There I was, in the middle of dispatching the shopping, that labourious task that requires wiping down the perishable items, when my mobile rang.
Barb, from next door, sounded rather odd, come outside right now, she said, there’s something you need to see.
From her tone, I expected some sort of creature, maybe a pheasant, a swan, an injured chick/bird or hog out in the daylight, but I didn’t expect this!

She’s back, along with three peachicks.
Peanut, is a wild peahen who decided to live in my garden several years ago. Long story short, after about a year, I managed to trap her in a large dog crate and re-homed her to a guy who has acres of land and about twenty peacocks.
Our neighbours loathed her, without exception. They never stopped complaining about the poops on cars, her terrorizing them by flying off our garage and landing in front of them, the racket, her scratching about on their lawns and borders, and they literally couldn’t wait to see the back of her. Everyone considered her to be my bird as I fed her and she mainly lived and roosted in my garden. Yet I didn’t own her, or buy her, she just moved in!

And so it begins. Again! Word is spreading and I’m being asked by multiple neighbours what I’m going to do about it!

Peanut and her chicks settled in immediately and spent the day sitting on my fences, scratching about in the borders and sleeping in the veggie patch, which is now flattened. She also kept hovering around me so I fed the crew with seed and mealworms, which they seemed to appreciate.

The down side is that I’m unable to let the cat out. Peanut refused to tolerate Curly cat when she last lived here and would run at him honking and screaming. Now she has chicks she’ll be far more aggressive.
I’m also afraid to let the dogs out as it would be a blood bath if they all flew into the garden where the dogs were. I even have to check the courtyard before letting the dogs out to do their business. Oh, the trials and tribulations!
Yet, I have a plan!
Given I caught Peanut in a crate last time, surely I can do it again? So, out came the crates lined with seed. Two peachicks immediately walked in, but Peanut was far more wary. Maybe it’s a case of once bitten, twice shy. Still, I’ll persevere, as I don’t really have any other options. If I do manage to catch them all I’ll have to find another home, maybe a safari park that has peacocks.
It is lovely to see Peanut again, and her peachicks are adorable, if I didn’t have pets, and didn’t live on a busy road, they’d all be more than welcome to stay.

In other news, Buddy got loose in the front garden a few days ago and had a scrap with Curly cat. Thankfully his squealing alerted us immediately and the cat was rescued, although he did sustain a bite or two and was pretty traumatized. Buddy received several scratches and bites too….oh the drama of it all!!! Thankfully Curly is now fine and has spent several days indoors recuperating.

Talking of disasters, I decided to invest in a few fermenting jars as I’ve always wanted to give this a go. My first attempts were an abject fail! As soon as I opened the jars the vilest smell hit me. Mold had spoilt the batches as I hadn’t weighed the veggies down. Sighs. I’ll have to find something to weigh the next batch down with.

After all the excitement and to drown my sorrows, hubs and I tentatively ventured out to the pub for a single drink as neither of us wanted to use the indoor toilets. I must say it felt great to actually go out!
And finally…
every cloud has a silver lining! I was asked to review this fantastic wheelbarrow that is built to last for life. I have to say that’s it’s the most stable wheelbarrow I’ve ever had. I think that’s down to the fact it has two wheels. As well as being useful in the garden I’ll be able to push Littl’urchin about in it. If you’d like to check it out,

This is the company if you’d like to see their products.
There was hope when I saw you managed to get one chick in the crate! But I was very distracted by that gorgeous shot of Lil Urchin in a field of flowers. SO ADORABLE!
Here’s to a little less drama amongst your furry and feathered inmates.
I actually got two in!!! Littl’urchin is an angel, she beginning to talk now, it’s surprising how often we all hear NO! Oh yes, here’s to less drama. Thanks
Well of course Peanut brought her babies back to you where she knows they are safe.
How nice to go to a pub and have a drink, we still haven’t done it but we are planning to do it soon. Such a simple pleasure to make life a little more normal.
I love baby in the buttercups, such a little darling.
Thanks Chloris, it was lovely seeing Peanut and her young family. I hope you enjoy the pub, the one we went too felt safe as all the outdoor tables were nicely spread out, yes it does make life feel a little more normal. xxx
I absolutely see the reason for the ale break ! LOL
You couldn’t write an animal/bird soap opera that would be more fascinating and dramatic and I mean it !
I didn’t know Peanut’s back story but it looks exactly like she wanted you to see her little ones .. and thought your garden was the safest to raise them .. and in her way, she is right.
You are such a caring empathetic person she couldn’t pick a better “grandparent” ? LOL
I’m sorry there is so much drama attached to it all .. the mixing of the ark is very tricky and you mean to do the best for her and the chicks .. I wish you all the success possible and that they are taken to a wonderful home .. but it also begs the question … no matter how far away they are taken … will they still come back ? LOL
That beer went down the hatch quickly!!! Ahhh, thanks so much for such a lovely comment. All well that ends well eh?xxx
Return of the prodigal peahen – and with a family of her own! Congratulations (I think)!
Indeed!!! Thank goodness there was such a happy outcome. Lovely to see them all though. Thanks
Peanut! It’s hilarious and touching that she brought her family home to you. I can just imagine what your neighbors are thinking, though! Good luck in rehoming her brood (far, far away).
It was touching seeing them all, but worrying too. I’m thrilled they are all now safely home….phew! Thanks
Peanut and her chicks are adorable. I hope that you are able to get them moved to a more appropriate location without too much trouble. The fermentation failure has got to be really frustrating. I hate it when I put a lot of effort into making something, and then it doesn’t work out.
Thanks Sheryl, it was lovely seeing Peanut and her brood but it’s good to know they are all safely home again. Oh…the fermenting was annoying, once I acquire weights I’ll give it another go. xxx
Love, love, love the photograph of your granddaughter
Nice that peanut has come back with her chicks to visit, but hoping that you will succeed in getting them caged and re-homed.
I like the wheelbarrow, fabulous colour.
Enjoy these last July days, can you believe it’s August this Saturday!!!
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. It’s wonderful seeing Peanut and her brood safely home. It was a pleasure seeing them all. Yes….where is the time going this year???xxx
You absolutely amaze me….How’s your blood pressure??:)
I hope you are writing a book….actually I can see a tv series about you and your family of humans and furies….Lil Urchin would of course star….
I can imagine something like The Durrells(sp?) only set in England….I really mean it.
I think of you so much and am very glad to see that you continue to amaze and surprise and flourish as do all of your broods. Take care and stay well my friend…sending lots of magical hummingbirds in your direction:)XXXX
Hahaha…thanks Janet. My blood pressure is fine now everything has been resolved. I’d happily write a book about all my animal friends, sadly, I doubt anyone would buy it!!! Lol.
I think of you often too, once this is over we will have to catch up and do that weekend away! Love and
Peanut was obvious so proud of her chicks that she wanted to introduce you all. They do make an awful noise don’t they? It certainly doesn’t go with their looks. We once stayed at a cottage in France that had a couple of resident peacocks in the garden – one white and one blue. Do you think Martin Mere would take them? I’m glad that Buddy and Curly cat are both OK.
I love the thought that Peanut wanted me to see her offspring, it was lovely seeing them all and her good self of course. All is well now as they have gone home, but Martin Mere is certainly worth thinking about if they come back again. I’m amazed they didn’t get run over crossing a busy dual carriageway! Thanks
I’m thrilled to death to see Peanut again, and the chicks! Clearly, you provided a good home — she must be very proud of her new brood, and eager to show them off. It’s a shame the neighbors aren’t especially happy to see her back again. I will admit that after my experiences with a screaming peacock, I’m not sure I’d want one wandering the neighborhood, either, but I think I could put up with it. Of course, with your other animals, thing are more complex. It would be a shame if they all were to beat up on each other — or worse.
Thanks Linda, it was very touching to think she remembered the garden and me, she made herself at home very quickly. Peanut would be more than welcome but peacocks, busy roads and dogs don’t mix. Lovely that you enjoyed seeing her
Wow! What a palaver and what mixed feelings. How lovely that Peanut has brought her chicks to see you … but what a pain that they can’t stay and that they make such a nuisance of themselves! I’m sure you’ll get them caged and rehomed soon. You have the patience and the perseverance.
Love the wheelbarrow – and lil urchin is adorable! She will soooooooooo enjoy being wheeled about! Hugs xx
Thanks Gill, you sum it all up really well! lovely seeing them all, but the practicalities were nightmarish! I’m so glad they are all safely home. xxx
Munchkin is very occupied. Lovely to see.
Well, well, Peanut has returned home to Mama to show off her babies and introduce them to yu, yours and her personal haven. A Peagal has to have a few friends and so have her offspring. I am very touched that `Peanut has remembered you and can find you, it is remarkable. With a memory like that, you honestly don’t think she would forget the dog crate and its associations, do you. Her brood may have good memories too.
It is a tricky situation for the dogs and curly cat. I hope the neighbours don’t get too worked up. I suppose it is possible that Peanut could attempt to stay for a short while then disappear again with her youngsters. They will certainly be on the search for their own mates in due course. I wonder what it was that made her fly away from her nesting pastures.
Are Peahens monogamous? If so, Peanut has a partner to check in on sometime, but where, is the question. If she’s fancy free, that’s another scenario to work out. Could you introduce her to a new partner, or would that have to wait till her peachicks have left to explore the big wide world? What’s needed here is the process for an arranged marriage to be negotiated asap.
I honestly love it that we have been brought up-to-date with Peanut. Have you any names for the three chicks? xxxxx
I was touched too at her finding her way back and spending a day with me before her dramatic walkabout. It was obvious that she remembered me and the layout of the garden. Thank goodness the situation was so happily resolved. Names? I immediately thought, acorn, beechnut and chestnut! I’m delighted that you enjoyed seeing Peanut again.Thanks
I laughed when I read about Peanut and her youngsters, but clearly you’ll have to capture and re-home them. Buddy and Curly should know better.
That wheelbarrow looks and sounds ideal. xx
It was a shock seeing them, just thinking about the logistics had my head spinning. But all’s well that ends well. It was lovely seeing them all thriving. Thank goodness they are all safely
That’s indeed incredible! Peanut knows the way back? Oh, how I love her and her chicks! So very cute!
Innocent Buddy and poor Curly! Luckily nothing too serious!
The way you described your fermenting project had me laughed!
That wheelbarrow is very pretty. Littl’urchin would surely enjoy her ride in it! Ha ha!
I couldn’t believe she found her way back either. It was lovely seeing them all, and good to know they are all safely home again where I can visit them. Oh the fermenting….the least said about that the better, Thanks
Oh, how lovely that she brought back her chicks to show off to you. On the other hand, I can understand the neighbours intolerance, they do make quite a noise, don’t they? (peacocks, not the neighbours, though perhaps they do too, haha). I do hope you find a good home for her and the chicks and that this time she manages to settle.
It was lovely seeing them all and it’s great the situation is now resolved. It would have been really difficult if they had stayed around, from a dog and neighbour perspective. Thanks Jo. xxx
Oh what a drama, I wouldn’t have the stamina for Peanut, especially with all the other pets you have who can no longer come outside! Around Canberra possums can be very destructive to gardens and crops and they are often taken far away to nice wooded areas where they can make a lovely home. This might be an idea for Peanut!
Lovely to see your wee grand daughter, this is a lovely age.
Oh, the drama…I was afraid Peanut was back for good. I’m so pleased the situation was sorted so quickly! Still, it was a pleasure seeing her and her chicks.. Thanks
Oh Peanut, how lovely. She has obviously brought her babies back to a place where she felt safe. I hope all is resolved in good time, for your pets and neighbours’ sake! :0)
We need a new wheelbarrow and this one looks ideal, so thank you for the recommendation. I love the photo of Littl’urchin in the buttercups. Happy fermenting. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. It was lovely seeing Peanut with her peachicks, they are all beyond cute. I’m so glad the situation has been resolved, dogs and chicks are a disaster waiting to happen. Hopefully I’ll manage fermenting!xxx
Oh boy, I thought my garden trails and tribulations were bad but I don’t have a peahen and chicks. I do hope she gets into that crate and soon and you can find a place to rehome her. I guess she needs to go a long way so she doesn’t a way back to yours again. Amazing that she has done that though isn’t it, even if it is not what you wanted.
Your picture of your grand daughter is delightful.
I have those fermenting jars I thought they would negate the need for weights but they don’t. I love fermenting food but I always find it a bit hit and miss. When I think I have managed to weigh it down properly mold finds its way in. I love eating it though so I always persevere
Thank sustainablemum. I was amazed to see peanut and her peahens, yes astonishing that she came back! I’m with re those jars, I even pushed the veggies down, I didn’t think they’d need weighing down. Still, I’ll give it another go once I get some
A very interesting post. And what of Peanut’s future? Great images.
Thanks Peter. Thankfully all was resolved. xxx
Oh, Peanut! A happy surprise, but laden with chores…hope all we be accomplished in peace and with a happy ending and neighborly goodwill.
I LOVE the photo of your sweet granddaughter. What a love; what an utter joy.
Glad you and John were able to step out to the pub: hooray!
Sorry about Buddy and Curly! It’s a good thing that all will heal following their fracas. Hard to maintain a peaceable queendom at times.
And the wheelbarrow! Love the color and the size! How does one get on a list to test-drive all these lovely garden products? And is there a list for testing chocolates, do you think?
Love to all. Blessings on Peanut’s further adventures. xoxoxoxox
Thanks Kitty, thankfully all was resolved, thank goodness. Littl’urchin is such an angel, you forget how cute kids are at this age. It was almost surreal being in a beer garden, it felt like everything had been a dream. Love and hugs to one and all,