Climbing roses
It’s been a funny old few months, if you didn’t know what was going on in the world, it could almost be described as idyllic! Apart from missing family and friends, dodging cyclists, runners and walkers and endless cleaning and wiping down of the shopping, life is pretty good.
Beautifully scented
The weather has been wonderful, and now we’ve had lashings of rain as we’ve enjoyed two terrific thunderstorms. Oh, the house rattling, bone shaking drama!
A perfect hosta
The years are dropping off hubs, he really is enjoying working from home. No more powering up and down motorways to get to work. Now he gets more sleep, enjoys the birdsong while working in the study and is even getting a tan while eating lunch in the garden. He also has more time to walk the dogs and cycle so is getting far more exercise.
Now that the veg is organised and more or less planted out, and the courtyard and back garden are semi-sorted, I’ve turned my attention to the front garden. One by one the borders are slowly being weeded.
Nine tree lilies have been planted amongst the lavender in the hope that the lavender may disguise the scent of the lilies and keep the dreaded lily beetle away. A gal can hope!
Stepping stones have been recovered from carpets of lawn, seven sorted, six to go. Curly cat approves and now enjoys sunning himself on the warm stones.
The border running along the railings will have to be left for months, as it’s impossible to weed it given hoards of people tramp past each day, chatting, coughing and sneezing, it’s probably a hot bed for the plague!
While pruning the rosemary, I noticed it was covered in rosemary beetles, is it just me who finds these golden, red and green creatures to be utterly beautiful?
What is it with spotted horses at the moment? This one doesn’t look real!
I’ve noticed for years now, that sheep and cows in the same field stay totally separate from each other. Recently I observed a fascinating display of behaviour between the two species.
A cow was eating something from a bucket, which were randomly scattered throughout the field. Almost telepathically, the sheep simultaneously formed a line and began approaching the cow eating from the bucket. Initially, the cow ignored the encroaching sheep until they were about six foot away and then stopped eating and ran at them.
It was captivating watching the battle for the bucket unfold. The herd of cows joined the initial cow and kept running at the sheep, who constantly backed up only to reform the line and move in on the cows. The whole thing lasted ten minutes, ending with the sheep owning the bucket. I videoed the whole thing on my phone……but sadly forgot to press record!
I also enjoyed watching two bulls in neighbouring fields parallel walking, snorting and bellowing. They are always found mimicking the other’s position as close as possible to the fence.
And Finally…
It’s good to hear the numbers of covid-19 are finally coming down. Shops are opening tomorrow, but I won’t be shopping!
It is odd how, around here, hardly any of my family, friends or neighbours know of anyone with the virus. I only know one person, and she is asymptomatic.
I am glad that you can work from home, it does seem silly expecting people who are happy and productive working from home to go back to commuting! Thanks
I have been ignoring The Numbers in my area. I’m enjoying working from home as well, taking breaks to feed the cats, sit in sunshine, smell roses. When I drove in for my half-day last week, the commute (though only 20 minutes each way) seemed like such a waste of time. I hope companies make good use of what they’ve learned and not automatically “return to normal” ways of working.
That rose at the top of your post — just so lovely! And your perfect hosta is a thing of beauty. It’s been a good year for plants in general and it’s great to see yours doing so well. That chocolate chip horse is really something
Your garden looks beautiful! All your hard work last spring is paying off now.
Thanks Sheryl. Gardens are an endless job for sure!xxx
Our front garden gets less attention than the back or covered yard. This morning I had a go at tidying around again after doing some weeding on a drier day this last week. There are self seeded plants growing in cracks – poppies and dandelions. The foxgloves are going over, roses are looking good after a drink of rain and now the sun is out. Shopping is not part of my plan at the moment although it would be good to go to a garden centre. Daughter still does our food shop which is appreciated since her working week at the hospital continues to be hectic. Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing.
There’s always a part of the garden that needs sorting! Your garden is looking lovely! Oh…I’m building myself up to go to a garden centre! Ahhhh, bless your daughter! Thanks
So you’ve not been queuing for Primark then? Whatever is the matter with people who need to go shopping so badly that they queue for hours and risk getting ill? I loathe shops at the best of times. I don’t know anyone personally who’s had the disease but I know of lots of friends and relations of friends who have, it’s still out there. People seem to act as if it’s all over, I feel as if I’m the last one trying to keep my distance and getting funny looks when I ask people to keep away. Your garden is looking amazing, you have worked hard. Do you know the name of the climbing rose? It’s beautiful.
I’m with you on the shopping front, I detest it, apart from garden centers of course, and bookshops…oh…and toyshops now I have Littl’urchin! Oh yes, it’s still out there, you wouldn’t think so though seeing how some are behaving! I’ve had to ask people to move out of the way too, some folk are senseless! I have no idea what the rose is, it came without a label, it was on sale at Aldi years ago. She is a stunner though has the most vicious thorns! Thanks
Those roses are magnificent! Wish I could press my nose against the screen and smell them!
Thanks Jason, the climbing roses certainly do put a terrific show on, and the scent is utterly beautiful, especially on warm days. They last a good few weeks
Great posts and images. Getting wet and cold down under.
Thanks Peter. Hoping your weather
Well done on all the gardening, your garden is looking good.
Our garden could certainly do with some rain, I always think it makes such a difference. Checking the forecast some it due tomorrow and Thursday … they’ve said that before, we shall see!
Loved the story of the cows and sheep
Stay keeping well.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Everyone’s garden must be looking good now most of us have more time. It has been pouring down here all day so the garden has had a much needed soak. Here’s to you getting some rain. It has been so dry…xxx
That beetle is beautiful, I have never seen one before. I am glad to hear that your husband is loving working from home, I hope he can continue to do that after all this is over it sounds like it is perfect for him. Your garden is so wonderful, thank you for sharing pictures of it. I love seeing what others are growing in their garden.
Thanks Sustainablemum. I always enjoy seeing other people’s gardens and greenhouses as well. The rosemary beetle is lovely but will demolish your herbs so you’re lucky you don’t have
Life sounds really good for you and your husband. Love the roses and that unique-looking beetle. Also, as always, I love to read about animals at where you are.
Finally, hope you continue to stay well and happy! .
Thanks Jade. The weather has been wonderful which has the roses blooming. You too stay safe and
Your forgetting to press record reminds me of all the times I’ve forgotten to slip a memory card into my camera, and didn’t realize it until I was either away from home or at my intended destination — what a bummer, as we used to say! It’s only happened a half-dozen times, but I remember every one. Now, I’m much better at checking for batteries and cards before I leave home!
I love that photo of Curly Cat by the stones. Cats and warmth just go together, and there’s nothing more peaceful than a cat snoozing in the sunshine. On the other hand, I’m hoping for a few more clouds this week — we’re well into summer heat, and by mid-morning, the sweat is dripping!
Oh, I’ve done that too, forgotten to put a memory card in the camera! Cats do love warmth don’t they, Curly can always be found in the sunniest spot in the garden. It’s rained all day today which is just wonderful for the garden. Here’s to a little cloud cover for you, your temperatures sound awful! Thanks
It has been a weird time, hasn’t it! Like you, no-one near me has had the virus and I get up early to shop ahead of the queues so lockdown has been all about the garden. I think a lot of people will realise how stressful life was before Covid. Pleased to read that Hubs is enjoying working from home, almost like an extended holiday!
Rosemary beetles! Crikey, beautiful but they are eating machines. I have steeled myself to squish them on sight to preserve my shrubs (they also like lavender, mint, and other herbs). And I loved the story of the sheep and cows, kinda glad the sheep won in the end,haha! xxx
When I first spotted rosemary beetle on my herbs, I’d just visited Jekka McVicar’s herb farm near Bristol and seen a huge poster warning of this pest. As a herb farmer, these beetles would decimate her business in a couple of seasons so I can understand her determination to control them. My garden seems to be free of them this year, and free of lily beetles which is a relief as I think they’re very beautiful too! xx
Yes, apart from shopping and running into people life has become slower paced, and isn’t it lovely being able to focus on nature and gardening. Hubs is having a lovely time! Oh yes, those beetles do chomp their way through the herb garden for sure, they don’t seem to damage the large rosemary bushes though! I was pleased to see the sheep win too! Thanks
That beetle is beautiful but it’s a pity that they cause so much damage. Isn’t it just the case, forgetting to press record and missing one of action. No shopping for us either.
Oh, those beetles are a nightmare in terms of the herbs they eat, there’s no way I could kill them though. The amount of times I forget to press record is ridiculous! Thanks
Lovely as always! Your joy in wild things is always uplifting. I think a lot of people are finding that not having to commute is giving them back energy and health … although I’m always mindful of the millions who will end up without a job after all this. Stay safe and well, lovely Dina xx
Thanks Gill. Yes, it’s heartbreaking seeing how many people are losing their jobs. I hope many are able to continue to work from home, it’s certainly less stressful and so much better for the environment. xxx
An uplifting post….and here’s to everyone working from home. I really believe that it would cure so many ills in the world and can well understand Hubs feeling and looking healthier now that he doesn’t have to fight the awful commute.
Always love pics of Curly Cat and am happy to hear that she loves the stones. Cats believe that everything we do in life is for their benefit.
As for climbing roses I absolutely love them. When I had my cottage garden in Wales they grew everywhere and to this day the memory of them warms my heart.
As for shopping – NO THANK YOU….- When I saw the crowds in London and other parts of the country yesterday, I simply could not believe it. Surely there is something better to do than to shop!
Sending. love to you Janet XXXXX
I think a lot of people are finding life less stressful now they can work from home, it’s certainly better for the environment. Oh yes, cats know we are here to serve them!!! I just love it when a climbing rose takes off, there is no stopping them then! I can’t believe how many people dashed to the shops either, apparently the shops are empty now. Love and hugs
I completely agree with your first statement, in many ways life would seems idyllic, if it wasn’t for the world outside! Like you we have been enjoying the garden, and long walks, and I’ve been reading more than usual. Glad that hubs is enjoying the time at home, what a difference not having a long commute…I bet many people won’t want to go back into the office.
Enjoy your lovely summer and the garden.
Yes, it’s all very strange at the moment! We’ve even had glorious weather. Hopefully companies will let those who want to keep working from home. Thanks
Oh, my, roses to die for, Dina! And I do hope the lavender tricks the lily beetles: good thinking. Let me know if it works! Your gardens are always breathtaking. I WISH for roses, but the Japanese Beetles decimate them without a lot of chemicals we won’t use…they have not appeared yet this year and I am hoping they have moved on, but early days yet. What is that GORGEOUS apricot rose in the top photo?
I have never seen a Rosemary Beetle and now I want to! Unbelievably beautiful.
Curly looks like he’s in heaven, lucky boy. And I do love all the other animal photos and stories. Sheep and cows: what’s up with that? Goodness, can’t we all just get along and share water buckets? Or look for another water bucket?!
I am happy your beloved is doing so well working from home; it does seem to suit a lot of people and keep them as productive and happier. Maybe they can keep it up. Happy, too, that your case numbers are dropping. Ours are, too, but we’re going nowhere, which is fine, with all we’ve got to tend here.
Love you to bits and pieces. Thank you for this glorious post, Dina. xoxox
Thanks for your lovely comment as always Kitty. I do hope the lily beetles stay away this year, they really do destroy the poor lilies each year. The rosemary beetle is beautiful but makes short work of the herbs sadly, so be careful what you wish for! I thought the same seeing the sheep and cows go to battle, lol. I really do hope the majority of companies that can continue to let people work from home, it is so much better for the environment. It’s really good to hear the cases are coming down in your part of the world, fingers crossed they keep dropping, I’m done with this virus now!!! Huge love and hugs to you
Lovely post and pictures. Lucky you with the rain as there’s not been much at all here. xx
Thanks Flighty, we have had lovely persistent rain here all day so the garden has had a really good soaking. Here’s to you getting a good
Beautiful photos. Well done on all the gardening. I find weeding a thankless task – I systematically work round the beds in both gardens over several days and, by the time I’ve done them all, the weeds are back in the first one, so my garden never looks perfect. How funny about the sheep and cows and that rosemary beetle is beautiful. It’s nice that the shops are reopening but I have absolutely no desire to go. I might have to force myself to do my bit for the economy! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Oh, how I loathe weeding, it is a endless, repetitive job. The weeds here grow three times faster than the plants. I shall be shopping online for the forseeable future!xxx