I have a variety of fruit trees, plum, pear, apple, cherry, fig and apricot. To date I’ve never had figs or apricots but a gal can always hope.
I’ve always planned on acquiring a damson and now, thanks to a friend, I have three damson saplings that are the great, great grandchildren of her original prized tree, a Westmorlands heritage damson, of which she is immensely proud.
It will be a few years before these babies work their magic though! I’ve potted them up in trugs for now so I can keep an eye on them. I’m looking forward to the blossom which is so very pretty.
Did you know that damson trees are often found around sites of old Roman camps?
All around the garden crocus are popping up. Given I’ve never planted them in the lawn I’ll have to give credit to the ants or the wind.
Most were planted by me.
How I love the delicate, fragile little clumps, lets hope the weather treats them kindly.
More and more hellebores are joining the party, what would we do without them?
it pains me to show some of these pictures, so I’ll keep the worst of them to myself!
Over the last few years, the greenhouse has become something of a dumping ground. Chair cushions, garden tools and trugs of wood have taken up residence in there along with other undesirables.
So, at long last I’ve had a total clear out. Everything was taken out, stupidly, on the windiest day of the year. It was infuriating seeing all the plant pots and other bits and pieces flying around the garden! But hey ho….onwards and all that!
Honestly….these are beauty shots, most of the clutter was flying around the garden!
Several of the plant stands had completely rotted so were removed and replaced.
Years ago, I covered the flags in the greenhouse with turf as my special needs hedgehog, Herbie, lived in there in the summer. The turf had long since died off and the remaining soil had become matted and endlessly annoying. It took days to scrape it all up, but now, finally it’s gone!
It probably still looks a mess to you all, but to me it’s now paradise! Order has been restored!
It’s fantastic having a brushable floor once again.
To celebrate, I restocked on the seed front. Sowing, chitting and a-planting here I come!
And Finally…
To my utter joy, little egrets are appearing in the neighbourhood.
Thanks Jan, the endless rain is getting old fast here.xxx
Goodness … I didn’t know that damson trees are often found around sites of old Roman camps!
Wonderful to have egrets in the neighbourhood, that is a very nice photograph.
Stay safe, warm and dry in Storm Dennis.
All the best Jan
I do like the sound of all your plans! I hope you post about it, I would be interested in finding out how it all goes! Oh….you and me both re getting older, gardening sure takes some energy and drive!!! I have grown mushrooms but don’t have a cellar, I usually buy the kits but haven’t for years now, must give it a go again. Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to all.xxx
Slowly but surely… it’s time to get ready for the garden! I prefer to wait a few more weeks since the craziness of the weather is unpredictable and to plant vegetables or fragrance herbs, is too early.
But definitely, to prepare the soil and cover it with straw is time. This year we will try out the synergistic vegetable garden, we are doing this (a little simple type) for a couple of years but never followed the right structure which has to be not flat at ground level, but instead about 20 cm high. It is fascinating to look at the result… and I’m planning with Massimo to use more space for it and not plants so many flowers to cut. It’s lovely for the butterflies to have flowers, but will try to saw them around the azaleas on the south slope.
I only hope to have enough time for that… and force, since I feel the time upon my shoulders.
Did you try out as well to grow mushrooms in your cellar?
That could be a challenging idea…
Hugs and love
I wish crocuses (crocii?) would pop up in the lawns here! I have violets popping up all over the place, I think that’s due to ants carrying the seed away and I’m jolly pleased that they do! Well done on clearing the greenhouse, it looks very tidy to me and you must be so pleased with it. Wonderful to have egrets in the neighbourhood; I must admit I get pretty thrilled just seeing blue tits on the trees outside my window! Roll on springtime! xx
How lovely to have violets popping up! I am enjoying sowing seed and starting potato chitting and onion sets in the greenhouse, there seems to be so much more space now. I’m glad I decided to put the effort in! Talking of blue tits, they are multiplying around here, I saw a flock 30/40 strong during the bird count. Thanks Caro.xxx
Love crocuses. Also damsons. My grandmother used to make a kind of stew with potatoes and sour plums, which might have been damsons. Your greenhouse looks terrifically organized to my eyes.
That stew does sound interesting, never heard of it before! Thanks Jason, the greenhouse feels great at the moment, it’s good to be able to put my hand on whatever I want, instantly! xxx
How absolutely stunning is that egret !! and you were able to capture a picture of it too !
I am a hellebore fan and have quite a few , but it will take some time before I see any action going on with them .. this morning it is -22 and that is not counting the wind chill factor.
So seeing your bits and bobs of paradise is heartening .. but what a treat to see the egret
PS .. You did a great job organizing the shed .. well done you !
It was a wonderful surprise seeing the egrets, luckily for me they are always in the same place at the same time, I do hope I get to see chicks. Oh my….-22??? I feel freezing just reading that. Here’s to your spring! Thanks Joy.xxx
How wonderful that you’re seeing egrets in your neighborhood! No matter the species, they’re delightful birds, and seeing them feeding alongside ditches or canals is generally a sign that the water’s good, too.
I enjoyed your description of the cleanup, and learned a new word in the process: trug. I’m sure that’ s a word used by gardeners here, too, but the whole world of gardening is so new to me that a lot of the basic vocabulary just isn’t there. I’ve never come across real Damson plums, either. I see that they’re quite different from the plums we find in the markets — that they aren’t good for eating raw. Every article I read seemed to use the word “astringent.” But I know I’ve read about Damson plum jam, so they must be a fruit that profits by processing — and a good bit of sugar!
Oh, egrets are beautiful, I’m so thrilled seeing a mating pair, I’m hoping to see chicks this year. We do love our trugs here in the UK, useful little things they are! Damsons have to be perfectly ripe to eat and by then the birds have usually had them, oh yes, damson jam is certainly something! Thanks Linda.xxx
It’s so good to see ordinary gardeners’ storage instead of the manicured pictures that everyone always aspires to (*cough*). It’s no wonder your garden flourishes in the way it does.
How long did it take for Herbie’s ex-gratia residence to be refurbished? It looks like a lot of work was done.
I am not surprised that Damsons are prolific around Roman sites. Damson stones are equally as prolific. Put it down to a natural chain of events I’d say.
The spring flowers are delightful. Ours are not out yet, though leaves abound everywhere. It won’t be long before they bloom I expect.
I’m very surprised SB that you did not get swept up by the extreme winds! xxx
Cough indeedy!!! The greenhouse was veritably tidy compared to my shed, that needs sorting soon, I open the door and close it twice as fast! It took a good week to clear and sort the greenhouse, and a day collecting the flora and fauna floating around the garden. Yes, I suspect natural causes re the damson stones around Roman camps! Thanks Menhir.xxx
Crocuses are such wonderful plants aren’t they, like snowdrops they are so delicate I am always amazed how they appear in such cold weather.
Your greenhouse looks amazing, so much tidier, I really should get out an do the same with my polytunnel it is the time of year to be doing it isn’t it?
I’m always surprised at snowdrops and crocus popping up whatever the weather, it’s always so fantastic seeing them! It was a huge job sorting the greenhouse but I’m so glad it’s done, now all the February seeds are sown so I have them sprouting to look forward too. Thanks Sustainablemum.xxx
It is beginning to look a lot like spring in your part of the world… lucky you! .. How I wish could grow crocus.. I don’t know why, they just never grow! I love your tidy shed and I agree about how great it is to be able to sweep the floor.
Thanks Gerrie, spring has burst forth around here, more and more buds appear daily, I even saw cherry blossom a few days ago. What a shame about not being able to grow crocus, I wonder if it’s just too hot for them in the summer. Oh….how I’m enjoying brushing that floor!xxx
The greenhouse looks much much better now. So, you definitely have the reason to celebrate! Ha ha! Happy getting ready to garden!
Happy to see your crocus and hellebores, and that picture of the little egrets!
Thanks Jade, it’s lovely having the greenhouse so organised, now the shelves are filling up with sown seed trays, always an exciting time. Egrets are such lovely birds, I do love the white ones, we don’t usually see them around here.xxx
Fantastic to see the little egret in your area, that is amazing! Your crocus are delightful, they are wonderful spreading their seed about, so beautiful in the sunshine. My greenhouse is about the same as yours, aren’t they all? Mine really does need a good clear out, but it will have to wait, I’m too busy gardening!
I was thrilled to discover a breeding pair of egrets so close by, I am looking forward to seeing chicks! It is always lovely to see crocus popping up, I always plan to have them all over the lawn but never get round to it, nature seems to be doing it for me. Good luck sorting your greenhouse, how quickly they become chaotic. Thanks Pauline.xxx
Wow! Damsons and crocuses and a sparkly-clean greenhouse???!
All is gorgeous, as usual in Dina World. Those seed packs look so magically enticing.
All I can see right now is snow…and it’s lovely. Gives me another week (or 6) to plan the perfect gardens. I can see them now…
Thank you for the lovely boost of anticipation. Love to all.
Thanks Kitty, it’s a pleasure working in that greenhouse now. I have my potatoes chitting, onion sets and garlic are potted up and all sorts of February seeds are now sown. I do wish we could have a little snow, it’s so transforming, I do envy you yours although here we are utterly unable to cope with it, and everything grinds to a halt. Happy planning! Love and hugs to one and all.xxx
We must plan visits so I can hang in your greenhouse and you can snowshoe!
Oh I do LOVE damsons and the fact that so many bulbs are coming up.
Enjoy it all :)XXXXXXX
Oh gosh, you and me both re the damsons, one day I may even make damson jam! Thanks Janet.xxx
How interesting and typical of you that you turfed over your greenhouse for the hedgehog! Well done on getting it soooooooooooooo tidy … I’m so impressed. And yes, the spring flowers are a joy.
Little Herbie just loved living in there in the summer, I used to hide his food in the grass. I’m thrilled to have the greenhouse so orderly, especially being able to find everything! Let’s hope it stays that way. Thanks Gill.xxx
Lovely to see them all
Thanks Katherine. Spring is always such a pleasure isn’t it?xxx
I have a mini daffodil coming up in our lawn that I didn’t plant. I think that I must have accidentally dropped it last year when `I potted some up on the lawn. Our greenhouse needs tidying especially now, Martyn has repaired the roof.
It’s always fun when plants pop up in random places. Good luck with the greenhouse tidy up! Thanks Sue.xxx
Good post and pictures. Well done on clearing up the greenhouse, even though it wasn’t the best of days to do it.
Lucky you seeing little egrets. xx
Thanks Flighty. It’s good to have the greenhouse sorted in time for seed sowing. Those egrets are just gorgeous. xxx
It’s lovely to see the spring bulbs appearing, I’ve got a few tete-a-tetes out here as well as snowdrops. I bet you’ve got a real sense of achievement getting the greenhouse tidied out and all ready for the growing season. My greenhouse needs putting back together after Storm Ciara blew out five panes. They’re only polycarbonate though so they’ll slot back in once the wind has died down.
Spring bulbs are always so welcome! Suddenly they’re everywhere. My tete-a-tete’s are almost out too. Goodness, fancy having all those panels blown out, thanks goodness they aren’t glass. The winds are awful here too, they blow right through you. Thanks Jo.xxx
Fascinating about the damson trees and Roman camps. We do get a few figs on our little tree but after E was telling me about fig wasps I haven’t fancied them! Well done on the Great Greenhouse Makeover. You’ve reminded me that I need to sort ours out – I had a brief tidy in the autumn but it could do with a jolly good clean. I’m envious of your egrets! Happy sowing! xx
Oh….I haven’t heard of fig wasps, they certainly don’t sound good. Figs do form but tend to drop off. Good luck sorting your greenhouse, it always feels good when that is done and it’s ready for sowing. Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx
It’s satisfying to get the greenhouse tidy up done and it’s looking good! Your fruit tree collection is growing and it’ll be nice to see them develop and enjoy the blossom. Love your hellebores. Mine have only produced leaves but since I bought and planted them last year maybe too much to expect flowers at the moment. How wonderful to see egrets appearing in your area! Wishing you a good rest of the week and a relaxing weekend.
Thanks Linda, hopefully your hellebores will bloom next year, once they get going they are pretty indestructible. I was amazed to see the egrets, there seem to be a breeding pair hanging around a brook so I’m hoping to see chicks this spring.xxx
Oh how I envy you those sweet purple crocus blooms! I know what you mean about after pictures looking still cluttered. But your greenhouse looks fantastic. Nothing like taking it all out and starting from scratch. Even in a windy day! Congratulations.
Oh….crocus are just beautiful aren’t they? Especially before the rain beats them down. Yes, getting good after shots sure can be tricksy! I am thrilled to have finally sorted that greenhouse, most of the stuff in there was thrown in when the back garden was flagged, it’s all so spacious now and I can put my hand on anything I need immediately. Thanks Anne.xxx
The crocus are beautiful. This post gives me hopeful that someday spring will arrive here.
Thanks Sheryl, winter can drag can’t it? Hopefully you’ll get to the end of it soon. xxx