Do you remember the bald hedgehog at the rescue? Well, just look at him now. He’s been successfully treated for ringworm and is now sporting a glistening new set of spikes.
The little duckling that arrived over Christmas is all grown up too, she’s the duck in the front of this picture, the one behind her came in a few days ago and the two have now become firm friends, so shall be released together. Just wonderful!
A rain-swept sparrow hawk graced the wildlife unit recently, thankfully it only needed a little TLC and a few good meals before heading off again. Trust me, these birds can be a little scary up close!
I thought I’d show you our resident rosella, a native of Australia. They certainly shouldn’t be kept as pets. This bird was found weak and wet years ago and given we don’t re-home exotic birds means she’ll live her life in a large aviary with our other exotic birds, unless we can find a trusted person to adopt her. We have to be very careful that exotic birds are not adopted by breeders.
It has been horrendously wet and windy around here for the last few weeks, and I can no longer recall what the sun looks like. The forecast is pretty grim too, as it’s set to continue for the next fortnight.
Despite the endless gloom, the cherry blossom is forming and spring is still marching on.
Crocus are still popping up in unexpected places which is always a delight.
They don’t last long in the rain though so it’s a case of enjoy them while you can.
The valiant little tete-a-tete are still standing proud, nothing seems to batter them down.
Everywhere there are buds about to burst and all the clematis are putting on strong growth spurts, along with the honeysuckle.
Sanctuary can be found in my little house of glass where I get to sip a cuppa, sow seeds and actually enjoy the wind and rain.
Potatoes be a chitting, onions are forming strong roots and garlic are poking their little green heads from the compost. Nothing can put a dampener on that! Some seeds have already germinated, which is always a thrill.
And Finally…
Littl’urchin turned one this week.
Who knew you could love a new little person SOOOOO much. She’s absolutely adorable and has us constantly smiling.
So, to celebrate your birthday little one, I picked all the flowers I could find blooming in the garden, just like I did on the day that you were born.
May your days always be filled with sunshine, love and laughter.
Wow, such a lively post – despite gloomy weather. Happy to know about the hedgehog and thank you for the reminder to sow the seeds. Happy birthday to your granddaughter.
Where does the time go?
Many Happy (belated) Birthday Wishes for Littl’urchin.
All the best Jan
Wonderful photographs of the fauna and wishing a very happy birthday to Littl’urchin, awesome thought with the flowers! Keep doing what you do best, saving flora and fauna. May your days too be filled with sunshine, love and laughter. In the meanwhile do share pictures of your garden, would love to see that!
You are doing fantastic work. Recently told to me: do you know how hedgehogs make love? Very carefully.
Thanks Amalia…
All of the little (and big) wonders at the rescue look very good .. I am so glad the little duck has a friend .. but sad about that beautiful exotic bird … some people have no conscience, and I mean that .. to buy animals just because they can and think nothing of the animal, well it is beyond all ethics and empathy.
I’m sorry about all the rain .. sometimes we feel like mole people here too .. but we still have so much snow and ice on the ground .. we are actually happy to have some rain to help wash it away.
Little one looks adorable .. Happy birthday to her and many more smiles and laughter !
It is always sad to see what should be a wild bird captive. Yes, some people are monsters! Your weather sounds as bad as ours! Here’s to warmer times for us all. Thanks
Thanks Peter, oh the thought of summer is
Happy to see the hedgehog looking great now and all other wildlife.
Glad to hear you are able to enjoy the growths in your garden despite the poor weathet and get seeds-sowing done.
The flowers in the vase looks wonderful! Hope your wishes for your dear little grandbabe come true!
I am looking forward to some dryer weather, but thank goodness for the greenhouse. Lots of seeds are coming up now which is always so exciting. Thanks
I love the pic of the hedgehog. What a transformation!
L’il one is at a very interesting stage isn’t she. It is lovely to see how babes develop.
The Rosella is a very pretty and interesting birdie. Glad it missed all the trauma of the fires, safe with your rescue.
What a lovely posie.
I’ll have to go now, My wee grandchild has just toddled in and wants to play on the keyboard!
Oh, you have a toddling grand too, ahhh, you must do a post!!! We can swop stories! Mine loves the piano too. Thanks
Lil Urchin a year already! She’ll be at school and learning to drive in a few blinks!!
The weather is certainly screwy and annoying, 2020 the year of weekend storms. I’m ready for better days and warmer nights.
Hahaha, indeed she will! Oh, I’m ready for a little warmth too, even a glimpse of the sun would do for starters. Thanks Anne Marie. xxx
That’s so lovely that you repeated the posy for Lil’ Urchin on her birthday, although she seems more interested in her zoo animals – a chip off the old block! You’ve certainly made the most of your greenhouse after the big clean up, and will be well ahead when the weather finally behaves itself. Good to see that the bald hedgehog is now sporting some lovely prickles – will he be released or kept at the rescue? Wishing you a good week ahead, xxx
Thanks Caro, it will interesting to see what is flowering each year on her birthday, especially with our ever changing climate! Littl’urchin loves watching the dogs but is really nervous of the cat which astonishes me given how quiet the cat is. The hog will be released as soon as all chance of frosts are
Your weather certainly hasn’t been very kind. I hope that changes. Even so, you have lots of cheerful blooms and an adorable grandchild.
Thanks Jason, a dry run would be nice.My poor crocus have been beaten to within an inch of their
So lovely to hear that the hedgehog is back to full health. What a wonderful job you do at the animal rescue. How amazing to meet a Sparrowhawk close up, those eyes look very piercing. A belated happy birthday to your granddaughter, one is a lovely age.
Thanks Sustainablemum. The sparrowhawk is such a primal looking bird isn’t it, the wild stares through their eyes, they barely blink! xxx
Happy birthday to your little Treasure, what a lovely cheery birthday posy. There is so much to enjoy in the garden, or would be if only we could get outside. This weather is doin’ my ‘ead in. Still I should take a leaf out of your book and get busy in the greenhouse, well done, I haven’t even started on my seeds.
Nice to see the little hedgehog with all his prickles.
Thanks Chloris. It does get old not being able to get out, even worse seeing all the spring flowers being battered down, yes, it’s doin my ead in too! Lol. Thank goodness for greenhouses!!xxx
I hardly can believe a year’s gone by! Growth everywhere, and regrowth in the case of your hedgehog and its prickles. It’s quite wonderful to see all the good you do, and to see those creatures becoming healthy again. I just can’t believe how soggy it’s been for you, but we’re had a good bit of rain, clouds, fog, and gloom ourselves. We’ve been hovering in the 10-12C range during the day, and while that isn’t exactly cold, it’s not fully comfortable, either. I’m ready for spring.
I’ve been wondering what was visiting my bird feeders at night, and now I know: I caught a possum busying herself this morning just at first light. I’m going to start bringing the feeders in at night, now. I don’t mind the possum, but I can’t afford to feed big critters as well as the birds!
Thanks Linda, it’s always lovely seeing animals thrive, we are lucky to have such dedicated staff. I’m with you on being ready for spring, just a dry week would be nice. Goodness, a possum on the bird feeders, who knew they’d be attracted to them. xxx
Wow, how time flies! You’ve shared pics of Little H here and there so I’ve glimpses of her growing and exploring her world. But already celebrating a birthday!
So pleased to hear about the hedge hog recovering — looks happy and healthy. Don’t think I realized buzzards looked so hawk-like. Or the care you all must take in finding homes for exotic birds.
As I’m writing about our excitement over a few drops of rain and you are hoping to see a glimpse of the sun — how different our gardening worlds are! I have restrained myself from buying plants or seeds while I’m still contemplating transitions and doing research. But it is so good to see your plants coming to life this spring.
That year sure did fly by! I must have been miles away when I typed in buzzard, it’s actually a sparrow hawk, so well spotted!!! Oh, our gardening worlds couldn’t be more different, you’d hate our weather, although you could do with some of our rain. Good luck with your research. Thanks
Happy birthday ti Little Urchin:). So hard to believe that she is one year old!!!
Yes rain rain rain…and wind wind wind…..its all been a bit much, however, compared to how so many others are suffering around the country, including in my wonderful Crickhowell, I feel very fortunate.
Lovely to see animals progress and get well…all down to the wonderful work you do. Sending love XXXX
Where did that year go? Oh, our weather is seriously dreary, but as you say, it could be so much worse. I cannot imagine being flooded, it’s so sad seeing what is happening in Yorkshire and Wales. Thanks Janet.xxxx
There’s NOTHING like being a grandparent! Happy birthday to your lil urchin! Glad to see she’s playing with Noah’s ark – she should inherit a great love for animals from her grannie!!
How I agree about being a grandparent, I was cool about not being one, but once they are here….goodness, how we all love them! Well spotted Gill…of course you’d spot Noah’s ark! I do hope she grows up kind, and respects all life, in all it’s many
So glad that Hedgehog grew a new set of prickles and that duck has found a friend! Grandchildren are an absolute delight, mine have now grown into very tall teenagers, one just started at Uni last year, time passes so quickly, so enjoy!
It’s always lovely seeing wildlife recover. Good to hear about your tall teenagers, especially one starting uni, yes, time sure flies by. Thanks
I am in totally agreement about loving these sweet little grandchildren…I somehow never realised how much I would love our dear little granddaughter. My daughter is having number two in September, so busy times ahead. However, it is easier not being the parent! I’m sure your little one will learn all about the important things from you (helping wildlife and gardens and flowers!)
Poor Crimson Rosella, they are generally quite nervous, and flighty,and mate for life, so good for you keeping her away from breeders. An awful trade…much better to see them in their natural habitat.
Oh, you and me both Gerrie re loving our grands! How absolutely lovely that you have another on the way! Looking forward to hearing more. Our poor bird, so much nicer seeing them on your blog! Thanks
It is horrendous that exotic animals like Rossella end up in pet shops… in any case, I find it disgusting that there are breeders of breeds where the females are abused to have the maximum of puppies. But better not to think about it, although it is important to talk about it openly and explaining the negative things. I always advise that if you want a small companion (cat, dog, rabbit, hen or other) you should first check at the shelters. There are hundreds of thousands of little creatures waiting for someone to adopt them…
What a sweet granny, to collect this beautiful flower bouquet! Oh yes, time flies, dear Dina… and the children grow up.
By the way, Emanuele Giosuè made it: he is now in the fourth semester.
f it is soaking wet and humid there … everything is dry here and the lawn is burnt. The bushes on the walls have dried up, we forgot to get them wet for two weeks and I’m afraid it’s too late now.
The heat is record-breaking: 20 degrees in February is really crazy.
They gave us water between Tuesday and Wednesday … and sure frogs and toads will be in full fervor to cross the roads to reach the wetlands for reproduction.
Unfortunately, the pain of my right hip does not improve even with acupuncture: I will take Voltarene, even if really reluctantly, at least I can go to the rescue. There are really very few who have announced themselves for the Magadino area (15 km from where I live), and I can already imagine that most of the time we will be two volunteers to patrol 4 km of the busy road.
Ah, dear, I wish you a peaceful week (to the whole family) :-)c
I totally agree with you about exotics being pets and breeders being in it for money only with no regard for animal welfare! Yes, shelters are full of animals needing a good home, adopt, not shop! Delighted to hear Emanuele passed his latest exams, although I never doubted that he would, such a bright intelligent guy! Oh, your weather, those poor frogs and your aching bones….sending good vibes!!! Thanks Claudine, love and hugs to
Ah! SWEET baby-girl! How can it be a year?! And what a beautiful tradition to pick all possible blooms to honor her birthday! Smooches galore.
Your greenhouse is magical, and even more so because it turns me green, too, with envy that’s happily tempered by my joy for your great success with growing so much while we’re still buried in snow! (Sweet Jesus, I didn’t know if I’d ever find my way out of that sentence. )
So thrilled to see the variety of thriving life at the rescue.
Blessings on all and may sunshine come your way soon!!!
Love and xoxo to all,
Hasn’t that year flown by? The older I get the quicker time passes. I am laughing out loud at your comment re finishing that sentence, it was flowing just fine for me!!! A greenhouse is a haven in the winter, how I love pottering about in there. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to one and all.xxxx
Lovely post and pictures. It’s good to see the hedgehog doing so well.
Crocuses and daffodils certainly provide welcome colour at this time of year. xx
Thanks Flighty, that’s one lucky little hog, what a recovery he’s made. Thank goodness for spring
My goodness, that year’s flown by, happy birthday to your lovely granddaughter. It’s always nice to hear the success stories from the rescue, I’m sure that little hedgehog will be very proud of his new prickles, and how lovely that the duckling has made a friend. I’m totally fed up of this weather now, there’s been no let up here, even when the forecast is for the wind to die down and the rain to stop, it continues anyway. Still, it’s nice to see that signs of spring are still popping up all over the place, I’ll be glad with it arrives.
Goodness, the year has flown, time seems to go by more quickly each year. I’m with you re being sick of the endless wind and rain, snow would make a nice change! Spring has come early this year, the poor crocus are almost entirely flattened now. Thanks
It’s good to know what’s happening at the animal rescue and to know that the little hedgehog has prickles again after what must be dedicated care. Happy birthday to little granddaughter! A sweet bunch of flowers for her is a lovely tradition. I’m sure you had fun celebrating her birthday. It’s looks as if you’re doing well with your greenhouse garden activities and somewhere sheltered from the wind and rain. Have a good week ahead. xxL
Thanks Linda, I couldn’t believe how quickly that year went by. How quickly babies change too! I think getting a greenhouse and a logburner were are best purchases ever! xxx
Such a lovely, happy post – despite the current gloomy weather! Great news about the hedgehog and thank you for the reminder to sow my seeds – I have potatoes chitting and I’ve sorted through my seeds but I need to get my act together! Happy birthday to Littl’urchin – I love your tradition of picking flowers for her birthday. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I’m surprised how quickly some of the seeds are germinating. It may be wet and windy but not too cold around here. Happy sowing, that’s always the easy part, how quickly sorting the seedlings becomes an issue! I always sow too
That is such good news about the little hedgehog. Happy Birthday to the urchin.
Thanks Sue. It’s lovely seeing that little hog