Released ducks raised from chicks.
It’s been business as usual throughout the pandemic in terms of animals pouring through the doors, if anything, we have been even busier.

Woodpigeon chicks.
All essential staff have continued to care for the animals throughout, their dedication and selflessness is admirable. Unfortunately volunteers have been unable to visit the shelter during lockdowns, resulting in even more work for the staff.

A brood of shelducks.
All the units in the rescues, kennels, cattery, wildlife, small mammals and farm in Liverpool have continued caring for the animals, along with horses, ponies and the cattery in Wales.

Little owl.
Initially adoptions stopped during the lockdowns but resumed afterwards with home checks being done virtually and gardens checked in person for all dogs. Meet and greet was also enabled by booking to reduce the number of people in the rescue at any one time. Hygiene has been upped and social distancing is in place, which isn’t always easy in small spaces.

Blackbird chicks.
Finances, which are tricky at the best of times have been something of a worry, but we’re still here and becoming ever more creative re raising funds. All the charity shops closed, and sadly are closed once more as the second lockdown has now been imposed.

Robin chicks.
Many animals have been abandoned during this pandemic, some as a result of unemployment, some out of fear of contagion and sadly, some are victims of their owners bereavement.

Donations of newspaper and other essentials trickled off during the pandemic resulting in staff and volunteers putting up notices on their gates requesting urgently needed items. My car is filled to the brim each week with donations, so much so, that recently, while having a routine MOT the mechanic complained the headlights were tipping upwards.

Guinea piglets.
I’ve been doing garden checks and creeping in after hours to check on bonded rabbits, and turning fans off during hot weather and I’m all set now to continue wildlife talks on zoom. Unfortunately, all the Brownie and Rainbow groups have been put on hold again due to the second lockdown. How strange and unpredictable it all is!

Herring gull chick.
Our rescue, along with others is finding it difficult to plan ahead, especially re fundraising initiatives, no one knows what the future holds, everything is literally up in the air.

A wild kitten being hand fed.
It’s wonderful that so many have continued to support us and the work we do, these difficult times certainly bring out the best and worse in people.

Another wild kitten.
Everyone is relieved that to date we have remained open and have still managed to rescue and care for large numbers of domestic and wild animals.

Domestic rats.
Animal rescues are hanging on by their fingertips, so it may be worth contacting your local one and asking if they need items like newspapers, towels, bedding, shredded paper etc, you’d be amazed at how much they use.
And Finally…
As always we have been inundated with hedgehogs this year which will now remain with us throughout the winter.

It’s always a pleasure to rescue these fascinating and endangered creatures.

Until next time….stay safe guys.
Dear Dina, things doesn’t look good in England, I’m so terribly sorry… We’re constantly informed and I deeply hope soon it will be just a bad memory.
Me too, I can’t see all pictures… but I have a good immagination
I still can’t understand how someone abbandon a creature because of been scared of the virus. It’s to blame it on the disinformations media around the world are feeding us.
Not very much to tell, in reality, at work we are now submersed with peoples loosing their jobs and the count increased costantly. My counseling has became more a kin of psy-therapy, but I don’t have the right schooling background! I do my best, sometimes people only need to talk, and I’m a good listener.
I wish to send some money for the rescue, if you please send me the address for a payment via PayPal !
Hugs and kisses :-)c
Ahh yes, people do need to talk at the moment, I feel for you trying to help them all. Our numbers are going down gradually, fingers crossed they carry on in the right direction. Stay safe! You have given enough money to the rescue! love and hugs to all of you.xxx
They are all so adorable! Wish I could have them as pets
Thanks Jade, you and me both.xxx
In many ways this was an uplifting post, as it just goes to show that even in these uncertain times there are so many good people who are so willing to help out as best they can. So well done to you and your colleagues for doing what you do there for all of the different animals, and well done to the local community and those in it who continue to support you.
So many charities are finding it incredibly difficult in these times of Covid.
I hope that when December 2nd comes around restrictions may be able to be lifted, we shall have to wait and see.
Take care, stay safe and well.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, without community support many rescues would go under. People have been so kind during this pandemic, it’s amazing how generous people can be. Yes, charities everywhere are suffering, let’s hope we get that vaccine out asap. xxx
So glad that you can keep going. I was shocked at how the price of puppies doubled during the Covid crisis. I hope this isn’t just breeders taking advantage of an increased demand and more to deter people adopting a pup on impulse. I too worry about how many Covid pets will be abandoned at a later date as they have been acquired to relieve lockdown boredom. The local RSPCA has a field that it hires out for off lead sessions that brings in funds. They charge £6 for a half our and most dats slots are full.
Thanks Sue. Sadly many dogs bought from breeders are already being sent to rescues. It’s such a shame and puts pressure on rescues that are already struggling. Good idea re the dog field!xxx
Thanks for the rescue update. I’ve been wondering how things were faring during the pandemic. Glad to hear that things are still up and running. Love that owl.
Thanks Brenda. It’s sure been a worrying year for rescues, so many are hanging on by a thread. Lovely that we’re still here. That little owl is lovely isn’t it? Hope all is well with you.xxx
Lovely post highlighting the need for continual help for rescue centres for animals regardless of COVID. You have reminded me to take our old towels to our local RSPCA … although they are apparently running out of rescue dogs….. so many people are getting dogs this year!
Thanks Gerrie, good to know you’ll be taking old towels to the RSPCA. It was the same here, so many people were buying dogs, sadly though many have been taken back to rescues. Breeders have been making a fortune. xxx
What amazing work you are doing. Thank you for sharing this, I have a huge amount of newspapers at the moment so I will contact my local animal rescue and see if they want them. Thank you for bringing to our attention this amazing and vital work and explaining how difficult it is at this time. A lovely lovely post, thank you.
Ahhh, thanks Sustainablemum. I’m sure your local rescue will be delighted with anything you can donate, we are always grateful for newspapers, shredded paper, bedding and towels. xxx
Of course! It would be my pleasure.xxx
Would you mind if I try to copy some of your glorious pictures for a munchkin to see? Hedgehogs have long been a favourite and your photos are so different to anything I have. I’ll understand if you prefer not. Xxxx
Thank you Dina for this heart warming post. Such wonderful photographs and clearly all the animals are so well looked after. Thank you to you and all the other helpers and works at the Rescue.
I will contact my local rescue to see if I have anything that they may need…thanks for that reminder.
Stay safe and make sure to wash all hands and paws.
Sending love
janet XXXX
Thanks Janet, the staff are just marvellous and provide a really high standard of care, we are lucky to have such dedicated teams. Lol, yes, hands and paws take a lot of washing for sure. Love and hugs, until we meet again.xxx
Those are really lovely pictures, and I’m so impressed at the dedication and creativity of the rescue staff and volunteers. xx
Thanks Gill, they do a wonderful job bless them.xxx
There are some huge blocks of just white in this post, and there seem to be some missing photos. Some photos are fine, but the rats and hedgehogs are missing.
I was confused as could be by the ‘kittens.’ They certainly look like rabbits to me. I’ll bet that ‘kitten’ is a term for a young rabbit. I’ll check that out.
We had quite an adventure here last night. A feral cat caught one of my squirrels, and had I not stepped out onto the patio when I did, surely would have killed it. Luckily, I got the cat to leave, but the squirrel was clearly injured, and couldn’t climb a tree. I called our animal control people, and even though it was late in the day, one came and captured the little thing. I stopped by the shelter this morning to inquire about it, and found that it was recovering well after a steroid shot and a bit of bandaging. There weren’t any broken bones, and the wounds weren’t as bad as we’d feared. Thank goodness! Now, to deal with that feral cat that’s been doing damage all over the compound.
Sorry to hear you are having problems viewing this post, I’ve checked it and it seems ok my end so I don’t know why it’s appearing that way on your device. Maybe it’s because the photos are from a mobile phone and need to be reduced, I’ll do that next time. Yes, kitten is a term for a baby rabbit.
Oh goodness, I’m pleased to hear the poor squirrel was rescued by you, how lucky that you were there and the rescue came out, great news to know it will survive the ordeal. Maybe put some food out for the feral cat, but it’ll be yours forever if you do. Thanks Linda.xxx
Hello there Snowbird !
What a wonderful post filled with such beautiful animals and birds. So much love has to be happening for such dedication to take place. That is a precious commodity .. not ever fully realized until it disappears .. which we always hope that never happens but there is only so much so many people can do .. I truly understand that. These times are so precarious for animals and the earth if people don’t fully wake the he– up ?
In any case … you are a remarkable person that does so many kind caring things. You should celebrate how precious you are to this world ! Well Done You
Thanks for such a lovely comment Joy, There are many who do so much more than me, our staff and the staff of all rescues have been amazing throughout this pandemic, putting themselves second and carrying on as normal, they really are so dedicated and committed.
Oh yes, people have to wake up and smell the roses before it’s too late.xxx
And so many people are buying dogs during the lockdowns, I hope they
won’t be discarded when things are back to normal.
You and your colleagues do an amazing job. That little owl is just the cutest.
It’s infuriating seeing so many people getting dogs during lockdown only to give them up so quickly. It seems to be a trend sadly. Thanks Chloris, the little owl is delightful isn’t it.xxx
Lovely post and pictures. Well done to you and your colleagues for doing what you do there for all the animals. Take care. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s lovely seeing so many animals rescued, rehomed and released.xxx
Thank you for this touching and beautiful post, Dina. I hope it’s OK that I shared it on Facebook. People need to be reminded that rescues need continual support and funding!
I love seeing all these precious animals. You and colleagues cannot be thanked profoundly enough, but know I carry deep gratitude in my heart for all you do to heal the Earth. ♥️ Xoxo
Ahhh, thanks Kitty, you are far too kind as always. So happy you shared. Yes, the rescues around the world need all the help they can get, now more than ever. The staff at our rescue are marvellous. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
It’s such a sad fact that animals will continue to be abandoned, neglected or injured whatever’s going on in the world at large. Thank goodness for the work rescues such as this one does. Such wonderful photos, there were ahhhs each time I scrolled down.
Thanks Jo, yes it’s the same old no matter what’s going on in the world. I’m glad you enjoyed the animals. we have quite the variety for sure.xxx
I had been wondering how things were going at the animal rescue place so thank you for the update on the way you’re having to organise everything to make sure you can safely take animals in, care for them, release others into the wild and do rehoming checks digitally etc. Your photos show the care and dedication you put into this work during these challenging times. Hope you get the funding you need and you’ll find creative ways of working with the
children’s groups once more, perhaps in the new year.
Thanks Linda. I do miss doing the wildlife talks so it will be good to try it out on zoom. We all have our fingers crossed that this pandemic ends sooner rather than later. xxx
What adorable animals – they are all so cute! We’ve noticed the lack of newspapers here too – we don’t use many (just for starting the stove and for Hamish’s litter tray) but the lack of free papers has certainly made a difference. Well done on your continuing hard work. The animals are very lucky to have you, even if your car is suffering as a result! :O) xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. We haven’t had any free newspapers since the outbreak either, fortunately plenty are dropped off here so I can help myself to them for Curly’s litter tray. The mechanic was amazed to see my car that full, I had my wrists slapped!xxx
Yes, I was going to say the same about the wild kittens…. Whatever they are, so ridiculously adorable. Are these current photos, Dina? All these young ones in the autumn?
Appreciate your sharing the realities of life at shelters and rescues. I can’t imagine the mounting work while navigating an already-stressful situation. Kudos to all of you for such dedication, love, and care for these helpless ones.
Oh, sorry, kittens are baby rabbits. These photos were randomly chosen from a variety of animals admitted during the pandemic, since early march, I have so many more which I’ll add to future blogs. I’m amazed at how many charities, for people and animals are still finding ways to function, necessity is the mother of invention it would seem, when push comes to shove, people get creative. Thanks Anne.xxxx
Yay! I got through to you on my desktop….dead easy it was too!!!!!
I am puzzled by the ‘wild kittens’. They look like rabbits of some variety. Am I being ignorant here, if so, please enlighten me?
The way wee hedgehog is being syringe fed reminds me of the kitten I hand-reared many years ago, starting off with two hourly feeds. The Blackbird chicks are real show birds aren’t they. The Shelducks are super. I’ve seen young Herring Gulls, but not quite as young as the one you have.
Love the Owl, it has such a lost look.
The Swan is so proud and balletic to look at. How old do you think it might be, and why is it in The Rescue?
It looks like three of your picture have disappeared.
The domestic rats are very pretty. I wonder how easy it will be to home them. Your Guinea Piglets are missing, along with the Robin and some Ducks. I’ll bet they are cute.
Smashing post and really clear pictures. xxxxx
Baby rabbits are also kittens.
Thanks Menhir, delighted that you got through! Long may that last!
Sorry, baby rabbits are kittens, same for hare’s I think. Goodness, hand weaning a kitten is hard going, I salute you! I guess the swan is about three or four, I don’t know what it’s ailment is as a member of staff sent me the picture. Maybe botulism, which tends to be common in water birds. Goodness, now pictures are disappearing for some people, I have no idea why, when I look the blog up they are all there. I’ll get daughter on the case. xxx