time for the new angel to arrive:) How beautiful is Mother and child in this lovely photograph.
Enjoy every single moment…..Janet xxx
Thanks Janet, I do, we have some good weather, it’s lovely having grandbabe out and about. xxx
Our daffodils seem to have flowered for much longer this year.
Same here Sue, it must be the milder weather.xxx
Lovely post Dina, spring is just bursting forth, and I just love the vase of daffodils.. stunning! I could never imagine that amount of daffodils blossoming in my garden. Your daughter and grand baby are just gorgeous … little babies are so sweet & she looks as if she is taking in her first spring..

Thanks Gerrie. I seem to have a lot more daffodils this year, I’m always planting bulbs and usually forget where I’ve planted them so often have pleasant surprises. Oh babies are cute for sure!xxx
You have so much spring loveliness going on in your garden, what a joy. And a fabulous photo of your lovely girls.
Thanks Chloris, it really is a lovely spring around here, long may it continue.xxx
Love your first photo of all the beautiful little bulbs, what a wonderful display they make! You have an amazing variety of daffodils, your vase of them is gorgeous. Love the last photo too, they are also gorgeous!
Thanks Pauline, spring bulbs certainly bring good cheer! I enjoyed the scent of those daffs more than the flowers, absolutely lovely scent. xxx
Ah! My crocuses are blooming and my tulips are coming up, but we may have some snow coming tonight, so weeks behind all your gorgeousness, which filled my spirit with light and my imagination with glorious scents!
Your photos are like a magazine spread! I can hear all the birdsong. Gardens are ALL looking beautiful, Dina!
Love the photo of the three pups. Now that’s worthy of a canvas print to hang!
Happy birthday to J and J. Hope they both have New Years blessed with joy, peace, and merry adventures!
LOVE the last photo: pretty in pink indeed!
Love you and am sooooo grateful for the light and joy you add to the world!
I do hope that snow didn’t damage any of your spring bulbs!!! How unpredictable your weather is! Here’s to some glorious sunshine. You have me smiling…..a magazine spread!!! Thanks Kitty, your comments always have me smiling! Love and hugs to all.xxxx
Thanks Katherine.xxx
Lovely post and pictures. It’s good to see so many colourful flowers. The birds sure have been busy.
Your grandbabe’s expression made me smile. xx
Thanks Flighty. Grandbabe does have a perplexed expression at times!xxx
Beautiful photos – especially that last one of your lovely girls! Your garden seems much further ahead than ours despite us being further south. Our blossom is barely showing yet. We have lots of nest building though. Hamish is moulting and I gave him a bit of a groom outside one day – the fur soon disappeared; I love the idea of Hamish helping to keep baby chicks warm. :0) Enjoy the rest of the week.xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, I am surprised we are further on than you! How lovely that Hamish’s fur is being put to such good use. I always put dog hair out as the birds use that as well. xxx