Birds, branches and bedraggled beech nuts.
Wilting hibiscus.
Sodden leaves and boisterous dogs.
Raised beds and bird sown yew tree.
Entangled vines.
Iris seed pods.
Glowing dogwoods.
Fading, papery hydrangeas.
In other news…
I’ve been out and about rather a lot recently, but my favourite’s are…
when the “Whatever the Weather Girls” took themselves across the water to the Wirral, where Anne lives. Trish and I enjoyed a night of her splendid hospitality.
Oh…talk about the hostess with the mostest, she sure puts me to shame!
I did wish that Meg, her little Westie had slept on the bed with me!
We enjoyed a fabulous meal in The Devon Doorway.
There are so many mighty fine eateries in the Wirral, all in beautiful old stone builds too. Must visit there more often.
MIL celebrated her 90th birthday recently. Here she is with all her UK great-grands, that said, two were visiting from Australia. She has another two living in NYC.
She truly is a gem, and it’s lovely that I’ve always got on with her. [Scouse saying.]
And Finally….
Littl’urchin is now nine months old, and is sporting teeth, which my nose and chin have a problem with!
Where on earth did that time go??????
Indeedy! Thanks
The good lord has made them all
That last picture is priceless. I have never seen Iris seeds, had no idea they had such bright color.
Thanks Jason. Oh, Iris seedheads are just gorgeous, so vibrant! xxx
The Devon Doorway brought back memories from long ago when we used to visit when we lived in Gt. Sutton over 40 yrs ago! You all look as though you are having a wonderful time.
Your garden is looking a lot tidier than mine at the moment, but I think I’m winning the war on the leaves.
You have a beautiful family, how wonderful for MIL to have them all around her for her special day.
We just loved The Devon Doorway, such a fabulous eatery! So lovely that you were a regular too. Oh, trust me, I’m not winning the war on anything, the wind blows the leaves around and everything else is as it was a month ago! It was lovely seeing MIL surrounded by four generations! Thanks
Love your title juxtaposing the receding green yet such warmth in gatherings with your friends and that happy grinning grandgirl of yours.
All you need are some garden fairies to tidy the garden for you and tuck it in for a winter nap!
Ahhh, loved that you got the title! I don’t need garden fairies, I need you and Roomie to sort me out! YES! Thanks
Beautiful mess there in your garden!
You and your friends really know how to enjoy life!
Your MIL looks like she is 70 at the most. She is so blessed, having so many generatiions to celebrate her birthday! Your grandbabe is super adorable!
Thanks Jade, it is a beautiful mess, I love that comment! It must be lovely having so many relatives at 90…..MIL is a gem, she has been so good to everyone. Littl’urchin sure is an absolute endless source of joy! xxx
My garden looks less cared for than yours, it has been a tad neglected this month. Your group sounds like you have fun together, a lovely warming fire is a must at this time of year. I get on with my MiL too it makes life so much easier doesn’t, yours is looking amazing for 90, a belated happy birthday to her.
Oh, trust me, my garden is utterly neglected, but I always think I have months to sort it before Spring so I don’t worry about it. A fire certainly is a must when that chill creeps in, I just love a roaring blaze. Yes, it’s so much easier when people get along, life is too short for arguments. Thanks Sustainablemum. xxx
Just love your magical winter garden! You could write a story about it, peopling it with hedgehogs and the like … your MIL looks amazing! I have NO chance of looking like that at 90 … I look worse than her now! Hugs to you xx
Ahh, thanks Gill, I love seeing how many critters hang out in the gardens, especially the hogs! Given I have seen photo’s of you I can assure you that you are indeedy an elegant lady! MIL is a gem for sure. Love and hugs to
Glad to see you are having so much fun and OMG it is almost impossible to believe that it’s nine months since the little one entered this world. :). She is beautiful.
Sending lots of love XXXX
I know, where does time go! I could not imagine this world without Littl’urchin. She sure is a ray of sunshine! Thanks Janet. Love and hugs to
Oh I doooo LOVE the photo of Sam, Annie, and Buddy, and that last photo, equally. What a picture of love and joy.
Your quite youthful-looking MIL, surrounded by the greats, is stunning, too! Geez, I wish I looked that grand now.
Your gardens resemble mine right now: green, yellow, a bit of red dogwood, lots of browns, and sogginess. I am longing for snow, but none in the forecast.
You and your Whatever the Weather Girls are just so precious! I love hearing about your merry adventures and lovely times together.
We took Full Moon off the market for now. A friend needed to stay with us for a bit and her dog was here for the past month. With that, and the holidays coming, I wanted to hunker down for the winter. We’ll see how we feel in the spring. Full Moon’s awfully hard to leave.
Blessings on your week’s end, dear one.
I’ll be a wizened old prune if I ever reach 90! You’re looking good, all that walking no doubt!
Glad you liked the pics, oh I do hope you get snow soon, I do rather envy you that! How weird is the weather worldwide now, no-one knows what to expect. Ahhh, how lovely that you cared for your friend’s dog and her. Good friends like you can be counted on one hand.
Oh, I get how hard it is to leave Full Moon, I doubt I could ever part with it if I lived there, and all those memories too. But, whatever is best for you all will come about, I’m sure of it. Love and hugs to one and
Wizened old prune indeed…I highly doubt it, but hope we’d both be too merry dancing to care.
Keep your eyes open…Small package winging its way to you on Monday, when I hope to get to the post office!
My google crashed and now have new gmail and blog. Hope things are well in your gardens.
I’ll go check it out. Hope all is well with you and
Such a grand variety of observations. I reckon, from the pix, Li’l Urchin is very much like her maternal grandad just now. Gt. Gran looks truly superb.
….and the year continues to fly by.
Thanks Menhir. Mil is looking good and she really does enjoy life.Oh…..time pushes on at breath-neck
woww… 90th birthday actually I would like to put my signature on her recipes! Really…
And yes, it does a lot of good for the spirit to be able to detach from “normality” and getaway, with or without doggy-sitter in your bed :-)c
I pleased to know you’re well again and enjoying some fun times with family and friends. Great photos! I can imagine how wet and windy it is over your way and hard to do anything in the garden with continuous rain. Take care Dina. xxL
Thanks Linda, I think I had that cold throughout November. It’s still wet and windy here! xxx
You and me both re MIL’s recipes, the truth is she never cooks, but eats exactly what she wants. A break is always as good as a rest! Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to
Happy Birthday Wishes for your MIL, she is looking good
It’s true time passes so quickly and the first nine months of Littl’urchin first year seems to have zoomed by! I love that last photograph
Enjoy these last few days of November … our grandchildren are definitely on a countdown to Christmas – bless them.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, oh….I can imagine the excitement with all your grands! Christmas is for kids after all. I think each year flies by faster and faster as you get older!xxx
Lovely to see the whole family looking happy… nothing like a bambino to bring joy into the hearts of all. I get along very well with my MIL too … such a shame when there is tension. I love the little Westies … my favourite dogs. Have fun with friends and family….

Thanks Gerrie, oh….the joy the littl’uns spread! Good to know you get on with your MIL, mine has always been so good to me. Westie’s are lively little dogs for sure! xxx
Lovely post and pictures. Good to see that you’ve been out and about enjoying yourself. xx
Thanks Flighty, I should be sorting Christmas instead of gallivanting
Your MIL certainly doesn’t look to be 90
She doesn’t Sue, hope I wear as
We have that saying here too. You’re so lucky to get on with your mother in law, mine hasn’t spoken to us for the last fifteen years (including her grandchildren!). I’ll quote you a Yorkshire saying now, there’s nowt as queer as folk! It sounds like you’re having some wonderful times with the Whatever the Weather Girls, what a glorious fire in The Devon Doorway, it does make a place seem so welcoming when they’ve got a fire blazing.
Oh, how sad that your MIL hasn’t spoken to you all for that long, I’m shocked she won’t speak to her grands, how on earth can she bear losing out on so much???? Yes, there’s nowt so queer as folk, my dad always said that, he came from Manchester. Thanks
I love that last photo! Happy birthday to your MIL. How lovely that you get on – I was born and brought up in Warrington, so I didn’t bat an eyelid at the phrase! Your trip away to stay with your friend sounds perfect and Meg the Westie looks a real sweetie. Your garden still looks wonderful, despite the time of year. I really need to get out and do a bit of tidying in mine but it’s a bit too soggy at the moment! Have fun being a chew toy! :O) xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Goodness, I had no idea you came from Warrington. Oh, don’t be deceived by the pics, my gardens are an utter mess!xxx