Forget Christmas, which I haven’t really got around to… or into yet.
A quick potter around the front garden struck terror into the very heart of me, as every which way I squinted, jobs presented themselves.
No beauty shots here, just the truth, as always, maybe I need to rethink these gardens…and house …as I’m getting older!!
The antique barrows and benches need painting and repairing.
The bay and rock rose have taken over this border completely, so need taking in hand….sooner rather than later.
My poor ceramic pigs have seen better days.
The limestone benches are in need of a good scrub down.
Leaves are simply everywhere, and everything gone over needs cutting back.
I do have a mighty fine monkey puzzle tree though, along with several beautiful, mature silver birch.
The veggie patch needs weeding, but there are still plenty of onions and garlic in there, amongst other edibles, and the potatoes need digging up, but maybe I’ll leave them in the ground over winter as an Armageddon crop.
Given the weather worldwide at the moment, that day doesn’t seem too far away.
The lavender hedges need trimming, along with everything else, but on a positive note, my little olive trees are coming along nicely, they are even sporting mini olives. Maybe I’ll get some a few years from now.
This is just the front garden, the back garden and the courtyard are also in dire need of attention…..not to mention the house, more on that another time.
In other news…
The ‘Whatever the Weather Girls‘ enjoyed our Christmas lunch, this time we decided to support The Academy, a training school for young people who hope to go into the catering/airline industry. The food was utterly delicious, even my vegan options, which were cooked just for me.
Anne arrived with home-made presents, doing her bit for the planet. A garland for Trish and some firelighters for me, made of pine cones, with lavender, bay and citrus fruits. I can just imagine the smell when I use them to light the logburner on Christmas eve. There were also healthy dog treats for my pups.
Us gals are attempting to live by the re-use, repair, or recycle ethos. It isn’t always easy!
Hubs and I visited the Spiegeltent in Liverpool where he met his first drag queen. Daughter and I are old hands given she lived in Brighton.
What a wonderful evening.
They tour the UK, and all I can say is if you are in Liverpool, it’s well worth a visit.
And Finally…
It was simply lovely, sharing Littl’urchin’s first visit to a grotto with daughter.
She wasn’t exactly keen on Father Christmas though.
The best thing about this year is having her in our lives.
Have a wonderful Christmas Dina with your family and the precious little one. Wait until the spring and you will be full of enthusiasm for the garden.
Thanks Chloris, it is fun having a little one around at Christmas. Yes, roll on
My garden is buried in snow, so I don’t have to any garden work until spring.
Oh, how I wish my garden was camouflaged by snow, it’s so transforming! Thanks
Great post and images. Bit of work to do. Getting pretty warm down here today. Got my new blogs going after my Google site disaster.
Good to know you are getting some nice weather. Thanks Peter, found your new blog!xxx
Funny how many kids are scared of Santa. It’s too cold for many outdoor chores, though I also have a wooden barrow that needs some upkeep.
I know…I’m surprised Santa is still in business! Here’s to spring and sorting everything garden related! Thanks
Your garden would be the envy of many. Hope you would find it enjoyable instead doing all the cleaning and tidying up! I believe you never get old if you don’t think you are. Love your barrow and benches! And always love to see your grandbabe. She is ever cute!
I do love the garden, and often just enjoy it instead of sorting it. This time of the year it’s a work in progress and needs months to straighten it out. I agree with your thoughts on aging, especially mentally! Thanks
Did I miss something … for your pups? Have your three four legged friends increased in number with the addition of little ones?
Grandbabby is at such a lovely stage for this time of year. You’ll have lots of memorable playtime.
Your garden is having autumnal dreams before completely hibernating.
Ah, the pups are just the three dogs…..all neutered so no chance of that, thank god! It is grand having Littl’urchin around, endless fun now she is ten months. I’ll get around to that garden….eventually!Thanks Menhir.xxxx
Good luck with all the gardening projects and catching up on everything before Christmas. I totally agree on having a Grandbaby around for Christmas … the best ever for us too! Enjoy! (Joanie’s not thrilled about Santa either, but she loved the talking reindeer! )
Thanks Gerrie, I need all the luck in the world sorting these gardens! Ahhhh…yes, having a grand is something special for sure, and to think the jury was always out for me. xxx
Those lists are scary aren’t they? Where to begin?! And what to reconsider? I think we’re both having to keep our aging bodies in mind for the garden’s next stage. For example, I’ve often wanted to plant a bay laurel but it looks like it may get too large for my little garden.
Your WWG gatherings sound terrific — and creative, too! Have to be to stick to the RRRs.
Love that little contented smile on your little one’s face as she sits on your lap.
I know!!! You do have to be realistic in terms of getting older, large gardens are work intensive. I’m thinking low maintenance, the back garden is so much easier now, it’s the front with all those borders which are simply undoable. Oh the RRRs, all well and good in theory, but extremely difficult to actually live by. Still, one tries! I can’t imagine life without Littl’urchin, seems like she’s always been here! Thanks
First, omg, does Spiegeltent look like fun!!!
I love your yard, although I know how it feels when you look around and see projects you’d like to get to and haven’t the time or energy, but knowing you, it will all get accomplished and look even grander than it does now. Those limestone benches are to die for, Dina!
I always wanted a monkey puzzle tree; yours is magnificent. I don’t think it would handle bits of our winters. Your olives are looking great, too! Your grounds are lovely and magical.
Yay for the WtW Girls! Fun, and cheerful giving, too!
And, oh, how huggable that sweet babe looks. Every time I see her photo I melt. So glad you and her Mama are able to have sweet adventures together!
Love and good tidings to all!
I’d love to have you along at our girl gatherings, and would have loved to have taken you to Speigeltent! One day when you visit Liverpool! Oh gardens and the work involved, I spend my days shaking my head and squinting! But….I try to enjoy them too, all work and no play eh? Oh, Littl’urchin can’t do no wrong, hubs and I are utterly besotted. She’s an utter delight. Love and hugs to one and all. xxxx
The trouble with gardens at this time of year are the leaves!
They just keep tumbling down!
Lovely pictures of Littl’urchin … what a delight she must be
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
We are actually getting our Christmas decorations out … fun times, and a glass of chilled white wine too!
All the best Jan
Oh yes….those endless leaves! Littl’urchin is such fun now, she has a right old belly laugh! Hope you enjoyed putting the deccies up with a large white! Thanks
Ah the garden, that is so far down my list at the moment…….it needs sorting but it will have to wait and I prefer to get out there when the weather is a little gentler than the sideways rain we keep having. Your garden looks a lot tidier than mine!
My children hated Santa when they were children so much so that they were terrified at the thought he might come into our house. We soon did away with that one!
Yes, I’ve put the garden on the back burner too. Eek, your sideways rain doesn’t sound much fun…AT ALL! My daughter always used to ask me to tell Santa never to enter her room, and just leave her presents in the lounge. I’ve never heard of a kid liking Santa. Thanks
There’s plenty to keep you well busy, and you’re spoilt for choice. I like the stone benches and monkey puzzle tree.
Sue’s comment about Santa made me laugh. xx
Thanks Flighty, yes indeedy, there’s plenty to do around here! Sue’s comment had me smiling
You need a list – things to do asap, things that can wait and things that will ,manage without attention. I don’t trim our dead perennials until I see bulbs popping up and lavender waits until spring. I think that gives a bit of protection from frost damage.
I don’t blame your granddaughter for being wary of Santa, How many old bearded guys in strange clothes would you trust?
Oh yes….I certainly need those lists! Hahahaha, very true re strange old bearded guys! Thanks
There’s always jobs to do when you have a garden, especially at this time of year when it all needs clearing up before winter sets in. We’ve got loads of leaves which need sweeping up but now that the trees are just about bare it’s something that I must tackle. It will be lovely for you having a little one around this Christmas, it just isn’t the same really when there’s no children in the family.
Yes, gardens do require ongoing maintenance…it’s a full-time job looking after them. Oh yes, Christmas really is for kids isn’t it, Littl’urchin is loving the lights and has managed to pull the Christmas tree down! Thanks
I think your front garden looks beautiful – I really like the weathered look on your limestone benches. Our garden needs lots of work too – I had set yesterday aside to for the task but, of course, it poured down all day! I don’t blame Littl’urchin for not being keen on Father Christmas in the grotto; they can be a bit scary. I love the sound of your friend’s homemade firelighters – do you know how they’re made? Mind you, with our stove I imagine all that lovely scent would go straight up the chimney! Have a wonderful run up to Christmas with darling Littl’urchin. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy! If only the garden did look beautiful. At least the wind has blown the leaves in drifts now which makes things look a little tidier. It always rains here too when I plan on a little gardening….sighs…
I don’t know any kids who like Father Christmas, my siblings and I certainly didn’t! The firelighters were made of bone dry pine cones, wrapped in newspaper, I’ve used them now, they certainly got the fire going. Sadly the scent went up the chimney, but the citrus decorations did make for pretty viewing. xxx