Over the years, I’ve had many disabled, wild hedgehogs living in sheltered accommodation in the garden, but Heidi was my first pygmy hedgehog.
She was admitted to the rescue nearly four years ago as an unwanted pet, and I was asked to take her.
Heidi originates from Africa, where she would normally walk up to five miles a day, here, she had to live in a cage as she needed to be kept warm to prevent her from hibernating which would have resulted in her death.
I tried to make her environment as interesting as possible by adding a wheel, tunnels and toys, but I never liked the idea of her spending her life in a cage.
About eighteen months ago Heidi had a bleed from her urinary tract, which was treated with antibiotics. Six months ago, it happened again and the rescue vet treated her but expressed her concern that there may be an underlying health issue, and if it happened again, putting her to sleep may be the kindest thing to do given her old age.
A couple of weeks ago, Heidi had another, much heavier bleed, and the vet agreed to give me one last treatment of antibiotic injections. Initially Heidi picked up but then stopped eating or moving around leaving me with no option but to put her to sleep.
I am missing her, she was such an unusual feisty little creature.
Rest in peace little one.
So sorry you had to live in a cage.
For the first time in many years I’m down to four animals, it’s sure getting quieter around here.
Yesterday, hubs and I took our dogs on a brand new walk to the woods. We walked for an hour and a half and just as we were about to turn back, I noticed an adult hedgehog at my feet, covered in flies. I won’t go into detail but I’ve never seen a hedgehog in such a bad way. It had obviously been hit by something which was puzzling given we where miles away from any roads.
I have seen lads on quad bikes razzing up and down the footpaths, so it must have been hit by one of them.
I wrapped the poor broken creature in my hoody and carried it home for ninety minutes expecting it to die any moment.
I was amazed to find it alive the following morning, it even managed to eat and drink a little. It’s now in the rescue, where it survived a second night, although it’s still in a bad way. I really hope it survives, it was so random finding it in such a remote place, just as we were turning back!
Hubs and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary recently, given our options were limited, we celebrated with a long walk, which threw up a few surprises.
We were out-stared by a mother and her lambs…
we spotted a very spotty horse…
came across a woman out walking her ferrets…
and stumbled across a peacock shuffling down someone’s drive!
And Finally…
Many charities have been able to access emergency funding, from government support packages and major emergency fundraising appeals, yet none of this funding is available to animal rescues.
Our rescue, along with all the others have lost almost 50% of our income over the past few months due to the pandemic.
Zoos and aquariums have had access to £14m of emergency government funds yet there is still no support for animals. As a result, our rescue, on behalf of all other animal charities have launched a campaign to raise awareness and lobby for government aid.
If anyone has a pet, please join our campaign, here’s how.
Create a Pet Campaign Picture:
Your pets will literally be the faces of the campaign.
Take a photo of your pet wearing a sign saying #NoAnimalLeftBehind, and add your pet’s name.
Post your pet petition photo on social media, including the Freshfields Animal Rescue Facebook Page and Twitter page @freshfieldsresc with a message encouraging others to do the same.
Use the link @freshfieldsrescue and the hashtag #NoAnimalLeftBehind
Your pet will join forces with animals in rescues and those already in loving homes, to plead for emergency funding.
You can WhatsApp your photo to 07591 205078
Or email your photo to NALB@freshfields.org.uk
It would also be wonderful if anyone could share this campaign on their social media.
A huge thank you to anyone who can help.
Until next time, stay safe guys.
So sad about your little Heidi. Wherever you go animals seem to surround you. I hope you had a lovely wedding anniversary. It’s ours next week. Difficult to make it special when every day is the same. But we are lucky because our days are all special.
Thanks Chloris. I think I must be on constant alert for them as I’m so used to being around animals. Oh, that is such a lovely thing to hear, happy anniversary guys, here’s to many more!xxxx
I’m so sorry about Heidi but have no doubt the Universe put the other hedgehog in your path so you could rescue it, too.
Thanks Casa, good to hear from you. Missing your posts! Sadly that poor hog died a week later. At least it wasn’t eaten alive by maggots and had warmth, food and water. xxx
Thanks Jason. I know people do walk ferrets, but I’ve never come across it before.xxx
Condolences. But I didn’t know you could walk ferrets.
I’m so glad you came across the poor injured hedgehog. I hope it survives. And sorry about Heidi. I have thought about getting a hedgehog, but I feel bad about the caging and don’t know if you can let them run around in your house. In any event, thanks for following my blog. I love the picture of the dogs looking in the door.
Thanks. Sadly, the hog died, but at least it was comfortable and had food and water. I wouldn’t get a hedgehog, they are nocturnal so having them out in the day goes against their natural cycle. It’s awful having to cage them, I wouldn’t add to the trade if I was you, it’s not a natural life for them. xxx
I am sorry to hear that Heidi hedgehog has passed away, that must be hard for you after all the love you have given her.
Congratulations to you on your 38th wedding anniversary, I love that you are celebrated by going on a long walk, what a great idea! You certainly did see some unexpected sights! I do hope the hedgehog you found is doing ok now?
Thanks Sustainablemum, I will certainly miss that little hog. Sadly, that poor hog died after a week in the rescue. Such a shame. xxx
I had to smile a little at your comment about being “down to four animals.” I had a hard enough time keeping up with one, but of course you have a little more space, and perhaps a lot more patience! I’m sorry to hear of Heidi’s passing, but she certainly had a good life with you, all things considered. I still can’t get my mind around such a tiny creature walking so much each day; I should have such energy!
I know! It’s incredible to think how these creatures walk in the wild. Four animals is the lowest count in years, it has been ten-twelve at times! Thanks Linda.xxx
I’d miss poor Heidi too. Hopefully she would take on a better body after this. ( a good rebirth, i mean ).
That’s a very interesting way to celebrate your wedding anniversary!
Love that picture of the mother sheep and her lambs! So cute!
You too, and take care!
Thanks Jade, it’s always sad when an animal friend dies. The only thing we were allowed to do was walk during lockdown, so walked we did. Hope all is well with you and yours.xxx
So sorry to read about Heidi
I do so hope that the hedgehog you recently found will survive ok
Many congratulations, and good wishes, to you and the hubs on your 38th wedding anniversary … I just so happen to have a glass of white wine on the coffee table … so cheers
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Unfortunately the hog I found died after a week, such a shame. Oh, I too now have a glass of white wine….cheers!!!xxx
Oh yes! I just added mine via photo editor. Thanks so much Sue.xxx
Ruby would eat a label hanging round her neck. Is it acceptable to add a sign using a photo editor/
Dear woman .. I am overwhelmed with what to say .. the loss of Heidi is such a sad event.
You tried so hard to make her life as enjoyable as possible, while keeping her alive and as healthy as possible, she was a lucky hedgehog indeed .. where ever she is now she is a happy little soul.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary !! … but what an event it was to find this poor injured hedgehog at your feet during your walk .. it was meant that you would be the one to find it .. what ever happens it was so well cared for, and that can give you some comfort I hope .. and yes .. I can well imagine the bikers not paying attention or even worse not caring.
I too have my fingers crossed the little creature will be as feisty as Heidi and survive!
I wish you all the luck in the world getting the funding you need .. people who aren’t attached to animals forget that they are in dire need of help too .. they need the experience before they fully understand … I hope the campaign is a huge success !
Well done you !!
Ahhh, thanks so much Joy. Heidi was a sweet little thing and I just wish she could have had more freedom and a natural life. Finding that poor hog in such a remote spot felt like I was meant to find it. Sadly, it died after a week in the rescue. At least it had treatment, was warm and had access to food and water which is better that being eaten alive by maggots.
I have my fingers crossed that all the rescues survive this, and other charities too. Never has the future been so unpredictable. Hugs.xxx
Heidi has been so fortunate to share your love and dedication to animals! It doesn’t have to be nice to live in a cage, I agree. But if there are people who buy exotic animals that would live freely in environments suitable for them… unfortunately we can not do anything.
I also explained it to my daughter when softened by a small hamster in a glass case, she had fallen in love and at all costs had wanted to free her… to take her home to us and put her in a larger terrarium. After 3 years, when Patty died, few days before Christmas, the whole family was in mourning, and me with puffy eyes at the office (evil colleagues thought I had a fight with my husband).
How to tell deficient people that it was due to the death of our hamster?
We hope that the hedgehog you have found will be saved… I cross my fingers!
A hug and you both still enjoy these wonderful years of marriage ;-)c
Thanks Claudine. I really do wish people would stop breeding exotic animals that are forced to live in restricted environments. I really can’t stand seeing animals in cages. That little hamster of yours had a wonderful life! Yes, it’s awful when they go isn’t it? Sadly, the poor hog died after hanging on for a week, just as I was beginning to think it would make it. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
So sorry to hear about Heidi Hedgehog. She must have enjoyed her time with you. It must have been quite exotic for her in the strangeness of England and its weather. She was a very dainty little creature.
Your wedding anniversary ambles were serendipitous in very many ways. Wasn’t it fortuitous that you came across the hedgehog needing help. Digits crossed it continues to do well.
I agree with Mr F’s comments about the difficulties for the charitable sector. I hope once you are able to communicate more personally with your local population again, the Rescue will be able to get back on its feet. I suppose someone has thought about generating a local newspaper/media feature on the support and ongoing work the Rescue continues with, incorporating an appeal for animal feed/food and money, into the feature.
Thanks Menhir. Keeping Heidi warm was always the worry, especially during winter. Sadly,the poor hog I found died after a week in the rescue, just as I was hoping it may survive. Yes, our rescue and all the others have put out appeals, the problem is how often you can ask people who are struggling for money. Hopefully we’ll come out the other side, along with all the other charities. xxxx
Sorry to hear about Heidi, you gave her a comfortable life with love and warmth.
BroInLaw had ferrets, when Sis took them for walks, one would bounce about like a demented u-bend the other would hitch a ride hanging on to Sis’s trousers, lol.
Thanks AnneMarie, it’s a shame she couldn’t have had more freedom. Oh goodness, your BIL’s ferrets sounded hysterical! Especially the one hanging onto your sister’s trousers! I’ve never come across anyone walking ferrets before. xxx
You did a good job with poor little Heidi, she looks a very sweet little hedgehog. Congratulations on your anniversary, I love the sheep and lambs staring you down!
I agree about some charities getting support and others not. I noticed a plea for help on FB for farming work dogs that have been rejected or injured and have no homes….wouldn’t you think animals that have worked tireless for a farmer, would be looked after properly, and if not, we would have an organised charity for these wonderful animals.
Hope you are keeping well. We are hoping to see our little granddaughter in late June.
Thanks Gerrie, she was a sweet little hog. Oh, working dogs are often treated awfully here too. Once they are past their sell by date they tend to be shot or passed into rescues. How wonderful you get to see your granddaughter soon, that will be just wonderful.xxx
Where to begin. Happy wedding anniversary – it seems to me that you and Hubs have a lovely union…..:)
Sorry to hear about the loss of Heidi but love the idea that you gave her such a beautiful life…and. you did. Maybe the hedgehog you found in such a strange place is abut to replace Heidi in your lives? Time will tell.
Love all the variety of animals you saw on your walk…no question that this period has definitely had a positive impact on our animals and wildlife.
Although, very sadly, I don’t have a pet living with me at the moment, I will write with a photograph of Christeve the Cat:)
Sending love and hope you enjoy a beautiful bank holiday Monday. Weather is perfect here. Janet XXXX
Thanks Janet. I just wish Heidi could have enjoyed being outdoors, but it wasn’t meant to be. Sadly the poor broken hog died after a week. It has been glorious here for the last two months, it rained today, goodness how the garden needed it! Thanks Janet.xxx
Ditto what Flighty said — many charities are short of funding. I’m really sorry to hear rescues can’t access funding. Thanks for letting us know the state of things for your rescue.
Congratulations for 38 years together! Glad you still found a way to enjoy the day while restaurants nd travel are still restricted. So much you can see on walks that are not closed to you!
Heidi had the best you could offer in the life remaining to her. May your new hog survive and thrive.
I have my fingers crossed that our rescue and all the other charities survive this, it’s so difficult to plan for though as the future is so uncertain. We are lucky here as we have so many country and beach walks on our doorstep, I do feel for those without a garden or decent walk close by. Sadly, the broken hog died a week after I found it. Such a shame, I was beginning to hope it would survive. Thanks Anne.xxx
Great post and images. Poor Heidi. Happy 38th anniversary. That’s a few years together.
Thanks so much Peter, the years have simply flown by!xxx
So sorry to hear the sad news about Heidi, you do a wonderful job looking after all your creatures and made her days far better than they would have been. Congratulations on your anniversary, a wonderful achievement, hopefully you will have many more.
Thanks Pauline, I did what I could but she should never have been bred and forced to live her days in a cage. How fast the years fly by….xxx
You offered love, as you always do, and Heidi received it, as so many of earth’s creatures do not…it really makes all the difference in the time we have here, regardless of its length. Thank you once again, dear Dina, for caring for Heidi and for the new wee one. You make such a difference on our earth, and so often for those caught in the leaving of it, which is a time when having the right spirits around makes such a huge difference…a hushed time of passage that needs loving, unblinking presence, and calm ushering, love…to be such a natural midwife to this passage is an immense gift, and I know it takes a lot out of you. Please know that it does not go unnoticed. Light and love to you. Over and over and always… Kitty
Ahhhh thanks so much Kitty, you do say the kindest things which I don’t feel I deserve! I just wish Heidi hadn’t spent her life in a cage, it seems so unnatural to me. Why people breed these poor creatures in the wrong countries utterly baffles me. We should leave animals in the natural habitats. People can be so utterly heartless and selffish.xxxx
But then there are people like you who rescue, save, love, and comfort. And keep trying to educate. Love you. You deserve great credit for the light you offer the world. xoxo
It must be sad to lose an animal you’ve devoted so much love and time to. At least she had a happy life with you.
Your photos have all come up sideways! – but they are lovely. xx
I hate it when one of my animals die. I keep forgetting they’re not here any more and go to feed/muck them out. Oh noooooo, I have no idea why my photos are coming up sideways! What a weird thing to happen! You must have a right old crick in your neck. Thanks Gill.xxx
So sorry about Heidi, who on earth sold a hedgehog as a pet, let alone bought one – it shouldn’t be legal! Your walk was certainly eventful, I had a birthday last week but no such events for me
Thanks Sue. Sadly, it’s legal to buy these creatures, I can’t imagine why anyone would breed them or buy them. Oh, happy belated birthday.xxx
That’s sad news about Heidi, and fingers crossed for the other hedgehog.
Happy anniversary, you certainly had an interesting walk by way of celebration.
It’s certainly worrying times for all charities at present. xx
Thanks Flighty. Sadly the hog I found died after a week, poor thing. Yes, I do feel for all the charities, who knows what will happen to them after all this settles down.xxx
Oh, poor little Heidi. It’s so sad that people take these animals on as pets without knowing, or not caring, about their needs. At least she had some love in her life and was well cared for once she found a home with you, but it just isn’t the same as being able to walk those five miles each day. I do hope the hedgehog you found on your walk recovers, I know he’ll have the very best chance now he’s in the rescue, fingers crossed for him. Congratulations on your anniversary, you certainly saw some strange things on your walk. Those ferrets!
Thanks Jo. I often wished she could go outdoors but being nocturnal I was always worried about her getting too cold. Sadly, that poor hog died after hanging on for a week.Those ferrets certainly had me smiling!xxx
Poor Heidi Hog! At least she had a few happy years in your company being lovingly looked after; she was a very lucky, little hog. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and fingers crossed for your new prickly friend. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, it’s such a shame she couldn’t have a better life. Sadly, the poor hog died I was hopeful as it hung on for a week.xxx