All we’ve had for weeks now is rain, endless, relentless rain.

Leaves are everywhere and are constantly being tramped through the house.

And now the hour has gone back it’s pitch black by five pm, which means walking the dogs in the dark. That takes some getting used to.

So it’s all about hygge now. Out come the essential oils for the diffusers, I have quite the collection! It’s time to bunker down and cosy up.

This Himalayan salt diffuser is my favourite, it’s just so comforting.

More lamps are coming into play, a gal has to have a few creature comforts.

It’s strange having the central heating on during the day, along with the log burner during the evening.

Each day I seem to be adding more candles. I’ll have to stock up for the winter.

Remember the kale that the cabbage whites gorged themselves on in the greenhouse? Well, now that the potatoes have been harvested from this raised bed I’ve planted them out. Hopefully the poor things will recover and grow back into strong plants providing us with green goodness for months to come.

Curly cat has become a house cat over recent weeks as he has no interest in going out in the rain. Despite having comfortable chairs and several cat baskets he insists on sleeping on hubs chair in the study, forcing Hubs to sit on an uncomfortable dining room chair. It takes hot desking to a whole new level!

Talking of cats, while I was chatting to friends in another room on Zoom a few days ago, hubs spotted this sphinx peering into the kitchen window! The dogs go out there to do their duty so I do hope this little feline doesn’t hang around out there, and I really, really hope it’s not looking to move in!
And Finally…

Littl’urchin was delighted to see her first peacocks…

especially one flying. She’s hanging on for grim death to a carrot here as she loves feeding the horsshes. By the time the horses get the carrot, it’s missing several bites.
Until next time, keep safe guys.
Your posts haven’t been appearing in my feed lately so I just popped over. I hope it’s stopped raining there, November has been wonderful here; mild sunny days. Of course cats find your house and peer in longingly. The word is out on the street that you are a soft touch.
So many people seem to be having problems re blogs recently, I wonder what’s going on. Good to know you have had a mild November, long may that continue. Still rain here! Hahaha, I do hope the word isn’t out with the felines. Thanks Chloris.xxx
Ah, so chair thievery seems to be universal. That’s exactly what happens at my house — any chair you want to sit in is quickly overtaken by a feline. Good thing I have a standing desk for work
Must’ve been some of that rain you’re sharing — looks like we’ll finally get some in a few days. I foresee lots of tea and reading in front of a fire. Give that Lil H a kiss from me.
It seems chair thievery is indeed a thing! Poor hubs has discovered he’s allergic to Curly cat but strokes him anyway. Delighted to hear you finally have rain, enjoy the fire, reading and the tea! Thanks Anne.xxx
OMG ! I laughed so much about Curly taking over the computer chair ! .. Our Sophie has so many cat beds around it is ridiculous and she still has her non-cat favorites to cuddle up in.
I have never seen a peacock in flight .. not even a picture of one, so that was a treat !
I love mood lighting and scents … I have 2 Himalayan salt lamps that I turn on when I do my yoga .. that warm orange glow is so comforting.
All that rain would be so useful to the Americans in such fire danger .. it is too bad we can’t move weather systems around the world to help countries out .. maybe one day ?
You have such a cozy relaxed house .. well done you !
PS .. Urchin is getting that beta carotene in ! LOL
Thanks Joy, good to have you laughing. Cats are very determined aren’t they, they sure get what they want. Your Sophie seems to have the life of Riley too! Glad you enjoyed the peacock flying, they do look awkward in the air. Oh yes, an orange glow does banish the shadows. If only we could move weather around the world, that would help with climate change.xxx
It has been such a rainy few weeks hasn’t it. Sometimes it feels like it is never going to stop and we have leaves every where too including the house! Your house looks lovely and cosy, perfect for this time of year xxx
Thanks Sustainablemum. Oh goodness, yes it’s been so wet! The leaves in the house drive me crackers. xxx
News are changing every day, and believe me, I prefer not to switch to the newspaper chanel anymore.
We’re fine, as the weather, but not each day. I mean, morally, when the sun shines, it’s better… but when it’s raining, my mood get peech black. Emanuele remains in Zurich since moving around right now isn’t an intelligent thing to do. Sara Luna has one week vacation, but at school things aren’t going well, many youngs are on a quarantine and studying on-line. Insteat of being spared, after an almost lovely summer, our governement lost the grip.
I did “clean-up” the old plants in the garden, but there still so much to do still… and I don’t feel like. At work things get worst day after day, we aren’t enogh to take care of so many new entry; many employers are cutting down activities and many peoples are without jobs.
I keep looking to better days, so little else I can do.
Hugs and kisses :-)c
The news is depressing isn’t it? If anything it’s gets worse by the day. I can’t wait to see the back of this virus. I agree with you, it’s so much better when the weather is good and you can get out, even just to the garden, the dark, cold, wet weather can add to the gloom. I’m glad you are all ok, and I’m sorry to hear about the problems in work. Here’s to this being over sooner rather than later. Take good care of yourself. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
Isn’t it funny how we defer to the animals in the family. Ruby likes to takes our seats if we move. Do we shift her? Of course not we just site somewhere else.
I don;t think glorious s a word that I would use to describe this wet and gloomy weather.
It’s the same her Sue, the animals rule the roost! Totally agree about glorious being the wrong word to describe the grotty weather.xxx
I think your house looks cosy with the lamps, so welcoming at this time of year.
How exciting for Littl’urchin to see her first peacocks, sweet pictures
Have a happy weekend and a happy November.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. It was lovely showing Littl’urchin the peacocks, especially the flying one. xxx
We just had some spring storms – cold as well. All clear this morning. Quite warm out there. I see you are having more lockdowns up there. Still under control here.
Thanks Peter, good to know your weather has calmed down. Yes, England is due to go into another lockdown in a couple of days for a month. I hope it brings the numbers down.xxx
My bet is that the kitty kat will become a permanent fixture:)
Oh yes it is that time of the year again….a time to hunker down and light the candles and enjoy the coziness of autumn.
The trees outside my windows are turning colour and blowing all over the place…yes it’s very windy and raining here as well.
Little Urchin must love her time with you and the animals….I know it sounds crazy but before we know it spring will be upon us again……better get back into my one day at a time mode:). Stay well and safe. XXX
Oh goodness, I do hope the little cat doesn’t want in!!! It’s lovely when the indoors is cosy and the weather is wild isn’t it? I love listening to the rain when I don’t have to go anywhere. Aren’t the autumn leaves stunning this year? The winds will no doubt bring them all down now. Ahhh, I hope Littl’urchin does enjoy time with us, she’s a delight. Bring on the spring and an end to covid! Thanks Janet.xxx
What a fabulous picture of the flying peacock! No wonder lil’urchin was fascinated! You make your home so cosy, Dina. You sure know how to make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear of wet dark weather! xx
Thanks Gill. I loved seeing Littl’urchin’s face when that peacock took off, I don’t think she knew they could fly. We have to pamper ourselves during the dark months don’t we, a glowing candle sure banishes the blues.xxx
Nothing but rain here too and endless sweeping up of leaves. At the moment the wind is howling through the trees abd I know the lawn is going to be covered once more. You look very cosy with all your candles, no wonder the Sphinx wants to come in!
It’s still pouring down here and the winds have been howling. It’s too wet to brush the leaves up, they seem to glue themselves to the ground. Thanks Pauline. xxx
Your house is looking very warm and cosy.. and all the animals are happy … which, let’s face it…. is the important thing! We are having an incredible amount of rain too, but this is so much better than facing drought conditions again through summer.
I love your Littl’urchin holding on to her carrot for the horse…and seeing peacocks fly …lucky girl!
Stay safe and happy !
Thanks Gerrie. Good to know you are avoiding a drought, fingers crossed that never happens again. It was lovely seeing Littl’urchin’s expression when that peacock suddenly took off! xxx
I’ve never seen a peacock fly in real life. I’ve be as completely entranced as the little one is. We’d be happy for some of your rain, but at least it’s cooled off. Now, we’re in line for our own time change this weekend, and everyone will be busy adapting. Without my own kitty I’ll be spared the yearly confusion about what time we’re supposed to get up, and when we eat, but I’d be happy to have her nagging again, anyway. Curly Cat looks pretty firmly ensconced, and I fear I’d be inviting that pretty one at the window to come in and stay a while.
Your candles and lamps are so lovely. I’ve not yet begun that routine — it’s been too warm — but I have an orange-and-clove candle that I’m eager to try.
It’s a real pleasure watching peacocks flying, they look so heavy and clumsy in the air, I almost expect them to fall out of the air! I’m despatching rain to you immediately, I can’t believe it’s still lashing down here. Are you not tempted to get another kitty? I hope you do go for a young fit one! Oh, your candle sounds delicious! Thanks Linda.xxx
Haha, Curly cat has lured you into the trap and put the word out among the community. It starts so innocently, with the pitiful eyes, then you’re suckered! Love lil urchin testing the carrot.
The soggy weather has made a mess of things out and about.
Oh noooo, I do hope Curly isn’t advertising the place! Lol. Littl’urchin brandishes that carrot like a trophy and hangs onto it for grim death for a good half an hour before we locate the horses. It’s well nibbled by then.xxx
This post had me well and truly seduced. Big smiles all round at the end of it.
Tell me, the peacocks, they are not offspring of Peanuts are they? What a great experience for little one to see a peacock flying.
I don’t blame her chomping into the carrot…horses have to learn to share such nice crunchy munches, don’t they.
Curly cat is not daft. A well padded supportive seat is just right for an elderly gent. Hot water bottles under the cushion next. ‘The Sphinx’ is very pretty.
Lots of leaves for little legs and small booted feet to crunch and squidge through. Endless fun for both of you!
Your house will be so cosy and so inviting you’ll tempt many a free spirit to visit and enjoy the home comforts.
Thanks so much Menhir. Peanut had chicks last year too so maybe some of them could be. It is incredible seeing a peacock flying, they look so heavy in the air. I have been thinking of putting a heat pad under Curly’s seat, but I’m reluctant too in case he doesn’t like it and it puts him off the chair. I’ll just have to bite the bullet and go for it.xxxx
Oh, my, Dina! What cozy and magical spaces you create! That’s a great oil collection. May I ask what brand? I’m always looking for reliable essentials and attractive diffusers; yours look grand. No wonder that little cat is looking in; it wants to join the family.
How kind of your Dear One to share his chair with sweet Curly, who looks very Princely, indeed.
Blessings on your kale: what a treat that will be! We’re loving our squash these chillier nights.
I sure wish you could send some rain our way, and we’d be happy to share our aridity. Hoping for greater balance…in our weather and the world.
I will try a sundance for you; let me know if it works, and I’ll let you know if it gets me arrested.
Best treat of the week: Pictures of Li’l urchin’s delight with the peacocks! How wonderful to see. Thank you for all these treats, Dina! Joy to your precious heart, xoxoxo
Thanks so much Kitty. I use Anyou pure essential oils, a few drops go a long way. There have been no further sightings of the little feline looking through windows! You can’t beat squash in the autumn, it’s such a versatile vegetable isn’t it? Hahahaha….here’s to getting arrested, I may join in with a rain dance for you. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
We’ve had lots of rain here too. I’m not a lover of the dark nights, I always dread the clocks going back, but it does look nice and cosy with the lamps and candles lit. Curly cat seems to have made himself comfy, I remember the time he wouldn’t have dreamt of coming indoors, just shows we all like a bit of comfort as we get older. Awww, that sphynx, he’s obviously looking what he’s missing out on, haha.
I’m no fan of the early dark nights either, it’s takes a while to adjust to them. It’s still raining here, the lawn is fast becoming a swamp. Yes, Curly has changed his tune over the years for sure. He doesn’t mind Sam and Annie but loathes Buddy. No further sightings of the sphynx thankfully. Thanks Jo.xxx
It’s certainly been a rainy month. The two cat photos made me smile, as did your comment about the carrot missing several bites.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s still lashing down here. Good to have you smiling.xxx
Your house looks so cosy with all the lamps – no wonder that kitty wants to come inside. That’s quite a collection of essential oils you have there! I hope your poor kale recovers – ours lives in the fruit cage for protection. Good old Curly Cat working hard! I hope the horses enjoyed what was left of Littl’urchin’s carrot! :O) Have a great weekend. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I’m pleased to see the kale already making a come back. I really do need to get some netting sorted for next year. I do love diffusers in the autumn and winter.xxx