A Fist full of ferrets
This year has been the busiest ever for our wildlife and small mammal unit. All creatures great and small have flowed through the doors, so I thought I’d share a few of them with you.

We’re still rats, smell it first guys, smell it first
Talking of wildlife, there’s a moose, loose aboot this hoose!
Somehow one of the little blighters, {and I hope it’s only one} has got into the kitchen, of all places. I only realised this when I came across a half chewed fruit bowl.
I now have humane traps everywhere laced with chocolate, peanut butter and cheese. The most infuriating thing is that the mouse is getting the food out without triggering the hair pin traps. I only have to breathe near them to set them off.

You cannot pass
I have a new evening routine now which involves putting the bread in the microwave and the fruit bowl in the oven. I left the garlic and chilli peppers out thinking they’d be safe but apparently mice like chilli peppers. So far the garlic along with oranges are the only things that haven’t been mouse-handled. Even chairs, cushions and unit doors have been chewed.
I’m not in the mood to deal with a second plague. AT. ALL.

Flower arranging
We’re still walking the dogs in the dark and rain each evening during the week. Ghost buses past us by and I’m getting used to them. To dodge joggers we continually cross roads, and funnily enough the dogs have adapted to this and have taken to sporadically trying to drag us across the road every few minutes! How quickly they learn new tricks. It takes me by surprise every time I’m almost dragged of my feet, into the road!

Lunch? Seriously?
Slowly but surely the decorations are creeping out. I pretend it’s for Littl’urchin, but I’ve succumbed to the need for a little good cheer.

Worst rag ever, only fit for bedding
Given I’ve stocked up on jars and cans during this plague I decided it was time to start using the oldest ones, so I boiled up some vegetables and grabbed two of the most elderly jars of ready made curry sauce from the depths of the cupboard.

We have eyes on
I added one jar to the vegetables but couldn’t open the second so asked hubs to. As he opened it he noticed that it was a year out of date. Given I didn’t want to waste all the vegetables, I used the first out of date jar anyway, and tossed the second.

When will this ever end
It smelt and tasted just fine but hubs and I were a little wary that there may be some unpleasant repercussions. Guess what? We are both still right as rain, two days later. {Why do people use that expression?}
That was a lesson to me, always look, smell and taste before you toss food.

Need a bigger bed
I did my first school zoom today, with a group of ten year olds. It all went surprisingly smoothly. The teachers and children were all on one screen and were very quiet, until I invited questions, and even then only one child at a time approached the screen at the teacher’s invitation. All so very civilised!

Worst branch ever
Before the zoom session began and while I was waiting to be added online by the host, Buddy decided to sit on my knee as he loves watching the screen on my laptop.

The most awful game of hide and seek
When I was finally added and introduced myself, all the kids gasped and one yelled, oh my god, the dog’s talking!
I laughed, peered around him and chatted to the kids. How they enjoyed him.
So Bud and I conquered our first school zoom, he certainly brought a different energy to that session.
And Finally…

Thanks to Kitty for this delightful gift. It brought tears to my eyes.

Until next time, stay safe guys.
Aren’t they just! Thanks Jade.xxx
They are all so adorable!

Thanks Amalia.xxx
So much sweetness. You are doing such important work.
What a lovely post and an amazing selection of animals you have looked after during the year.
However, sorry to read about the ‘loose moose’ hope the situation is soon rectified.
So pleased the Zoom school session went well.
That friendship ball is a lovely idea and a such special gift.
I know it is different this year, but enjoy the season.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, it’s lovely to be still operating during this pandemic. The loose moose hasn’t been detected in the kitchen of late so hopefully my blocking everything I can is working. Yes, that was such a thoughtful gift for sure. Here’s us all making the best of the season, however we celebrate it.xxx
What a variety of animals. Dogs certainly do pick up new habits fast>, some are very strange too. Love Buddies zoom appearance.
We do get a wonderful variety of critters coming through our doors. Oh my, yes, dogs pick things up sooo quickly. They say you can’t teach an old a new trick…I beg to differ! I loved Buddy being involved in the zoom even though it was accidental. Thanks Sue.xxx
Super Hhg picture. Such detail. I am totally confused as to what some -not all- the species of animals are, in particular the white and light furry ones, with or without obvious pink coloured ears.
Your primary teaching session with your four-legged elf sounds absolutely wonderful. I’m envious of those kids.
You have given us a fantastic set of pictures to enjoy. Please Miss, could we have a Zoom session (with the elf) ?
Stay well stay safe xxxxxx
Rabbits and guinea pigs, yes they can be confusing, half of them look like Siamese cats!
I really enjoyed the zoom, and given I was dreading it I was so relieved that I’m now happy to do more. Hahaha… a zoom session with the elf has me laughing out loud! Thanks Menhir. xxx
Love all the rescues, not least the ducks! They will always have their beady eyes on you. Just in case you have corn..
I have had my own mini food disaster. For some reason we can only get milk in large containers from the local supermarket these days. A bit over the top when there’s just the two of us and we have to watch it lest it goes off. Guess who forgot to sniff. It’s not easy sieving home made rolled oat muesli out of rancid milk let me tell you! I also went on to eat what I’d salvaged, with fresh milk this time, and also lived to tell the tale. So far..
Oh yes, ducks are always eyes on for sure! Oh my…your foodie disaster sounds even worse than mine! Glad you too survived to tell the tale! You can freeze milk as long as you leave space in the carton for it to expand. Thanks Jess.xxx
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those animals are just too adorably cute! We used to have a ‘business’ of ferrets (that’s the collective noun, but I prefer your fistful), such inquisitive characters.
Haha, how I would have liked to have seen your business of ferrets! They are absolutely high on life! Thanks AnneMarie.xxx
Eh eh eh mice are very intelligent!
I remember a few years ago you found a nest inside the climbing ivy…
I have a family of mice that lives in our garden, in the spring I was able to caress a baby mouse who had taken refuge with his brother (or sister) under the leaves of the potato plants. What a special feeling! I’ve been giving them food for a long time… and every time they take away every last flake of oats or hazelnuts.
You stocked up on tin cans with various food (next time be careful), I saved everything I could from the crops from the garden… well, in truth, we’re also using the “provisions” by putting them with fresh things.
I try not to think about next year or how things will evolve. I already have enough problems like this, without creating more.
Since in Switzerland only universities give online lessons, Sara Luna attends high school and, on time (every second week), she has to undergo the covid swab as there are more and more of her classmates infected.
I don’t know what is better: but they certainly shouldn’t have reopened the schools and last summer they should have OBLIGED teachers to update themselves on online teaching methods…. you say that you’re getting well on with on-line lessons! Aren’t you?
Forget it, it’s not worth discussing.
Come on, for now let’s think about Christmas decorations, the possibility of just celebrating with your family, without relatives, and not even friends to think about.
A big hug and be (all of you) safe and in good health :-)c
Ahhh, I did enjoy your experience of the baby mouse. I’ve found a few too and they are very tame when young. How lovely that you feed yours, that should protect your crops. I’m using a mixture of fresh, canned and frozen food too, and am now rotating what I have a little better. Oh what a worrying time re daughter going to school, sighs, it’s all so scary isn’t it. Zoom online with a class of kids was pretty straightforward, online learning is doable, but I suppose all kids don’t have laptops, especially if parents are working from home and using them too. I have my decorations up now, this is the earliest ever for me. Thanks Claudine, you all stay safe too. Hugs.xxxx
I would love to have a selfie of you and Buddy!! I do sympathise over your rodents. We used to get them all the time in Nigeria – they would dine off my yams. And we had rats in Birmingham – took ages to find all the holes and stop them up! Good luck in catching them xx
Haha, I’d love a selfie of me and Buddy doing that zoom too! Oh yes, rodents are horrendous to remove. I’m running around blocking everything I see with copper wire. I think it’s work in progress! Thanks Gill.xxx
Good morning Dina….Thank you for this wonderful wake up for me….such beautiful little creatures.
Hope you Kitchen isn’t invaded:)
and that you are all able to have a peaceful, joyful holiday season. Stay sae and well.
Sending much love
Janet XXX
Thanks Janet. We do get a wonderful variety of animals coming through our doors. Thankfully there is little evidence of loos mooses in the kitchen of late, although I still hear the pitter patter of tiny feet on the ceiling! Love and hugs to you.xxxx
I love all the photos…all the animals looks so cute, and surely the rabbits and ferrets would find homes in families with children (actually maybe not the ferrets thinking about that!)
I got the Christmas decorations out early this year, it is a time to be extra festive.
Stay safe and well, and good luck with all your cute little critters!
Thanks Gerrie. Thankfully the majority of our rabbits and ferrets are friendly and we only rehome to families with children over five. Yes, I think we all need a little warmth and good cheer this year. I never put mine up before the 14th, so this year is a first for me.xxx
I enjoyed every one of these photos. The animal are all adorable, even if some of their habits annoy you from time to time! I started out trying to identify a favorite, but there’s just no way. It’s interesting about the chilli peppers. I’m sure you know that squirrels can’t abide it, which is why some bird seed comes already dosed with hot pepper. It doesn’t bother the birds at all, but helps to keep squirrels out of the feeders.
I just know that Christmas is going to come and go before I manage to catch up with it this year. I’ve lost an entire week to complications of one sort or another: expensive and hard to deal with complications, to be honest. But I’m fine, and the problems will be resolved. One step at a time — even when we’re getting dragged across the road!
I’d struggle to pick a favourite too. Well, that’s new to me, I had no idea squirrels dislike chillies! I’m shocked that mice do!
Oh, I don’t like the sound of your complications, I do hope they are sorted sooner rather than later. Yes, one step at a time is the way to go. Thanks Linda.xxx
THAT was a dose of cute I really needed. Well, apart from the (cute?) mouse mooching off your food!!
Those adorable ferret faces. Does one of them remind you a little bit of Wimsey?
Oh Buddy! You’re a superstar now
Haha, now you come to mention it I do see the resemblance to My Beautiful Boy! I am almost, almost tempted to leave Buddy in the kitchen overnight to dispatch the mice, but even if I had the heart to, he’d just open the door and come to bed! He did enjoy his moment of fame! Thanks Anne.xxx
Good luck with getting rid of the micey mice! Can’t believe they nibbled the chilli peppers!! Cat?? is Curly still with you…. ?? love all the furry creatures….. great to see the lovely pictures of them! Hope all good with you and yours! xxx
Hi Rosie, how lovely to hear from you, I often wonder how things are going with you and daughter. All good I hope. I was shocked to see a chewed up chilli too! Yes, Curly is still with us but stays in the study with hubs, he hasn’t left the house for months, he hates the dogs so won’t be around them, especially Buddy who has attacked him twice. Even if he could be left in the kitchen he’s so ancient he’d probably sleep through mice running all over him. Take good care of yourself.xxxx
Great post and photos of the little ones. Christmas is nearly here.
Thanks Peter. Yes, Christmas is almost here, how quickly yet slowly this year has gone by.xxx
Oh, my! What a post! Crammed with riches. I love all those little darlings, though I’m sorry you’re corralling the invasion; hope that all works out. They look adorable. All the photos are sweet; I love the heggie on top, the bunnies and beautiful birds, too. I hope the rescue is receiving consistent support during this perilous time.
I was thinking maybe you received your vaccine this week. If not, I hope it comes soon, so you can all celebrate your holiday together!
The ornament made me think of you and L’il Urchin…I hope you knew I didn’t consider you a grandmother figure in my life! Ha! More like my more attractive younger sister.
Thank you for the gifts every post you write adds to the world!
Peace to your week’s end. Have fun and be safe on those lovely walks.
xoxo, K
Touch wood, the rescue is still hanging on in there like all the rescues worldwide. People can be so very kind, we’re all so relieved we can carry on rescuing desperate creatures. We won’t receive our vaccine until late January as we are way down the list, but we have our fingers crossed that we should get our lives back by Easter. We will only be seeing daughter this year, for Christmas dinner. Oh goodness, I didn’t think anything negative when I received your delightful gift, only gratitude. I knew exactly what you meant. Ha! Attractive younger sister indeed!!!! Thanks Kitty, love and huge hugs to you all.xxxx
Lovely post with wonderful pictures which had me smiling.
I hope that you catch the moose before it does any more damage.
Good to see you and buddy having fun zooming. xx
Thanks Flighty, no sign of the moose lately, thankfully! Buddy certainly enjoyed seeing all the children, how he loves the laptop!xxx
Oh, I loved all those photos, such a variety of animals. Eeek, those ferrets though, all I can think of when I see a ferret is the one hanging off Richard Whiteley’s finger all those years ago. Did you see that clip? I hope you get the mouse situation under control, my goodness, it sounds like they’re being quite destructive. Glad the zoom session went well, it sounds like Buddy got things off to a great start.
I didn’t see that clip but know first hand the pain ferrets can inflict. One bit my finger to the bone once, they have teeth like razors! Fortunately, most are friendly. Oh my, mice sure are destructive, no sign of them of late, I do hope they’ve moved on! Thanks Jo.xxx
What a selection of animals you’ve looked after this year. They all look adorable but Hamish and I like the mini lop best! Poor you with the loose moose! We’ve only ever had them in the garage (touch wood!) where I keep the bird seed, but that was annoying enough. I can just imagine you hiding the edibles every night! The friendship ball is a lovely gift and hurray for Zoom star Buddy, I bet the children loved your talk. Happy Christmas! xx
That is a fancy mini lop for sure! I haven’t caught any loose mooses yet, but haven’t seen any signs of activity so am optimistic it/they have stopped coming into the kitchen. It’s a right old pain putting everything away each night. Yes, that friendship ball was such a lovely gift. I was happy the zoom went so smoothly, Buddy certainly brought a little something extra! Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx