I was shocked and utterly horrified to hear that Peanut and her chicks had been run over and killed recently. It really is heart breaking to think she’s gone, just like that.
I hope it was quick and they didn’t suffer, and I’m glad I didn’t see them. I do hope it wasn’t deliberate.

I will always remember her, my one and only close encounter with a peahen, a creature I knew precious little about before she moved in.

I’ll remember the strife she caused with the neighbours and how she terrorized Curly cat, running at him and honking at the top of her voice.
I’ll remember how she’d suddenly fly into the garden while all three dogs were loose, almost resulting in me having me a heart attack while trying to round the dogs up, to prevent a blood bath.

I’ll remember her peering into the dining room and study and feasting on practically everything in the garden, then napping in the vegetable patch afterwards.

I’ll remember how we tamed each other, learnt to trust each other and how we became friends.

I’ll remember her sorrow and haunting cries when her eggs failed to hatch, and I’ll remember her joy at finding her own kind and becoming a mother.

I’ll remember how she flew into the beech tree each night to roost in the exact same spot, and how she brooded those eggs on the garage roof.
And I’ll always remember her final visit, when she brought her three chicks to spend the day in my garden, how could I have known that would be the last time I would ever see her or her peachicks.

Goodbye Peanut, I salute you. It was a great pleasure to have known you.
Thanks Jade. Amen to that.xxx
Poor Peanut! Hope she and her chicks have had a better rebirth!
Thanks Brenda, it appears it was deliberate which is just awful. It’s lovely to think people will remember her with fondness. I am grateful that she brought her chicks around for that final visit. xxx
Oh, Dina, how awful. Especially if it was deliberate. This pandemic seems to bring out the worst in some people. We have certainly seen an increase in aggression and belligerence here. But Peanut has the last laugh because people all over the world will remember her and her and her family with fondness. I was really moved when she returned to introduce her chicks to you. RIP Peanut. This year sucks.
What a sad end to the story. Just treasure the happy memories and how nice that Peanut is famous through your blog.
Thanks Chloris. Such a pity and sad ending to it all. Ahhh, lovely to think people will remember her.xxx
Oh goodness….the blog is losing the plot and I have no idea why! So sorry about that.xxx
Your feed doesn’t have email subscriptions enabled , a message tells me, Snowbird. Back to where we started. I can’t find a ‘follow’ button to click on your post either. Do I have subscriptions enabled or a follow button to click? That’s what we used to do, click follow. As you say, What is going on!
So, so sorry about Peanut. We lived her life with you and loved all the antics between you and Peanut that you described. It feel like I have lost a friend. You must be devastated. Peanut’s proud visit to you to introduce you to her chicks was just so marvellous and uniquely special.
Peanut will be unforgettable. You have some wonderful pictures depicting her time and visits with you.
P.S. got to your site by finding a comment of yours on one of my posts and clicking on it.
Thanks Menhir, ahhh how lovely that you feel you have lost a friend. What a lovely thing to say. I’m so glad people will remember her, she deserves that as she was a one off, such a vibrant character. Oh yes, I’ll miss that crazy bird, I has no idea how attached I was to her. So sad about those poor chicks too. So glad you got to comment.xxxxxxx
I read this yesterday but was too upset to leave a comment. What a shocking end to her story. How absolutely awful. And that somebody might have done this deliberately is terrible. Dina you have brought Peanut to the attention of many people via this blog and I hope you might find some comfort in time to come to know that her life meant something. Her existence was meaningful and precious and I know that I will remember her. If only she had been allowed to live out her full life. And her beautiful innocent chicks. They deserved more. Life can be cruel. XXX
Thanks Keggy. I spoke to the peacock guy and he has no doubt that this was deliberate as it happened very early on a Sunday morning. He said the birds were in pieces and scattered and there was no glass so it was a heavy vehicle targeting them. That makes me so very angry! I’m so glad that you will remember her, I always will too, her life and those of her chicks definitely had meaning. Thanks for commenting, I hope all is well with you. xxx
I am just so sorry to read this sad news.
This was a very nice post sharing your memories.
So pleased you have a good selection of photographs of her and her chicks.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. I owed her that post, she certainly was a one off. I’ll always remember her and her chicks.xxx
That is so very sad – I feel for you
Thanks Sue, such an awful ending isn’t it.xxx
Oh, Dina. This brought tears to my eyes. I’d grown so fond of Peanut, and loved watching her antics — not to mention seeing her chicks. I’m so glad that she brought them for you to see. She certainly led a fuller life than she would have had she not met you. It’s just heart-breaking that she — and the chicks — came to such an end, but it’s some consolation that they went together, and the chicks weren’t left without her.
Ahhh, thanks Linda. I couldn’t believe it when a neighbour told me. Yes, at least they all went together. I’m glad she had a family and lived with her own kind, also that I got to see her chicks.xxx
HOW SAD! I’m so sorry Peanut and her chicks came to such an end. Thank you for sharing the photos and your many experiences with her.
Thanks Anne, it was such an awful, unexpected end. My one and only peahen, I’ll miss her.xxx
Oh my gosh … how terrible
Thanks Anne Marie. Yes, such a pity.xxx
Farewell to your Peanut. Became a member of your wider family.
Thanks Peter, yes she certainly did.xxx
Through you blog we have all come to know Peanut and so it is very sad to hear that she and her beautiful chicks are now gone….
She clearly found a wonderful home and friend in you and she will certainly be remembered by readers, your neighbours, the dogs and many others:)
Stay safe my friend. Janet XXXX
Thanks Janet, I’m glad she’ll live on in people’s minds. She was such a character, and it was such a pleasure getting to meet her family. Hugs.xxx
Oh goodness, I am so sorry to hear about Peanut. It is lovely that she had her own family but so shocking to hear about them all. Such a shame.
Thanks Garden Girl. It is such a shame to think they met there end so horribly. Thanks for dropping by, lovely to hear from you, I hope all is well.xxx
Sorry to read about Peanut, she was such a character, and lovely that she did live to have her own chicks. It is always sad to see a dead bird on or near a main road, such a sign of our times.
Thanks Gerrie. She certainly was a one off for sure. Yes, I’m grateful that she had chicks and got to live with her own kind.xxx
So sorry to hear the sad news about Peanut and her chicks. She must have thought a lot of you to bring her chicks to see you, she wouldn’t have trusted just anyone, you were obviously very special to her. I know she will be sadly missed but she has left you with some lovely memories.
Thanks Pauline, I’ll miss her. It’s good to know she came to trust me. Yes, I’ll always have those memories, it’s not every day you get to befriend a peacock.xxx
Oh, I just can’t bear this. I’m so sorry, Dina. I’m sending love and more love. Xoxo, Kitty
Thanks Kitty, it really is the end of an era with her. Such a sudden, sad ending. I’ll remember her, especially that day she brought her chicks around. Love and hugs.xxx
I’m really sorry to hear the news about Peanut and her chicks. What a horrible thing to happen. We remember the photos and stories of her life and thank you for your post dedicated to Peanut and her young. Take care. xxL
Thanks Linda, it is such a shame. Good to think people will remember her. xxx
Sad news. Lovely post and pictures in her memory. I’m sure that you’ll remember her with fondness and a smile. xx
Thanks Flighty, I’ll certainly remember her with fondness.xxx
Oh no, such a sad post. She really was a character and she definitely brought a smile to so many faces with tales of her antics. She certainly knew her own mind and would stubbornly refuse to change for anyone. How lovely that you got to see her chicks, she was obviously a proud mum and wanted to show them off to you. I know that Peanut will be missed.
Thanks Jo, yes it’s such a shame and so sad. She certainly was a character, it’s lovely to think people will remember her.xxx
Oh, that’s so such sad news! Poor Peanut and poor you. It sounds as if she had a wonderful life and trusted and loved you enough to bring her chicks to visit you. I’ll miss seeing what she had been up to via your posts. Sending you virtual hugs. xx
Thanks Veggie Mummy. I’m grateful that she had a better life with her own kind before her death. Thanks for the hugs.xxx
I am so sorry to hear this. This is such a beautiful way to remember her. She sounds like a wonderful bird to have known.
Thanks Sustainablemum. She certainly was memorable.xxx