Hubs, Littl’urchin and I drove through the front gates recently, only to find a silver birch tree lying along the entire length of the drive. Given it was dark and raining, hubs valiantly dragged the tree, single handed, into the old wildlife area. This is the second time a silver birch has come down, miraculously avoiding property and fences! There be broken branches everywhere.
Lots more dead wood for the logburner!
Curly cat spends most of his time indoors now but does like to venture out when it’s dry. Why oh why does he sit on the flimsy mesh on my veg cage? It’s only a matter of time before he falls through it! Cats are so contrary, I swear they’ll sit on a postage stamp if you put one on the floor.
Sam seems to be getting better, he still struggles to get on the couch, but is managing it without crying out in pain. I’m beginning to suspect he pulled a muscle in his leg as he is always galloping around the garden and those flags are slippy when it’s wet. Another job looming, clean the residue off all the flags in the back and the front drive. It’s like walking on an ice rink at the moment.
Annie doing her herding thang, once a collie…..!
I rashly bought twelve bay plants last year. They have sat on the table in the courtyard for months as I have no idea where to plant them given how big they grow. I am planning on revamping the old wildlife area of the garden this year, also planned on doing it last year….sighs… so may plant them as a hedge and keep them clipped…clipped? As if. I can be so delusional!
I also have about thirty fruit bushes waiting to go into this area too but first a huge amount of useless, self-seeded trees and shrubs need to be dug up.
I noticed that my five wrought iron birds are being absorbed by the bamboo, I really need to take that in hand. But not yet, I’m too busy prevaricating along with hibernating where the garden is concerned. The to-do list is somewhat intimidating to say the least, I just walk around squinting. Avoidance is such a wonderful thing!
The garden seems to be bursting into life. Surely this is all a little premature? Snowdrops and crocus are to be expected but all sorts of bulbs are shooting up, even lily of the valley and bluebells. Buds and leaves are out on shrubs and trees and the clematis and honeysuckles are well away, and it’s sleeting as I type!
Saracococca hedge desperately in need of clipping.Y’see?
Wonderfully fragrant though.
In the background you can see Buddy with his snout in the woodshed. I suspect a large rodent currently dwells there. Lately, Buddy has mysterious bites, appearing daily on his face and neck, always after a jaunt in the garden. He won’t give it up though, he’ll either catch it as he has eternal patience and tenacity or it’ll move on!
Saracococca berries.
Surely this isn’t a peony coming through?
And Finally…
Beautiful daughter has now returned to work, so Littl’urchin started nursery two days a week. I can’t believe she’s already eleven months and about to start walking. Oh my….Mondays will be fun when I’m chasing her and three dogs around the house all day!
*birch, of course!
I think I’ll have to plant the bay as a hedge and keep it trimmed! My older one is simply enormous! Oh…the very thought of an extra six helpers! Thanks
How did I miss this post! So much goodness (well, except for the downed birth…). Love those chubby cheeks of that happy baby. I can see you’re about to spend a lot more time chasing after her once she’s mobile!
Twelve bays. Oh my. I was considering a bay (just one!) but decided it’d have to wait until more of the garden is planned. Good luck to you, my poor over-tasked friend, as you sort out your garden projects. Maybe hire a pair of hands or six to help with some of the clearing away.
Thanks Jade, it’s good to see Sam improving.Yes, Littl’urchin will certainly keep me on my
Your pets are really cute and interesting! Happy to know Sam is getting better!
Ha ha! You don’t need to do any other excercises with Littl’urchin and the dogs around! Also your big garden to tend to!
Shame about the tree coming down …
Lovely to see the snowdrops …
Our daffodils are coming through nicely, and some nearby are in bloom!!! Can you believe it!
Wow, hasn’t the time flown by I can’t believe your lovely grand-daughter is that old!!!
She has such a wonderful smile.
Enjoy these last few January days.
All the best Jan
How lovely having daffodils up already, mine are beginning to bud so I’m waiting with bated breath to seethe first ones out. Time sure does fly!!! Thanks Jan. xxx
Hello there ! So nice to you see pop round to my hibernating blog ? LOL
I’m sorry about that birch .. I love those trees but that is the “one” kind that Garden PA asked me not to plant .. and of course I always want one .. you seem to want what you can’t have, isn’t that the way ?
I love seeing all of your critters ! and it is so true about cats .. yes ! put a postage stamp in the middle of a carpet (or anywhere and I swear they will find it to lay on ! haha
I am so jealous of your garden waking up and looking so pretty ! ..although a wee bit early even for your area I think .. climate change yanks us back and forth.
We are at a balmy 2 degrees .. ranging from rain to snow .. then it will freeze tonight and start all over again ..
I have done a few plant orders … I couldn’t help myself .. so I will post about that soon just to have something happy to post about in this miserable weather which will last for months yet.
Cute little munchkin but wow … you are going to be busy for sure ! LOL
Good luck .. Take care !
Thanks Joy, oh your weather does sound bleak, but it’s a good time for perusing new plants! Of course we always want what we can’t have, I’m forever planting roses that hate our sandy soil however much I feed them. Looking forward to your next post! xxx
Yes, my plant nursery certainly is growing! I’m surprised to hear your snowdrops aren’t up yet, usually you’re ahead of us. Thanks
We have lots of bulbs emerging too but no snowdrops yet. That’s a large number of bushes you have.
Your silver birch is a sad loss – at least it didn’t do any other damage. Thanks for sharing another photo of your adorable granddaughter. Your garden looks almost like it is ready for spring.
Thanks Jason, the garden is surprisingly springlike with new shoots popping up daily. Thankfully that silver birch was dead and we have several
It is sad to see a good tree down.
This one was dead so it’s lucky it brought itself down without any damage. Thanks
Thank goodness your silver birch didn’t hit your house, it could have done so much damage! I have a huge bay in the woodland, but I’m going to have to get it cut back as it is cutting out too much light from the other plants. This is a wonderful time of year when everything is waking up again!
Yes, that tree could have done a lot of damage. The gods are smiling on us for sure! Spring is just lovely isn’t it, it’s always so refreshing seeing everything pop up and unfurl. Thanks
Well, I see that spring has also come out of time for you. Temperatures go crazy: from 18 ° in full sun, to then drop below freezing again when currents from the east arrive…
And so the tender shoots freeze and then fall.
I also did some work in the garden, but the desire is missing. Then when I get inside home, I start to have back pain and I don’t want to take any medicines. I always overdue, that’s my problem.
I should measure everything, a couple of hours every Saturday and Sunday (since in the week’s days I leave the house at 7:45 in the morning and return at 19:00 which is already dark).
The boys do not like working in the garden, Emanuele has been in Zurich for three weeks (he has exams and does not come to Ticino on week-ends), Sara is too busy with her study too, my husband is busy with the ecological Green Wave in politics and so I’m the only one who takes a little care of the garden.
But otherwise, health is good, and it is the most important thing.
I look forward to a confirmation from a project manager for volunteering in Australia. Whatever suits me… enough to be able to act, I can’t stand being here in front of the PC anymore watching the devastation that happens down there.
Three or four weeks vacations in July-August, with a group of 15 volunteers and a great desire to make us useful.
But I will tell more on my blog as soon as there are answers. It sounds easy, but the bureaucracy is terrible and you have to have government contacts and permits…
But the desire is in the heart.
Give a kiss to both the two beautiful girls (of course you too, Hub and your four-legged friends). :-)c
Oh, your volunteering in Australia does sound exciting, looking forward to hearing more! It is hard to keep on top of the garden as we get older, back pain seem inevitable, I try to pace myself, but like you often overdo it. Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to
Thank goodness the tree missed the house it could have done some damage on its way down. My garden is a bit like yours, there are lots of jobs I would like to do but they wait on the list and don’t get done. I figure that I will get round to them one day and no harm is done whilst waiting. I would love a bay hedge, I use a lot of bay leaves in cooking sadly they die if I grow them here as the winter is too cold, although they might have survived last year and this if it carries on being this warm! It is not a particularly cold winter this on is it, no wonder nature is confused!
Having a garden means an endless to-do list! What a shame you can’t grow bay, that did surprise me as ours is pretty hardy. Thanks
Curly Cat almost looks like he’s levitating, lol. Why sit there, well it’s obvious, because he’s a cat
This time of year I feel I am waiting for the cold wet white stuff to come and go, there it’s beneficial to start the to-do list.
LilUrchin on the totter, good luck!
You have me laughing, looking back at the pic Curly Cat does seem to be levitating! Cats!!! I wouldn’t mind a dash of snow, it’s always so transforming. I think I’ll need all the luck I can get. Thanks
It’s clear to see that you have your work cut out for you on many levels…starting of course with Little Urchin…who is adorable:)
Yes, I do believe everything is premature….its the same down here. With Hampton Court just five mins away I often walk through the gardens,,,,and everything is sprouting.
Stay happy and safe….and enjoy – great news re Sam
Lots of love
Janet XXXX
Oh, one Littl’urchin is walking the fun and frustration will certainly begin. How quickly time has flown, and now we head towards spring! It is cheering seeing everything popping up though, I just hope the weather stays mild. Thanks Janet, love and
Thank goodness the birch didn’t hit any fences or anything of value. I always feel a bit sad when a tree falls.
We have been lucky with the last two fallen trees! Yes, it’s always sad to lose them. Thanks
Isn’t it funny how cats will immediately curl up on anything new, be it box or bag or your best silk blouse? I used to wonder if it was a territorial thing with Dixie Rose. Then I decided, no — it was only her way of protecting her new possession until she decided whether she was going to let me have it.
I can’t believe that so much time has passed, or that you nearly have a toddler on your hands! What exciting days you’ll have, and what stories for us! Baby proofing the house is one thing — toddler proofing that garden is going to be something else. But you’ll all do fine, and I suspect by the time she’s put in some time with you, she’ll be planting her own little garden!
It’s been warmish here, too, and some wildflowers are popping up, but we always have a few precocious plants that decide they’ve had enough of winter. I’m actually hoping for a stretch of colder weather now, for the sake of the fruit farmers, if nothing else. There’s nothing worse than having an orchard full of peach and apple blossoms when an ice storm arrives.
Yes, cats are indeed contrary! How they love a box! I can’t wait to get Littl’urchin gardening, what fun that will be, I’ll have to start her on all the fast growing seeds. The weather is odd worldwide at the moment, here’s to some cold weather for you. Thanks
I’ve seen so many early flowering plants in UK/US blogs this year …& it is hard to believe but some burnt shrubs and trees in Australia have new bright green shoots… nature is amazing!
Your Grandbaby looks very cute! You will sleep well after a day with a toddler! 
Thanks Gerrie, Oh, that is wonderful news, to think those trees and shrubs are bursting into bud, that has me feeling far more cheerful! I always sleep well after having Littl’urchin on a Monday, I suspect I’ll sleep even better running around after a toddler!xxx
P.S. curly cat must have feline reasons for reclining where he does. Let us know if you find out.
I don’t think I’ll ever find out why he favours that spot, he’s been sitting there for a year!xxx
Mondays are going to be very interesting. I am sure your little helper will happily pick a few leaves for you.
The dogs do look lively. Another fallen tree. One was enough for us. I can’t think how to paraphrase it in terms of The Importance Of Being Ernest…it would never pass for a handbag.
Are your Bay Trees producing culinary leaves? A great way to make pennies on a fund raiser stall would be to get some bay leaves bagged up. The other bushes might make good mulch.
Procrastination is very worthwhile.
Hahaha, it would never pass for a handbag! Yes, the bay has edible leaves, such a good idea, I could sell them given I have an enormous one in the front garden. Here’s to procrastination!!! Thanks
Oh, sorry for the demise of the birch, but glad it avoided doing damage.
So happy to hear Sam is doing better and to see Buddy on the prowl (though I hope he can protect his sweet face)! Curly is a prince, that’s for sure!
I really cannot believe all that’s growing and readying blooms in your gardens, Dina! Amazing! I am not familiar with the saracococca bush; will have to read up on it! As for all the chores, you don’t want to tackle too soon or strenuously. Planning takes time!!!
Daughter and her too-amazingly-beautiful babe look so precious. I hope her return to work will flow smoothly for her. Can’t wait to hear about your Monday adventures!
Thank you for a wonderful post!!!
The silver birch was dead, thankfully the living ones are still standing. It’s amazing that the last two downed trees have avoided everything! I’m thrilled to see Sam improving, it’s so hard to watch him suffer. Buddy….I give up! That canine is a one off, I’ve never known a dog like him, he certainly has his own mind. Hopefully, the large rodent will move on. Curly is another one-off, I can’t imagine why he likes sitting on that flimsy mesh! Mondays will become more challenging now Littl’urchin is on the move, she’s already wreaking havoc in her walker, pulling out drawers, grabbing everything she shouldn’t, getting in the midst of dogs…..I’d forgotten all this! Thanks Kitty, love and
Still, I envy you those Mondays…they pass so quickly!
Yes, how quickly time flies by! xxx
I wonder why silver birches are prone to come down? Do they have a shallower root system, I wonder? And yes – bamboo … it does go mad. I have mine firmly contained in a pot! Your little one looks absolutely gorgeous. You are going to be even more of a Useful Human Being!
This one was dead and uprooted. I do think they have shallow roots, this one has, although they have rotted. That bamboo was supposed to be easy to contain, but it grows as fast as the invasive varieties. I have most of mine in pots too. Hahaha, You are going to be even more of a Useful Human Being…that had me laughing out loud! Thanks
It’s always a shame to lose a tree like that. Good to see Sam is on the end, and as for Buddy I hope that he doesn’t learn the hard way…
Given how relatively mild it’s been so far this winter it’s not surprising to see everything appearing early. xx
That silver birch was dead so it was handy it brought itself down. I’d hate to lose any of the living ones, such lovely trees. Buddy seems to be immune to pain, he thinks he’s invincible! I’ve never had a dog like him! I do hope it stays mild. Thanks
So sad to see a lovely tree down, lucky it missed the house though. I don’t think we’ve seen winter yet, it’s been so mild, no wonder the plants are confused. I’m sure we’ve got bad weather to come yet and then the plants won’t be happy at all, and nor will i! Awww, what a lovely photo of your girls, the fun will really start when you’re running round after a toddler.
The silver birch was dead so saved hubs a job getting it down I suppose. Thankfully I have lots of living ones. I do hope we don’t get any bad weather, it will certainly see off all this new growth. Yes, Mondays are about to become more challenging! Thanks
We have lost several mature birches, it is always sad. We have a woodburner now too, what bliss it is. The Pianist has a maul and is becoming a very accomplished wood chopper. I love the excitement of seeing the garden spring into life in January. This year has been so mild so far, I am out there most days moving earth.
Your baby gets cuter all the time.
Sorry to hear you lost a few silver birch trees, mine was dead, I’d hate to lose any of my living ones, such beautiful trees. Oh, a woodburner. They are the best aren’t they? Hubs is also an accomplished woodcutter, I wouldn’t have a clue! I do hope the winter stays mild for the sake of all this new growth. Thanks
Oh your poor silver birch! I remember our Eucalyptus tree blowing down in a gale about 15 years ago; the girls and I were in tears. I hope your ‘something nasty in the woodshed’ disappears soon. I fear we have a mouse in the garage – I had stupidly left a bag of sunflower hearts out when I last filled the bird feeders and discovered it yesterday with a small hole nibbled in the side. The wee beastie had also pulled some lint from the tumble dryer in for bedding. I’m glad that Sam’s leg is improving and wish you luck looking after Littl’urchin when she starts toddling – she looks an absolute sweetheart in that last photo. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, that silver birch was dead, they only seem to last 30-40 years. I do have plenty more fortunately, they are such lovely delicate trees. I have a eucalyptus but it’s in a pot, I really must plant it out, shame you lost yours! I’m surprised you haven’t had mice in the garage before, ours is riddled with them. Yes, life will be fun when the toddling starts! xxx