Today that bright, shiny thing in the sky momentarily reappeared! It was so dazzling it almost blinded me and had my eyes streaming. Even stranger was a glimpse of blue sky….who knew how beautiful blue could be!
How true that old saying….you only appreciate something when it’s gone.
The veneer of civilization is thin, but it’s thick if we all pull together and help each other out.
Spring is out there in all it’s glory for anyone who wants to take a look, and now the rain has eased the stars shine out all the more brightly.
The world is already recovering. Factories have been closed in China and other countries for months, there are less flights and less cars on the road. All the more clean air for all living things to breathe.
Given our technology, hopefully some of these new ways of living will stay, so many can work from home.
Hubs and daughter are now working from home, even more efficiently given they have no colleague distractions.
Food is now the main concern for all and anyone fortunate enough to have a garden will be growing their own. You don’t need a garden though, anything can be grown in pots.
Difficult times bring out the best and worst in people and given my veggie patch is in the front garden I’ve decided to grow veggies elsewhere too.
I love cottage gardening so plan on growing all sorts amongst flowers and shrubs.
So I’m clearing this useless area for starters…this will now be my onion/whatever plot.
And Finally…..
Littl’Urchin pointing at the dogs..that finger is exhausting, it demands an explanation….relentlessly..!
who knew you could be so thrilled at a toddler smiling while out and about frantically pointing at a duck…a duck that only existed for her in a book!
Time to do what you can and then just chill!xxx
Thanks Chloris. Sadly, I can’t see Littl’urchin anymore which is heartbreaking, now I just get a wave a she is pushed past. xxx
I love your spring flowers and I am very impressed by all your veggies getting going. As for the little one, she is adorable, what pleasure she must give you in these difficult times.
Thanks Jan. It seems to have turned cold again, sighs…xxx
All such lovely photographs.
Yes, blue can be such a beautiful colour…
I always enjoy seeing pictures of Littl’Urchin, simply gorgeous.
Stay safe and well.
All the best Jan
I do think less carbon being pumped into the atmosphere is always a good thing. What a weird place the world has become. The spoiled toddler running my country is determined to kill us all and local politicians are fighting back. Meanwhile, the garden keeps chugging along. I’ll have a post up tonight showing what I’ve been up to! Thanks for checking on me. :o)
The world is far better off, and in such a short time too. Oh, you have my sympathy re that thing running the free world. Good to know there is a fight back. Sighing knowing you are well! Keep the blog going, I’ll be around soon. Hus, take good care now!xxxx
Enjoy your summer when it comes. Take care.
Thanks Peter, take good care of you and
Your cottage gardening photos are inspiring.
Thanks Sheryl.Take care
It seems as though the panic here is easing a bit. I went out to the store this morning and found the things I’d been missing: fresh broccoli and carrots, potatoes, cheese, yogurt, clementines. I’m well enough supplied now that I could go for some time — certainly a month — and be fine.
On the other hand, I need to work, and I’m hoping that will be possible. The good news is that since I work outdoors and in solitude, I’ll not be threatened, nor present a threat to anyone. There are occasional people taking their boats out for a sail, and a few other contractors around, but only a handful, and none of us wants to socialize. Best of all, it’s to be warm and sunny the entire week — Hallelujah!
The last two photos of the Littl’Urchin are precious. Clearly, she hasn’t learned the lesson my mother tried to teach me: “Don’t point!” I’m on her side. Pointing’s a perfectly good way of communicating when you’re still a little short on words.
Good to know you have supplies. Oh, I do hope you can still work. It’s warm here too, we’ve been eating outdoors in the garden, just lovely. My mother always told me not to point, how odd I’d forgotten that. Totally agree re a good way of communicating, although it does delay talking as it’s such a good way of communicating. Stay safe. xxxx
We’re hoping that the restrictions don’t prevent us from going to the allotment so we can continue growing our vegetables. I’m also worried that my sister who lives alone will end up being isolate I always found on days that I worked from home that I was far more productive.
I’ve always thought all these government jaunts across the globe to meeting could be effectively carried out via video conferencing. When you think that school children spoke to men on the space station this way it seems strange that they haven’t emploved it for cross countries meetings.
Oh…I do hope the restrictions allow allotment users to keep plotting…surely it’s classed as exercise? Here’s to you two and your sister staying safe! Yes, couldn’t agree more re remote phone conferences, the rescue is doing that too….think of all the petrol and electricity it save! Take good care of yourselves.xxxx
Oh the joys of an index finger, sometimes with an emphatic “Dat” and a cheeky smile. Their brains a sponge for information, for sights and sounds. The infectious chuckle when something as daft as away tails causes great amusement.
Oh…yes to all of that. Haven’t seen Littl’urchin for four days and already have withdrawal symptoms. Away tails sure make her laugh. Stay safe gal. Higs.xxxx
It was lovely to see the sun today wasn’t it, it is supposed to hang around for a while. I am so glad as it makes all the other things going on a little more bearable. The photos of your garden are lovely, I do hope all your veggies do well and provide you with a good supply.
We’ve had the most glorious week, we’ve had lunch in the garden every day, how I’ve missed the sun! Hoping your veggies do well too. Stay safe.
Judy just went out for food supplies. She hopes she won’t have to go out again for at least 2 or 3 weeks. Most things were available but there was a shortage of onions and potatoes, which is odd. Actually, she got one of the last 1 lb. bags of onions but no potatoes. Makes me wish we were growing our own. I do agree with you that one silver lining is the environment is being given a bit of a breather. Best wishes to you and yours!
Good to know you both have supplies. I get the run on potatoes, but onions??? How I wish she’d got potatoes instead of onions. You have plenty of room to grow your own, sacks, tubs, anything will do! Take good care, you two. Stay safe. Hugs.xxxx
What a sweetie you have. Love her curling up pic. It’s reminiscent of the dogs chilling…. she’s been very observant.
Spring in trying to spring in all sorts of ways as your gardening prowess shows. Nothing like home-grown veggies for fresh taste.
It’s still very cold here, so, as usual, any springing of blooms will be later than yours. It is great to see blue sky and sunshine, perhaps a foretaste of something pleasant. xxx
Sadly, I won’t be seeing Littl’urchin anytime soon….is it the same with yours? Hope you are growing food, we’ll all need that in the months to come. We’ve had a lovely week here, hope it’s warming up for you too and all those lovely blooms appear soon. Love and hugs my friend, stay safe now.xxxx
Good morning dear Dina….believe it or not the bright shiny thing was in the sky yesterday but seems to have disappeared again today……
Like you I hope that many positive developments can come from all of this. We needed change so badly and now we will have to make changes like it or not.
Evidence that ‘none of us is ever creative enough to know how things will actually work out….’ and Everything is interconnected…..
Back to living one day at a time….and so lovely by the way to see your little urchin:). Sending lots of love XXXXX
Good to know you saw that bright shiny thing too, we’ve had it all week, just lovely! Oh, how we need to change, we need to be less arrogant and less cruel. One day at a time is certainly is. Sadly, I can’t see Litt’urchin now….sighs. Love and hugs, you stay safe now my friend.xxxx
Good to see Littl’urchin behaving just like my wee grandbaby … with the questions..& negotiations! Yes strange times we live in but at least some of us are planting vegetables .. big time! This gives so much pleasure.

I hope too that the dreadful animal live markets throughout many countries will come to an end as a result of this virus.
Enjoy your wee gal and your garden..
Ahhh…how long will it, I wonder, before we get hugs again? Hope your daughter is well, being pregnant right now must be scary. Growing our own is just wonderful….here’s to a successful season for us all. You and me both re those markets, hopefully people will learn something from all this. We have to be kinder. Thanks Gerrie, take good care
I finally got around to sowing my seeds in the greenhouse and a wretched rodent came along and dug them all up! I’m very grateful to have a garden to escape into though during these strange times, and that blue sky and shiny, yellow thing are very welcome! Littl’urchin is adorable curled up on her blankie! Stay well, my friend. xx
Oh noooooo! Plenty of time to sow more with covers on. Mine have done great this year as I blitzed the greenhouse, no slugs or snails in there yet. What lovely weather we’re having….just loving the shiny bright thing. Can’t see Littl’urchin now….how sad eh? Look after you and yours my friend, stay safe.xxxx
Dearest, in fact, time will be the key to this pandemic… after Northern Italy (on the border with our canton Ticino), Switzerland has also closed all activities leaving only the distribution of vital goods and health care open .
It is really scary. You have to experience it in person to understand the flow… and an icy shiver runs down my spine thinking of you, there in Great Britain, that you haven’t taken the “thing” seriously yet.
Here people contaminate each other. Without knowing it, as asymptomatic carriers.
Emanuele Giosuè will have to work as an assistant at the Covid-19 epidemic structure of the EOC, already at the limit of its potential… but the real “epidemic wave” will arrive in a few days.
By now the numbers speak for themselves, and only fear dwells in our hearts.
My mom was hospitalized 4 days ago in the clinic, out of danger, the worst was feared since she is 87 years old…
Dina, please take this seriously. Talk to the people you care about, those who like you help animals… of them that the SARSCoV-2 (Coronavirus 19) is not a joke. It kills. And it doesn’t look at age. Please, believe me. Hugs
The country is certainly taking it seriously now, I did all along. I saw this coming in December so have plenty, once a prepper and all that!
Good on Emanuele Giosuè, he is brave, you must be very proud, although worried too. The rescue has closed it’s charity shops and can’t allow visitors, so adoptions will be difficult, and finances are now a real worry. Let’s hope…and pray! Take good care of you and yours. Love and hugs. xxxx
I can’t stop looking at the photos of your wee one, though the gardens are gorgeous and your words are soothing, Dina! She is just so precious.
I love the way she’s pointing: the girl’s got authority!
Sending love to you, more than ever, in this most challenging time. Be well and be merry.
LOVE you!
Ahhh, she is a little angel, such a shame I can’t hug her now, missing those cuddles! That finger is on overtime! Love and hugs to you too, stay safe!xxx
Growing your own food and having your own lovely garden is just a perfect way of dealing with the current situation! Stay safe. Have a socially-distancing virtual hug!! xx
Isn’t it just! A garden is such a blessing, you can just be and relax. A huge hug back to you, lol, hope all is well, you two stay safe out there now! xxxx
Lovely post and pictures. I’m thankful that it’s spring, not autumn, and I can go plotting every day weather permitting. It may be the one year that I really can keep the weeds at bay.
Take care. xx
Thanks Flighty, yes, I’m glad it’s Spring too, that makes a difference. I think we’ll all win the battle with the weeds this
As you can imagine our garden plot is much appreciated because of the various benefits. The indoor plants and the tomato plants on the kitchen and living room window sills are getting their fair share of attention too. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t have a garden where they can sit, work and enjoy the cycle of life in the growing process, nature in general. You see gardening programmes on television where alternative community places
have been created. I wonder how things will develop about looking after them and the council rented allotments at this time due to the health crisis. I shall have to ask DiL as she and our son have one. Our land in Italy will be like a jungle. We have come to terms with that as we knew that we wouldn’t get there this Spring and now there is a travel ban. We’re more concerned about relatives’ health over there. How are you doing at the animal rescue? It’s grand to see your little one growing and learning as she watches you all and listens to words. Playtime must be fun for her in your house! The last photos are very sweet
Oh, Yes, how awful not to have a garden, especially in times like these. That’s a good point about community gardens, I wonder if visiting allotments will be banned, I do hope not. Ahhhh, sorry about your Italian property, hopefully it can be sorted once this passes. Fingers and toes crossed that your relatives stay safe. The rescue has closed it’s charity shops and visitors can no longer be admitted to the shelter. Some staff are self isolating due to underlying health issues. I fear for it’s survival if this lasts a long time. Still, hope springs eternal! Sadly, we can no longer see daughter and Littl’urchin which is breaking our hearts. Thanks
I think you’re probably right, some practices from the enforced isolation and working from home will remain after the pandemic has passed. Daniel and Jasmine are working from home, which is good as she’s in a high risk category, and Mick has been asked to work from home wherever possible. Eleanor will have to go in to work regardless with her working in a hospital laboratory, there’s no possibility of her working from home. We’re living in strange times indeed.
Things often change during wars, this is similar, I think the world as we knew it has gone. Good to know most of your family are working from home. Bless Eleanor. Thanks
I think during this time we all hope to own a garden big enough to grow foods and be self-sufficient. You are lucky to have one.
Today is the begiinning of our country’s movement control period. It’s never felt this quiet before but I’ll get used to it. Just hope the panic will pass soon and everyone everywhere is safe.
It’s so quiet here too now, hardly any traffic and few people out and about. Here’s to everyone staying safe. Take care