The Eagles were enjoyed,
and the Albert Dock admired on the way home.
Schools have been visited,
and their commitment to green issues applauded!
Filming took place at the rescue, for a Channel 4 programme about rescued animals, which is due to air in August.
This couch has been hauled up and down the UK, and all dogs and other pets have sat next to their owners on it, beautifully. Not Sam and Annie though, as far as they were concerned they were out for a walk; this is the closest they got to sitting next to me, and that was only because I had treats. I have NO doubt we’ll be edited out, which will be something of a relief!
Remember the sad story of the mother shelduck and her ducklings, when the public called in the unfolding tragedy? Well, the good news is the five that were brought in have thrived and are now due for release. They are so wild you can’t even get a decent picture of them.
I just love this mistle thrush chick. It was in a nest in a tree that was being felled, thankfully it survived the fall and is doing brilliantly! Such beautiful birds.
Something very strange and worrying is happening regarding baby hoglets this year. Normally, they pour into the rescue in the autumn. This year, they are coming in on-mass in the summer. Entire litters are arriving too, which is unheard of. It’s not just our rescue, this is happening across the UK. I wonder what is happening to their mothers, surely they can’t all be run over or injured.
Normally a mother hedgehog will feed her hoglets for 4 weeks, then take them foraging for about ten days. The hoglets coming in are only a few weeks old, many weighing less than 100 grams. The rescue is so full, that a hoglet, that Laura, our dog sitter passed to me, is now being cared for by me at home. It just needs fattening up until it reaches a decent weight. Hubs study is out of bounds again….sighs.
My pygmy hog, Heidi, has been accompanying me on some of my wildlife talks. It’s a great opportunity to spread the word regarding the cruelty involved in keeping these poor creatures as pets, as they really should be in Africa, where they belong. It’s also a chance for me to check her out, as usually, I let her be, in her house, when I clean her quarters each day.
And Finally…..
a over 70’s friendship group got in touch recently asking for a talk. I explained that I’d be talking about wildlife and bringing a hedgehog along. The lady who runs the group asked if I could bring a rescue dog along.
When I explained why that wasn’t possible, the disappointment in her voice was palpable and she settled for the wildlife talk with a hedgehog.
I thought on it, and decided that if they wanted to see a dog, they should see a dog, given I have three.
Which one though? They all love people.
Buddy would scream, very highly pitched, with excitement…NO!
Annie would chat, as collies do and that would be interpreted as aggression…NO…
and Sam would jump up on people, and he’s a big lad…. but… I could keep a tight hold of him. So I decided to take Sam and a hedgehog.
Well, I have never been so astonished in my life!!!
95% of faces lit up when I walked in with Sam and he went from person to person, who were calling out to him, laying his head gently on knees, sometimes on chests, giving his paw when asked…and not once did he jump up or harass anyone.
The only person he tried to rest his paws on, was a woman who told me, in no uncertain terms, to leave him be, as she’d had big dogs all her life, until now. I kind of let them do their thing!
The whole time I was thinking….wow… this really MY dog??
Talk about empathy! So many of the folk there have had dogs all their lives and are unable to anymore. Seeing Sam made their day, who knew he could spread so much sunshine? One lady said he was the best hospital dog she had ever come across! Goodness! His first gig!
As always with older people, there is always an ex-teacher, judge, lawyer, knowledgeable person in the audience, this time it was a surgeon who said he enjoyed my presentation…and here’s me thinking I’m just having a chat! Older audiences always make me a little nervous as I think they probably know far more than I do re my talks.
It’s good to know that the spreader of sunshine is back to his ridiculous, goofy ways. That cat!!!
I certainly wouldn’t have believed Sam could be that calm! He really surprised me, how the folk enjoyed him! I think it’s early days re the hoglet problem, some are saying it’s just a bumper year for them but I doubt it, why would so many be abandoned? Thanks Gill.xxxx
Well, who’d a thought it?! Clever Sam – knew just how to behave! He made their day. But isn’t it strange about the hogs? Is any research being done?
Go on spreading sunshine, lovely Dina xx
Hi Darling Girl…clearly you have been as busy as ever….and Sam has developed into a very mature young man:):)
I do hope you are on Channel 4….can you please let me know on FB…so that I can watch.
Sending you, the family and all the furies lots of love
Wonderful to hear from you, hoping all is going uphill, I’m sure it is!!! Relax and take things easy! Sam has grown, in more ways than one!!! Full of surprises that lad! I will keep you posted if I make the edit, doubt it though, the pups weren’t up for it and refused to play the game!Love and hugs, as always. xxxx
A big WELL DONE to Sam. So lovely to read about your visit,
Strange and worrying that all the baby hedgehogs have to be cared for. I do wonder what may have happened to the mother adults to have caused this?
Hope you are managing to stay cool in this extremely hot weather.
My good wishes.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I honestly have no idea what is going on re hoglets and their mothers this summer, it’s a first! Even when it pours down it’s close at the moment, we’re due thunder over the next few days, hope that cools everything down. xxx
Sometimes dogs and children show their best behavior with strangers, then they are beasts at home. Good for Sam, in any case. And wait – hedgehogs are from AFRICA?
How true about kids and dogs!!! The hog I was talking about is my rescue pygmy hog, which originate in Africa, they are much smaller than our native hogs so can’t hibernate, so they die if they get too cold. Thanks
Many things are changing, dear friend. Global warming is creating serious problems for the entire planet. Permafrost that breaks, incredible temperatures (today in Ticino / Switzerland we have reached 39 °- 40 ° centigrade). Several species of birds (sparrows, magpies, warblers but also small fawns) are at risk of extinction… just to mention small animals that live here, in our forests and gardens. Is it, therefore, possible that the reason for the considerable increase in small hedgehogs is to be connected to the increase in temperature ?! Too bad I can’t give you a hand, I’d do it very willingly… a bit of volunteering in those parts, with all the work you have, would be a great stimulus for me.
Sam behaved fantastically! What a good dog… and surely even for him to perceive this enormity of positive energy and love, he will have enjoyed it so much.
A big hug :-)claudine
Climate change really terrifies me, I have no doubt it’s affecting our hedgehogs, along with many other species. If only you were here, you would be a huge asset!!!
I was amazed by Sam, he showed such empathy and was unbelievably gentle, he loved all the fuss and being the center of attention too. Love and hugs to you
The Pianist and his band play some Eagles numbers, they are always popular. My goodness, you have an action packed life. It is worrying about hedgehogs. I would like to know what happened to all the Suffolk hedgehogs, you never see them now. Good for Sam, what a star. My granddog, Hector who is the clumsiest dog on the planet and is forever accidentally charging into people and sending them flying is incredibly gentle and delicate round children.
Oh….The Pianist plays in a band too? Knew he was a pilot and a musician….but he plays in a band??? And…plays The Eagles….tickets will be bought by hubs and I and we’ll be heading your way, next gig! Yay!
It’s shocking to think your hogs are obsolete, they are predicted to die out in ten years.
Funny you say that about Hector, Sam is the same around kids, especially babies, they crawl all over him! Thanks
Looks like a great night out. The mistle thrush chick is a pretty bird. Glad that it’s doing well considering what happened. Well done Sam! You have some good opportunities to talk about rescue projects, caring for animals and your concern for the environment. The channel 4 programme will be another way of highlighting the work that rescue centres do. I shall look out for it. xxL
It was a lovely night out. Mistle thrushes are such delicate, elegant birds, and have such a melodic song.
I have to say I’m always a reluctant guest re radio and TV, I much prefer chatting to real people, I’ll let you know if we made the show, but hoping we didn’t as I struggled to speak while trying to control the dogs who wanted out! Thanks
Sam is such a wonderful dog. It is hard not to love him. I think all the old people there would miss him.
Thanks for all sharing all the news and stories! Like always, I’ve enjoyed reading them all!
Sam is such a lovable, affectionate dog, he simply doesn’t understand how big he is! He certainly had a fan base by the end of that day! Thanks
Good for Sam, how wonderful. As always you sound very busy.
Not good re the hedgehogs, we have one sleeping in our box in a corner of the garden. I have been putting out food for him/her and it seems okay.
Lovely to hear from you Steph, hope life is treating you all well and your house and gardens are now beautifully mature. Wonderful to hear you have a hog in the garden, and are looking after it, the environment must be perfect!xxx
Good old Sam, he turned into a star! How wonderful that he was so gentle with the elderly, you must have been so proud!
Very worrying to read about the hedgehogs, could the hot dry weather have something to do with it. We have a hegehog that visits our garden regularly, I don’t often see it, but it leaves me little messages!
Keep up the good work, I’ll keep watch for you on Chanel 4!
Well didn’t he just, and who knew Sam was up for the limelight? Everyone absolutely adored him and he them! I was a very proud mamma!
The hoglet problem began well before the warm weather kicked in, it’s been going on for a month, totally unheard of! So happy to hear you still have your hog! I’ll let you know if I make the grade re Channel 4! Thanks Pauline. xxx
Great post and images.
Thanks Peter, hope your weather is holding up, scorching
I always enjoy your posts, there is so much in them.
I had to laugh at Sam rising to the occasion, as dogs often do, our beloved dog, Chockie was very intuitive. Very worrying to have so many hoglets coming in.. hope that situation improves. The Mistle Thrush chick looks very cute. Keep up the good work & hope your lovely Grandbaby is thriving. 
Awwww, Chockie sounds lovely! Sam certainly surprised me, my mouth was hanging open most of the time, he led me around the room rather than the other way around!
I’m with you re the tiny hoglets, they can do without any more problems given how endangered they are. Grandbabe is adorable, I am more besotted by the day! Thanks
There you go, Sam’s impeccable behaviour when the sole focus of interest , no competition from his er siblings, has given him special status and rights, oh; and you as well. It is lovely to see how animals can sense the way to respond and equally as lovely and sometimes amazing to see how people respond.
The hoglet situation is interesting, could it be weather related? We’ve had odd patterns on and off this year.
Pleased to hear about the great progress of the ducks. The birdie is a cutie as well.
I was truly surprised to hear that The Eagles are still on the entertainment circuit. They were good.
I rather like the header picture. The Lupins are standing proud. The sculpted group on top of your urn is very interesting.
Your animal pictures are always a delight. I bet your normal-behaving animals will get an airing on TV.
Ahha! Maybe you are on to something there… sibs to compete with, maybe he likes taking center stage! He is a natural though and seemed to linger over each person, treating them all differently. Animals certainly have senses we don’t, but Sam??? Who knew. Out of the three dogs he was the only one who was beaten and abused before we got him, maybe that makes him that little more sensitive.
The hoglet issue has been unfolding for about a month now, the rescue is getting calls from across the country and the weather has been fairly good, rain and sunshine until this week. It really is a mystery, hope the poor creatures settle down.
I think there are only two original members of The Eagles still going! Their music is still great though and they put on a grand performance.
I will be amazed if the three of us make the cut! Thanks
Never never never in my wildest dreams (at least from reading your blog as long as I have) would I have pegged Sam for a hospital dog! I mean, practically every photo of him is a testament to his exuberant nature. But I’m so pleased he was a star performer at your visit. Well done, lad!
Here’s to hoping all the hoglets thrive and do well enough to be released. Such an odd phenomenon.
I have to say that I NEVER thought Sam could be so gentle and relaxed around older people, he loves jumping up on folk and thinks he’s tiny! He simply loved moving from person to person and related so well, and individually to everyone. Struth… jaw was on the ground!!!
Poor little hoglets, I wish I knew what was going on! Thanks
Oh, Dina, what a fascinating post. When I worked with hospice, I saw how other animals could @read” a crowd and respond with so much more compassion and empathy than a lot of humans, and how specifically individual those visits could be! Clearly, Sam has the gift, just like you!
I love the thrush, and am both curious and sad about the Mama hogs…is any scientific group studying it? So unusual, and so wonderful you all are there to help!
As for the program, they’d better not cut you and the babies out; you’re the stars!!!!
Happy endings in your week!
Ahhh, thanks Kitty. I think animals are far more compassionate than people and emphatic. They always sense when you are feeling down and they always know who likes them. If I tell a dog off around here, the other two always come around to distract me. Who knew Sam could be so chilled around older people, here was I worrying he may break them, I have a chipped tooth and two fractured fingers as a result of his bouncy ways!
Those poor hoglets, it’s not something that happens to this extent in summer so I doubt anyone is trying to figure out what is going on at the moment, it’s a though hoglets have been abandoned on-mass!
Hahaha….if the pups and I stay in, it will will so funny as they really didn’t want to be hanging around the sofa….after all there were chickens, geese, pigs and sheep all around, how the other people got their pets to sit so well is mind boggling!
Love and hugs to one and all.xxxx
I loved your tale of Sam’s good behavior and better reception at the talk. For some reason, your astonishment at his “performance” reminded me of some parents I’ve known, who see one of their kids up on a stage for the first time, and suddenly don’t recognize them as their child for a moment.
Odd, about the hoglets. What seems especially strange is that the phenomenon is so widespread. I wonder if there could be a disease making the rounds, or if some other environmental factor is at play. I suppose there are some knowledgeable people exploring the issue — while you and others try to keep up with caring for the little ones!
That last photo’s delightful. Cats and dogs — the word “frenemies” surely was invented for them.
Now you mention it, daughter often astonished me too, every school play she would be picking her nose or scratching her butt!!! Something she never did off stage! as they say, never work with kids or animals!
I’m hoping the hoglets aren’t diseased, it’s such early days I doubt anyone is investigating the problem. If this happens in autumn, there won’t be a rescue able to take them in.
Sam is a huge fan of cats, shame they utterly loathe him! Thanks
Lovely post and pictures, especially the mistle thrush chick. Interesting, and slightly worrying, about the hoglets. I’m not surprised that Sam did so well as I’ve seen such empathy between dogs and older people before. xx
Thanks Flighty. I do love mistle thrushes, such elegant birds. Such a lovely song too. The rescue has certainly never seen so many tiny hoglets during summer months…..something odd is going on! I never could have dreamt that Sam could behave like that, although babies and kids love him too and he’s gentle with them. xxx
My sister used to work in a care home and they had a weekly visit from a pat dog. Maybe, San has found a new calling, How weird about the hoglets.
A pat dog….ahhh, bless! Who knew Sam had that calling? The hoglet situation is scary, I have no clue what is going on this year! Thanks
Awww, well done Sam! It’s amazing how animals can have such a connection with certain groups of people and the delight they can bring to them. It’s worrying to think of all those hedgehogs having to be cared for, I wonder what’s happening to their mothers. Do let us know when the programme is due to be aired, I do hope you’re not edited out.
Didn’t that boy do well? It was certainly an eye-opener! I have no idea what is going on with the hedgehogs, but it doesn’t bode well. I will let you know if I make the programme, I very much doubt we will though. Thanks
Good old Sam, rising to the occasion like that; I bet you were very proud of him. You must let us know more details of the Channel 4 programme just in case you make the cut! That’s very worrying about the baby hedgehogs – a ‘serious situation’ indeed. Laura does look adorable though, as do the shelducklings! Glad you enjoyed The Eagles. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, Sam certainly upped his game! I will let you know if I make air time, it will be amusing if they show us, we were a mess! I do fear for the hedgehogs, we’ve only about a million left, so much seems to be going against