The courgettes are beginning to flow, I suspect I’ll have a glut. I do love them small so I’ll have to keep an eye on them as they grow so fast. I’m really looking forward to the little yellow ones.

I have herbs drying everywhere at the moment, the kitchen is beginning to look very cottage garden-ish.

The raised bed area has really taken off, I now fondly refer to it as, The Allotment.

I actually like how ramshackle it looks now, those barriers are doing a great job keeping the dogs off the beds.

I’m still up-cycling bits and pieces hanging around the garden. This old chiminea has lost it’s chimney but still makes a lovely strawberry planter.

I’m delighted to see the blueberries ripening, that’s always a big deal for me. Now it’s a race to see who gets them first, me, the birds or the dogs.

The greenhouse has become a jungle, I can barely get in there.

It’s exciting seeing all the chilies and peppers forming.
Recently, I’ve been asked to review some lovely products.

I did like this gift box.
These ciders contain 30% fewer calories and 40% less sugar than normal ciders. They are gluten free, vegan and made with natural ingredients, Cranes Ciders are available in three flavours: Blueberries & Apples, Cranberries & Limes and Raspberries & Pomegranates. All the ciders were delicious, especially the blueberry and apple. If you’d like to find out more…. cranes-2.myshopify.com

I just loved these fruit Infusions from Nim’s, a range of air-dried citrus and cucumber slices. They are 100% natural and the perfect way to top off summer cocktails, mocktails, lemonades and iced teas. If you’d like to find out more…nimsfruitcrisps.com

I’m really looking forward to playing this game, The Good Life. You use a wheelbarrow to move around the board to collect fruit, vegetables, pigs and chickens. The winner is the first to fill their garden and allotment. If you’d like to find out more…www.thegoodlifegame.co.uk

I also enjoyed Crafty Nectar Rhubarb and craft beer, especially the rhubarb. It’s vegan and made with fresh pressed apples and rhubarb juice. It is low on sugar and has no additives or flavourings. If you’d like to find out more..craftynectar.com

I must say this vegan kombucha from Nexba, was delicious, especially the elderflower and lemon. It’s sugar free, has nothing artificial and only has three calories per bottle. If you’d like to find out more…nexba.com
And Finally…

It’s a pleasure seeing toys lying around again!
I haven’t, hubs would love that! Our dogs eat everything fruit wise. I tend to agree with you, life isn’t so bad! Thanks Jason.xxx
Have you ever made zucchini chocolate cake? Judy has a good recipe. Also – your dogs eat blueberries? Looks like you are having a fine summer, in spite of everything.
Wish I have a garden as productive as yours!
Love the way you dried your herbs! I never tried drying mine like this. Always spread them out to dry under the hot sun. Maybe not that good but fast.
Love that old chimney strawberry planter. How creative!
I think I would have picked those blueberries before they are totally ripe!
I love how productive your garden is, and love what you grow. You don’t need to dry herbs like I do, you have the perfect herb drying climate! Oh…that’s a good point, pick the blueberries before they are ripe….it works with tomatoes! Thanks Jade.xxx
I like how you describe your garden as having as “ramshackle” look. My garden has a similar look. We have also been regularly adding various miscellaneous fencing as the summer progresses to keep deer and other animals away from vegetables and fruits.
Good to know you have embraced ramshackle too, needs must when the devil drives! Thanks Sheryl.xxx
Our zucchini and yellow squash are almost done now, and more than a few gardeners are breathing sighs of relief. On the other hand, the blueberries from farms a bit north of here are appearing in our farmers’ markets: big, juicy, and as sweet as can be. I’m gorging on them a bit — have put up some pints in the freezer, but am enjoying a couple of pints a week in various ways. The melons are in now, too, and they’re also sweet. There’s nothing like ice-cold watermelon on a hot summer day!
I loved seeing those drying herbs. It does have a bit of an Italian cookbook feel — beautiful, but practical, too.
Oh, I’ll be relieved when the courgettes have done their thing! I also adore blueberries, yours sound delicious! I never have any left over for freezing! Drying herbs always soothes me, it’s lovely seeing them shrink and them crumble into cooking. Thanks Linda.xxx
I so enjoyed these photos of your garden, the one with the herbs drying is fantastic. And the toys are back!
Thanks Amalia, yeah to toys being back. xxx
That games looks great fun, my daughter loves board games. Your garden is amazing! So much wonderful produce, I am so glad to see that your hard work has paid off. I love the chiminea strawberry planter, such a great idea to reuse it..
Thanks Sustainablemum. I’ll let you know how the game goes once I play it. I am pleased with the new strawberry planter. xxx
Good heavens girl ! My “jungle” is nothing compared to your greenhouse ! LOL
I laughed about the blueberries because that is the problem here .. we never get to ours before the little creatures in our gardens .. service berries always go to the robins some how too. I love seeing all of those specialized drinks ! .. those ciders look amazing .. wish I could try them too. There is nothing like drying herbs in the house .. I have to get back into doing that.
I dry rosemary in brown paper lunch bags on top of the fridge .. then jar them up for a friend usually .. I love sitting at the kitchen table doing that in the Fall because the rosemary oil is so wonderful to smell … cute with the little toys ! .. and that game ? now that is perfect for you
Oh, my greenhouse sure is something else around this time each year! I cram as many plants in as I can, as do you! I let the birds take most of my soft fruit but try to hang onto the blueberries, I really should net them but never get around to it. Love hearing how you dry rosemary, I’ll have to try that. Thanks Joy.xxx
It’s all looking and sounding good. Enjoy, and happy plotting!
That’s a varied assortment of review products which you found to your liking. xx
Thanks Flighty, loving the happy plotting, I do feel like I have a small allotment now. I do enjoy reviewing products occassionally.xxx
You’ve been a busy bee reviewing all those products. We’re big game players here when the family is all together, that game looks right up my street, I shall take a look at that. I have three blueberry bushes which ripen at different times, it extends the season. I love blueberries but I know the birds do too and I’m such a softie, I’m quite happy to watch them enjoy them. They’re right outside my kitchen door but the blackbirds come right up and help themselves. They’re spoilt for choice at the moment though with next door’s cherry tree full of fruit too.
Thanks Jo, it’s great fun reviewing products now and then. I still haven’t played the game but will let you know when I do. It looks like fun. Lucky you having a succession of blueberries! I let the birds eat most of the soft fruit but always try to gather the blueberries, I love them! The birds strip my cherry trees in a couple of days, It’s impressive watching them. xxx
Your strawberry planter is brilliant. I’m fighting a battle with the courgettes too; I think I’m going to have to have a grate and freeze session. I like the sound of te Good Life board game – it’s still one of my favourite TV programmes. Hurrah for toys left lying around and all they represent. Enjoy. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Why oh why do we plant so many courgettes, I’m sure I’m not far behind you re the grate and freeze! I really enjoyed The Good Life and often watch re-runs.xxx
All the planning, nurturing, protecting of your fruit and veg has paid off. It’s good to see. Enjoy it all and have fun with little’un.
Thanks Linda, it’s always wonderful when harvests start coming in. xxx
Agreed — that chiminea as strawberry planter is brilliant! I love seeing the leafy explosions in your garden. Mine is about down for its summer nap so I shall enjoy all your wonderful images from afar. I’m actually very pleased you found a way to deter the dogs. The Allotment is thriving with your efforts. Hope you make it to the fruits of your labor before birds or other marauders do.
Thanks Anne. I am pleased with the strawberry planter, it should last for years. I didn’t enjoy looking at all those barriers at first but now I’ve got used to them, they really are dog deterrents! I’m sure the birds will win!xxx
Great post, images and a very busy garden.
Thanks Peter, busy is a great word to describe a garden.xxx
Wow, abundance is the word for your garden this year! I love the herbs drying in the kitchen…looks just like an Italian cookery book! I wish we could grow blueberries, they cost a fortune here, and are often soft when you buy them, yours look gorgeous.
All your vegan drinks look good, my daughters are both Kombucha fans…I can’t keep up with the variety you can get these days.
Our daughter and family are back in Lockdown in Melbourne, but crossing fingers it ends in mid-August.
Thanks Gerrie. What a shame you can’t grow blueberries, they are expensive here too. I haven’t tried kombucha before, it is lovely so I’ll have to keep it up. Here’s to lockdown ending soon so you can all get together.xxx
“It’s a pleasure seeing toys lying around again!”
I couldn’t agree more
Wonderful to see, enjoy yourself.
…and enjoy all of your growing garden produce, it’s looking good.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I do enjoy home grown produce, it doesn’t come any fresher than that!xxx
Love your herbs and love the ciders….must get some:)
Yes your garden this year does spell ‘abundance’ and how wonderful to see the L’l Urchin’s toys scattered about. Enjoy xxxxx
Thanks Janet, the ciders were delicious! It’s lovely seeing everything producing at this time of the year, you can’t beat home grown. Just lovely having toys around again.xxx
I love the flourishing and productiveness of your garden – plants abundanting everywhere! And a little one leaving toys around … what’s not to love? xx
Thanks Gill, loving abundinating! Yes, it’s lovely seeing toys around again.xxx
Aaw wee toys. It is a treat to see them.
Like your veggies and your ‘allotment’. It is all flourishing. The drying herbs look like they’ve always been in situ.
Getting into your greenhouse is going to be a logistical feat.
Enjoy all your tasting goodies.
Yes, who knew you could miss toys hanging around? I’m really pleased with the allotment, it’s great having it so close to the kitchen. I do enjoy seeing bundles of herbs hanging around the kitchen, it’s so easy to just crumble them into a meal. My greenhouse is overflowing with plants, but it’s wonderful seeing them all bearing fruit. Thanks Menhir.xxx
I hope you are licking the courgettes. If we didn’t net our blueberries `I know who would get to them first.
Yes, I am licking the courgettes thanks to you, how worrying it all is! The birds and dogs win here too. Thanks Sue.xxx
Oh, my goodness; hard to pick a favorite item here, but I’ll go with the toy because of what it represents, and then the strawberry chiminea planter! I also love the hanging herbs, and blueberries, and the lovely crowded greenhouse. Thank you for all the beautiful images.
The products sound delicious, too. I love that the edible ones are vegan and sugar-free. And the game sounds like fun, too.
Blessings and joy to you, dear one; your life looks pretty marvelous and delightful right now: exactly what you deserve. Be safe and well, and may every day make you smile.
Ah yes, the toy is my fave too! I do love up-cycling objects, it’s surprising what can make a good planter. Thanks so much Kitty, life is good and even better now the numbers are coming down while the produce grow up! Love and hugs to one and all.xxx